194 research outputs found

    Estudio neuropsicológico del eje impulsividad-compulsividad y la sensibilidad a la recompensa en pacientes en tratamiento a la adicción a sustancias

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    A lo largo de los años, se han propuesto numerosos modelos neurocientíficos para para poder comprender las adicciones desde una perspectiva global de las neurociencias y con énfasis en sus aplicaciones para la evaluación y rehabilitación. Los modelos basados en la transición entre la impulsividad, o búsqueda de recompensa inmediata, y compulsividad, o alivio momentáneo del malestar y el modelo de alostasis y estrés explican la adicción como una transición desde una fase inicial en la que las drogas se consumen por sus efectos reforzantes, siendo mas vulnerables los individuos con altos niveles de impulsividad, hacia una fase de dependencia en la que las conductas de consumo se transforman en rituales compulsivos que se mantienen a pesar de sus consecuencias negativas. En 2008 se puso en marcha el Proyecto de Criterios de Dominio de Investigación (Research Domain Criteria-RDoC) basado en transformar el diagnóstico mediante la incorporación de la genética, la neuroimagen, la ciencia cognitiva y otros niveles de información, para asentar las bases de un nuevo sistema de clasificación y comprensión de los trastornos mentales..

    The Acidity of a Carbon Nucleophile Dictates Enantioselectivity and Reactivity in Michael Additions to Aromatic and Aliphatic Enals via Iminium Activation

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    The Michael addition of activated methylenes to β-substituted α,β-unsaturated aldehydes (enals) via iminium catalysis takes place following reactivity and enantioselectivity patterns which depend on the electronic nature of the substituent in the β position (β-aryl or β-alkyl). Application of the same reaction conditions to both families of enals may result in erratic levels of asymmetric induction in the reactions of β-aryl enals or low reactivity with β-alkyl enals. A systematic analysis of this behavior using phenylacetic acid derivatives as case studies has led us to find a general trend: the different problems found for β-aryl and β-alkyl enals depend on the acidity of the nucleophile, and the outcome of the reaction for both types of enals can be improved substantially by careful choice of catalyst, solvent, and additive. Furthermore, this study has allowed us to understand subtle aspects of this transformation and has enabled the formulation of a general and reliable protocol to obtain high yields and enantioselectivities consistently, regardless of the acidity of the nucleophile and the nature of the substituent (aromatic or aliphatic) at the β positionWe thank CTQ-2009-12168, CAM (AVANCAT CS2009/PPQ-1634), UAM-CAM (CCG10-UAM/PPQ-5769), CTQ-2012-35957, CTQ2015-63997-C2-1-P, CTQ2016-78779-R and FOTOCARBON-CAM S2013/MIT-2841 for financial support. S.D. thanks the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (CAM), and E.R. and S.M. thank MICINN, for predoctoral fellowships. P.M. thanks MICINN for a Ramón y Cajal contract and the EU for a Marie Curie grant (CIG: HYPERCAT-30422

    Failure Diagnosis on Photovoltaic Modules Using Thermography, Electroluminescence, Rgb and I-V Techniques

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    Different techniques can be used to detect and quantify PV modules anomalies, as visual inspections, electrical tests like the I-V curve test, infrared thermography (IRT) or electroluminescence (EL). PV plants operators usually apply only one or two of them within the Operation and Maintenance (O&M) activities. Additionally, researchers usually studied them separately. However, these methods provide complementary results, glimpsing interesting information about the PV site state. The main strength of the research performed is the simultaneous study of all these inspection techniques, studying the correlation between them. Results confirm that, EL and IRT under current injection on modules are closely correlated, while IRT under normal operation (sun exposure) reveals complementary information not detected in EL but existing in the visible spectrum. In conclusion, it is advisable using as many techniques as possible to characterize the actual state of the module and to explain its I-V curve.Proyecto de Investigación ENE2017-89561-C4-3-R (MCIN)Proyecto de Investigación RTC-2017-6712-3 (MCIN)Proyecto de Investigación VA283P18 (Junta de Castilla y León

