117 research outputs found

    Influence of the ectopic location on the antigen expression and functional characteristics of endometrioma stromal cells

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    Research question: Are the alterations observed in the endometriotic cells, such as progesterone resistance, already present in the eutopic endometrium or acquired in the ectopic location? Design: The response to decidualization with progesterone and cyclic AMP for up to 28 days was compared in different endometrial stromal cell (EnSC) lines established from samples of endometriomas (eEnSC), eutopic endometrium from women with endometriosis (eBEnSC), endometrial tissue from healthy women (BEnSC) and menstrual blood from healthy donors (mEnSC). Results: Usual features of decidualized cells, such as changes in cell morphology and expression of prolactin, were similarly observed in the three types of eutopic EnSC studied, but not in the ectopic cells upon decidualization. Among the phenotypic markers analysed, CD105 was down-regulated under decidualization in all cell types (mEnSC, P = 0.005; BEnSC, P = 0.029; eBEnSC, P = 0.022) except eEnSC. mEnSC and BEnSC underwent apoptosis during decidualization, whereas eBEnSC and eEnSC were resistant to the induction of cell death. Lastly, migration studies revealed that mEnSC secreted undetermined factors during decidualization that inhibited cell motility, whereas eEnSC showed a significantly lower ability to produce those migration-regulating factors (P < 0.0001, P  < 0.001 and P = 0.0013 for the migration of mEnSC at 24, 48 and 72 h, respectively; P  < 0.0001 for the migration of eEnSC at all times studied). Conclusions: This study provides novel insights into the differences between endometriotic and eutopic endometrial cells and reinforces the idea that the microenvironment in the ectopic location plays additional roles in the acquisition of the alterations that characterize the cells of the endometriotic foci.This work was supported by the Plan Estatal de Investigación Científica y Técnica y de Innovación 2013-2016, ISCIII Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Spain (Grant PI16/01642); the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/634 FEDER funding); and the Plan Propio, Universidad de Granada (Grant PP2021.PP-12)

    Simulador de dispositivos SLM basados en cristal líquido

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    En este trabajo, se presenta un simulador de modulación de fase espacial para su uso en comunicaciones ópticas de espacio libre. El simulador está basado en dispositivos TNLCD (Twisted Nematic Liquid Crystal Display). En primer lugar, se examinan las características y propiedades de los cristales líquidos como medios uniáxicos birrefrigentes. Posteriormente, mediante un modelo analítico simple, se caracterizan los diferentes elementos ópticos de un modulador espacial de luz (SLM) en términos de sus correspondientes matrices de Jones. Las expresiones deducidas en esta caracterización se utilizan en la herramienta de simulación para obtener la diferencia de fase espacial y la transmitancia producida por el SLM. Finalmente, el funcionamiento del simulador se ha verificado comparando resultados teóricos y de simulación para diferentes excitaciones de pruebaUniversidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Physical Education Program for university students with intellectual disabilities from service-learning methodology

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    La experiencia de aprendizaje-servicio que se presenta a continuación se ha desarrollado on el alumnado del Grado de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte (9 materias) y el Grado de Magisterio en Educación Primaria con Mención en Educación Física (1 asignatura) de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid11. La finalidad principal que se persigue es desarrollar las competencias profesionales a través del aprendizaje experiencial, ofreciendo un servicio comprometido y responsable al alumnado universitario con discapacidad intelectual que participa en el Programa Promentor. En concreto, el servicio prestado persigue desarrollar los aprendizajes motrices del alumnado, así como una actitud positiva para la ocupación activa del ocio y la adquisición de hábitos de práctica saludable. Esta metodología requiere llevar a cabo unos protocolos para orientar los procesos de intervención del alumnado del Grado, a través de una serie de acciones formativas sistematizadas y supervisadas por el profesorado universitario (asambleas, diseño e implementación de sesiones, etc.). La evaluación de la experiencia desarrollada se realiza a partir de la información recopilada de los diferentes agentes implicados en el proceso (profesorado y alumnado de Grado y de Promentor)A service-learning experience has been developed with the students of Sport Sciences and Physical Activity Degree (9 subjects) and Primary Education with Physical Education Specialty Degree (1 subject) at Autonomous University of Madrid. The main aim followed is to develop their professional competences through experiential learning offering a committed and responsible service to university students with intellectual disabilities who participate in the Promentor Program. Specifically, the service provided aims to develop student motor skills, as well as a positive attitude for the active occupation of leisure and the acquisition of healthy practice habits. This methology requires carried out some protocols to guide the interventions of Degree students, through some systematized and supervised formative actions by university teachers (conferences, design and implementation of sessions, etc). The experience assessment is carried out with the information gathered from the different agents involved in the process (teachers and Degree and Promentor students

