341 research outputs found

    Efeitos da disrupção endócrina na gestação: uma revisão sistemática

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    Endocrine disruptors are ubiquitous natural and synthetic environmental pollutants that can mimic, block or disturb normal hormonal function. Environmental exposure to these pollutants is almost impossible to prevent due to their presence in the air, water, soil, food and in many other materials with which we come in contact daily, such as plastics. Foetuses are vulnerable during pregnancy because their organism is in a developmental stage, and any disruption may affect their health in the short and/or long term. There is some evidence that these substances disrupt tissue differentiation and growth processes, cause birth defects and affect the length of pregnancy. In this review we will focus on environmental epidemiology and related literature in order to update current knowledge based on the actual evidence of the effects of these substances on the aetiology of preterm delivery, miscarriages, low birth weight, malformations, cryptorchidism, hypospadias and micropenis. The difficulty in studying this topic is due to the high number of involved factors, which makes the available results inconclusive or even contradictory. Consequently, further research is necessary.Los alteradores endocrinos son contaminantes ambientales, naturales y sintéticos, ubicuos, que pueden mimetizar, bloquear o alterar funciones hormonales. La exposición ambiental a estos contaminantes es prácticamente imposible de evitar debido a que están presentes en el aire, en el agua, en los suelos, en los alimentos, y en muchos de los materiales con los que estamos en contacto diariamente, como los plásticos. La gestación supone una etapa de vulnerabilidad para el feto porque su organismo está en proceso de desarrollo y cualquier alteración puede afectar su salud a corto o largo plazo. Hay cierta evidencia de que estas sustancias alteran procesos de crecimiento y diferenciación de tejidos, producen malformaciones y afectan la duración del embarazo. Hasta el momento se conoce algo de sus efectos en la etiología de la criptorquidia, hipospadias y micropene, abortos espontáneos, partos prematuros y el bajo peso al nacimiento, efectos que serán revisados en este documento que quiere aportar una actualización del conocimiento, concentrándose en la epidemiología ambiental y la literatura relacionada. La dificultad para estudiar este tema por la cantidad de factores que intervienen hace que los resultados existentes no sean concluyentes o incluso contradictorios, por lo que es necesario que se siga investigando.Os disruptores endócrinos são contaminantes ambientais ubíquos, naturais e sintéticos, que podem mimetizar, bloquear ou alterar funções hormonais. A exposição ambiental a estes contaminantes é quase impossível de evitar porque estão presentes no ar, na água, no solo, nos alimentos e em muitos materiais de uso cotidiano como os plásticos. A gestação é uma etapa de vulnerabilidade para o feto porque o organismo está em processo de desenvolvimento e qualquer alteração pode afetar gravemente a sua saúde a curto ou longo prazo. Existe alguma evidência de que estas sustâncias alteram processos de crescimento e diferenciação de tecidos, produzem malformações e afetam a duração da gravidez. Neste momento já existe algum conhecimento sobre os seus efeitos na etiologia da criptorquidia, hipospadia, micropénis, aborto espontâneo, parto prematuro e baixo peso à nascença. Efeitos esses que serão revisados neste documento visando uma atualização do conhecimento, concentrando-se na epidemiologia ambiental e na literatura relacionada. A dificuldade para estudar este tema pela quantidade de fatores intervenientes faz com que os resultados existentes não sejam conclusivos ou até que sejam contraditórios, pelo que, será necessário que se continue investigando

    Adherence to recommended intake of pulses and related factors in university students in the UniHcos project

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    [EN] Pulses such as peas, beans or lentils are one of the most complete foods at the nutritional level; however, they are one of the most often neglected foods in the diets of university students. Entrance to university translates into a major lifestyle change for many young people, and the habits acquired or cemented at this time will remain into adulthood. The objective of this study is to analyse the association between personal/sociodemographic factors, dietary intake of other food groups and the consumption of pulses in first-year university students. This cross-sectional study is part of the UniHcos project, a multicentre study of multipurpose prospective cohorts in eleven Spanish universities. Data from 9862 university students were collected through an online self-questionnaire completed by all students who met the selection criteria and agreed to participate in the project during the 2011–2018 academic years. Of students, 75·8 % presented an inadequate (≤2 times/week) consumption of pulses. Living outside the family home in either a student residence (OR 0·76; 95 % CI 0·69, 0·84) or rental (OR 0·81; 95 % CI 0·70, 0·95) decreased the compliance with recommendations on the consumption of pulses. Low consumption of pulses is seemingly not restricted to a specific profile or dietary pattern among university students, and no specific focus group for intervention can be identified. Policies promoting the consumption of pulses among the university population as a whole are necessary to increase compliance rates with the dietary recommendations.S

