66 research outputs found

    Assessing the links between organisational cultures and unlearning capability:evidence from the Spanish automotive components industry

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    Within the current business environment, knowledge management, organisational learning and unlearning mechanisms are becoming critical factors in the process of reaching lasting competitive advantages. Our research model employs the competing values framework (Cameron and Quinn, 1999) to empirically assess the influence of the firm's own cultural typology on organisational unlearning. Our hypotheses are tested using a sample of 145 firms drawn from the Spanish automotive components manufacturing sector. The relationships between the constructs are assessed through the use of partial least squares (PLS) path-modelling, a variance-based structural equation modelling technique. The outcomes reveal that certain types of culture exert a higher influence on unlearning than others. This suggests in turn that some cultural typologies are better positioned to face the current turbulent situation than others

    Turismo gastronómico y D.O.P.: Una relación simbiótica en Andalucía

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    Durante la primera década del siglo XXI los intereses de los turistas han cambiado y se han vuelto más sofisticados. Un nuevo tipo de turismo personalizado ha nacido y se ha consolidado. En esta nueva modalidad de turismo el cliente participa en la organización del mismo. La modalidad emergente de la actividad turística que ofrece mayor diversidad de opciones es el turismo rural (turismo gastronómico, deportivo, cinegético, etc.). Estas opciones, desarrolladas en áreas rurales, permiten a los visitantes entre otras cuestiones estar en contacto con la naturaleza y, al mismo tiempo, disfrutar el patrimonio cultural y conocer las costumbres arraigadas en la vida cotidiana de los habitantes de estas zonas geográficas. Este trabajo presenta un análisis de la relación entre los productos alimenticios asociados a denominaciones de origen e indicaciones geográficas protegidas (D.O.P. e I.G.P.) y la potencialidad del turismo gastronómico. Para ello, se revisan las ventajas e inconvenientes que aporta el desarrollo de este tipo de turismo en Andalucía mediante un análisis DAFO.During the first decade of the century the interests of tourists have changed and become more sophisticated. A new type of personalized tourism was born and has been consolidated. In this new kind of tourism the client is involved in organizing it. The emerging form of tourism that offers greater range of options is rural tourism (gastronomic tourism, sporting, hunting, etc.). These options, developed in rural areas, allowing visitors among other issues get in touch with nature and at the same time enjoy the cultural heritage and know the customs rooted in the everyday life of the inhabitants of these geographic areas. This paper presents an analysis of the relationship between food products associated with designations of origin and protected geographical indications (PDO and PGI) and the potential of culinary tourism. To do this, we review the advantages and disadvantages provided by the development of this type of tourism in Andalusia through a SWOT analysis

    IAA : Información y actualidad astronómica (20)

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    Sumario : ¿Cómo se forma un Sol?.-- El observatorio virtual.-DECONSTRUCCIÓN Y otros ENSAYOS Estrellas peculiares.-- ACTUALIDAD.-- ENTRE BASTIDORES.-- CIENCIA: PILARES E INCERTIDUMBRES.-- HISTORIAS DE ASTRONOMÍA. Pero, ¿quién inventó el telescopio?.-- ACTIVIDADES IAA.Esta revista se publica con la ayuda de la Accion Complementaria CCT003-05-00325 del Programa Nacional de Fomento de la Cultura Cientifica y Tecnologica.N

    EoE CONNECT, the European Registry of Clinical, Environmental, and Genetic Determinants in Eosinophilic Esophagitis:rationale, design, and study protocol of a large-scale epidemiological study in Europe

