63 research outputs found

    Ensayos de envejecimiento adaptados a la evaluación del alabastro de la restauración del Palacio Episcopal de Tarazona

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    The advanced condition of deterioration of the column’s bases of the courtyard of the Bishop’s Palace of Tarazona (Spain) built in the middle of 16th century required its restoration with Aragonese alabaster. Thus, adapted ageing tests were developed to simulate the environmental conditions in which the stones were and will be exposed. These tests were thermal fatigue by temperature variations, acid rain and water stagna­tion by immersion tests and a combination of both agents of decay. The results indicated that alabaster did not experimented deformation after thermal fatigue but a progressive dehydration to bassanite. This process entailed an increase of porosity and consequently a loss of structural properties. The dissolution was measured as a lineal weight and volume loss while porosity and capillary uptake remained stable. The conclusions of this study establish the importance of restoration protocols to maintain the alabaster integrity when used and exposed to rainwater and insolation.Las basas deterioradas de las columnas del patio del Palacio Episcopal de Tarazona (España), construido a mediados del siglo XVI, fueron restauradas con alabastro aragonés. Por lo tanto, se han desarrollado pruebas de envejecimiento adaptadas para simular las condiciones ambientales en las que las piedras estaban y estarán expuestas, fatiga térmica por variaciones de temperatura, lluvia ácida, inmersión en agua y una combinación de agentes de deterioro. Los resultados indican que el alabastro no experimentó deformación después de la fatiga térmica, sino una progresiva deshidratación a bassanita, lo cual implica un aumento de porosidad y una pérdida de propiedades estructurales. La disolución se midió como una pérdida lineal de peso y volumen, mientras que la porosidad y el ascenso capilar se mantuvieron estables. Se desprende la importancia de adoptar protocolos de restauración para mantener la integridad del alabastro cuando se expone al agua de lluvia e insolación

    Consolidación y restauración de la fachada norte del Senado de España mediante reanclados, armados, sellados y coberturas

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    The consolidation and restoration of existing elements in the northern facade of the old Senate building in Spain is based on the anchorage of the windows massive artificial stone frame and the crown hollow moulding with polyester rods reinforced with fiberglass; on the elimination of the existing plaster and making a new one in two layers, arming with fiberglass mesh the base hydraulic lime layer prior to application of the finish coat of air lime; on the opening of expansion joints sealed with neutral silicone, both the mouldings and the render, and on the cover of the horizontal surfaces of the projecting elements (mouldings, overalls and flashing) with zinc sheeting. Previous studies are discussed with the results of historical documentation, with the materials analysis and the diagnosis of damages that support the intervention.La consolidación y restauración de elementos existentes en la fachada norte del antiguo edificio del Senado de España se ha basado en el reanclado de las molduras macizas del recercado de huecos y de las molduras huecas de cornisas, ambas de piedra artificial, con varillas de poliéster reforzado con fibra de vidrio; en la eliminación del revoco existente y la realización de uno nuevo en dos capas, armando con malla de fibra de vidrio la capa base de cal hidráulica previamente a la aplicación de la capa de terminación de cal aérea; en la apertura de juntas de retracción selladas con silicona neutra, tanto de las molduras como del revoco, y en la cobertura de las superficies horizontales de los elementos salientes con chapa de zinc (molduras, guardapolvos y vierteaguas). Se exponen los estudios previos con los resultados de la documentación histórica, el análisis de los materiales y el diagnóstico de las lesiones que sustentan la intervención

    La solución constructiva de la bóveda encamonada del salón de plenos del palacio del Senado en Madrid (España)

