1,352 research outputs found

    Laser Shock Microformingof Thin Metal Sheets with ns Lasers

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    Continuous and long-pulse lasers have been used for the forming of metal sheets in macroscopic mechanical applications. However, for the manufacturing of micro-electromechanical systems (MEMS), the use of ns laser pulses provides a suitable parameter matching over an important range of sheet components that, preserving the short interaction time scale required for the predominantly mechanical (shock) induction of deformation residual stresses, allows for the successful processing of components in a medium range of miniaturization without appreciable thermal deformation.. In the present paper, the physics of laser shock microforming and the influence of the different experimental parameters on the net bending angle are presented

    Seroprevalence of Blood-Borne Infections Among Blood Donors in Venezuela, 2001–2002

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    Proses reproduksi wanita menurut ilmu pengetahuan modern yang selama ini diyakini oleh para ilmuwan Barat ternyata sudah dijelaskan puluhan abad silam oleh al-Qur’an dan hadis. Teori reproduksi dan penciptaan manusia dari sudut pandang Islam dan sains ternyata tidak bertentangan, bahkan saling melengkapi satu dengan yang lain. Hadis nabi yang menjelaskan reproduksi wanita dan proses penciptaan manusia merupakan penjelas dari al-Qur’an dan diperkuat oleh data-data ilmiah sains teknologi. Berangkat dari itulah, artikel ini coba mengkaji tentang reproduksi wanita dengan pendekatan hadis tematik. Sebab pembahasan tematik ini sangat urgen untuk mengembangkan wawasan tentang hadis dalam membahas satu tema tertentu secara tuntas. Female reproduction processes according to modern science that had been believed by Western scientists were already described dozens of centuries ago by the Qur’an and hadith. Theory of reproduction and the creation of man from the viewpoint of Islam and science were not at odds, even complement each other. Hadith which describes a woman’s reproduction and the process of creation of man is explanatory of the Qur’an and reinforced by scientific data science technology. Start from it, this article try to examines the female reproductive with thematic hadith approach. For the thematic discussion is very urgent to develop an insight into the traditions in discussing a particular theme completely.</p

    Asymptotic and Non-asymptotic Results in the Approximation by Bernstein Polynomials

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    This paper deals with the approximation of functions by the classical Bernstein polynomials in terms of the Ditzian–Totik modulus of smoothness. Asymptotic and non-asymptotic results are respectively stated for continuous and twice continuously differentiable functions. By using a probabilistic approach, known results are either completed or strengthened

    On the Uniqueness Conjecture for the Maximum Stirling Numbers of the Second Kind

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    The Stirling numbers of the second kind S(n,  k) satisfy S(n, 0)&lt;¿&lt;S(n, kn)=S(n, kn+1)&gt;¿&gt;S(n, n).A long standing conjecture asserts that there exists no n= 3 such that S(n, kn) = S(n, kn+ 1). In this note, we give a characterization of this conjecture in terms of multinomial probabilities, as well as sufficient conditions on n ensuring that S(n, kn) &gt; S(n, kn+ 1). © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Switzerland AG

    Bedform variability and flow regime in a barrier-inlet system. The mesotidal Piedras mouth (Huelva, SW Spain)

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    Bedform fields from the Piedras River mouth (Huelva, SW Spain) have been studied using side-scan sonar techniques, combined with visual scuba-dives, and direct geometric measuring. The dominant flow regime has been determined from the results in these tidal environments, where erosive processes dominate during ebb, transporting sand as a bedload towards the mouth and central sector of the tidal channel. The process is reversed during tidal floods. During neap tides, larger bedforms maintain their geometry and position, whereas small ripples are re-oriented under different tidal conditions. Sand patches, dunes and ripples are interpreted as sediment bypassing zones. Large forms indicate high energy flow, which can only migrate when flow velocity reaches threshold values for the movement, with net sand transport towards open areas. Depositional features indicate low, moderate, and high-energy conditions. Here, a depositional regime dominated by sediment accommodation is dominant, where sandy sediments are continuously remobilized, transported and re-deposited, even closer to the estuarine mouth. In inner zones finer particles, such as clay and silt, are transported by tides as suspended matter and deposited in protected inner areas. The final results are long narrow tidal flats, which alternate with sandy areas dominated by erosion

    Report on the Economic Research Consortium, Peru

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    Contents: Evaluation or research results 1991-1993 : (final evaluation

    Bedform variability and flow regime in a barrier-inlet system : the mesotidal Piedras mouth (Huelva, SW Spain)

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    Bedform fields from the Piedras River mouth (Huelva, SW Spain) have been studied using side-scan sonartechniques, combined with visual scuba-dives, and direct geometric measuring. The dominant flow regime hasbeen determined from the results in these tidal environments, where erosive processes dominate during ebb,transporting sand as a bedload towards the mouth and central sector of the tidal channel. The process is reversedduring tidal floods. During neap tides, larger bedforms maintain their geometry and position, whereas smallripples are re-oriented under different tidal conditions. Sand patches, dunes and ripples are interpreted as sedimentbypassing zones. Large forms indicate high energy flow, which can only migrate when flow velocity reachesthreshold values for the movement, with net sand transport towards open areas. Depositional features indicatelow, moderate, and high-energy conditions. Here, a depositional regime dominated by sediment accommodationis dominant, where sandy sediments are continuously remobilized, transported and re-deposited, even closer to theestuarine mouth. In inner zones finer particles, such as clay and silt, are transported by tides as suspended matterand deposited in protected inner areas. The final results are long narrow tidal flats, which alternate with sandyareas dominated by erosion

    Improved constraints on WIMPs from the International Germanium Experiment IGEX

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    One IGEX 76Ge double-beta decay detector is currently operating in the Canfranc Underground Laboratory in a search for dark matter WIMPs, through the Ge nuclear recoil produced by the WIMP elastic scattering. A new exclusion plot, has been derived for WIMP-nucleon spin-independent interactions. To obtain this result, 40 days of data from the IGEX detector (energy threshold E \~ 4 keV), recently collected, have been analyzed. These data improve the exclusion limits derived from all the other ionization germanium detectors in the mass region from 20 GeV to 200 GeV, where a WIMP supposedly responsible for the annual modulation effect reported by the DAMA experiment would be located. The new IGEX exclusion contour enters, by the first time, the DAMA region by using only raw data, with no background discrimination, and excludes its upper left part. It is also shown that with a moderate improvement of the detector performances, the DAMA region could be fully explored.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Physics Letters B (revised version after referee's comments, some figures added