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    BACKGROUND: The growing prevalence of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) represents a considerable burden to patients and health care systems. Optimizing cost-effective management and identifying mechanisms for disease onset and progression are required. However, the paucity of large patient cohorts and heterogeneity of practice hinder the defining of optimal management of EoE. METHODS: EoE CONNECT is an ongoing, prospective registry study initiated in 2016 and currently managed by EUREOS, the European Consortium for Eosinophilic Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract. Patients are managed and treated by their responsible specialists independently. Data recorded using a web-based system include demographic and clinical variables; patient allergies; environmental, intrapartum, and early life exposures; and family background. Symptoms are structurally assessed at every visit; endoscopic features and histological findings are recorded for each examination. Prospective treatment data are registered sequentially, with new sequences created each time a different treatment (active principle, formulation, or dose) is administered to a patient. EoE CONNECT database is actively monitored to ensure the highest data accuracy and the highest scientific and ethical standards. RESULTS: EoE CONNECT is currently being conducted at 39 centers in Europe and enrolls patients of all ages with EoE. In its aim to increase knowledge, to date EoE CONNECT has provided evidence on the effectiveness of first- and second-line therapies for EoE in clinical practice, the ability of proton pump inhibitors to induce disease remission, and factors associated with improved response. Drug effects to reverse fibrous remodeling and endoscopic features of fibrosis in EoE have also been assessed. CONCLUSION: This prospective registry study will provide important information on the epidemiological and clinical aspects of EoE and evidence as to the real-world and long-term effectiveness and safety of therapy. These data will potentially be a vital benchmark for planning future EoE health care services in Europe

    EoE CONNECT, the European Registry of Clinical, Environmental, and Genetic Determinants in Eosinophilic Esophagitis: rationale, design, and study protocol of a large-scale epidemiological study in Europe

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    Background: The growing prevalence of eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) represents a considerable burden to patients and health care systems. Optimizing cost-effective management and identifying mechanisms for disease onset and progression are required. However, the paucity of large patient cohorts and heterogeneity of practice hinder the defining of optimal management of EoE. Methods: EoE CONNECT is an ongoing, prospective registry study initiated in 2016 and currently managed by EUREOS, the European Consortium for Eosinophilic Diseases of the Gastrointestinal Tract. Patients are managed and treated by their responsible specialists independently. Data recorded using a web-based system include demographic and clinical variables; patient allergies; environmental, intrapartum, and early life exposures; and family background. Symptoms are structurally assessed at every visit; endoscopic features and histological findings are recorded for each examination. Prospective treatment data are registered sequentially, with new sequences created each time a different treatment (active principle, formulation, or dose) is administered to a patient. EoE CONNECT database is actively monitored to ensure the highest data accuracy and the highest scientific and ethical standards. Results: EoE CONNECT is currently being conducted at 39 centers in Europe and enrolls patients of all ages with EoE. In its aim to increase knowledge, to date EoE CONNECT has provided evidence on the effectiveness of first- and second-line therapies for EoE in clinical practice, the ability of proton pump inhibitors to induce disease remission, and factors associated with improved response. Drug effects to reverse fibrous remodeling and endoscopic features of fibrosis in EoE have also been assessed. Conclusion: This prospective registry study will provide important information on the epidemiological and clinical aspects of EoE and evidence as to the real-world and long-term effectiveness and safety of therapy. These data will potentially be a vital benchmark for planning future EoE health care services in Europe

    Accurate and timely diagnosis of Eosinophilic Esophagitis improves over time in Europe. An analysis of the EoE CONNECT Registry

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    BACKGROUND: Poor adherence to clinical practice guidelines for eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE) has been described and the diagnostic delay of the disease continues to be unacceptable in many settings. OBJECTIVE: To analyze the impact of improved knowledge provided by the successive international clinical practice guidelines on reducing diagnostic delay and improving the diagnostic process for European patients with EoE. METHODS: Cross‐sectional analysis of the EoE CONNECT registry based on clinical practice. Time periods defined by the publication dates of four major sets of guidelines over 10 years were considered. Patients were grouped per time period according to date of symptom onset. RESULTS: Data from 1,132 patients was analyzed and median (IQR) diagnostic delay in the whole series was 2.1 (0.7‐6.2) years. This gradually decreased over time with subsequent release of new guidelines (p < 0.001), from 12.7 years up to 2007 to 0.7 years after 2017. The proportion of patients with stricturing of mixed phenotypes at the point of EoE diagnosis also decreased over time (41.3% vs. 16%; p < 0.001), as did EREFS scores. The fibrotic sub‐score decreased from a median (IQR) of 2 (1‐2) to 0 (0‐1) when patients whose symptoms started up to 2007 and after 2017 were compared (p < 0.001). In parallel, symptoms measured with the Dysphagia Symptoms Score reduced significantly when patients with symptoms starting before 2007 and after 2012 were compared. A reduction in the number of endoscopies patients underwent before the one that achieved an EoE diagnosis, and the use of allergy testing as part of the diagnostic workout of EoE, also reduced significantly over time (p = 0.010 and p < 0.001, respectively). CONCLUSION: The diagnostic work‐up of EoE patients improved substantially over time at the European sites contributing to EoE CONNECT, with a dramatic reduction in diagnostic delay

