67 research outputs found

    An in-line optical technology to control the emulsification degree in a continuous industrial emulsifier for meat sausage production

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    The stability of comminuted products plays an important role in the economy of meat industries. Proper formulation and the establishment of suitable emulsification conditions can significantly contribute to cooking losses control. The purpose of this research was to study the relationship between light backscatter parameters and cooking losses and develop prediction models that would allow the optimization of the emulsification process in a continuous industrial emulsifier. The optical response of meat emulsions, produced at industrial scale, depended drastically on the formulation (with and without starch) and the degree of emulsification. Furthermore, formula with starch showed significantly lower cooking losses than formula without starch, but for both formulas, several optical parameters correlated with cooking losses. Models for the prediction of cooking losses with R2 values > 0.999 were obtained with five or six statistically significant optical predictors depending on the formula. These results point out the potential of light backscatter technology as a control tool during emulsification

    Antioxidant and Angiotensin 1 Converting Enzyme Inhibitory Functions from Chicken Collagen Hydrolysates

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    Chicken collagen was explored for its possible ACE inhibitory and antioxidant activities. Flavourzyme, Neutrase and Alcalase were employed for hydrolysis of chicken collagen at predetermined times with optimal conditions for corresponding enzymes. Flavourzyme hydrolysate showed the highest antioxidant activity as measured by ORAC-FL assay (20942 μmol TE/100 g) followed by Neutrase (19207 μmol TE/100 g) and Alcalase (14352 μmol TE/100 g). Further purification by size exclusion chromatography showed that lower molecular weight fractions (between 170-776 Dalton) have highest antioxidant capacity (52787 and 44093 μmol TE/100 g for Flavourzyme and Neutrase fractions respectively). The ACE inhibitory activity of collagen hydrolysates also appeared to be higher with low molecular weight fractions (between 1200-450 Dalton) having IC50 value of about 47.2 and 59.7 μg/ml for Flavourzyme and Neutrase respectively. The present study suggests collagen as an effective candidate for both ACE inhibitory and antioxidant activity which can be employed in functional food formulatio


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    El cáncer de mama es el tumor con mayor incidencia y prevalencia en mujeres de nuestro medio. Presenta una etiopatogenia multifactorial con factores de riesgo modificables y no modificables, entre los que destacan los genes de alto riesgo, cuya presencia va a condicionar el diagnóstico y seguimiento de sus portadoras. En el proceso diagnóstico la radiología juega un papel fundamental siendo la mamografía y la ecografía las técnicas convencionales en el manejo inicial. La resonancia magnética es la técnica de imagen con mayor sensibilidad, razón por la que ha ido ganando protagonismo en los últimos años, ya que nos permite una valoración más exacta de la patología mamaria y una mejor planificación terapéutica.La resonancia magnética basa su funcionamiento en la creación de un campo magnético muy potente a través de un imán. La posterior aplicación de ondas de radiofrecuencia permitirá obtener imágenes con gran resolución espacial y temporal. Sus indicaciones diagnósticas están muy bien establecidas, entre las que destacan: la estadificación loco-regional en pacientes con cáncer de mama candidatas a cirugía conservadora, la valoración de respuesta al tratamiento neoadyuvante, el diagnóstico diferencial entre recidiva local y cambios postquirúrgicos, la enfermedad de Paget del pezón, el diagnóstico de complicaciones de implantes mamarios y los hallazgos no concluyentes con el resto de las técnicas radiológicas. La resonancia magnética está especialmente indicada en el cribado de mujeres de alto riesgo: por antecedentes personales o familiares de cáncer de mama o por ser portadoras de mutaciones tipo BRCA1/2, cuyo screening comienza a los 25 años con una resonancia magnética anual. La resonancia magnética constituye un avance en diagnóstico por imagen, gracias a su alta sensibilidad y a la información anatómica y funcional que nos proporciona. De esta manera, nos va a permitir acercarnos a un mejor conocimiento sobre la biología celular del cáncer de mama.<br /

    Transitions at the end of life for older adults - patient, carer and professional perspectives