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    The constructive type of the timber vault that covers the Plenary Hall of the Palace of the Senate of Spain belonging to the first quarter of the 19th century is analyzed, being composed of the following elements: a rectangular soffit or timber slab with the voids filled up with plaster armed with fibers of esparto, which is hung by means of claspers from a few longitudinal straps of the wooden trusses of the original cover; a half vault formed by double table “camones” supported by a continuous wooden perimeter. By the inner face the soffit and the half vault are provided by plaster and separated by a semicircular perimetric molding in the North and South sides. The papers presents a historical investigation of the changes since the former Augustinian church to the Lounge of Spanish Parliament and Lounge of Plenary sessions, an analysis of the constructive type to which the vault belongs, a geometric characterization and a description of the principal elements.Se analiza el tipo constructivo de la bóveda encamonada que cubre el Salón de Plenos del Palacio del Senado de España del primer cuarto del siglo XIX, que está compuesta por los siguientes elementos: un plafón rectangular o forjado de tablas con entrevigado de yeso armado con fibras de esparto, que está colgado mediante abrazaderas de unas vigas longitudinales que se apoyan sobre los tirantes de las cerchas de madera de la cubierta original. Y por una semibóveda formada por camones de dobles tablas apoyados en un encadenado perimetral. Por el intradós el plafón y la semibóveda están guarnecidos con yeso y separados entre sí por una moldura perimetral semicircular en los lados Norte y Sur. En el trabajo se presenta una investigación histórica de los cambios registrados desde la antigua iglesia agustina, hasta el Salón de Cortes y Salón de Plenos, un análisis del tipo constructivo al que pertenece la bóveda, una caracterización geométrica y una descripción de los principales elementos

    Resilience to cope with climate change in urban areas - A multisectorial approach focusing on water - The RESCCUE project

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from MDPI via the DOI in this recordThe RESCCUE Project is an H2020 research project that aims to help cities around the world to become more resilient to physical, social, and economic challenges, using the water sector as the central point of the approach. RESCCUE will generate models and tools to bring this objective to practice, while delivering a framework enabling city resilience assessment, planning and management. This will be achieved by integrating software tools, methods, and new knowledge related to the detailed urban services performance into novel and promising loosely coupled models (integrated models), multi-risk assessment method, and a comprehensive resilience platform. These tools will allow urban resilience assessment from a multisectorial approach, for current and future climate change scenarios, including multiple hazards and cascading effects. The RESCCUE approach will be implemented in three EU cities (Barcelona, Bristol, and Lisbon) and, with the support of UN-Habitat, disseminate their results among other cities belonging to major international networks. The aim of this paper is to present the main goals of this project, as well as the approach followed and the main expected results after the four years of implementation, so other cities around the world can use the RESCCUE approach to increase their resilience.The RESCCUE Project (RESilience to cope with Climate Change in Urban arEas—a multisectorial approach focusing on water) has received funding from European Commission by means of Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Program for Research and Innovation, under Grant Agreement No. 700174

    Correction: Russo, B., et al. Assessment of urban flood resilience in barcelona for current and future scenarios. the resccue project. (Sustainability 2020, 12, 5638)

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    The authors would like to make the following corrections about the published paper [1]. The changes are as follows: (1) Replacing Table 4. Reference 1. Russo, B.; Velasco, M.; Locatelli, L.; Sunyer, D.; Yubero, D.; Monjo, R.; Martínez-Gomariz, E.; Forero-Ortiz, E.; Sánchez-Muñoz, D.; Evans, B.; et al. Assessment of Urban Flood Resilience in Barcelona for Current and Future Scenarios. The RESCCUE Project. Sustainability 2020, 12, 5638. [CrossRef]

    Assessment of the resilience of Barcelona urban services in case of flooding. The RESCCUE project

