229 research outputs found

    Atualização sobre o tratamento multidisciplinar das fissuras labiais e palatinas

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    O artigo aborda as fissuras labiopalatais (FLP), sua epidemiologia, anomalias associadas, o diagnóstico pré-natal, prognóstico, fatores de risco, tratamentos, orientações e prevenção. Chama-se atenção para essas anomalias, pois elas estão entre as congênitas mais comuns e causam custos em termos de morbidade, cuidados de saúde, distúrbios emocionais, sociais e exclusão do trabalho tanto para o indivíduo afetado, quanto para a sua família e a sociedade

    Primeiros Socorros em Traumatismos Dentários: Avaliação do Conhecimento de Professores e Auxiliares do 1º Ciclo

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    Os traumatismos dentários ocorrem com frequência em crianças e adolescentes, e muitas vezes em contexto escolar. Desta forma os professores e auxiliares escolares devem estar preparados para prestarem os primeiros socorros, de uma forma adequada e atempada, sempre que um traumatismo dentário ocorra. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo focou-se na avaliação do conhecimento de professores e auxiliares do 1º ciclo acerca das medidas de primeiros socorros a implementar face a um traumatismo dentário em dentição permanente. Materiais e métodos: O estudo realizou-se numa amostra de conveniência não probabilística constituída por 109 professores e 40 auxiliares de 1º ciclo, pertencentes a diferentes agrupamentos escolares com um total de 21 escolas envolvidas. Consistiu na aplicação de um inquérito de resposta múltipla onde se encontravam descritas três situações de traumatismos dentários e atitudes de primeiros socorros a tomar. O processamento dos dados foi efectuado eletronicamente numa folha de cálculo (Microsoft Excel 2019®) e para o tratamento estatístico de dados foi utilizado o IBM SPSS Statistics versão 25®. Resultados: Dos 149 participantes, 41,6% afirma já ter presenciado um traumatismo dentário, tendo em 97% dos casos ocorrido em contexto escolar. Perante as situações descritas, que envolvem dentes permanentes, apenas 16,1% optava por levar a criança de imediato ao Médico Dentista em caso de luxação dentária; somente 36,2% iria procurar os fragmentos e levar a criança de imediato ao Médico Dentista em caso de fratura coronária da peça dentária; e menos de um terço (28,2%) considera que procurar o dente, passar por água fria, reimplantá-lo e levar de imediato a criança ao Médico Dentista seria a opção mais indicada em caso de avulsão dentária. Conclusão: Os resultados encontrados sugerem que o conhecimento de professores e auxiliares do 1º ciclo acerca das medidas de primeiros socorros a implementar face a um traumatismo dentário é insuficiente

    Conceptions of the teaching-learning process: a study of medical professors

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    This article addresses medical teaching as a social construction process, linking academic policy, pedagogical, personal, and inter-subjective factors. With the aim of analyzing the conceptions towards teaching practice, learning, and faculty training in medicine among medical professors at the Federal University in Alagoas, Brazil, a study was designed with a sample of 21 professors that joined the university's medical faculty from the 1950s to the 1990s. Data collection used semi-structured interviews, submitted to thematic content analysis. Within the context of teaching and learning in medicine, the professors highlighted the faculty-student relationship. Analysis of faculty background showed that many professors were self-taught, and there was an evident lack of systematization, which the interviewees indicated as a gap in their medical teaching careers. Faculty training in medicine appeared as a process encompassing multiple experiences and models, highlighting that to become a medical professor is a complex, plural, and multifaceted processEste artigo aborda a docência médica como um processo de construção social, que articula condicionantes político-acadêmicos, pedagógicos, pessoais e intersubjetivos. Com o objetivo de analisar as concepções de professores-médicos que ingressaram nas últimas cinco décadas na Universidade Federal de Alagoas sobre o ensino, a aprendizagem e os processos de formação docente em Medicina, delineou-se uma pesquisa com 21 docentes que atuam ou atuaram no curso de Medicina daquela universidade nas décadas de 1950 a 1990. Na coleta de dados foram utilizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, tratadas a partir da análise de conteúdo, do tipo temática. No âmbito do ensinar e do aprender em Medicina, os professores entrevistados destacaram a dimensão relacional entre professor e aluno. As trajetórias de formação mostraram-se influenciadas pelo autodidatismo, e a falta de sistematização de uma formação didático-pedagógica foi indicada pelos professores como uma lacuna em seus itinerários na docência médica. A formação docente em Medicina apresentou-se como um processo que abrange múltiplas experiências e modelos, evidenciando que se tornar professor de medicina é complexo, plural e multifacetadoUniversidade Federal de AlagoasUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)UNIFESP, ISS, Santos, BrasilSciEL