    Influence of Large Periods of DC Current Injection in c-Si Photovoltaic Panels

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    Nowadays, electroluminescence imaging (Eli) appears as an emerging technique in the maintenance of photovoltaic (PV) plants. There is a concern about how the current injection needed in ELi measurements can affect the PV modules service life, and how these periodical inspections can affect the long term life of the modules. In order to give a practical answer to this problem, a series of tests consisting of long periods of current injection on several monocrystalline silicon modules has been carried out. The modules tested had already fulfilled their useful life and present multiple defects. In order to analyze how the current injection affects the state of the module, images of infrared thermography (IRT) and ELi were acquired during the current injection period. The subsequent analysis of these images shows only a small effect during the heating period in the EL intensity results at the beginning of each test, not affecting the module performance.Proyecto de Investigación ENE2017-89561-C4-3-R (MCIN)Proyecto de Investigación RTC-2017-6712-3 (MCIN)Proyecto de Investigación VA283P18 (Junta de Castilla y León

    Golimumab as rescue therapy for refractory immune-mediated uveitis: a three-center experience

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate, in three Spanish tertiary referral centres, the short-term safety and efficacy of golimumab (GLM) for treatment of immune-mediated uveitis resistant to previous immunosuppressive therapy. METHODS: Nonrandomized retrospective interventional case series. Thirteen patients with different types of uveitis that were resistant to treatment with at least 2 previous immunosuppressors were included in this study. All included patients were treated with GLM (50 mg every four weeks) during at least 6 months. Clinical evaluation and treatment-related side effects were assessed at least four times in all included patients. RESULTS: Eight men and 5 women (22 affected eyes) with a median age of 30 years (range 20-38) and active immune-mediated uveitides were studied. GLM was used in combination with conventional immunosuppressors in 7 patients (53.8%). GLM therapy achieved complete control of inflammation in 12/13 patients (92.3%) after six months of treatment. There was a statistically significant improvement in mean BCVA (0.60 versus 0.68, P = 0.009) and mean 1 mm central retinal thickness (317 versus 261.2 µ, P = 0.05) at the six-month endpoint when compared to basal values. No major systemic adverse effects associated with GLM therapy were observed. CONCLUSIONS: GLM is a new and promising therapeutic option for patients with severe and refractory uveitis

    A Power-Line Communication System Governed by Loop Resonance for Photovoltaic Plant Monitoring

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    Within this paper, a PLC system that takes advantage of the loop resonance of an entire DC-PV string configured as a circular signal path is developed and implemented. Low cost and extremely simple transceivers intended to be installed within each PV module of a string have been designed and successfully tested. In addition, an anti-saturation coil has been conceived to avoid saturation of the core when the entire DC current of the string flows through it. Bi-directional half-duplex communication was successfully executed with up to a 1 MHz carrier frequency (150 kbps bitrate), using a simple ASK modulation scheme. The transmission and reception performance are presented, along with the overall system cost in comparison to the previous literatureThis research was funded by the Universidad dee Valladolid with the predoctoral contracts of 2020 cofunded by Santander Bank. This study was also supported by the Universidad dee Valladolid with ERASMUS+ KA-107. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Behavioural intervention to reduce disruptive behaviours in adult day care centres users: A randomizsed clinical trial (PROCENDIAS study)

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    [ENG]Aim: This study assesses the effect of an intervention to reduce the disruptive behaviours (DB) presented by care recipient users of adult day care centres (ADCC), thereby reducing caregiver overload. While ADCC offer beneficial respite for family caregivers, the DB that many care recipients show promote resistance to attending these centres, which can be a great burden on their family caregivers. Design: Randomized controlled clinical trial. Methods: The study was carried out with 130 family caregivers of people attending seven ADCC in the municipality of Salamanca (Spain), randomly distributed into intervention and control groups. The intervention was applied across eight sessions, one per week, in groups of 8–10 people where caregivers were trained in the Antecedent- Behavior-Consequence (ABC) model of functional behaviour analysis. The primary outcome was the reduction of DB measured with the Revised Memory and Behavior Problems Checklist (RMBPC). Results: An average reduction in the RMBPC of 4.34 points was obtained in the intervention group after applying the intervention (p < 0.01 (U de Mann–Whitney); Cohen d = 1.00); furthermore, differences were found in the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) (U = −2.67; p = 0.008; Cohen d = 0.50) and in the Short Zarit Burden Interview (Short ZBI) (t = −4.10; p < 0.01; Cohen d = 0.98). Conclusion: The results obtained suggest that the implementation of this intervention could reduce both the frequency of DB occurrence and the reaction of the caregiver to their appearance. Improvement was also noted in the results regarding overload and emotional state of the family caregiver. Impact: To our knowledge, this is the first randomized clinical trial to show that an intervention based on the ABC model could reduce the frequency and reaction of DB of care recipients in ADCC increasing their quality of life, and improving the mental health and overload of their family caregivers