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    [ES] En el marco del Proyecto europeo RESCCUE, las proyecciones climáticas para la ciudad de Barcelona muestran aumentos significativos de las intensidades máximas de precipitación para el horizonte del 2071-2100. En este trabajo se presenta la evaluación de la resiliencia de los servicios urbanos de la ciudad frente a episodios de inundación para condiciones de lluvia actuales y futuras. El uso de modelos sectoriales e integrados ha permitido valorar la respuesta del sistema de drenaje de la ciudad tanto a nivel de sistema de alcantarillado subterráneo como a nivel superficial analizando el comportamiento hidráulico del conjunto de las superficies urbanas (calles, plazas, parques, etc.). Por otro lado, los parámetros asociados a las inundaciones superficiales (extensión de las zonas inundables, calado y velocidad) han sido empleados para estimar potenciales afectaciones futuras en otros servicios urbanos estratégicos como el tráfico superficial, el sistema eléctrico y el sistema de recogida de residuos.[EN] Within the framework of the European RESCCUE Project, climate projections for the city of Barcelona show significant increases in maximum rainfall intensities for the 2071-2100 horizon. This paper presents the evaluation of the resilience of urban services in the city against flood episodes for current and future rainfall conditions. The use of sectorial and integrated models allows to assess the response of the city’s drainage system both at the underground sewer system level and at the surface level by analyzing the hydraulic behavior of all urban surfaces (streets, squares, parks, etc.). On the other hand, the parameters associated with surface flooding (extension of flood areas, flow depth and velocity) can be used to estimate potential impacts on other strategic urban services such as surface traffic, the electrical system and the waste collection service.Proyecto RESCCUE (RESilience to cope with Climate Change in Urban arEas - a multisectorial approach focusing on water), financiado por el programa H2020 de la Unión Europea (Acuerdo No. 700174)Russo, B.; Velasco, M.; Monjo, R.; Martínez-Gomariz, E.; Sánchez, D.; Domínguez, JL.; Gabàs, A.... (2020). Evaluación de la resiliencia de los servicios urbanos frente a episodios de inundación en Barcelona. El Proyecto RESCCUE. Ingeniería del agua. 24(2):101-118. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2020.12179OJS101118242Ecologia Urbana. 2018. Pla Clima 2018-2030. Ajuntament de Barcelona.Evans, B. 2017. Deliverable 3.1. Selection of methods for quantification of impacts of identified hazards. Deliverable 3.1. RESCCUE Project. Grant Agreement No. 700174. Disponible en http://www.resccue.euEvans, B. 2019. Deliverable 3.4. Impact assessments of multiple hazards in case study areas. Deliverable 3.4. RESCCUE Project. Grant Agreement No. 700174. Disponible en http://www.resccue.euFederal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 2009. Multi-Hazard Loss Estimation Methodology, Flood Model: Hazus-MH MR4 Technical Manual. 2009th ed. Disponible en https://www.fema.gov/media-library-data/20130726-1820-25045-8292/hzmh2_1_fl_tm.pdf.Martínez-Gomariz, E., Gómez, M., Russo, B. 2016. Estabilidad de personas en flujos de agua. Ingeniería del agua, 20,(1), 43-58. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.2016.4231Martínez-Gomariz, E., Gómez, M., Russo, B. 2017. A new experiments-based methodology to obtain the stability threshold for any real vehicle exposed to flooding. Urban Water Journal, 14(9), 930-939. https://doi.org/10.1080/1573062X.2017.1301501Martínez-Gomariz, E., Gómez, M., Russo, B. 2018a. Stability criteria for flooded vehicles: A state of the art review. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 11, S817-S826. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfr3.12262Martínez‐Gomariz, E., Gómez, M., Russo, B., Sánchez, P., Montes, J. A. 2018b. Methodology for the damage assessment of vehicles exposed to flooding in urban areas. Journal of Flood Risk Management, 12(3), e12475 (Early View). https://doi.org/10.1111/jfr3.12475Monjo R., Gaitán E., Pórtoles J., Ribalaygua J., Torres L. 2016. Changes in extreme precipitation over Spain using statistical downscaling of CMIP5 projections. International Journal of Climatology, 36, 757-769. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.4380Monjo R., Paradinas C., Gaitán E., Redolat D., Paradinas C., Prado C., Portolés J., Torres L., Ribalaygua J. Russo B., Velasco M., Pouget L., Vela S., David M. L., Morais M., Ribalaygua J. 2018. Report on extreme events predictions. Deliverable 1.3 RESCCUE Project. Grant Agreement No. 700174. Disponible en http://www.resccue.euPenning-Rowsell, E., Johnson, C., Tunstall, S., Tapsell, S., Morris, J., Chatterton, J., Green, C. 2005. The benefits of flood and coastal risk management: A handbook of assessment techniques. North London Business Park, Oakleigh Road South, London, England: Flood Hazard Research Centre, Middlesex University Press.Pyatkova K., Chen A. S., Djordjevic S., Butler D., Vojinovic Z., Abebe Y. A., Hammond M. 2015. Flood Impacts on Road transportation Using Microscopic Traffic Modelling Technique [Conference]. SUMO User Conference.Reiter, P. 2000. International methods of Risk Analysis, Damage evaluation and social impact studies concerning Dam-Break accidents. EU-Project RESCDAM. Seinäjoki, Finlandia.Russo, B., Gómez, M., Macchione, F. 2013. Pedestrian hazard criteria for flooded urban areas. Nat Hazards, 69, 251-265. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11069-013-0702-2Russo B., Pouget L., Malgrat P., García J. 2011. Evaluación del impacto del cambio climático en un caso de estudio de Barcelona a través de una modelización 2D-1D del drenaje dual. JIA2011. Barcelona, España. ISBN: 13-978-84-615-4023-5.Russo B., Sunyer D., Velasco M., Djordjević S. 2015. Analysis of extreme flooding events through a calibrated 1D/2D coupled model: the case of Barcelona (Spain). Journal of Hydroinformatics, 17(3), 473-491. https://doi.org/10.2166/hydro.2014.063Russo B. 2018. Multi-hazards assessment related to water cycle extreme events for current scenario. Deliverable 2.4 RESCCUE Project. Grant Agreement No. 700174. Disponible en http://www.resccue.euRusso B. 2019. Multi-hazards assessment related to water cycle extreme events for future scenarios (Business As Usual). Deliverable 2.3 RESCCUE Project. Grant Agreement No. 700174. Disponible en http://www.resccue.euShand, T.D., Cox, R., Blacka, M.J., Smith G.P. 2011. Australian Rainfall and Runoff (AR&R). Revision Project 10: Appropriate Safety Criteria for Vehicles (Report Number: P10/S2/020).U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). 2009. Economic Guidance Memorandum, 09-04, Generic Depth-Damage Relationships for Vehicles. Washington, D.C, USAVelasco, M., Russo, B., Martínez, M., Malgrat, P., Monjo, R., Djordjevic, S., Fontanals, I., Vela, S., Cardoso, M.A., Buskute, A. 2018. Resilience to cope with climate change in urban areas-A multisectorial approach focusing on water-The RESCCUE project. Water, 10, 1356-1366. https://doi.org/10.3390/w1010135

