1,792 research outputs found

    Trade costs, openness and productivity: market access at home and abroad

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    This paper discusses the channels between openness and productivity and trade hampering factors. The stylized facts from the heterogeneous firms literature suggests that firms face market entry costs for each new product they export and to each new export market. Transport costs, border costs and retail and wholesale distribution costs might add up to 170% of the export value, but formal import tariffs and duties are relatively unimportant. The results by the Observatory of European SMEs survey, which has firm-level data for the whole European Union confirm this result. Lack of knowledge on export markets and regulations in other countries are important trade barriers for European firms. From these outcomes it could be derived that EU trade policies should be directed to deep integration with other countries, preferably by implementing internal market policies for goods and services trade and foreign direct investment. These policies can deal with reducing regulations heterogeneity, non-tariff barriers and customs procedures. Providing public information on export markets (e.g. customers, contact, and distribution networks) could also be helpful, if well targeted

    Prototipo de un sistema de registro y monitoreo del nivel de llenado de un contenedor de basura utilizando sensores continuos y comunicación WIFI en la tarjeta de desarrollo beaglebone black

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    En Colombia, el tratamiento de residuos sólidos está reglamentado por lo dispuesto en la ley 142 de 1994, en particular, lo referente al aprovechamiento del material reciclable está a cargo de las empresas que cumplan con lo establecido en el decreto 596 de 2016, con el cual se espera que el país sea pionero en Latinoamérica en el aprovechamiento de material reciclable, sin embargo, actualmente en el país solo se recicla el 17% de la basura que se produce, con esto no solo se están malgastando los recursos naturales no renovables con los que cuenta el país sino que también se están enterrando millones de pesos y dejando de generar cientos de empleos. [1] [2] En la actualidad, cada vez es mayor el número de procesos de la industria y hasta de tareas cotidianas que son automatizadas, esto, buscando tener mayor calidad en los productos y/o servicios prestados. En el presente trabajo se plantea la implementación de un sistema de registro y monitoreo para conocer el nivel de llenado de un contenedor de basura, facilitando la labor de cambio de las bolsas, permitiendo la optimización de estas y del tiempo de las personas dedicadas a tal labor. Un sistema electrónico de registro y monitoreo consiste en un dispositivo electrónico que haciendo uso de sensores (los cuales pueden ser continuos o discretos) permite medir variables físicas, estas mediciones son enviadas a un servidor central, para ello se aplica algún protocolo de comunicación (preferiblemente inalámbrico). Las mediciones obtenidas y enviadas al servidor son almacenadas en bases de datos, con estos registros es posible determinar el comportamiento de las variables medidas

    Institutional Structuralism as a Process to Achieve Social Development: Aymara Women\u27s Community Project Based on the Working with People Model in Peru

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    Institutional Structuralism draws on different social and economic institutions and seeks to mobilize them through an approach known as “managed pluralism” (Midgley, 2013). It also works as a process to promote social development for everyone. The state should usually play a key role in this process, although this is not always the case. This article analyzes a process which has been ongoing since 2007 promoted by a university institution with the Aymara Women’s Community in Peru to harmonize social welfare with economic development; taking into account the Working with People model through its three components: ethical-social, political-contextual and technical-entrepreneurial. The results show new tools for developing the institutional structuralism process through a bottom-up methodology which enables social development to be achieved

    DeepVATS : Deep Visual Analytics for time series

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    The field of Deep Visual Analytics (DVA) has recently arisen from the idea of developing Visual Interactive Systems supported by deep learning, in order to provide them with large-scale data processing capabilities and to unify their implementation across different data and domains. In this paper we present DeepVATS, an open-source tool that brings the field of DVA into time series data. DeepVATS trains, in a self-supervised way, a masked time series autoencoder that reconstructs patches of a time series, and projects the knowledge contained in the embeddings of that model in an interactive plot, from which time series patterns and anomalies emerge and can be easily spotted. The tool includes a back-end for data processing pipeline and model training, as well as a front-end with an interactive user interface. We report on results that validate the utility of DeepVATS, running experiments on both synthetic and real datasets. The code is publicly available on https://github.com/vrodriguezf/deepvats