    Absenteeism-disease in university employees: a cross-sectional study of the reasons for leave from 2013 to 2018

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    The Server's Integrated Health Subsystem is used to register health treatment licenses in the Federal Public Service, enabling knowledge about absenteeism-illness. To subsidize health promotion actions, it is intended to know its motivating causes in a Federal Education Institution in Minas Gerais. A cross-sectional study on leave between 2013 and 2018 was carried out. The variables were: position, sex, number of days off and the motivating code of the leave. Descriptive and inferential analyzes were performed using Poisson Regression. The main motivations found were: musculoskeletal disorders, followed by mental health in the group of professors and respiratory disorders in the group of administrative technicians, among whom, technicians up to 50 years old are associated with sick leave due to respiratory tract disorders and civil servants over 50 years old for musculoskeletal reasons. There was no difference in age with regard to mental disorder in this group. The static ergonomic risk associated with respiratory and psychic outcomes, and the risk due to dynamic activities in the absence of musculoskeletal disorders. Based on the data presented, it is possible to propose measures for Health Policy, aimed at improving the environment and work process, minimizing its risks and protecting the health of the employee

    First detection of species of the potentially toxic genus Azadinium (Amphidomataceae, Dinophyceae) in tropical coastal waters of Brazil

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    In fall 1995, during a survey in Abrolhos coral reef system (southwestern Atlantic, Brazil), significant densities (143–6174 cells L-1) of small thecate dinoflagellates were detected. Analysis of this material in scanning and transmission electron microscopy confirmed the presence of four taxa assigned to the potentially toxic genus Azadinium: A. dexteroporum Percopo et Zingone, A. luciferelloides Tillmann et Akselman, A. cf. polongum Tillmann and Azadinium sp. The latter taxon showed external morphological features quite distinct from any Azadinium taxon yet described, but its formal description as a new species depends on more detailed analysis. Species of Azadinium have never been confirmed in Brazilian waters until now, although the toxins produced by these dinoflagellates, the azaspiracids, have been detected in Brazilian southern coast without recognition of their producing organisms. The highest densities of Azadinium spp. occurred at stations south of and over the Abrolhos Bank, which receive higher nutrient concentrations due to upwelling of deep and nutrient-rich water masses

    NFS1 undergoes positive selection in lung tumours and protects cells from ferroptosis

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    Environmental nutrient levels impact cancer cell metabolism, resulting in context-dependent gene essentiality. Here, using loss-of-function screening based on RNA interference, we show that environmental oxygen levels are a major driver of differential essentiality between in vitro model systems and in vivo tumours. Above the 3-8% oxygen concentration typical of most tissues, we find that cancer cells depend on high levels of the iron-sulfur cluster biosynthetic enzyme NFS1. Mammary or subcutaneous tumours grow despite suppression of NFS1, whereas metastatic or primary lung tumours do not. Consistent with a role in surviving the high oxygen environment of incipient lung tumours, NFS1 lies in a region of genomic amplification present in lung adenocarcinoma and is most highly expressed in well-differentiated adenocarcinomas. NFS1 activity is particularly important for maintaining the iron-sulfur co-factors present in multiple cell-essential proteins upon exposure to oxygen compared to other forms of oxidative damage. Furthermore, insufficient iron-sulfur cluster maintenance robustly activates the iron-starvation response and, in combination with inhibition of glutathione biosynthesis, triggers ferroptosis, a non-apoptotic form of cell death. Suppression of NFS1 cooperates with inhibition of cysteine transport to trigger ferroptosis in vitro and slow tumour growth. Therefore, lung adenocarcinomas select for expression of a pathway that confers resistance to high oxygen tension and protects cells from undergoing ferroptosis in response to oxidative damage

    Micronutrient supplementation adherence and influence on the prevalences of anemia and iron, zinc and vitamin A deficiencies in preemies with a corrected age of six months

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze adherence to the recommended iron, zinc and multivitamin supplementation guidelines for preemies, the factors associated with this adherence, and the influence of adherence on the occurrence of anemia and iron, zinc and vitamin A deficiencies. METHODS: This prospective cohort study followed 58 preemies born in 2014 until they reached six months corrected age. The preemies were followed at a referral secondary health service and represented 63.7% of the preterm infants born that year. Outcomes of interest included high or low adherence to iron, zinc and multivitamin supplementation guidelines; prevalence of anemia; and prevalences of iron, zinc, and vitamin A deficiencies. The prevalence ratios were calculated by Poisson regression. RESULTS: Thirty-eight (65.5%) preemies presented high adherence to micronutrient supplementation guidelines. At six months of corrected age, no preemie had vitamin A deficiency. The prevalences of anemia, iron deficiency and zinc deficiency were higher in the low-adherence group but also concerning in the high-adherence group. Preemies with low adherence to micronutrient supplementation guidelines were 2.5 times more likely to develop anemia and 3.1 times more likely to develop zinc deficiency. Low maternal education level increased the likelihood of nonadherence to all three supplements by 2.2 times. CONCLUSIONS: Low maternal education level was independently associated with low adherence to iron, zinc and vitamin A supplementation guidelines in preemies, which impacted the prevalences of anemia and iron and zinc deficiencies at six months of corrected age

