522 research outputs found

    Effects of structural characteristics of (un)conjugated steroid metabolites in their collision cross section value

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    In this work, the collision cross section (CCS) value of 103 steroids (including unconjugated metabolites and phase II metabolites conjugated with sulfate and glucuronide groups) was determined by liquid chromatography coupled to traveling wave ion mobility spectrometry (LC-TWIMS). A time of flight (QTOF) mass analyzer was used to perform the analytes determination at high-resolution mass spectrometry. An electrospray ionization source (ESI) was used to generate [M+H]+, [M + NH4]+ and/or [M − H]- ions. High reproducibility was observed for the CCS determination in both urine and standard solutions, obtaining RSD lower than 0.3% and 0.5% in all cases respectively. CCS determination in matrix was in accordance with the CCS measured in standards solution showing deviations below 2%. In general, CCS values were directly correlated with the ion mass and allowed differentiating between glucuronides, sulfates and free steroids although differences among steroids of the same group were less significant. However, more specific information was obtained for phase II metabolites observing differences in the CCS value of isomeric pairs concerning the conjugation position or the α/β configuration, which could be useful in the structural elucidation of new steroid metabolites in the anti-doping field. Finally, the potential of IMS reducing interferences from the sample matrix was also tested for the analysis of a glucuronide metabolite of bolasterone (5β-androstan-7α,17α-dimethyl-3α,17β-diol-3-glucuronide) in urine samples.The authors are grateful for the financial support received from Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CTQ2015-63968-C2-2-P) and University Jaume I (UJI-B2020-19). The support of Consell Català de l’Esport (Generalitat de Catalunya) and AGAUR (Generalitat de Catalunya) (reference number 2021SGR0040) is also gratefully acknowledged

    Evaluation of School Children Nutritional Status in Ecuador Using Nutrimetry: A Proposal of an Education Protocol to Address the Determinants of Malnutrition

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    The education sector is a cornerstone in the battle against malnutrition in children. However, there are still no consolidated protocols that outline strategies for how nutrition programs in low- and middle-income countries can be delivered through the education sector. Establishing the correct community diagnosis is essential prior to the elaboration of an intervention plan for a school population that takes into account more than just traditional variables related to the nutritional status. A total of 574 boys and girls aged 3-11 years from three educational institutions in different municipalities in Ecuador participated in the study. Sociodemographic, anthropometric (weight and height) and coproparasitological data were obtained. Nutrimetry, which is a combination of two classical anthropometrics indicators, was used for the analysis of the nutritional status, and the indicators' frequencies varied among the schools. In order to improve the nutritional status of children, we proposed a framework mainly focusing on establishing alliances with the education sector and taking into account gender equality; respect for the environment; and the customs, beliefs and traditions of each population. The results obtained from the analyses of other variables demonstrated the importance of an adequate diagnosis prior to any type of intervention at the nutritional level, since characteristics could vary by local area and have an impact on the successfulness of the intervention

    Las nuevas excavaciones (1995-2006) en el yacimiento del Mioceno final de Venta del Moro, Valencia

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    Se presenta una síntesis preliminar de la metodología y de los principales resultados obtenidos en las nuevas campañas de excavación (1995-2006) en la localidad clásica de vertebrados del Mioceno final (Turoliense superior, MN13) de Venta del Moro (Valencia, España). Destaca la actualización de la lista faunística, con la incorporación de más de una decena de taxones de vertebrados no citados anteriormente en el yacimiento. Así, si consideramos sólo la asociación de mamíferos, el listado se compone, por el momento, de 43 taxones. Además, se presentan las listas provisionales de otros grupos, como los moluscos, y se cita por vez primera el hallazgo de foraminíferos.From 1995 until 2006 new paleontological excavations were carried out at Venta del Moro (Valencia, Spain), one of the classical Uppermost Miocene (Upper Turolian, MN 13) vertebrate locality of Spain. In the present paper a preliminary synthesis of the methods and main results are presented. Abundant faunal remains were recovered including ten vertebrate taxa no previously recorded from the site. Up to now 43 mammalian species are known from the site. Preliminary list of others groups, as mollusc, are given. The occurrence of foraminifera is reported for the first [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