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    BackgroundThe end of life may be a time of high service utilisation for older adults. Transitions between care settings occur frequently, but may produce little improvement in symptom control or quality of life for patients. Ensuring that patients experience co-ordinated care, and moves occur because of individual needs rather than system imperatives, is crucial to patients’ well-being and to containing health-care costs.ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to understand the experiences, influences and consequences of transitions between settings for older adults at the end of life. Three conditions were the focus of study, chosen to represent differing disease trajectories.SettingEngland.ParticipantsThirty patients aged over 75 years, in their last year of life, diagnosed with heart failure, lung cancer and stroke; 118 caregivers of decedents aged 66–98 years, who had died with heart failure, lung cancer, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or selected other cancers; and 43 providers and commissioners of services in primary care, hospital, hospice, social care and ambulance services.Design and methodsThis was a mixed-methods study, composed of four parts: (1) in-depth interviews with older adults; (2) qualitative interviews and structured questionnaire with bereaved carers of older adult decedents; (3) telephone interviews with care commissioners and providers using case scenarios derived from the interviews with carers; and (4) analysis of linked Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) and mortality data relating to hospital admissions for heart failure and lung cancer in England 2001–10.ResultsTransitions between care settings in the last year of life were a common component of end-of-life care across all the data sets that made up this study, and many moves were made shortly before death. Patients’ and carers’ experiences of transitions were of a disjointed system in which organisational processes were prioritised over individual needs. In many cases, the family carer was the co-ordinator and provider of care at home, excluded from participation in institutional care but lacking the information and support to extend their role with confidence. The general practitioner (GP) was a valued, central figure in end-of-life care across settings, though other disciplines were critical of GPs’ expertise and adherence to guidelines. Out-of-hours services and care homes were identified by many as contributors to unnecessary transitions. Good relationships and communication between professionals in different settings and sectors was recognised by families as one of the most important influences on transitions but this was rarely acknowledged by staff.ConclusionsDevelopment of a shared understanding of professional and carer roles in end-of-life transitions may be one of the most effective ways of improving patients’ experiences. Patients and carers manage many aspects of end-of-life care for themselves. Identifying ways to extend their skills and strengthen their voices, particularly in hospital settings, would be welcomed and may reduce unnecessary end-of-life transitions. Why the experiences of carers appear to have changed little, despite the implementation of a range of relevant policies, is an important question that has not been answered. Recommendations for future research include the relationship between policy interventions and the experiences of end-of-life carers; identification of ways to harmonise understanding of the carers’ role and strengthen their voice, particularly in hospital settings; identification of ways to reduce the influence of interprofessional tensions in end-of-life care; and development of interventions to enhance patients’ experiences across transitions.FundingThe National Institute for Health Research Health Services and Delivery Research programme

    Automatic Identification of Defects on Eggshell Through a Multispectral Vision System

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    The objective of this research was to develop an off-line artificial vision system to automatically detect defective eggshells, i.e., dirty or cracked eggshells, by employing multispectral images with the final purpose to adapt the system to an on-line grading machine. In particular, this work was focused to study the feasibility of identifying organic stains on brown eggshells (dirty eggshell), caused by blood, feathers, feces, etc., from natural stains, caused by deposits of pigments on the outer layer of clean eggshells. During the analysis a total of 384 eggs were evaluated (clean: 148, dirty: 236). Dirty samples were evaluated visually in order to classify them according to the kind of defect (blood, feathers, and white, clear or dark feces), and clean eggshells were classified on the basis of the colour of the natural stains (clear or dark). For each sample digital images were acquired by employing a Charged Coupled Device (CCD) camera endowed with 15 monochromatic filters (440-940 nm). A Matlab® function was developed in order to automate the process and analyze images, with the aim to classify samples as clean or dirty. The program was constituted by three major steps: first, the research of an opportune combination of monochromatic images in order to isolate the eggshell from the background; second, the detection of the dirt stains; third, the classification of the images samples into the dirty or clean group on the basis of geometric characteristics of the stains (area in pixel). The proposed classification algorithm was able to correctly classify near 98% of the samples with a very low processing time (0.05s). The robustness of the proposed classification was observed applying an external validation to a second set of samples (n = 178), obtaining similar percentage of correctly classified samples (97%)

    Anti-tumour necrosis factor discontinuation in inflammatory bowel disease patients in remission: study protocol of a prospective, multicentre, randomized clinical trial

