127 research outputs found

    Why Our Next President May Keep His or her Senate Seat: A Conjecture on the Constitution’s Incompatibility Clause

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    Heart diseases are common and significant contributors to worldwide mortality and morbidity. During recent years complement mediated inflammation has been shown to be an important player in a variety of heart diseases. Despite some negative results from clinical trials using complement inhibitors, emerging evidence points to an association between the complement system and heart diseases. Thus, complement seems to be important in coronary heart disease as well as in heart failure, where several studies underscore the prognostic importance of complement activation. Furthermore, patients with atrial fibrillation often share risk factors both with coronary heart disease and heart failure, and there is some evidence implicating complement activation in atrial fibrillation. Moreover, Chagas heart disease, a protozoal infection, is an important cause of heart failure in Latin America, and the complement system is crucial for the protozoa-host interaction. Thus, complement activation appears to be involved in the pathophysiology of a diverse range of cardiac conditions. Determination of the exact role of complement in the various heart diseases will hopefully help to identify patients that might benefit from therapeutic complement intervention

    In vitro evaluation of iron oxide nanoparticle-induced thromboinflammatory response using a combined human whole blood and endothelial cell model

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    Iron oxide nanoparticles (IONPs) are widely used in diagnostic and therapeutic settings. Upon systemic administration, however, they are rapidly recognized by components of innate immunity, which limit their therapeutic capacity and can potentially lead to adverse side effects. IONPs were previously found to induce the inflammatory response in human whole blood, including activation of the complement system and increased secretion of cytokines. Here, we investigated the thromboinflammatory response of 10-30 nm IONPs in lepirudin anticoagulated whole blood in interplay with endothelial cells and evaluated the therapeutic effect of applying complement inhibitors to limit adverse effects related to thromboinflammation. We found that IONPs induced complement activation, primarily at the C3-level, in whole blood incubated for up to four hours at 37°C with and without human microvascular endothelial cells. Furthermore, IONPs mediated a strong thromboinflammatory response, as seen by the significantly increased release of 21 of the 27 analyzed cytokines (p<0.05). IONPs also significantly increased cell-activation markers of endothelial cells [ICAM-1 (p<0.0001), P/E-selectin (p<0.05)], monocytes, and granulocytes [CD11b (p<0.001)], and platelets [CD62P (p<0.05), CD63 (p<0.05), NAP-2 (p<0.01), PF4 (p<0.05)], and showed cytotoxic effects, as seen by increased LDH (p<0.001) and heme (p<0.0001) levels. We found that inflammation and endothelial cell activation were partly complement-dependent and inhibition of complement at the level of C3 by compstatin Cp40 significantly attenuated expression of ICAM-1 (p<0.01) and selectins (p<0.05). We show that complement activation plays an important role in the IONPs-induced thromboinflammatory response and that complement inhibition is promising in improving IONPs biocompatibility

    Age and Sex-Associated Changes of Complement Activity and Complement Levels in a Healthy Caucasian Population

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    Introduction: The complement system is essential for an adequate immune response. Much attention has been given to the role of complement in disease. However, to better understand complement in pathology, it is crucial to first analyze this system under different physiological conditions. The aim of the present study was therefore to investigate the inter-individual variation in complement activity and the influences of age and sex.Methods: Complement levels and functional activity were determined in 120 healthy volunteers, 60 women, 60 men, age range 20–69 year. Serum functional activity of the classical pathway (CP), lectin pathway activated by mannan (MBL-LP) and alternative pathway (AP) was measured in sera, using deposition of C5b-9 as readout. In addition, levels of C1q, MBL, MASP-1, MASP-2, ficolin-2, ficolin-3, C2, C4, C3, C5, C6, C7, C8, C9, factor B, factor D, properdin, C1-inhibitor and C4b-binding protein, were determined. Age- and sex-related differences were evaluated.Results: Significantly lower AP activity was found in females compared to males. Further analysis of the AP revealed lower C3 and properdin levels in females, while factor D concentrations were higher. MBL-LP activity was not influenced by sex, but MBL and ficolin-3 levels were significantly lower in females compared to males. There were no significant differences in CP activity or CP components between females and males, nevertheless females had significantly lower levels of the terminal components. The CP and AP activity was significantly higher in the elderly, in contrast to MBL-LP activity. Moreover, C1-inhibitor, C5, C8, and C9 increased with age in contrast to a decrease of factor D and C3 levels. In-depth analysis of the functional activity assays revealed that MBL-LP activity was predominantly dependent on MBL and MASP-2 concentration, whereas CP activity relied on C2, C1-inhibitor and C5 levels. AP activity was strongly and directly associated with levels of C3, factor B and C5.Conclusion: This study demonstrated significant sex and age-related differences in complement levels and functionality in the healthy population. Therefore, age and sex analysis should be taken into consideration when discussing complement-related pathologies and subsequent complement-targeted therapies