    Repeated influenza vaccination for preventing severe and fatal influenza infection in older adults: a multicentre case–control study

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    [EN] BACKGROUND: The effectiveness of repeated vaccination for influenza to prevent severe cases remains unclear. We evaluated the effectiveness of influenza vaccination on preventing admissions to hospital for influenza and reducing disease severity. METHODS: We conducted a case–control study in 20 hospitals in Spain during the 2013/14 and 2014/15 influenza seasons. Community-dwelling adults aged 65 years or older who were admitted to hospital for laboratory-confirmed influenza were matched with inpatient controls by sex, age, hospital and admission date. The effectiveness of vaccination in the current and 3 previous seasons in preventing influenza was estimated for inpatients with nonsevere influenza and for those with severe influenza who were admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) or who died. RESULTS: We enrolled 130 inpatients with severe and 598 with nonsevere influenza who were matched to 333 and 1493 controls, respectively. Compared with patients who were unvaccinated in the current and 3 previous seasons, adjusted effectiveness of influenza vaccination in the current and any previous season was 31% (95% confidence interval [CI] 13%–46%) in preventing admission to hospital for nonsevere influenza, 74% (95% CI 42%–88%) in preventing admissions to ICU and 70% (95% CI 34%–87%) in preventing death. Vaccination in the current season only had no significant effect on cases of severe influenza. Among inpatients with influenza, vaccination in the current and any previous season reduced the risk of severe outcomes (adjusted odds ratio 0.45, 95% CI 0.26–0.76).S

    Factors that influence treatment delay in patients with colorectal cancer

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    A prospective study was performed of patients diagnosed with colorectal cancer (CRC), distinguishing between colonic and rectal location, to determine the factors that may provoke a delay in the first treatment (DFT) provided.2749 patients diagnosed with CRC were studied. The study population was recruited between June 2010 and December 2012. DFT is defined as time elapsed between diagnosis and first treatment exceeding 30 days.Excessive treatment delay was recorded in 65.5% of the cases, and was more prevalent among rectal cancer patients. Independent predictor variables of DFT in colon cancer patients were a low level of education, small tumour, ex-smoker, asymptomatic at diagnosis and following the application of screening. Among rectal cancer patients, the corresponding factors were primary school education and being asymptomatic.We conclude that treatment delay in CRC patients is affected not only by clinicopathological factors, but also by sociocultural ones. Greater attention should be paid by the healthcare provider to social groups with less formal education, in order to optimise treatment attentio

    Impacts of Waste from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations on Water Quality

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    Waste from agricultural livestock operations has been a long-standing concern with respect to contamination of water resources, particularly in terms of nutrient pollution. However, the recent growth of concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) presents a greater risk to water quality because of both the increased volume of waste and to contaminants that may be present (e.g., antibiotics and other veterinary drugs) that may have both environmental and public health importance. Based on available data, generally accepted livestock waste management practices do not adequately or effectively protect water resources from contamination with excessive nutrients, microbial pathogens, and pharmaceuticals present in the waste. Impacts on surface water sources and wildlife have been documented in many agricultural areas in the United States. Potential impacts on human and environmental health from long-term inadvertent exposure to water contaminated with pharmaceuticals and other compounds are a growing public concern. This work-group, which is part of the Conference on Environmental Health Impacts of Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations: Anticipating Hazards—Searching for Solutions, identified needs for rigorous ecosystem monitoring in the vicinity of CAFOs and for improved characterization of major toxicants affecting the environment and human health. Last, there is a need to promote and enforce best practices to minimize inputs of nutrients and toxicants from CAFOs into freshwater and marine ecosystems

    Declared experiences of risky sexual behaviors in relation to alcohol consumption in the first year of college