    Tourist spaces and tourism policy in Spain and Portugal

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    Advances in Cultura, Tourism and Hospitality Research;10, 235-249This study analyses the relationship between the development of the tourism policy of Spain and Portugal and their effects on regional imbalances. Despite the proximity of the two countries and their specialisation in tourism, there are few comparative studies on tourism of the two Iberian countries. The study focuses on the two major phases of tourism policy: the period of mass tourism and post-Fordist stage. In the conclusions we refer the debate on the existence of a model of development based on tourism to the Latin countries of Southern Europe and we note the export process of the Spanish low-cost tourism model to other countries.Financiado por el Gobierno de España, Programa Fundamental de Investigación, Proyecto de I+D (CSO2012-30840) "Geografías de la crisis: análisis de los territorios urbanos y turísticos de las Islas Baleares, Costa del Sol y principales destinos del Caribe y América Central"

    Exploring deep learning for complex trait genomic prediction in polyploid outcrossing species

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    Genomic prediction (GP) is the procedure whereby the genetic merits of untested candidates are predicted using genome wide marker information. Although numerous examples of GP exist in plants and animals, applications to polyploid organisms are still scarce, partly due to limited genome resources and the complexity of this system. Deep learning (DL) techniques comprise a heterogeneous collection of machine learning algorithms that have excelled at many prediction tasks. A potential advantage of DL for GP over standard linear model methods is that DL can potentially take into account all genetic interactions, including dominance and epistasis, which are expected to be of special relevance in most polyploids. In this study, we evaluated the predictive accuracy of linear and DL techniques in two important small fruits or berries: strawberry and blueberry. The two datasets contained a total of 1,358 allopolyploid strawberry (2n=8x=112) and 1,802 autopolyploid blueberry (2n=4x=48) individuals, genotyped for 9,908 and 73,045 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers, respectively, and phenotyped for five agronomic traits each. DL depends on numerous parameters that influence performance and optimizing hyperparameter values can be a critical step. Here we show that interactions between hyperparameter combinations should be expected and that the number of convolutional filters and regularization in the first layers can have an important effect on model performance. In terms of genomic prediction, we did not find an advantage of DL over linear model methods, except when the epistasis component was important. Linear Bayesian models were better than convolutional neural networks for the full additive architecture, whereas the opposite was observed under strong epistasis. However, by using a parameterization capable of taking into account these non-linear effects, Bayesian linear models can match or exceed the predictive accuracy of DL. A semiautomatic implementation of the DL pipeline is available at https://github.com/lauzingaretti/deepGP/

    Exploring deep learning for complex trait genomic prediction in polyploid outcrossing species

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    Genomic prediction (GP) is the procedure whereby the genetic merits of untested candidates are predicted using genome wide marker information. Although numerous examples of GP exist in plants and animals, applications to polyploid organisms are still scarce, partly due to limited genome resources and the complexity of this system. Deep learning (DL) techniques comprise a heterogeneous collection of machine learning algorithms that have excelled at many prediction tasks. A potential advantage of DL for GP over standard linear model methods is that DL can potentially take into account all genetic interactions, including dominance and epistasis, which are expected to be of special relevance in most polyploids. In this study, we evaluated the predictive accuracy of linear and DL techniques in two important small fruits or berries: strawberry and blueberry. The two datasets contained a total of 1,358 allopolyploid strawberry (2n=8x=112) and 1,802 autopolyploid blueberry (2n=4x=48) individuals, genotyped for 9,908 and 73,045 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers, respectively, and phenotyped for five agronomic traits each. DL depends on numerous parameters that influence performance and optimizing hyperparameter values can be a critical step. Here we show that interactions between hyperparameter combinations should be expected and that the number of convolutional filters and regularization in the first layers can have an important effect on model performance. In terms of genomic prediction, we did not find an advantage of DL over linear model methods, except when the epistasis component was important. Linear Bayesian models were better than convolutional neural networks for the full additive architecture, whereas the opposite was observed under strong epistasis. However, by using a parameterization capable of taking into account these non-linear effects, Bayesian linear models can match or exceed the predictive accuracy of DL. A semiautomatic implementation of the DL pipeline is available at https://github.com/lauzingaretti/deepGP/.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Plutonium in the environment: key factors related to impact assessment in case of an accidental atmospheric release

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    International audienceThis paper deals with plutonium and key factors related to impact assessment. It is based on recent work performed by CEA which summarize the main features of plutonium behaviour from sources inside installations to the environment and man, and to report current knowledge on the different parameters used in models for environmental and radiological impact assessment. These key factors are illustrated through a case study based on an accidental atmospheric release of Pu in a nuclear facility