    Double blockade of CD14 and complement C5 abolishes the cytokine storm and improves morbidity and survival in polymicrobial sepsis in mice

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    Sepsis and septic shock, caused by an excessive systemic host-inflammatory response, are associated with high morbidity and mortality. The complement system and TLRs provide important pattern recognition receptors initiating the cytokine storm by extensive cross-talk. We hypothesized that double blockade of complement C5 and the TLR coreceptor CD14 could improve survival of experimental polymicrobial sepsis. Mice undergoing cecal ligation and puncture (CLP)–induced sepsis were treated with neutralizing anti-CD14 Ab biG 53, complement C5 inhibitor coversin (Ornithodoros moubata C inhibitor), or a combination thereof. The inflammatory study (24-h observation) revealed statistically significant increases in 22 of 24 measured plasma biomarkers in the untreated CLP group, comprising 14 pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines and 8 chemokines, growth factors, and granulocyte activation markers. Single CD14 or C5 blockade significantly inhibited 20 and 19 of the 22 biomarkers, respectively. Combined CD14 and C5 inhibition significantly reduced all 22 biomarkers (mean reduction 85%; range 54–95%) compared with the untreated CLP group. Double blockade was more potent than single treatment and was required to significantly inhibit IL-6 and CXCL1. Combined inhibition significantly reduced morbidity (motility and eyelid movement) and mortality measured over 10 d. In the positive control CLP group, median survival was 36 h (range 24–48 h). Combined treatment increased median survival to 96 h (range 24–240 h) (p = 0.001), whereas survival in the single-treatment groups was not significantly increased (median and range for anti-CD14 and anti-C5 treatment were 36 h [24–48 h] and 48 h [24–96 h]). Combined with standard intervention therapy, specific blockade of CD14 and C5 might represent a promising new therapeutic strategy for treatment of polymicrobial sepsis

    IL-6 Receptor Inhibition by Tocilizumab Attenuated Expression of C5a Receptor 1 and 2 in Non-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction

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    Background: Elevated interleukin-6 (IL-6) and complement activation are associated with detrimental effects of inflammation in coronary artery disease (CAD). The complement anaphylatoxins C5a and C3a interact with their receptors; the highly inflammatory C5aR1, and the C5aR2 and C3aR. We evaluated the effect of the IL-6 receptor (IL-6R)-antagonist tocilizumab on the expression of the anaphylatoxin receptors in whole blood from non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction (NSTEMI) patients. Separately, anaphylatoxin receptor expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from patients with different entities of CAD was investigated.Materials and Methods: NSTEMI patients were randomized to one dose of tocilizumab (n = 28) or placebo (n = 32) and observed for 6 months. Whole blood samples drawn at inclusion, at day 2, 3 and after 6 months were used for mRNA isolation. Plasma was prepared for analysis of complement activation measured as sC5b-9 by ELISA. Furthermore, patients with different CAD entities comprising stable angina pectoris (SAP, n = 22), non-ST-elevation acute coronary syndrome (NSTE-ACS, n = 21) and ST-elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI, n = 20) were included. PBMC was isolated from blood samples obtained at admission to hospital and mRNA isolated. Anaphylatoxin-receptor-expression was analyzed with qPCR using mRNA from whole blood and PBMC, respectively.Results: Our main findings were (i) Tocilizumab decreased C5aR1 and C5aR2 mRNA expression significantly (p < 0.001) and substantially (>50%) at day 2 and 3, whereas C3aR expression was unaffected. (ii) Tocilizumab did not affect complement activation. (iii) In analyzes of different CAD entities, C5aR1 expression was significantly increased in all CAD subgroups compared to controls with the highest level in the STEMI patients (p < 0.001). For C5aR2 and C3aR the expression compared to controls were more moderate with increased expression of C5aR2 in the STEMI group (p < 0.05) and C3aR in the NSTE-ACS group (p < 0.05).Conclusion: Expression of C5aR1 and C5aR2 in whole blood was significantly attenuated by IL-6R-inhibition in NSTEMI patients. These receptors were significantly upregulated in PBMC CAD patients with particularly high levels of C5aR1 in STEMI patients

    Complement Is Activated During Normothermic Machine Perfusion of Porcine and Human Discarded Kidneys