    Recomendaciones dietéticas en la artritis reumatoide

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    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease that has a significant effect on patients’ physical, emotional, and social functioning. For decades, patients have used different diets to try to improve the symptoms of RA. The possible benefits of dietary therapy for rheumatoid arthritis are reviewed in this article. Nutritional objectives for RA, are to halt the loss of bone mass, promote healing of bone fractures and improving bone-associated inflammatory disorders and joints. In general, diets low in saturated fat, rich in polyunsaturated fats: omega 3 and omega 6, rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber are recommended.La artritis reumatoide es una enfermedad sistémica crónica, con gran impacto en la vida social, emocional y física de los pacientes. Desde hace décadas, se han utilizado distintas dietas para tratar de mejorar los síntomas de las personas que la padecen. En este artículo se revisan los posibles beneficios de la terapia dietética en la artritis reumatoide. Los objetivos nutricionales en esta patología son frenar la pérdida de masa ósea, favorecer la recuperación de fracturas óseas y mejorar los trastornos inflamatorios asociadas al hueso y a las articulaciones.  En general, se recomiendan dietas bajas en grasas saturadas, ricas en grasas polinsaturadas: omega 3 y omega 6, en hidratos de carbono complejos y fibra

    Plan de acogida para los alumnos de nuevo ingreso en el grado de Ingeniería Informática en la ESII (UCLM)

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    Con el propósito de facilitar la adaptación de los nuevos estudiantes a la Universidad, se ha diseñado en la Escuela Superior de Ingeniería Informática de Albacete (ESII) de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM) un plan de acogida. Este plan consiste en un conjunto de actividades concebidas para asentar las bases del aprendizaje en la Educación Superior, en especial en los estudios de Informática. Durante la primera semana del curso se realizan unas jornadas de acogida, con charlas de presentación de todos los servicios que ofrecen tanto el centro como la Universidad. También se imparten diversos talleres y seminarios. Además de estas jornadas, durante todo el curso se ofrecen actividades de apoyo y refuerzo, así como un plan de tutorías personalizadas que les acompañará durante sus estudios universitarios en este centro

    Body composition and sexual hormones for the glucose control of autoimmune diabetes in males: are they necessary to predict diabetes-related complications?

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    BackgroundGlucose control in diabetes is essential for avoiding diabetes-related complications.AimTo determine the impact of body composition and sexual hormones in glucose control and diabetes-related complications, in males with autoimmune diabetes.Patients and methodsThirty-nine patients with autoimmune diabetes and flash glucose monitoring were included. A morphofunctional nutritional evaluation with bioelectrical impedance vector analysis (BIVA), abdominal adipose tissue ultrasound, rectus femoris ultrasound and biochemical parameters, was performedResultsStrong, positive correlations were observed between body composition parameters, biochemical variables and sexual hormones (p&lt;0.05). Adipose tissue measured by BIVA and ultrasound was more significantly associated with glucose control (including time in range &gt;70%, glucose variability &lt;36% determined by flash glucose monitoring; p&lt;0.05) and the presence of microvascular/macrovascular complications (p&lt;0.05) than lean mass. After adjusting by the duration of diabetes, BMI, abdominal circumference, fat mass and phase angle increased the risk for microvascular complications (OR 1.32(1.00 – 1.73), OR 1.06(1.00 – 1.12), OR 1.14(1.01 – 1.20), 0R 0.3(0.10 – 0.91) respectively; for macrovascular complications: BMI OR 1.38(1.04 – 1.84) and fat mass OR 1.26(1.00 – 1.58)]. Sexual hormone levels did not influence on glucose control or the development of diabetes-related complications.ConclusionAnthrpometric parameters, especially adipose tissue, were associated with glucose control and variability determined by flash glucose monitoring. Furthermore, changes in fat and lean mass were associated with the presence of microvascular and macrovascular complications. Thus, a comprehensive nutritional evaluation might be useful for the evaluation of males with autoimmune diabetes, in order to identify patients with increased risk of complications

    Recomendaciones basadas en la evidencia del grupo andaluz para la reflexión e investigación en nutrición (Garin) para el manejo del paciente con síndrome de intestino corto

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    In order to develop evidence-based recommendations and expert consensus for the nutritional management of patients with short bowel syndrome (SBS), we conducted a systematic literature search using the PRISMA methodology plus a critical appraisal following the GRADE scale procedures. Pharmacological treatment with antisecretory drugs, antidiarrheal drugs, and somatostatin contributes to reducing intestinal losses. Nutritional support is based on parenteral nutrition; however, oral intake and/or enteral nutrition should be introduced as soon as possible. In the chronic phase, the diet should have as few restrictions as possible, and be adapted to the SBS type. Home parenteral nutrition (HPN) should be individualized. Single-lumen catheters are recommended and taurolidine should be used for locking the catheter. The HPN’s lipid content must be greater than 1 g/kg per week but not exceed 1 g/kg per day, and omega-6 fatty acids (ω6 FAs) should be reduced. Trace element vials with low doses of manganese should be used. Patients with chronic SBS who require long-term HPN/fluid therapy despite optimized treatment should be considered for teduglutide treatment. All patients require a multidisciplinary approach and specialized follow-up. These recommendations and suggestions regarding nutritional management in SBS patients have direct clinical applicability

    Recommendations of the GARIN group for dietary managing of patient with chronic kidney disease

