2,333 research outputs found

    Experiencia de pasantía en el PhET, Universidad de Colorado en Boulder

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados de la pasantía realizada en el PhET de la Universidad de Colorado en Boulder y la sistematización de la experiencia basada en la observación, evaluación, comprensión y reflexión del proceso. Los principales resultados obtenidos de esta experiencia se pueden percibir principalmente en el PEM, donde el equipo de trabajo se ha fortalecido y cuenta con más desarrolladores, esto ayudó a que los productores académicos se pudieran dedicar específicamente al diseño instruccional y la mediación pedagógica, así como a producir materiales multimedia más complejos. Se implementó una metodología de desarrollo ágil Ad hoc para el PEM, que ha contribuido a la finalización de programas informáticos educativos en tres meses. A futuro, se espera incluir a estudiantes en los procesos de validación de los laboratorios virtuales en cuanto a usabilidad, accesibilidad y experiencia del usuario, así como su funcionalidad en la educación a distancia. Esto enriquecerá el proceso de desarrollo y la utilidad del material didáctico

    A bibliometric study of the research area of videogames using Dimensions.ai database

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    Videogames are a very interesting area of research for fields as diverse as computer science, health, psychology or even social sciences. Every year a growing number of articles are published in different topics inside this field, so it is very convenient to study the different bibliometric data in order to consolidate the research efforts. Thus, the aim of this work is to conduct a study on the distribution of articles related to videogames in the different fields of research, as well as to measure their interest over time, to identify the sources, countries and authors with the highest scientific production. In order to carry out this analysis, the information system Dimensions.ai has been considered, since it covers a large number of documents and allows for easy downloading and analysis of datasets. According to the study, three countries are the most prolific in this area: USA, Canada and UK. The obtained results also indicate that the fields with the highest number of publications are Information and Computer Sciences, Medical and Health Sciences, and Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, in this order. With regard to the impact of the publications, differences between the number of citations, and the number of Altmetric Attention Score, have been found

    Efficient GPU Cloud architectures for outsourcing high-performance processing to the Cloud

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    The world is becoming increasingly dependant in computing intensive applications. The appearance of new paradigms, such as Internet of Things (IoT), and advances in technologies such as Computer Vision (CV) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are creating a demand for high-performance applications. In this regard, Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have the ability to provide better performance by allowing a high degree of data parallelism. These devices are also beneficial in specialized fields of manufacturing industry such as CAD/CAM. For all these applications, there is a recent tendency to offload these computations to the Cloud, using a computing offloading Cloud architecture. However, the use of GPUs in the Cloud presents some inefficiencies, where GPU virtualization is still not fully resolved, as our research on what main Cloud providers currently offer in terms of GPU Cloud instances shows. To address these problems, this paper first makes a review of current GPU technologies and programming techniques that increase concurrency, to then propose a Cloud computing outsourcing architecture to make more efficient use of these devices in the Cloud.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was supported by the Spanish Research Agency (AEI) under project HPC4Industry PID2020-120213RB-I00

    Sistema generador de códigos QR para una universidad a distancia

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    Este trabajo presenta los resultados de una investigación realizada con los usuarios de un sistema generador de códigos QR, con el objetivo de establecer las mejoras didácticas y de usabilidad necesarias para que sea de utilidad en la Universidad Estatal a Distancia de Costa Rica (UNED). Mediante las técnicas de grupos focales y pruebas de usuario, se obtuvieron resultados con información sobre las actualizaciones necesarias para favorecer el uso educativo de esta plataforma. También se establecieron las guías de uso didáctico y administrativo. En el futuro, se recomienda que la Universidad cuente con su propia herramienta lectora de códigos QR; asimismo, que se les brinde a los estudiantes acceso a la generación de códigos

    Looking for Archetypes: Applying Game Data Mining to Hearthstone Decks

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    Digital Collectible Cards Games such as Hearthstone have become a very proli c test-bed for Arti cial Intelligence algorithms. The main researches have focused on the implementation of autonomous agents (bots) able to effectively play the game. However, this environment is also very attractive for the use of Data Mining (DM) and Machine Learning (ML) techniques, for analysing and extracting useful knowledge from game data. The objective of this work is to apply existing Game Mining techniques in order to study more than 600,000 real decks (groups of cards) created by players with many di erent skill levels. Data visualisation and analysis tools have been applied, namely, Graph representations and Clustering techniques. Then, an expert player has conducted a deep analysis of the results yielded by these methods, aiming to identify the use of standard - and well-known - archetypes de ned by the players. The used methods will also make it possible for the expert to discover hidden relationships between cards that could lead to nding better combinations of them, enhancing players' decks or, otherwise, identify unbalanced cards that could lead to a disappointing game experience. Moreover, although this work is mostly focused on data analysis and visualization, the obtained results can be applied to improve Hearthstone Bots' behaviour, e.g. predicting opponent's actions after identifying a speci c archetype in his/her deck.Spanish Government PID2020-113462RB-I00 PID2020-115570 GB-C22Junta de Andalucia B-TIC-402-UGR18 P18-RT-4830 A-TIC-608-UGR2

    A tensor optimization algorithm for Bézier Shape Deformation

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    In this paper we propose a tensor based description of the Bézier Shape Deformation (BSD) algorithm, denoted as T-BSD. The BSD algorithm is a well-known technique, based on the deformation of a Bézier curve through a field of vectors. A critical point in the use of real-time applications is the cost in computational time. Recently, the use of tensors in numerical methods has been increasing because they drastically reduce computational costs. Our formulation based in tensors T-BSD provides an efficient reformulation of the BSD algorithm. More precisely, the evolution of the execution time with respect to the number of curves of the BSD algorithm is an exponentially increasing curve. As the numerical experiments show, the T-BSD algorithm transforms this evolution into a linear one. This fact allows to compute the deformation of a Bézier with a much lower computational cost

    Numerical strategies for the Galerkin–proper generalized decomposition method

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    The Proper Generalized Decomposition or, for short, PGD is a tensor decomposition based technique to solve PDE problems. It reduces calculation and storage cost drastically and presents some similarities with the Proper Orthogonal Decomposition, for short POD. In this work, we propose an efficient implementation to improve the convergence of the PGD, toward the numerical solution of a discretized PDE problem, when the associated matrix is Laplacian-like.The first author was partially supported by PRCEU-UCH 30/10 by Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrer

    On the Existence of a Progressive Variational Vademecum based on the Proper Generalized Decomposition for a Class of Elliptic Parameterized Problems

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    In this study, we present the mathematical analysis needed to explain the convergence of a progressive variational vademecum based on the proper generalized decomposition (PGD). The PGD is a novel technique that was developed recently for solving problems with high dimensions, and it also provides new approaches for obtaining the solutions of elliptic and parabolic problems via the abstract separation of variables method. This new scenario requires a mathematical framework in order to justify its application to the solution of numerical problems and the PGD can help in the change to this paradigm. The main aim of this study is to provide a mathematical environment for defining the notion of progressive variational vademecum. We prove the convergence of this iterative procedure and we also provide the first order optimality conditions in order to construct the numerical approximations of the parameterized solutions. In particular, we illustrate this methodology based on a robot path planning problem. This is one of the common tasks when designing the trajectory or path of a mobile robot. The construction of a progressive variational vademecum provides a novel methodology for computing all the possible paths from any start and goal positions derived from a harmonic potential field in a predefined map

    Path Planning Based on Parametric Curves

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    Parametric curves are extensively used in engineering. The most commonly used parametric curves are, Bézier, B-splines, (NURBSs), and rational Bézier. Each and every one of them has special features, being the main difference between them the complexity of their mathematical definition. While Bézier curves are the simplest ones, B-splines or NURBSs are more complex. In mobile robotics, two main problems have been addressed with parametric curves. The first one is the definition of an initial trajectory for a mobile robot from a start location to a goal. The path has to be a continuous curve, smooth and easy to manipulate, and the properties of the parametric curves meet these requirements. The second one is the modification of the initial trajectory in real time attending to the dynamic properties of the environment. Parametric curves are capable of enhancing the trajectories produced by path planning algorithms adapting them to the kinematic properties of the robot. In order to avoid obstacles, the shape modification of parametric curves is required. In this chapter, an algorithm is proposed for computing an initial Bézier trajectory of a mobile robot and subsequently modifies it in real time in order to avoid obstacles in a dynamic environment