    Novel utility-scale photovoltaic plant electroluminescence maintenance technique by means of bidirectional power inverter controller

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    Producción CientíficaNowadays, photovoltaic (PV) silicon plants dominate the growth in renewable energies generation. Utility-scale photovoltaic plants (USPVPs) have increased exponentially in size and power in the last decade and, therefore, it is crucial to develop optimum maintenance techniques. One of the most promising maintenance techniques is the study of electroluminescence (EL) images as a complement of infrared thermography (IRT) analysis. However, its high cost has prevented its use regularly up to date. This paper proposes a maintenance methodology to perform on-site EL inspections as efficiently as possible. First, current USPVP characteristics and the requirements to apply EL on them are studied. Next, an increase over the automation level by means of adding automatic elements in the current PV plant design is studied. The new elements and their configuration are explained, and a control strategy for applying this technique on large photovoltaic plants is developed. With the aim of getting on-site EL images on a real plant, a PV inverter has been developed to validate the proposed methodology on a small-scale solar plant. Both the electrical parameters measured during the tests and the images taken have been analysed. Finally, the implementation cost of the solution has been calculated and optimised. The results conclude the technical viability to perform on-site EL inspections on PV plants without the need to measure and analyse the panel defects out of the PV installation.Ministerio de Industria, Economía y Competitividad (grant number RTC-2017-6712-3)Junta de Castilla y León (grant VA283P18

    A Resonant Ring Topology Approach to Power Line Communication Systems within Photovoltaic Plants

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    Within this study, single-cable propagation facilitated by PV strings’ wiring characteristics is considered for an adapted design of PLC electronics. We propose to close the communications signal path, resulting in a ring topology where a resonance condition could be implemented. A PLC topology using the resulting circular closed-loop path of a PV series string as its physical communication support is designed and leveraged for practical use. When the path length or the number of transceivers is changed, the resonance properties that come with the circular path as the physical support are affected but are shown to be preserved with the application of automatic adjustable tuning. This automatic tuning guarantees that the resonance improves propagation parameters and reverts the system to its optimal values at the chosen carrier frequency.This study was supported by the Universidad of Valladolid with the predoctoral contracts of 2020 cofunded by Santander Bank. This study was supported by the Universidad of Valladolid with ERASMUS+ KA-107. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Low-Cost Three-Quadrant Single Solar Cell I-V Tracer

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    An I-V curve measurement technique is one of the most important techniques available for characterising photovoltaic cells. Measuring an accurate I-V curve at the single-cell level is a challenging task because of the low voltages and high currents implied, requiring the management of very low impedances. In this paper, the authors propose a low-cost device for I-V curve measurements of single (or small amounts) of cells in a series based on the charge transfer between two capacitors of equal capacitance. Our measurement strategy allows us to trace the usual first quadrant curve (the normal working region of solar cells) as well as the second and fourth quadrants of the I-V curve, which are quite important for research purposes. A prototype was built to demonstrate the feasibility and successful measurements of the three-quadrant I-V curve, obtained for more than 20 different cells. To use the device in a laboratory, without depending on the solar irradiation, a modular platform was 3D-printed, integrating a board with infrared LEDs as irradiating devices, and housing (to place the solar cell under test). The result is a useful low-cost setup for three-quadrant I-V curve tracing that works as expected.Proyecto de Investigación PID2020-113533RB-C33 (MCIN