    Three dispersal routes out of Africa: A puzzling biogeographical history in freshwater planarians

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    Aim Freshwater planarians may have a wide geographical range despite their assumed low vagility. Found across four continents, Dugesia may have either an ancient origin on a large palaeo landmass, followed by colonisation in different regions before continental fragmentation, or a more recent origin and subsequent transoceanic dispersal. We seek to resolve between these two hypotheses. Location Africa, Eurasia and Australasia. Taxon Genus Dugesia (Platyhelminthes: Tricladida: Dugesiidae). Methods We used data from the sequencing of six gene fragments and comprehensive taxonomic sampling of Dugesia from across its distribution range to reconstruct the phylogeny of this genus using maximum likelihood and bayesian inference methods. We conducted two phylogenetic dating analyses using Platyhelminthes fossils and palaeogeological events. Basing on the time-calibrated molecular phylogenetic framework we evaluated the contribution of vicariance and dispersal to the biogeographical evolution of Dugesia. By reconstructing the ancestral areas and present-day potential distribution using BioGeoBEARS and niche modelling, we elucidated the biogeographical history of the genus. Results The present-day distribution of Dugesia is a result of different vicariance and dispersal events. However, we also found evidence of transoceanic dispersal. Consistent with previous hypotheses, Dugesia dates to the Upper Jurassic in the Afro-Malagasy Gondwana region. We unveiled a novel biogeographical scenario for the genus, involving multiple events of colonisation in Eurasia from continental Africa via at least three dispersal routes. Main conclusions Dugesia is an ancient genus having reached its present distribution through a complex history of dispersal and vicariant events following its origin in southern Gondwana. Despite the low vagility of Dugesia, we found evidence of their overseas dispersal