    Project goals, target selection, and stellar characterization

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    The detection of habitable worlds is one of humanitya-s greatest endeavors. Thus far, astrobiological studies have shown that one of the most critical components for allowing life to develop is liquid water. Its chemical properties and its capacity to dissolve and, hence, transport other substances makes this constituent a key piece in this regard. As a consequence, looking for life as we know it is directly related to the search for liquid water. For a remote detection of life in distant planetary systems, this essentially means looking for planets in the so-called habitable zone. In this sense, K-dwarf stars are the perfect hosts to search for planets in this range of distances. Contrary to G-dwarfs, the habitable zone is closer, thus making planet detection easier using transit or radial velocity techniques. Contrary to M-dwarfs, stellar activity is on a much smaller scale, hence, it has a smaller impact in terms of both the detectability and the true habitability of the planet. Also, K-dwarfs are the quietest in terms of oscillations, and granulation noise. In spite of this, there is a dearth of planets in the habitable zone of K-dwarfs due to a lack of observing programs devoted to this parameter space. In response to a call for legacy programs of the Calar Alto observatory, we have initiated the first dedicated and systematic search for habitable planets around these stars: K-dwarfs Orbited By habitable Exoplanets (KOBE). This survey is monitoring the radial velocity of 50 carefully pre-selected K-dwarfs with the CARMENES instrument over five semesters, with an average of 90 data points per target. Based on planet occurrence rates convolved with our detectability limits, we expect to find 1.68 ± 0.25 planets per star in the KOBE sample. Furthermore, in half of the sample, we expect to find one of those planets within the habitable zone. Here, we describe the motivations, goals, and target selection for the project as well as the preliminary stellar characterization. © 2022 EDP Sciences. All rights reserved

    A portrait of the Trans-Neptunian Object (143707) 2003 UY117 from a stellar occultation and photometry data.

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    Within the Lucky Star international collaboration* on stellar occultations by TNOs and other outer solar system bodies, we predicted the occultation by the TNO (143707) 2003 UY117 of an mV ~ 14.6 mag star on 23 October 2020. Around a week before the occultation date, we updated and refined the prediction using high precision astrometry obtained using the 2 m Liverpool telescope located at El Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory on La Palma, Spain. The update resulted in a shadow path with good observability potential. We carried out a specific campaign involving 27 observing sites in the south of Spain and North of Africa to observe the occultation. We recorded 4 positive detections and several very close misses to the south of the body. With this information we determined the silhouette of 2003 UY117 at the moment of the occultation. We also obtained the geometric albedo and the size for this object. In addition to this, we carried out several photometric runs with large telescopes to determine the rotation period and rotational phase at the time of the occultation. The body presents a clear double-peaked rotational light curve consistent with a triaxial ellipsoid of considerable elongation, which means that a rotational light curve analysis is critical to correctly interpret the occultation results. The preliminary analysis indicates a larger equivalent diameter than that determined from Herschel thermal data, although consistent within the large error bars of the thermal determination. We will present the preliminary results and discuss their implications.*Lucky Star (LS) is an EU-funded research activity to obtain physical properties of distant Solar System objects using stellar occultations. LS collaboration agglomerates the efforts of the Paris, Granada, and Rio teams. https://lesia.obspm.fr/lucky-star/ Acknowledgements:JLO, PS-S, NM, MV, and RD acknowledge financial support from the State Agency for Research of the Spanish MCIU through the `Center of Excellence Severo Ochoa' award for the Instituto de Astrofísica de Andalucía (SEV-2017-0709), they also acknowledge the financial support by the Spanish grant AYA-2017-84637-R and AYARTI2018- 098657-J-I00 `LEO-SBNAF' (MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE)