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    [ES] Introducción y objetivos: en el tratamiento dietético de los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica (ERC) existen muchas áreas de incertidumbre. El grupo de trabajo GARIN tiene como objetivo defi nir su posición en este campo. Material y métodos: revisión bibliográfi ca previa y reunión presencial en la que se discutieron y contestaron preguntas específi cas sobre el tema. Resultados: la actuación terapéutica debe ser individualizada y atendiendo al grado de enfermedad renal que presente el paciente y a sus comorbilidades. En cuanto a la terapia médica nutricional, nuestro grupo propone tres niveles diferentes de actuación, en los que las recomendaciones de ingesta proteica, fi bra, ácidos grasos o potasio son distintas. Además, sugerimos utilizar el concepto ratio fósforo/proteína en el ajuste de la dieta del paciente con ERC. Damos recomendaciones en cuanto al tratamiento en diabetes y en suplementación artifi cial. Conclusiones: estas recomendaciones aportan respuestas concretas sobre cuestiones comunes en la asistencia a pacientes con ERC.[EN] Background and objectives: by means of this update, the GARIN working group aims to defi ne its position regarding the dietary treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). In this area there are many aspects of uncertainty. Material and methods: bibliographical review and specifi c questions in advance were discussed and answered at a meeting in the form of conclusions. Results: the therapeutic action must be individualized and taking into account the degree of renal failure that the patient presents and their comorbidities. Regarding nutritional medical therapy, our group proposes three different levels of action, in which the recommendations of protein intake, fi ber, fatty acids or potassium are different. In addition, we suggest using the phosphorus/protein ratio concept in adjusting the diet of the patient with CKD. We give recommendations regarding treatment in diabetes and artifi cial supplementation. Conclusions: these recommendations about dietary issues in patients with CKD can add value to clinical work.Nestlé Health Nutrition cubrió todos los gastos de transporte y de alquiler de salones para las sesiones físicas, pero no ha tomado parte en el desarrollo, diseño o manuscrito del artículo

    Fish Oil Enriched Intravenous Lipid Emulsions Reduce Triglyceride Levels in Non-Critically Ill Patients with TPN and Type 2 Diabetes. A Post-Hoc Analysis of the INSUPAR Study

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    There are no studies that have specifically assessed the role of intravenous lipid emulsions (ILE) enriched with fish oil in people with diabetes receiving total parenteral nutrition (TPN). The objective of this study was to assess the metabolic control (glycemic and lipid) and in-hospital complications that occurred in non-critically ill inpatients with TPN and type 2 diabetes with regard to the use of fish oil emulsions compared with other ILEs. We performed a post-hoc analysis of the Insulin in Parenteral Nutrition (INSUPAR) trial that included patients who started with TPN for any cause and that would predictably continue with TPN for at least five days. The study included 161 patients who started with TPN for any cause. There were 80 patients (49.7%) on fish oil enriched ILEs and 81 patients (50.3%) on other ILEs. We found significant decreases in triglyceride levels in the fish oil group compared to the other patients. We did not find any differences in glucose metabolic control: mean capillary glucose, glycemic variability, and insulin dose, except in the number of mild hypoglycemic events that was significantly higher in the fish oil group. We did not observe any differences in other metabolic, liver or infectious complications, in-hospital length of stay or mortality

    Bariatric surgery and calcifediol treatment, Gordian knot of severe-obesity-related comorbidities treatment

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    BackgroundObesity (OB) is a chronic metabolic disease with important associated comorbidities and mortality. Vitamin D supplementation is frequently administered after bariatric surgery (BS), so as to reduce OB-related complications, maybe including chronic inflammation.AimThis study aimed to explore relations between vitamin D metabolites and components of the inflammasome machinery in OB before and after BS and their relations with the improvement of metabolic comorbidities.Patients and methodsEpidemiological/clinical/anthropometric/biochemical evaluation was performed in patients with OB at baseline and 6 months after BS. Evaluation of i) vitamin-D metabolites in plasma and ii) components of the inflammasome machinery and inflammatory-associated factors [NOD-like-receptors (NLRs), inflammasome-activation-components, cytokines and inflammation/apoptosis-related components, and cell-cycle and DNA-damage regulators] in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) was performed at baseline and 6 months after BS. Clinical and molecular correlations/associations were analyzed.ResultsSignificant correlations between vitamin D metabolites and inflammasome-machinery components were observed at baseline, and these correlations were significantly reduced 6 months after BS in parallel to a decrease in inflammation markers, fat mass, and body weight. Treatment with calcifediol remarkably increased 25OHD levels, despite 24,25(OH)2D3 remained stable after BS. Several inflammasome-machinery components were associated with improvement in metabolic comorbidities, especially hypertension and dyslipidemia.ConclusionThe beneficial effects of vitamin D on OB-related comorbidities after BS patients are associated with significant changes in the molecular expression of key inflammasome-machinery components. The expression profile of these inflammasome components can be dynamically modulated in PBMCs after BS and vitamin D supplementation, suggesting that this profile could likely serve as a sensor and early predictor of the reversal of OB-related complications after BS