    Mycobacterium bovis: polymerase chain reaction identification in bovine Lymphonode biopsies and genotyping in isolates from Southeast Brazil by spolygotyping and restriction fragment length polymorphism

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    Diagnosis of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex by direct PCR of mediastinal lymphnode DNA and microbiological tests were compared in cattle suspicious of bearing tuberculous-like lesions detected during slaughter. The PCR procedure applied on DNA samples (n=54) obtained by adding alpha -casein into the thiocyanate extraction mix was positive in 70% of the samples. PCR confirmed the identification of 23 samples (100%) that grew in culture, 9 samples (60%) that failed to grow in culture, plus 6 (37.5%) samples that resulted in growth of bacterial contaminants. Genotyping by IS6110-RFLP and DR-spoligotyping analysis of seven samples revealed the presence of several polimorphisms. Seven of the isolates contained multiple copies of IS6110, thus defining the existence of five singular genotypes.ICB Departamento de Bioquímica e Imunologia Laboratório de Biologia Molecular de Produtos NaturaisUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais ICB Escola de VeterináriaUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais ICB Departamento de FarmacologiaEscola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de Microbiologia e ParasitologiaLaboratório Central do Estado do Espírito SantoInstituto Biológico de São PauloCentro de Investigación en Ciencias Veterinarias Instituto de BiotecnologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de Microbiologia e ParasitologiaSciEL

    Rôle fonctionnel, dynamiques écologiques et nécessité de gestion des communautés d’isoétides dans les lacs et étangs du littoral aquitain

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    Les lacs et étangs du littoral aquitain ont l’originalité d’abriter des plantes aquatiques protégées, rares et menacées, habituellement observées dans les régions boréo-atlantiques du nord de l’Europe. Ces plantes de petite taille, qui appartiennent à la communauté végétale des isoétides, composent des pelouses littorales rases souvent invisibles aux yeux des usagers des lacs. Ces plantes font l’objet de recherches scientifiques afin de déterminer leur rôle fonctionnel et leurs dynamiques écologiques dans les lacs peu profonds. L’acquisition de connaissances sur ces espèces a pour objectif d’aider à la gestion de l’ensemble des peuplements végétaux aquatiques dans les lacs et étangs aquitains. Les isoétides sont capables de transférer l’oxygène produit dans le sédiment lacustre et de contrôler les émissions de méthane. Les processus écologiques en cours depuis les quarante dernières années indiquent un déclin régulier des isoétides dans les lacs landais. L’action des vagues et l’exposition aux vents, l’occupation du sol sur les rives et les altérations physiques ponctuelles de l’hydromorphologie sont les paramètres physiques essentiels des biotopes aquatiques qui déterminent la répartition spatiale des isoétides dans les plans d’eau. Il est désormais urgent d’établir et d’appliquer une stratégie de conservation, voire de restauration, des isoétides, visant à préserver les niveaux trophiques actuels relativement faibles, et à les protéger des destructions mécaniques directes dans les zones littorales. Les résultats présentés dans cet article sont extraits et adaptés de travaux réalisés par INRAE (ex-Irstea) dans le cadre d’un post-doctorat et d’un doctorat financés par l’Agence de l’Eau Adour-Garonne.Natural lakes and ponds located along the western French Atlantic coast shelter rare and endangered aquatic plants usually found in the North-Atlantic Boreal regions in Europe. These small plants, belonging to the isoetid plant community, constitute shoreline lawns hardly visible to lake users. Here we aim to determine the functional role and ecological dynamics of isoetids in these shallow lakes. Isoetids transfer radial oxygen in sediment and control methane emissions. Aquatic plant community dynamics indicate a decline in the occurrence and the abundance of isoetids over the last forty years. We highlight the role of wave action and wind exposure, land cover and anthropogenic physical disturbances of the shoreline in determining the spatial distribution of isoetids. Now, it is urgent to establish and implement a conservation strategy dedicated to isoetids, in order to preserve the current oligotrophic water quality of lakes and protect these species from direct mechanical destruction in lake littoral zones
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