    The microbiome of the ice-capped Cayambe Volcanic Complex in Ecuador

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    A major challenge in microbial ecology is to understand the principles and processes by which microbes associate and interact in community assemblages. Microbial communities in mountain glaciers are unique as first colonizers and nutrient enrichment drivers for downstream ecosystems. However, mountain glaciers have been distinctively sensitive to climate perturbations and have suffered a severe retreat over the past 40  years, compelling us to understand glacier ecosystems before their disappearance. This is the first study in an Andean glacier in Ecuador offering insights into the relationship of physicochemical variables and altitude on the diversity and structure of bacterial communities. Our study covered extreme Andean altitudes at the Cayambe Volcanic Complex, from 4,783 to 5,583 masl. Glacier soil and ice samples were used as the source for 16S rRNA gene amplicon libraries. We found (1) effects of altitude on diversity and community structure, (2) the presence of few significantly correlated nutrients to community structure, (3) sharp differences between glacier soil and glacier ice in diversity and community structure, where, as quantified by the Shannon γ-diversity distribution, the meta-community in glacier soil showed more diversity than in glacier ice; this pattern was related to the higher variability of the physicochemical distribution of variables in the former substrate, and (4) significantly abundant genera associated with either high or low altitudes that could serve as biomarkers for studies on climate change. Our results provide the first assessment of these unexplored communities, before their potential disappearance due to glacier retreat and climate change

    Soil Bacterial Community Along an Altitudinal Gradient in the Sumaco, a Stratovolcano in the Amazon Region

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    Our study is a pioneering exploration of the microbiome in the soil of the Sumaco stratovolcano and an assessment of the effects of an elevational gradient and related physicochemical soil parameters on richness and community structure. The Sumaco, as an isolated Amazonian stratovolcano, may be among one of the least studied ecosystems in Ecuador and perhaps the Amazon region. Universal patterns remain unresolved or available information inconclusive to establish a supported consensus on general governing processes by which elevation and its associated environmental gradients may determine the microbial richness and community structure. We tested a recent proposal on how microbial diversity responds to montane gradients, placing a central role in soils as potentially independent of altitude along an elevational gradient. Correlations and effects among soil physicochemical parameters and altitude were contrasted against richness and community structure through quantitative ecology. The most informative physicochemical parameter in our assessment of bacterial community structure was neither pH nor altitude, but sulfur, which was mostly independent of the other tested parameters. We established a positive effect of richness by parameters associated with metallic cations such as Mn2+, and CEC, which were negatively correlated to altitude and pH. The possible relation between the significant role of sulfur on bacterial community structure with the unique geological origin of the Sumaco stratovolcano should be examined in the context of specialized sulfur metabolisms and additional information on community structure and environmental constraints. Our study establishes an initial baseline for further explorations of microbial diversity in this unexplored tropical stratovolcano

    Implicaciones del desmantelamiento de un foco de compra y consumo de drogas en Valencia

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    Desde el año 2003 la Fundación Salud y Comunidad (FSC), con el patrocinio principal de la Generalitat Valenciana, ha trabajado en la zona de 'Las Cañas', lugar que ha sido el foco de compraventa de drogas más activo de Valencia, realizando programas de contacto y de reducción de riesgos y daños, con más de 9.000 usuarios diferentes atendidos. En el año 2008 se realizó una intervención policial en el área con el objetivo de reducir la oferta de drogas. La falta de coordinación y comunicación entre la policía y los agentes sanitarios y sociales generó una situación potencialmente muy peligrosa para la salud de los drogodependientes y el impacto comunitario, lo que motivó una investigación de urgencia para medir y valorar el impacto de dicha actuación. Los resultados, interpretados junto con los datos asistenciales de los años 2007, 2008 y 2009, sugieren que la intervención policial no disminuyó ni difi cultó el acceso a las sustancias como se esperaba, aunque se transformó la estructura de la oferta y la demanda, fomentando el uso de heroína y cocaína inyectada, frente a la anteriormente mayoritaria, y estimulando nuevos puntos de compraventa en otras áreas de la ciudad.Since 2003 Fundación Salud y Comunidad (FSC), under the auspices of the Valencian Regional Government, has been working in the area of 'Las Cañas' that has become the most active drug sale and purchase focal point in Valencia. Outreach programs were started to reduce risks and harm, with more than 9,000 different users helped. In 2008 police action took place in the area with the goal of reducing drug supply. The lack of coordination and communication between the police and health and social agents working in the area prompted an urgent investigation to measure and assess the impact of such action on the health of drug addicts and in the community. The results, interpreted together with data from the service records for the years 2007, 2008 and 2009, suggest that the police actions did not reduce nor hinder the access to substances as expected, although the structure of the supply and demand did indeed change, favouring the use of injected (instead of inhaled) heroin and cocaine, and stimulating new sale and purchase points in other areas of the city