    Development of a new method to determine the axial void velocity profile in BWRs from measurements of the in-core neutron noise

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    Determination of the local void fraction in BWRs from in-core neutron noise measurements requires the knowledge of the axial velocity of the void. The purpose of this paper is to revisit the problem of determining the axial void velocity profile from the transit times of the void between axially placed detectors, determined from in-core neutron noise measurements. In order to determine a realistic velocity profile which shows an inflection point and hence has to be at least a third order polynomial, one needs four transit times and hence five in-core detectors at various axial elevations, whereas the standard instrumentation usually consists only of four in-core detectors. Attempts to determine a fourth transit time by adding a TIP detector to the existing four LPRMs and cross-correlate it with any of the LPRMs have been unsuccessful so far. In this paper we thus propose another approach, where the TIP detector is only used for the determination of the axial position of the onset of boiling. By this approach it is sufficient to use only three transit times. Moreover, with another parametrisation of the velocity profile, it is possible to reconstruct the velocity profile even without knowing the onset point of boiling, in which case the TIP is not needed, although at the expense of a less flexible modelling of the velocity profile. In the paper the principles are presented, and the strategy is demonstrated by concrete examples, with a comparison of the performance of the two different ways of modelling the velocity profile. The method is tested also on velocity profiles supplied by system codes, as well as on transit times from neutron noise measurements

    Relocation and seismotectonic interpretation of the seismic swarm of August – December of 2012 in the Linares area, northeastern Mexico

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    We relocated 52 events of 2.5 ≤ Mc ≤ 3.6 from a seismic sequence of over 250 events that occurred during July-December 2012 southwest of the Linares area, northeastern Mexico. To examine this swarm four seismic stations were installed in the region and operated during different time periods from September to December. Relocation of the swarm showed that the earthquake hypocentral depths were at 8 (±5) km, and the time residuals had values ≤ 0.38 s. The fault plane solutions were generated for individual earthquakes and through the use of the composite mechanism technique. The focal mechanism solutions show pure reverse faulting; the SW dipping NNW – SSE trending nodal plane is the inferred fault plane (strike ~150°, dip ~50° and rake ~67°), which reveals that maximum horizontal stress (SHmax > Shmin > Sv) predominates in the area. RESUMEN En este trabajo relocalizamos 52 sismos en el rango de 2.5 ≤ Mc ≤ 3.6 de una secuencia sísmica de más de 250 eventos que ocurrió al suroeste de la ciudad de Linares, N.L., durante los meses de julio – diciembre de 2012, en el noreste de México. Para estudiar este enjambre se instalaron cuatro estaciones sismológicas en la región de interés, las cuales operaron durante diferentes periodos entre septiembre y diciembre. La relocalización de la secuencia demostró que las profundidades hipocentrales fueron de 8 (±5) km, y los residuales de los tiempos de arribo tuvieron valores ≤ 0.38 s. Se generaron soluciones del plano de falla para sismos individuales, así como a través de la técnica de mecanismos compuestos. La solución de los mecanismos focales encontrada corresponde con fallamiento inverso con rumbo NNW-SSE y buzamiento hacia el SW para el plano nodal inferido (rumbo ~150°, buzamiento ~50° y ángulo de deslizamiento ~67°), el cual revela que el esfuerzo horizontal máximo predomina en el área de estudio (SHmax > Shmin > Sv)

