5,378 research outputs found
The , , , , and as dynamically generated states from vector meson - vector meson interaction
We report on some recent developments in understanding the nature of the
low-lying mesonic resonances , , ,
, and . In particular we show that these five
resonances can be dynamically generated from vector meson--vector meson
interaction in a coupled-channel unitary approach, which utilizes the
phenomenologically very successful hidden-gauge Lagrangians to produce the
interaction kernel between two vector mesons, which is then unitarized by the
Bethe-Salpeter-equation method. The data on the strong decay branching ratios,
total decay widths, and radiative decay widths of these five states, and on
related decay processes can all be well described by such an approach.
We also make predictions, compare them with the results of earlier studies, and
highlight observables that if measured can be used to distinguish different
pictures of these resonances.Comment: 9 pages; Invited talk at workshop CHIRAL'10, Valencia (Spain), June
21-24, 201
La Basílica de Pátzcuaro en Pátzcuaro, México: su innovador sistema estructural en la fachada y cubierta
La basílica de Pátzcuaro es el único vestigio del magno proyecto catedralicio que en el S. XVI concibiera Vasco de Quiroga para la diócesis de Michoacán, es en el último tercio de este siglo que la estructura material de la ex catedral y como producto de solicitaciones sísmicas que se dan a través de tres siglos, el edificio presenta modificaciones en su estructura, presentándose las finales en el S. XIX. La vulnerabilidad sísmica obedece a una obra de fábrica de considerable luz, las intervenciones realizadas en el periodo comprendido de 1850 y 1872, básicamente en la fachada y cubierta, muestran la aplicación de los conocimientos de la época, la singularidad de la cubierta de la basílica, consiste en ser el primer edificio histórico que presenta apoyos discontinuos entre la estructura de madera y la corona del muro, interacción que le otorga un comportamiento elástico resultando en un factor de amortiguamiento ante solicitaciones sísmicas. Una singularidad lo constituye la interacción entre la estructura de madera y el mecanismo de apoyo en la corona del muro como una adecuación de la viga de Winkler.5.- Patrimonios Urbano, Rural, Industrial y Religioso. Cementerios Patrimoniales. Técnicas de Evaluación, Limpieza, Reparación y Conservación. Intervenciones en construcciones con patologías estructurales y aplicación de refuerzos
Three body systems with strangeness and exotic systems
We report on four 's and three 's, in the 1500 - 1800 MeV
region, as two meson - one baryon S-wave resonances found by solving
the Faddeev equations in the coupled channel approach, which can be associated
to the existing = -1, low lying baryon resonances. On the
other hand we also report on a new, hidden strangeness state, mostly made
of , with mass around 1920 MeV, which we think could be
responsible for the peak seen in the around this
energy. Finally we address a very novel topic in which we show how few body
systems of several mesons can be produced, with their spins aligned up
to J=6, and how these states found theoretically can be associated to several
known mesons with spins J=2,3,4,5,6.Comment: Talk at the 21st European Conference on Few Body Problems in Physics,
Salamanca, Sep. 201
Efectos de un programa de actividad física con el método pilates sobre la funcionalidad de mujeres embarazadas. Estudio piloto
This study aims to determine the effect of a Pilates programme on functionality in pregnant women; and to analyse its impact on childbirth. A group of 10 pregnant women developed a Pilates program for 8 weeks (2 sessions/week), overall functionality was assessed through functional tests Overhead Squat (OHS), Hurdle Step (HS), Forward Step Down (FSD), Shoulder Mobility (SM) and Active Straight Leg Raise (ASLR), as well as the type of subsequent delivery. The results show an improvement in the functionality of the Hurdle test; Forward step down and Shoulder mobility test (p<0.01), as well as a significant decrease in compensation and overall risk of injury after the physical activity programme (p<0.01). In turn, the delivery was healthier. The effects of Pilates on pregnant women offer improvements in overall functionality and a positive effect on childbirth.El presente estudio pretende determinar el efecto de un programa de Pilates sobre la funcionalidad en mujeres gestantes y analizar su repercusión en el parto. Un grupo de 10 mujeres embarazadas desarrollaron un programa de Pilates durante 8 semanas (2 sesiones/semana), se valoró la funcionalidad global a través de los test funcionales Overhead Squat (OHS), Hurdle Step (HS), Forward Step Down (FSD); Shoulder Mobility (SM) y Active Straight Leg Raise (ASLR), así como el tipo de parto posterior. Los resultados muestran una mejora de la funcionalidad del Hurdle test, Forward step down y Shoulder mobility test (p<0,01), así como un descenso significativo de las compensaciones y riesgo de lesión global después del programa de actividad física (p<0,01). A su vez, se tuvo un parto más saludable. Los efectos del Pilates en mujeres embarazadas, ofrecen mejoras en la funcionalidad global y un efecto positivo en el parto
Probing canonical geometrical objects by digital spiral imaging
We recently proposed a novel concept to remotely acquire information of objects, based on the discrete orbital angular momentum of ligh. Here we use two different experimental schemes for implementing the technique. We use a canonical phase jump as a target to test the methods and to compare the results
Study of the , , and in the radiative decays
In this paper we present an approach to study the radiative decay modes of
the into a photon and one of the tensor mesons ,
, as well as the scalar ones and .