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    Background: The gap between demand and supply of kidneys for transplantation necessitates the use of kidneys from extended criteria donors. Transplantation of these donor kidneys is associated with inferior results, reflected by an increased risk of delayed graft function. Inferior results might be explained by the higher immunogenicity of extended criteria donor kidneys. Normothermic machine perfusion (NMP) could be used as a platform to assess the quality and function of donor kidneys. In addition, it could be useful to evaluate and possibly alter the immunological response of donor kidneys. In this study, we first evaluated whether complement was activated during NMP of porcine and human discarded kidneys. Second, we examined the relationship between complement activation and pro-inflammatory cytokines during NMP. Third, we assessed the effect of complement activation on renal function and injury during NMP of porcine kidneys. Lastly, we examined local complement C3d deposition in human renal biopsies after NMP. Methods: NMP with a blood-based perfusion was performed with both porcine and discarded human kidneys for 4 and 6 h, respectively. Perfusate samples were taken every hour to assess complement activation, pro-inflammatory cytokines and renal function. Biopsies were taken to assess histological injury and complement deposition. Results: Complement activation products C3a, C3d, and soluble C5b-9 (sC5b-9) were found in perfusate samples taken during NMP of both porcine and human kidneys. In addition, complement perfusate levels positively correlated with the cytokine perfusate levels of IL-6, IL-8, and TNF during NMP of porcine kidneys. Porcine kidneys with high sC5b-9 perfusate levels had significantly lower creatinine clearance after 4 h of NMP. In line with these findings, high complement perfusate levels were seen during NMP of human discarded kidneys. In addition, kidneys retrieved from brain-dead donors had significantly higher complement perfusate levels during NMP than kidneys retrieved from donors after circulatory death. Conclusion: Normothermic kidney machine perfusion induces complement activation in porcine and human kidneys, which is associated with the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines and in porcine kidneys with lower creatinine clearance. Complement inhibition during NMP might be a promising strategy to reduce renal graft injury and improve graft function prior to transplantation

    The Role of Properdin in Zymosan-and Escherichia coli-Induced Complement Activation

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    Properdin is well known as an enhancer of the alternative complement amplification loop when C3 is activated, whereas its role as a recognition molecule of exogenous pathogen-associated molecular patterns and initiator of complement activation is less understood. We therefore studied the role of properdin in activation of complement in normal human serum by zymosan and various Escherichia coli strains. In ELISA, microtiter plates coated with zymosan induced efficient complement activation with deposition of C4b and terminal complement complex on the solid phase. Virtually no deposition of C4b or terminal complement complex was observed with mannose-binding lectin (MBL)-deficient serum. Reconstitution with purified MBL showed distinct activation in both readouts. In ELISA, normal human serum-induced deposition of properdin by zymosan was abolished by the C3-inhibiting peptide compstatin. Flow cytometry was used to further explore whether properdin acts as an initial recognition molecule reacting directly with zymosan and three E. coli strains. Experiments reported by other authors were made with EGTA Mg 2+ buffer, permitting autoactivation of C3. We found inhibition by compstatin on these substrates, indicating that properdin deposition depended on initial C3b deposition followed by properdin in a second step. Properdin released from human polymorphonuclear cells stimulated with PMA did not bind to zymosan or E. coli, but when incubated in properdin-depleted serum this form of properdin bound efficiently to both substrates in a strictly C3-dependent manner, as the binding was abolished by compstatin. Collectively, these data indicate that properdin in serum as well as polymorphonuclear-released properdin is unable to bind and initiate direct alternative pathway activation on these substrates

    Выявление и идентификация карантинных объектов на хризантеме в Республике Карелия

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    BACKGROUND: Co-infection with malaria and HIV increases the severity and mortality of both diseases, but the cytokine responses related to this co-infection are only partially characterised. The aim of this study was to explore cytokine responses in relation to severity and mortality in malaria patients with and without HIV co-infection. METHODS: This was a prospective cross-sectional study. Clinical data and blood samples were collected from adults in Mozambique. Plasma was analysed for 21 classical pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines, including interleukins, interferons, and chemokines. RESULTS: We included 212 in-patients with fever and/or suspected malaria and 56 healthy controls. Falciparum malaria was diagnosed in 131 patients, of whom 70 were co-infected with HIV-1. The malaria patients had marked increases in their cytokine responses compared with the healthy controls. Some of these changes, particularly interleukin 8 (IL-8) and interferon-γ-inducing protein 10 (IP-10) were strongly associated with falciparum malaria and disease severity. Both these chemokines were markedly increased in patients with falciparum malaria as compared with healthy controls, and raised levels of IL-8 and IP-10 were associated with increased disease severity, even after adjusting for relevant confounders. For IL-8, particularly high levels were found in malaria patients that were co-infected with HIV and in those who died during hospitalization. INTERPRETATIONS: Our findings underscore the complex role of inflammation during infection with P. falciparum, and suggest a potential pathogenic role for IL-8 and IP-10. However, the correlations do not necessarily mean any causal relationship, and further both clinical and mechanistic research is necessary to elucidate the role of cytokines in pathogenesis and protection during falciparum malaria