    Estrategias metodológicas utilizadas en Ingeniería: una revisión sistemática

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    The training of engineers is a subject that involves teachers and students, technological advances force higher education centers to seek alternatives to improve or propose new teaching strategies in engineering. The objective of the Research carried out was to make a bibliographic review in a qualitative way, which allows us to know the teaching methodologies strategies used by teachers in engineering careers at universities in Latin America and the world, taking into consideration the impact that these generate in the training of future engineers, it was considered forty (40) articles published between the years 2010 to 2020 that are related to training processes, the Google Scholar search engine and the search equations were used, in order to find in databases the information, which will allow us to make an analysis of the development of methodological strategies that teachers use in the training of future engineers, this does not lead to the conclusion that it is still an area that needs to be addressed by researchers.La formación de los ingenieros es un tema que involucra a docentes y estudiantes, los avances tecnologico obliga a los centros de formación superior buscar alternativas para mejorar o proponer nuevas estrategias de enseñanza en ingeniería. El objetivo de la Investigacion realizada fue hacer una revisión bibliográfica de manera cualitativa, que  nos permita conocer las estrategias metodologias de enseñanza utilizadas por los docentes en las carreras de ingeniería en universidades de Latinoamérica y el mundo, teniendo en consideración el impacto que estas generan en la formación de los futuros ingenieros, se consideró cuarenta(40) artículos publicados entre los años 2010 al 2020 que tengan relación a procesos de formación, se utilizó el buscador Google Académico y las ecuaciones de búsqueda, con la finalidad de encontrar en  bases de datos la información, que nos permitirán hacer un análisis del desarrollo de las estrategias metodológicas, que los docentes utilizan en la formación de los futuros ingenieros, esto no lleva a concluir que todavía es un área que requiere ser atendida por los investigadores

    Regulación normativa de los plazos de investigación suplementaria ante requerimientos de sobreseimiento en casos complejos, Huancayo 2021

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    La presente tesis responde al problema de investigación que parte la siguiente interrogante: ¿En qué medida es necesario la regulación normativa de los plazos de investigación suplementaria ante requerimientos de sobreseimientos en casos complejos, Huancayo 2021? El objetivo general fue: Establecer en qué medida es necesario la regulación normativa de los plazos de investigación suplementaria ante requerimientos de sobreseimientos en casos complejos, Huancayo 2021; Para tal efecto se ha planteado como nuestra hipótesis: Es necesario una regulación adecuada normativamente los plazos de investigación suplementaria ante requerimientos de sobreseimientos en casos complejos, Huancayo 2021 La Investigación se ubica dentro del método general deductivo – inductivo, tipo de investigación: Básico; en el Nivel: descriptivo - explicativo; diseño no experimental Transeccional, La población en estudio estuvo constituida por 50 profesionales con conocimientos especializados en materia de derecho penal y procesal penal dentro del ámbito geográfico de la provincia de Huancayo con una muestra de 25 profesionales, habiendo aplicado el tipo de muestreo probabilístico simple, para la recolección de información se utilizó, la técnica de la encuesta; el instrumento utilizado para la medición de las variables fue validados por 3 abogados expertos en derecho penal y procesal penal, quienes realizaron la evaluación correspondiente

    Ringhals Diagnostics and Monitoring, Final Research Report 2012-2014

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    This report gives an account of the work performed by the Department of Nuclear Engineering, Chalmers, in the frame of research collaboration with Ringhals, Vattenfall AB, contract No. 630217-031. The contract constitutes a 3-year co-operative research work concerning diagnostics and monitoring of the BWR and PWR units. The work in thecontract has been performed between January 1st 2012, and December 31st, 2014. During this period, we have worked with four main items as follows:1. Development and application of the analysis method of core barrel vibrations, developed in the previous Stages, to three ex-core measurements performed during several cycles in R2, R3 and R4. What regards R2, this was the first attempt to analyze ex-core measurements taken at BOC, MOC and EOC, with the new curve-fitting procedure;2. Investigation of the ultra-low frequency oscillations in reactor power in R4;3. Development of the theory and simulations in order to determine the void content in R1 from the analysis of in-core measurements;4. Evaluation of the measurements made in R1 with the use of 4 LPRMs and one TIP detector, for testing the velocity and void fraction profile reconstruction methods.This work was performed at the Department of Nuclear Engineering, Chalmers University of Technology by Victor Dykin, Cristina Montalvo (visitor from the TechnicalUniversity of Madrid), Imre P\ue1zsit (project co-ordinator) and Henrik Nyl\ue9n, who was also the contact person at Ringhals