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    Fundamentos: En universitarios, el consumo de alcohol de mayor riesgo (borracheras y binge drinking (BD), tiene consecuencias negativas sobre su desarrollo y probablemente facilita conductas sexuales de riesgo. El objetivo de este trabajo fue estudiar si las conductas sexuales de riesgo al consumir alcohol (CSRA) se asocian a los consumos de mayor riesgo. Métodos: Estudio multicéntrico transversal con datos del Proyecto uniHcos, de universitarios de 1er año de 11 universidades españolas, entre los cursos 2011-2012 y 2017- 2018. Datos recogidos mediante cuestionario autoadministrado. Se realizó un análisis uni y bivariable, evaluando la significación estadística de las diferencias de prevalencia con chi-cuadrado. Se utilizó media y desviación típica para variables cuantitativas y como estadístico de contraste t de Student. Resultados: 9.862 participantes (72,2% mujeres). El 90,3% consumió alcohol y el 60,9% tuvo borracheras en último año; el 49% tuvo BD en el último mes. El consumo en el último mes y las borracheras fueron mayores en hombres y < 21 años. Las CSRA fueron superiores entre los que se emborracharon (15,7% sexo sin protección, 1,9% abuso sexual y 0,7% aprovecharse sexualmente) y consumieron en BD (17,1%, 1,9% y 0,7%). Las mujeres con ambos consumos de riesgo presentaron más abusos sexuales (2,2%), y los hombres fueron quienes más se aprovecharon sexualmente de otros (borracheras:1,2%; BD: 1,3%). Conclusiones: El consumo de alcohol está por encima de grupos similares. El BD tiene un patrón similar por género y edad. Las CSRA se asocian a los consumos de mayor riesgo, no detectándose en este grupo diferencias por género en sexo sin protección, sí en otras CSRA.Objective: In college students, higher risk alcohol consumption (drunkenness and binge drinking-BD) has negative consequences on their development and and probably facilitates risk sexual behaviors. The objective was to study if risky sexual behaviors when consuming alcohol (RSBA) are associated with higher risk consumption. Methods: Cross-sectional multicenter study with UniHcos Project, 1st year university students from 11 universities in Spain, academic years 2011-2012 to 2017-2018 data. This data were collected by self-administered questionnaire. A uni and bivariate analysis was performed, evaluated the statistical significance of the differences in prevalence with chi-square. Mean and standard deviation were used for quantitative variables and Student's t test statistic was used. Results: 9,862 subjects (72.2% women). 90.3% reported having consumed alcohol and 60.9% had drunk the last year, 49% BD in last month. It was deteded in men, significantly higher consumption in the last month and drunkenness. Last month consumption and drunkenness were significantly higher in men and in <21 years. The RSBA were significantly higher among who were drunk (15.7% unprotected sex, 1.9% sexual abuse and 0.7% taking sexual advantage) and had BD (17.1%, 1.9% and 0.7 %). Women with both risk consumptions had more sexual abuse (2.2%), and men had greater behaviors of taking sexual advantage of someone (drunk: 1.2%; BD: 1.3%). Conclusions: Alcohol consumption was above similar groups. BD consumption was similar by gender and age. Risk sexual behaviors appear mainly in problematic consumption. Gender differences are not detected in alcohol consumers in unprotected sex but deteded in the rest.Financiación: El estudio ha sido financiado por el Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas del Ministerio de Salud, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad. Convocatoria de 2010 y de 2013. (Códigos: 2010/145 and 2013/034) y por el Instituto de Salud Carlos III a través de la convocatoria del FIS (Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria) de 2016 (PI16/01947)

    Factors Associated with Meat Consumption in Students of Spanish Universities: UniHcos Project

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    [EN] The level of meat consumption is one of the main deviations from the Mediterranean diet pattern in Spanish university students. The objective of this cross-sectional descriptive study is to analyze the association between sociodemographic factors and the consumption of fresh and processed meat in Spanish university students. This study is part of a cohort of 11 Spanish universities with 9862 university students (UniHcos Project). A descriptive analysis and a chi2 test were carried out to assess differences between personal and sociodemographic variables and meat consumption, and binary logistic regression analysis to assess factors associated with consumption; 19.9% and 73.5% met the recommendations for meat-fresh and meat-processed consumption, respectively. Only 3.8% of students meet the recommendations for both fresh and processed meat. Statistically significant differences were found between sex, BMI, employment, housing, and coexistence regarding compliance with recommendations. Female employed students living in rental accommodations with a partner are more likely to meet the recommendations for fresh meats while male, normal weight, employed students living in rental accommodations with a partner are more likely to meet the recommendations for processed meats. There is a lack of compliance with the recommendations for consumption of fresh meat in Spanish university students, differences in compliance among students of differing regions and an association with sex, employment, housing, and coexistence regarding compliance.S