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    Background: Patients with inflammatory bowel disease who achieve remission with anti-tumour necrosis factor (anti-TNF) drugs may have treatment withdrawn due to safety concerns and cost considerations, but there is a lack of prospective, controlled data investigating this strategy. The primary study aim is to compare the rates of clinical remission at 1?year in patients who discontinue anti-TNF treatment versus those who continue treatment. Methods: This is an ongoing, prospective, double-blind, multicentre, randomized, placebo-controlled study in patients with Crohn?s disease or ulcerative colitis who have achieved clinical remission for ?6?months with an anti-TNF treatment and an immunosuppressant. Patients are being randomized 1:1 to discontinue anti-TNF therapy or continue therapy. Randomization stratifies patients by the type of inflammatory bowel disease and drug (infliximab versus adalimumab) at study inclusion. The primary endpoint of the study is sustained clinical remission at 1?year. Other endpoints include endoscopic and radiological activity, patient-reported outcomes (quality of life, work productivity), safety and predictive factors for relapse. The required sample size is 194 patients. In addition to the main analysis (discontinuation versus continuation), subanalyses will include stratification by type of inflammatory bowel disease, phenotype and previous treatment. Biological samples will be obtained to identify factors predictive of relapse after treatment withdrawal. Results: Enrolment began in 2016, and the study is expected to end in 2020. Conclusions: This study will contribute prospective, controlled data on outcomes and predictors of relapse in patients with inflammatory bowel disease after withdrawal of anti-TNF agents following achievement of clinical remission. Clinical trial reference number: EudraCT 2015-001410-1

    Luz a través

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    Aquest treball sorgeix de l'observació i de l'interès per fotografiar allò que ens envolta amb la intenció d'analitzar alguns dels components que aporten valor i arriben a produir emocions. De manera inconscient, al llarg dels últims anys i durant el transcurs dels estudis, la meva percepció de l'espai ha evolucionat. Enfocant la mirada sobre un element evolutiu i inevitable en l'espai: la llum, i per tant, l'ombra. La voluntat del treball és exposar mitjançant fotografies i anàlisi per què la llum és un tema central en la meva percepció de l'arquitectura. Totes les fotografies són d'elaboració pròpia. Fotografies sense edició, aparentment inconnexes, algunes antigues i altres actuals.Este trabajo surge de la observación y del interés por fotografiar aquello que nos envuelve con la intención de analizar algunos de los componentes que aportan valor y llegan a producir emociones. De manera inconsciente, a lo largo de los últimos años y durante el transcurso de los estudios, mi percepción del espacio ha evolucionado. Enfocando la mirada sobre un elemento evolutivo e inevitable en el espacio: la luz, y por ende, la sombra. La voluntad del trabajo es exponer mediante fotografías y análisis por qué la luz es un tema central en mi percepción de la arquitectura. Todas las fotografías son de elaboración propia. Fotografías sin edición, aparentemente inconexas, algunas antiguas y otras actuales.This work arises from observation and interest in photographing what surrounds us with the intention of analyzing some of the components that add value and produce emotions. Unconsciously, over the last few years and during the course of studies, my perception of space has evolved. Focusing the gaze on an evolutionary and inevitable element in space: light, and therefore, shadow. The will of the work is to expose through photographs and analysis why light is a central theme in my perception of architecture. All photographs are self-made. Unedited photographs, apparently unconnected, some old and some current

    Effect Of High Pressure On The Consumer Liking And Preference Of Yoghurt

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    One hundred consumers evaluated three types of set yoghurt made from: 100% pressure treated milk (PTM; 600 MPa for 15 min), 100% heat treated milk (HTM; 85°C for 20 min) and a mixture containing 10% PTM and 90% HTM. There was no significant difference between appearance liking or texture liking of the three yoghurt types, though the texture score of PTM yoghurt and mixed milk yoghurt were both higher than HTM yoghurt. Creaminess score for PTM yoghurt was significantly higher than for HTM yoghurt; mixed milk yoghurt was significantly different from HTM yoghurt but not from PTM yoghurt. Concerning taste liking, PTM yoghurt scored significantly less than mixed milk yoghurt, with HTM yoghurt between these two. 57% of consumers preferred the HTM to PTM yoghurt, giving taste as their main criteria; those preferring PTM yoghurt based their choice on texture. Rheological assessments showed differences in gel structure, which justify consumer texture and creaminess choices.223-4701704Needs, E.C., Stenning, R.A., Gill, A.L., Ferragut, V., Rich, G., High-pressure treatment of milk: Effects on casein micelle structure and on enzymic coagulation (2000) J. Dairy Res., 67, p. 31Needs, E.C., Capellas, M., Bland, P., Manoj, P., MacDougall, D.B., Gopal, P., Comparison of heat and pressure treatments of skim milk, fortified with whey protein concentrate, for set yoghurt preparation: Effects on milk proteins and gel structure (2000) J. Dairy Res., 67, p. 329Foegeding, E.A., Bowland, E.L., Hardin, C.C., Factors that determine the fracture properties and microstructure of globular protein gels (1995) Food Hydrocoll., 9, p. 237Rohm, H., Lederer, H., Uniaxial compression of Swiss-type cheese at different strain rates (1992) Int. Dairy J., 2, p. 33