Especially we compare predictions that emerge from a scheme where the states
appear dynamically in the solution of vector meson--vector meson scattering
amplitudes to those from a (admittedly naive) quark model. We provide evidence
that it might be possible to distinguish amongst the two scenarios, once
improved data are available.Comment: The large Nc argument improved; version published in EPJA
Triggered qutrits for Quantum Communication protocols
A general protocol in Quantum Information and Communication relies in the
ability of producing, transmitting and reconstructing, in general, qunits. In
this letter we show for the first time the experimental implementation of these
three basic steps on a pure state in a three dimensional space, by means of the
orbital angular momentum of the photons. The reconstruction of the qutrit is
performed with tomographic techniques and a Maximum-Likelihood estimation
method. In this way we also demonstrate that we can perform any transformation
in the three dimensional space
An Experimental Investigation of the Adsorption of a Phosphonic Acid on the Anatase TiO2(101) Surface
A combination of synchrotron radiation photoelectron spectroscopy and near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectroscopy has been used to study the adsorption of phenylphosphonic acid (PPA) on anatase TiO2(101) single crystal at coverages of 0.15 monolayer (ML) and 0.85 ML. The photoelectron spectroscopy data suggest that at 0.15 ML coverage PPA adsorbs in a bidentate geometry following deprotonation of both phosphonate hydroxyl groups, leaving the P═O group unbound. At 0.85 ML there is a shift to a mixed bidentate/monodentate binding mode. The carbon K-edge NEXAFS spectra were recorded at two azimuths. Our calculations show that for PPA on anatase TiO2(101) the phenyl ring is oriented 65 ± 4° away from the surface plane with an azimuthal twist of 57 ± 11° away from the [101] azimuth
Efectos del daño de la mosca del olivo y del atroje sobre la microflora en pasta y la acidez del aceite virgen de oliva
The effects of olive fly damage, olive storage, harvest date, olive grove plot and their interactions on the microflora associated with olive paste and oil acidity were studied. Microflora and oil acidity were significantly affected by the four studied factors and by several interactions between them. Fly damage and olive storage interacted sinergically increasing oil acidity. The relationship between fly damage and oil acidity was lineal although sometimes it was not significant depending on microflora populations. The relationship between microflora populations and oil acidity fitted to a logarithmic model. Major microorganisms in olive paste were bacteria (Xanthomonas), yeasts (mostly Torulopsis and Candida) and in a smaller measure moulds (mainly Fusarium and Penicillium). Results overall suggest that a qualitative damage threshold based on the percentage of damaged fruits in order to infer oil acidity may be unfeasible in most instances.Se estudiaron los efectos del daño de mosca, atroje, fecha de recolección, parcela de olivo y de sus interacciones, sobre la microflora asociada a la pasta de aceituna y la acidez del aceite obtenido. Microflora y acidez se vieron significativamente afectados por los cuatro factores estudiados y por varias de sus interacciones. Daño y atroje interactuaron sinérgicamente para incrementar la acidez. La relación entre el daño de mosca y la acidez fue lineal aunque a veces no fue significativa dependiendo de la microflora. La relación entre la microflora y la acidez se ajustó a un modelo logarítmico. Los microorganismos predominantes en la pasta fueron bacterias (Xanthomonas), levaduras (fundamentalmente Torulopsis y Candida) y en menor medida otros hongos (principalmente Fusarium y Penicillium). Los resultados sugieren que un umbral de daño cualitativo basado en el porcentaje de frutos picados para inferir la acidez del aceite es de difícil implementación
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