368 research outputs found

    Plasma streams in the Hermean dayside magnetosphere: Solar wind injection through the reconnection region

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    International audienceThe aim of this research is to simulate the interaction of the solar wind with the magnetic field of Mercury and to study the particle fluxes between the magnetosheath and the planet surface. We simulate the magnetosphere structure using the open source MHD code PLUTO in spherical geometry with a multipolar expansion of the Hermean magnetic field (Anderson, B. J. et al, 2012). We perform two simulations with realistic solar wind parameters to study the properties of a plasma stream originated in the reconnection region between the interplanetary and the Hermean magnetic field. The plasma precipitates along the open magnetic field lines to the planet surface showing a fast expansion, rarefaction and cooling. The plasma stream is correlated with a flattening of the magnetic field observed by MESSENGER due to the adjacency of the reconnection region where the solar wind is injected to the inner magnetosphere

    Heating of the solar wind with electron and proton effects

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    We examine the effects of including effects of both protons and electrons on the heating of the fast solar wind through two different approaches. In the first approach, we incorporate the electron temperature in an MHD turbulence transport model for the solar wind. In the second approach, we adopt more empirically based methods by analyzing the measured proton and electron temperatures to calculate the heat deposition rates. Overall, we conclude that incorporating separate proton and electron temperatures and heat conduction effects provides an improved and more complete model of the heating of the solar wind

    Modeling the Enceladus plume--plasma interaction

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    We investigate the chemical interaction between Saturn's corotating plasma and Enceladus' volcanic plumes. We evolve plasma as it passes through a prescribed H2O plume using a physical chemistry model adapted for water-group reactions. The flow field is assumed to be that of a plasma around an electrically-conducting obstacle centered on Enceladus and aligned with Saturn's magnetic field, consistent with Cassini magnetometer data. We explore the effects on the physical chemistry due to: (1) a small population of hot electrons; (2) a plasma flow decelerated in response to the pickup of fresh ions; (3) the source rate of neutral H2O. The model confirms that charge exchange dominates the local chemistry and that H3O+ dominates the water-group composition downstream of the Enceladus plumes. We also find that the amount of fresh pickup ions depends heavily on both the neutral source strength and on the presence of a persistent population of hot electrons.Comment: 10 pages, 1 table, 2 figure

    The Near-Sun Streamer Belt Solar Wind: Turbulence and Solar Wind Acceleration

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    The fourth orbit of Parker Solar Probe (PSP) reached heliocentric distances down to 27.9 Rs, allowing solar wind turbulence and acceleration mechanisms to be studied in situ closer to the Sun than previously possible. The turbulence properties were found to be significantly different in the inbound and outbound portions of PSP's fourth solar encounter, likely due to the proximity to the heliospheric current sheet (HCS) in the outbound period. Near the HCS, in the streamer belt wind, the turbulence was found to have lower amplitudes, higher magnetic compressibility, a steeper magnetic field spectrum (with spectral index close to -5/3 rather than -3/2), a lower Alfv\'enicity, and a "1/f" break at much lower frequencies. These are also features of slow wind at 1 au, suggesting the near-Sun streamer belt wind to be the prototypical slow solar wind. The transition in properties occurs at a predicted angular distance of ~4{\deg} from the HCS, suggesting ~8{\deg} as the full-width of the streamer belt wind at these distances. While the majority of the Alfv\'enic turbulence energy fluxes measured by PSP are consistent with those required for reflection-driven turbulence models of solar wind acceleration, the fluxes in the streamer belt are significantly lower than the model predictions, suggesting that additional mechanisms are necessary to explain the acceleration of the streamer belt solar wind

    A Sensitivity Study of the Enceladus Torus

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    We have developed a homogeneous model of physical chemistry to investigate the neutral-dominated, water-based Enceladus torus. Electrons are treated as the summation of two isotropic Maxwellian distributions-a thermal component and a hot component. The effects of electron impact, electron recombination, charge exchange, and photochemistry are included. The mass source is neutral H2_2O, and a rigidly-corotating magnetosphere introduces energy via pickup of freshly-ionized neutrals. A small fraction of energy is also input by Coulomb collisions with a small population (<< 1%) of supra-thermal electrons. Mass and energy are lost due to radial diffusion, escaping fast neutrals produced by charge exchange and recombination, and a small amount of radiative cooling. We explore a constrained parameter space spanned by water source rate, ion radial diffusion, hot-electron temperature, and hot-electron density. The key findings are: (1) radial transport must take longer than 12 days; (2) water is input at a rate of 100--180 kg s1^{-1}; (3) hot electrons have energies between 100 and 250 eV; (4) neutrals dominate ions by a ratio of 40:1 and continue to dominate even when thermal electrons have temperatures as high as \approx 5 eV; (5) hot electrons do not exceed 1% of the total electron population within the torus; (6) if hot electrons alone drive the observed longitudinal variation in thermal electron density, then they also drive a significant variation in ion composition.Comment: 9 pages text, 3 tables, 9 figure

    Total Electron Temperature Derived from Quasi-Thermal Noise Spectroscopy In the Pristine Solar Wind: Parker Solar Probe Observations