    Influence of Neonatal Hypothyroidism on Hepatic Gene Expression and Lipid Metabolism in Adulthood

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    Thyroid hormones are required for normal growth and development in mammals. Congenital-neonatal hypothyroidism (CH) has a profound impact on physiology, but its specific influence in liver is less understood. Here, we studied how CH influences the liver gene expression program in adulthood. Pregnant rats were given the antithyroid drug methimazole (MMI) from GD12 until PND30 to induce CH in male offspring. Growth defects due to CH were evident as reductions in body weight and tail length from the second week of life. Once the MMI treatment was discontinued, the feed efficiency increased in CH, and this was accompanied by significant catch-up growth. On PND80, significant reductions in body mass, tail length, and circulating IGF-I levels remained in CH rats. Conversely, the mRNA levels of known GH target genes were significantly upregulated. The serum levels of thyroid hormones, cholesterol, and triglycerides showed no significant differences. In contrast, CH rats showed significant changes in the expression of hepatic genes involved in lipid metabolism, including an increased transcription of PPARα and a reduced expression of genes involved in fatty acid and cholesterol uptake, cellular sterol efflux, triglyceride assembly, bile acid synthesis, and lipogenesis. These changes were associated with a decrease of intrahepatic lipids. Finally, CH rats responded to the onset of hypothyroidism in adulthood with a reduction of serum fatty acids and hepatic cholesteryl esters and to T3 replacement with an enhanced activation of malic enzyme. In summary, we provide in vivo evidence that neonatal hypothyroidism influences the hepatic transcriptional program and tissue sensitivity to hormone treatment in adulthood. This highlights the critical role that a euthyroid state during development plays on normal liver physiology in adulthood

    A large topographic feature on the surface of the trans-Neptunian object (307261) 2002 MS4_4 measured from stellar occultations

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    This work aims at constraining the size, shape, and geometric albedo of the dwarf planet candidate 2002 MS4 through the analysis of nine stellar occultation events. Using multichord detection, we also studied the object's topography by analyzing the obtained limb and the residuals between observed chords and the best-fitted ellipse. We predicted and organized the observational campaigns of nine stellar occultations by 2002 MS4 between 2019 and 2022, resulting in two single-chord events, four double-chord detections, and three events with three to up to sixty-one positive chords. Using 13 selected chords from the 8 August 2020 event, we determined the global elliptical limb of 2002 MS4. The best-fitted ellipse, combined with the object's rotational information from the literature, constrains the object's size, shape, and albedo. Additionally, we developed a new method to characterize topography features on the object's limb. The global limb has a semi-major axis of 412 ±\pm 10 km, a semi-minor axis of 385 ±\pm 17 km, and the position angle of the minor axis is 121 ^\circ ±\pm 16^\circ. From this instantaneous limb, we obtained 2002 MS4's geometric albedo and the projected area-equivalent diameter. Significant deviations from the fitted ellipse in the northernmost limb are detected from multiple sites highlighting three distinct topographic features: one 11 km depth depression followed by a 255+4^{+4}_{-5} km height elevation next to a crater-like depression with an extension of 322 ±\pm 39 km and 45.1 ±\pm 1.5 km deep. Our results present an object that is \approx138 km smaller in diameter than derived from thermal data, possibly indicating the presence of a so-far unknown satellite. However, within the error bars, the geometric albedo in the V-band agrees with the results published in the literature, even with the radiometric-derived albedo