1,434 research outputs found

    Talking Titler: Evolutionary and Self-Adaptive Land Tenure Information System Development

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    Conventional land registration systems often do not produce the desired results in uncertain land tenure situations such as peri-urban areas in developing world cities, post-conflict situations, land restitution claims and aboriginal land systems. In the Talking Titler system, flexibility in creating relationships between people and between people and their interests in land has been the primary design feature. It is a tool for prototyping different designs and for developing land tenure information systems usung evolutionary strategies. The methodology was originally conceived in urban informal settlement upgrade projects and land reform and land restitution projects in South Africa in the 1990’s. In recent years, the concepts have been tested through interviews with aboriginal peoples groups in Canada, field trials and an initial implementation in land regularization in Nigeria, and a land administration study in Somaliland. The paper overviews the conceptual design of the system, how the design was formulated, testing of the system, and current development. The paper concludes by overviewing an initial design and testing with  evolutionary database development and self-adapting software using an extensible markup language (XML) database to reduce the human input into system changes as it evolves

    Labour costs and external competitiveness of the Andalusian economy (2007-2014)

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    El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la evolución de la competitividad externa de la economía andaluza. Para ello se toman dos dimensiones principales de análisis: En primer lugar, se analiza la evolución de los costes laborales unitarios y su relación con el desempeño exportador andaluz a nivel agregado. En segundo lugar, se analizarán una serie de indicadores de la actuación tanto empresarial, como del sector público, en los ámbitos determinantes de la posición competitiva regional a nivel microeconómico. El análisis de la evolución seguida por las variables en nuestra economía se hará en comparación con diversas economías y regiones del entorno. Los resultados obtenidos apuntan a que a pesar de que los costes laborales han seguido una marcada tendencia a la baja, hasta el momento, la crisis no se ha convertido en una oportunidad para mejorar de manera sustancial el posicionamiento de la economía andaluza.The aim of this paper is to analyse the evolution of Andalusian economy’s external competitiveness. For that purpose, two main research dimensions are examined: first, the relationship between unit labour costs and Andalusia’s export performance at an aggregate level; second, indicators of both business, and public sector behaviour in the determinant areas of the regional competitive position at a microeconomic level. The analysis of the evolution of the variables in the economy will be carried out in comparison with several surrounding economies and regions. The results suggest that despite the strong downward trend followed by labour costs, at the moment, the crisis has not become an opportunity to substantially improve the positioning of the regional economy

    The evolution of Lithium: Implications of a universal Spite plateau

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    The cosmological 7Li problem consists in explaining why the primordial Li abundance, as predicted by the standard Big Bang nucleosynthesis theory with constraints from WMAP and Planck, is a factor of 3 larger than the Li abundance measured in the stars of the Spite plateau defined by old, warm dwarf stars of the Milky Way halo. Several explanations have been proposed to explain this difference, including various Li depletion processes as well as non-standard Big Bang nucleosynthesis, but the main question remains unanswered. In this paper, we present detailed chemical evolution models for dwarf spheroidal and ultra faint galaxies, compute the galactic evolution of 7Li abundance in these objects, and compare it with observations of similar objects. In our models, Li is mainly produced by novae and cosmic rays, and to a minor extent, by low and intermediate mass stars. We adopt the yield combination that best fits the Li abundances in the Milky Way stars. It is evident that the observations of dwarf objects define a Spite plateau, identical to that observed in the Milky Way, thus suggesting that the Spite plateau could be a universal feature and its meaning should be discussed. The predictions of our models for dwarf galaxies are obtained by assuming as Li primordial abundance either the one detected in the atmospheres of the oldest halo stars (Spite plateau; A(Li) ~ 2.2 dex), or the one from cosmological observations (WMAP; A(Li) ~ 2.66 dex). Finally, we discuss the implications of the universality of the Spite plateau results

    Contribucion al conocimiento de la flora del Sistema Iberico Septentrional

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    Se aporta un catálogo florístico de 313 táxones seleccionados procedentes de algunas de las sierras septentrionales del Sistema Ibérico aragonés: Sierras de Villarroya, Vicort, Cucalón y Retuerta, Monte de Herrera, la Modorra de Bádenas y Baños de Segura. La visita a algunas de las localidades clásicas de ASSO, ha permitido confirmar numerosas citas de las que aparecen en su Synopsis stirpium indigenarum Aragoniae (1779), así como establecer algunas sinonimias. En el aspecto nomenclatural se propone una nueva combinación: Androsace elongata L. subsp. breistrofferi (Charpin & Greuter) J . Molero & JM. Montserrat, comb. nova. En el aspecto corológico, una lista, que no pretende ser exahustiva, sobre novedades para la Flora aragonesa y otras especies escasamente citadas que incluye: Paronychia rouyana, Suene scabriflora, Sisymbrium macroloma, Hutera hispida, Saxifraga losae var. camarae, Rosa arvensis, Aphanes cornucopioides, Lathyrus cirrhosus, Trifolium retusum, Trifolium gemellum, Seseli cantabricum, Daucus durieua, Anthemis alpestris fma. ligulata , Hieracium castellanum, Festuca capillifolia , Avenula pubescens, Carex tomentosa, etc

    Taste Aversion Learning as a Tool for the Study of Hippocampal and Non-Hippocampal Brain Memory Circuits Regulating Diet Selection

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    Diet selection is the result of different learning experiences that accumulate throughout the life of the organism. The acquisition of aversions to the taste of food followed by mild or severe visceral negative effects plays an important role in food selection. Current knowledge on the role of the critical brain areas (parabrachial area, insular cortex and amygdala) involved in the basic associative neural circuit of taste aversion learning is reviewed. In turn, as shown by a variety of learning phenomena, the development of new aversions to the taste of different types of food is profoundly modulated by the memory of previous learning experiences with the same or different tastes. Some of these phenomena may depend on memory brain systems independent of the basic circuit for taste aversion learning. This seems to be the case for contextual effects and conditioned blocking that depend on the hippocampal integrity. Experimental evidence on the neural basis of complex learning phenomena in taste aversion learning is reviewed. Thus, understanding the way in which taste aversion learning regulates diet selection in daily life requires the study of interactions between hippocampal and non-hippocampal dependent memory systems. Taste aversion learning is proposed as a useful behavioral tool in the investigation of different brain circuits that are critical for food selection.Departamento de Psicología Evolutiva y de la Educació

    Site Fidelity and Residency of Tursiops truncatus off the Aragua Coast, Venezuela-First Records of Long Residency

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    This study represents the first comprehensive analysis of the residency patterns of a coastal population of bottlenose dolphin off the coast of Aragua, Venezuela, over a multi-year period. Using photo-identification, the most recent study (2019-2020) identified 56 individuals with the time between encounters from one to 344 days between the first and last sighting. Site Fidelity (SF) and Residence (RES) indices were calculated and Agglomerative Hierarchical Clustering (AHC) modeling was performed, with three patterns of residence obtained: resident (25%), semiresident (17.86%) and transient (57.14%). These results were contrasted with remodeled data from a previous study (2006-2007), showing similar patterns: resident (24.44%), semi-resident (28.89%) and transient (46.67%). Importantly, two individuals were found to have been resident over the extended period. A breeding female sighted for the first time in 2004 and again in 2020 (16 years) and the other from 2005 to 2020 (15 years). This region is an important area for marine mammals, known to support a resident reproductive population over many years, as well seabirds, sea turtles, whale sharks and fishermen. We recommend that consideration be given to designating the waters as a Marine Protected Area to safeguard the existing population and provide benefit to the surrounding marine environment