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    The Quasi-thermal noise (QTN) technique is a reliable tool to yield accurate measurements of the electron parameters in the solar wind. We apply this method on Parker Solar Probe (PSP) observations to derive the total electron temperature (TeT_e) from the linear fit of the high-frequency part of the QTN spectra acquired by the RFS/FIELDS instrument, and present a combination of 12-day period of observations around each perihelion from Encounter One (E01) to Ten (E10) (with E08 not included) with the heliocentric distance varying from about 13 to 60 solar radii (RR_\odot{}). We find that the total electron temperature decreases with the distance as \simR0.66R^{-0.66}, which is much slower than adiabatic. The extrapolated TeT_e based on PSP observations is consistent with the exospheric solar wind model prediction at \sim10 RR_\odot{}, Helios observations at \sim0.3 AU and Wind observations at 1 AU. Also, TeT_e, extrapolated back to 10 RR_\odot{}, is almost the same as the strahl electron temperature TsT_s (measured by SPAN-E) which is considered to be closely related to or even almost equal to the coronal electron temperature. Furthermore, the radial TeT_e profiles in the slower solar wind (or flux tube with larger mass flux) are steeper than those in the faster solar wind (or flux tube with smaller mass flux). More pronounced anticorrelated VpV_p-TeT_e is observed when the solar wind is slower and closer to the Sun.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, and Astronomy & Astrophysics Accepte

    Cotton breeding in Australia : meeting the challenges of the 21st century

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    The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) cotton breeding program is the sole breeding effort for cotton in Australia, developing high performing cultivars for the local industry which is worth∼AU$3 billion per annum. The program is supported by Cotton Breeding Australia, a Joint Venture between CSIRO and the program’s commercial partner, Cotton Seed Distributors Ltd. (CSD). While the Australian industry is the focus, CSIRO cultivars have global impact in North America, South America, and Europe. The program is unique compared with many other public and commercial breeding programs because it focuses on diverse and integrated research with commercial outcomes. It represents the full research pipeline, supporting extensive long-term fundamental molecular research; native and genetically modified (GM) trait development; germplasm enhancement focused on yield and fiber quality improvements; integration of third-party GM traits; all culminating in the release of new commercial cultivars. This review presents evidence of past breeding successes and outlines current breeding efforts, in the areas of yield and fiber quality improvement, as well as the development of germplasm that is resistant to pests, diseases and abiotic stressors. The success of the program is based on the development of superior germplasm largely through field phenotyping, together with strong commercial partnerships with CSD and Bayer CropScience. These relationships assist in having a shared focus and ensuring commercial impact is maintained, while also providing access to markets, traits, and technology. The historical successes, current foci and future requirements of the CSIRO cotton breeding program have been used to develop a framework designed to augment our breeding system for the future. This will focus on utilizing emerging technologies from the genome to phenome, as well as a panomics approach with data management and integration to develop, test and incorporate new technologies into a breeding program. In addition to streamlining the breeding pipeline for increased genetic gain, this technology will increase the speed of trait and marker identification for use in genome editing, genomic selection and molecular assisted breeding, ultimately producing novel germplasm that will meet the coming challenges of the 21st Century

    Whistler wave occurrence and the interaction with strahl electrons during the first encounter of Parker Solar Probe

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    Aims. We studied the properties and occurrence of narrowband whistler waves and their interaction with strahl electrons observed between 0.17 and 0.26 au during the first encounter of Parker Solar Probe. Methods. We used Digital Fields Board band-pass filtered (BPF) data from FIELDS to detect the signatures of whistler waves. Additionally parameters derived from the particle distribution functions measured by the Solar Wind Electrons Alphas and Protons (SWEAP) instrument suite were used to investigate the plasma properties, and FIELDS suite measurements were used to investigate the electromagnetic (EM) fields properties corresponding to the observed whistler signatures. Results. We observe that the occurrence of whistler waves is low, nearly ~1.5% and less than 0.5% in the analyzed peak and average BPF data, respectively. Whistlers occur highly intermittently and 80% of the whistlers appear continuously for less than 3 s. The spacecraft frequencies of the analyzed waves are less than 0.2 electron cyclotron frequency (fce). The occurrence rate of whistler waves was found to be anticorrelated with the solar wind bulk velocity. The study of the duration of the whistler intervals revealed an anticorrelation between the duration and the solar wind velocity, as well as between the duration and the normalized amplitude of magnetic field variations. The pitch-angle widths (PAWs) of the field-aligned electron population referred to as the strahl are broader by at least 12 degrees during the presence of large amplitude narrowband whistler waves. This observation points toward an EM wave electron interaction, resulting in pitch-angle scattering. PAWs of strahl electrons corresponding to the short duration whistlers are higher compared to the long duration whistlers, indicating short duration whistlers scatter the strahl electrons better than the long duration ones. Parallel cuts through the strahl electron velocity distribution function (VDF) observed during the whistler intervals appear to depart from the Maxwellian shape typically found in the near-Sun strahl VDFs. The relative decrease in the parallel electron temperature and the increase in PAW for the electrons in the strahl energy range suggests that the interaction with whistler waves results in a transfer of electron momentum from the parallel to the perpendicular direction