108 research outputs found

    Por Um Olhar Atento à Aplicação De Políticas De Ciência E Tecnologia No Chão De Fábrica""

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    Aspectos práticos de como a ciência e a tecnologia são constituídas dentro de laboratórios, nas empresas e no campo" têm tido pouca visibilidade. O atrito entre a maneira como políticas são imaginadas e a forma como acabam se operacionalizando são um rico campo de reflexão em que as ciências sociais participam ainda muito timidamente."61619-21Pesquisa, Política De Ciência E Tecnologi

    A “geopolítica infraestrutural” do conhecimento climático:o Modelo Brasileiro do Sistema Terrestre e a divisão Norte-Sul do conhecimento

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    This article examines how geopolitics are embedded into the efforts of Southern nations that try to build new climate knowledge infrastructures. It achieves this through an analysis of the composition of the international climate modelling basis of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), viewed from the perspective of the Brazilian Earth System Model (BESM) – the scientific project which placed a Latin American country for the first time inside the global modelling bases of the IPCC. The paper argues that beyond the idea of “infrastructural globalism”, a historical process of global scientific cooperation led by developed countries, we also need to understand the “infrastructural geopolitics” of climate models. This concept seeks to describe the actions of developing countries towards minimizing the imbalance of global climate scientific production, and how these countries participate in global climate governance and politics. The analysis of the construction of BESM suggests that national investments in global climate modelling were aimed at attaining scientific sovereignty, which is closely related to a notion of political sovereignty of the nation-state within the international regime of climate change

    Socio-technical imaginaries of a circular economy in governmental discourse and among science, technology, and innovation actors: A Norwegian case study

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    A growing body of research is investigating the connections between the discursive construction of circular economy (CE) and its influences on public policies that promote the socio-technological transition towards circular production and consumption systems. However, surprisingly little attention has focused on how CE discourses interact with science, technology, and innovation (ST&I) actors. To address this gap, this research adopts the prism of socio-technical imaginaries to understand specific visions of circularity in science and innovation, exploring how competing imaginaries mobilize specific actors, institutions, and visions of a greener future. Our empirical material included archival documentation from the Norwegian government and funded research projects on CE. Our analysis identified two key tension points within these imaginaries: “International drivers versus regional and local transition arenas” and “Ecological modernization versus sectoral transformation.” We suggest that tensions are inherent in CE socio-technical imaginaries but are often silenced or minimized by institutional discourses on circularity. Our findings suggest that official CE policy programs tend to minimize or overtly ignore criticisms and contestation that are increasingly raised in academic circles. Our findings indicate the need for increased involvement of ST&I actors and other societal actors (such as NGOs and the private sector) in the CE policymaking process to avoid endless growth as an unexpected CE policy outcome

    Digitalizando o câncer de próstata: pensando as interseções entre engenharia e biologia na ciência contemporânea

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    This paper is based on ethnographic work conducted in the city of Austin (Texas, USA) with an interdisciplinary group of scientists working on a computer model of bioheat transfer in the prostate. The group's aim is to develop a new paradigm for prostate cancer surgery, based on predictions from the computer model and data interconnectivity between two cities (Houston and Austin) enabled by advanced computer technologies. The analysis will focus on the scientists' interactions in Austin and the dilemmas they faced in their scientific work pertaining to the"digitizing" of biological processes. The aim of this paper is thus to analyze how biomedical engineers, computer scientists and mathematicians work together to establish new forms of representing the biological body in mathematical and computational terms. The paper concludes that this process of translating the human body and its functions is marked by misunderstandings and difficulties in translating between biology and engineering. This analysis illuminates some of the main difficulties inherent to such scientific undertakings, which are becoming increasingly common. Such difficulties will grow to be more relevant as more countries, including Brazil, invest heavily in incorporating computer technologies in medicine.Este trabalho baseia-se numa pesquisa etnográfica feita na cidade de Austin (Texas, EUA) com um grupo interdisciplinar de cientistas, engajados na criação de um modelo computacional das interações entre calor e tecidos humanos. O grupo tem como objetivo delinear um novo paradigma para cirurgias de câncer de próstata baseado em previsões do modelo computacional e interconexão de dados entre duas cidades (Houston e Austin) por meio de tecnologias de computação avançada. A análise focará as interações dos cientistas em Austin e os dilemas por eles enfrentados em seu trabalho científico no que diz respeito à "digitalização" de processos biológicos. O objetivo é analisar as formas como engenheiros biomédicos, cientistas da computação e matemáticos trabalham juntos para estabelecer novas representações do corpo biológico em termos matemáticos e computacionais. O trabalho conclui que esse processo de tradução do corpo e suas funções está marcado por incompreensões e dificuldades de traduzir entre a biologia e as engenharias, o que esclarece alguns dos dilemas desse tipo de iniciativa. A investigação de tais dilemas torna-se mais premente na medida em que a ciência atual em todo o mundo, incluindo o Brasil, investe pesadamente na agregação de tecnologias digitais às práticas da biomedicina


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    Tourist destinations are now faced with increased competition at the market and holders of tourist policy and offers have realized that understanding the factors that contribute to a better positioning in the market place, and therefore the competitiveness, is of crucial importance for further development. The aim of this paper is to determine how much Vojvodina is competitive as a rural tourism destination, and to assess the current state of all the factors that affect/could affect the competitiveness of rural tourism destinations in Vojvodina Province (Northern Serbia). The total of 136 tourism experts were interviewed, and we concluded that the key resources and attraction of rural areas in Vojvodina are rated better than the macro and industry-related factors. This suggests that a rural development strategy should have a special bond with resources and attractions of the destination, that priority should be given to maintaining all aspects of safety and security, continuous improvement of services, diversity of culinary products, as well as the application of the principles of sustainability in environmental management. The work of national and provincial institutions should have the aim to ensure that the destination has a clear idea of where it is going and what it takes to become successful in the long term

    Book Reviews

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    Gregory Ferrell Lowe and Fiona Martin (eds), The Value of Public Service Media; Des Freedman, The Contradictions of Media Power; Ulrik Haagerup, Constructive News; Chin-Chuan Lee (ed.) Internationalizing International Communication; Maria Edström and Ragnhild Mølster (eds), Making Change. Nordic Examples of Workig Towards Gender Equality in the Media; Open Society Foundations, Mapping Digital Media: Global Findings. Digital Journalism: Making News, Breaking New

    SeaMote - Interactive Remotely Operated Apparatus for Aquatic Expeditions

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    IoT has been widely adopted by HCI communities and citi zen scientists to sense and control the surrounding environments. While their applications are mostly reported in urban settings, they remain scarce in aquatic settings. Oceans are undergoing an immense increase of human generated pollution ranging from noise to marine litter, where current USV solutions to detect its impact on environment remain at high cost. In our study, we design a first low-cost, long-range, radio controlled USV, based on IoT and LoRa, intended to be used for aquatic expeditions collecting environmental telemetry. We gather temperature, humidity, GPS position, footage and provide a mobile interface for remote control ling the USV. With this pilot study, we provide an initial study of the suitable simplistic GUI for long-range remote sensing in aquatic setting. We discuss the findings and propose future applications and Internet of Water Things as future research direction.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio