106 research outputs found

    En analyse av reguleringen av biometriske personopplysninger i personvernforordningen og personopplysningsloven

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    Temaet for denne avhandlingen er personvern. Problemstilling for oppgaven er hvordan regelverket rundt biometriske personopplysninger fungerer. Formålet med oppgaven er å foreta en rettsdogmatisk og rettspolitisk analyse av hvordan personvernregelverket fungerer i dag opp mot hvordan det muligens bør reguleres. Ettersom det finnes en tilleggsregulering i personopplysningsloven § 12, kommer jeg til å ha et særlig fokus på hvordan den nasjonale reguleringen samsvarer med reguleringen i personvernforordningen, samt samfunnet ellers

    Beyond Subsidies: A Study of Sustainable Public Subordinated Debt in Spain

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    Evidence from business shows that small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are fragile. They suffer from a high mortality rate that primarily owes to difficulties in securing financing as a result of major information asymmetries. Despite these difficulties, SMEs provide the economic backbone of all economically developed countries. Aware of the key role of SMEs in national economic stability and of the financial problems that SMEs face, governments have designed a range of financial and tax measures to protect them. These financial measures include a highly specific form of public financing called subordinated debt. This concept refers to debt with the lowest credit seniority, just before equity. Subordination makes sense when companies go into liquidation because subordinated debt creditors are the last creditors to receive repayment, making recovery of this debt virtually impossible. Therefore, the risk borne by lenders of subordinated debt is similar to that of shareholders of the borrowing firm. This paper presents an ordinary least squares regression model to estimate the cash flows of SMEs financed by public subordinated debt. This provides public authorities with a tool to estimate the ability of SMEs to repay their debt and to thereby ensure that public subordinated debt financing is sustainable

    The Agrarian Life of the North 2000 BC AD 1000

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    The 14 articles presented in this publication represent some of the latest and most relevant research on rural settlement and farming from the Late Neolithic through the Early Medieval Period in Norway. It deals with the impact of climate change, plague and the AD 536â 7 volcanic event and some of the earliest farms north of the Arctic Circle. It provides new perspectives and archaeological evidence for the Viking age farm of Norway, differences in regional settlement structures of agrarian societies, the relation between houses and graves in the Iron Age, and varying food practices as indicators of societal change

    The Agrarian Life of the North 2000 BC AD 1000

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    The 14 articles presented in this publication represent some of the latest and most relevant research on rural settlement and farming from the Late Neolithic through the Early Medieval Period in Norway. It deals with the impact of climate change, plague and the AD 536â 7 volcanic event and some of the earliest farms north of the Arctic Circle. It provides new perspectives and archaeological evidence for the Viking age farm of Norway, differences in regional settlement structures of agrarian societies, the relation between houses and graves in the Iron Age, and varying food practices as indicators of societal change

    Dielectrical Properties of CeO2 Nanoparticles at Different Temperatures

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    A template-free precipitation method was used as a simple and low cost method for preparation of CeO2 nanoparticles. The structure and morphology of the prepared nanoparticle samples were studied in detail using X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) measurements. The whole powder pattern modelling (WPPM) method was applied on XRD data to accurately measure the crystalline domain size and their size distribution. The average crystalline domain diameter was found to be 5.2 nm, with a very narrow size distribution. UV-visible absorbance spectrum was used to calculate the optical energy band gap of the prepared CeO2 nanoparticles. The FT-IR spectrum of prepared CeO2 nanoparticles showed absorption bands at 400 cm(-1) to 450 cm(-1) regime, which correspond to CeO2 stretching vibration. The dielectric constant (er) and dielectric loss (tan delta) values of sintered CeO2 compact consolidated from prepared nanoparticles were measured at different temperatures in the range from 298 K (room temperature) to 623 K, and at different frequencies from 1 kHz to 1 MHz

    Opsjonshandel i Fish Pool : Et uforløst potensiale?

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    Med denne masterutredningen har vi søkt etter svar på hvorfor opsjoner i liten grad er benyttet som sikringsverktøy blant aktørene i oppdrettsnæringen, og hva som skal til for at dette produktet skal benyttes av flere. Vi har brukt fire dybdeintervjuer av aktørene på Fish Pool, og ett dybdeintervju av en med bakgrunn fra finansiell sikring på Nord Pool som sammenligningsgrunnlag. Før Fish Pool ble etablert som finansiell markedsplass var det vanlig at selgere og kjøpere ble enige om pris og fysisk levering i framtiden for å sikre seg mot prissvingningene. Med Fish Pool kom muligheten til å kjøpe standardiserte kontrakter, noe som ble en naturlig utvikling av denne måten å jobbe på. Opsjoner er en litt annen måte å tenke på, og vi har i vår analyse kommet fram til at kundene i for liten grad tenker på opsjoner som et forsikringsprodukt. Opsjonspremien virker per i dag til å være for høy til at markedsaktørene mener de kan tjene en margin på handelen, og de etterspør også mer kontinuerlig informasjon fra Fish Pool sin side. Vi har med bakgrunn i en analyse av suksessfaktorer for derivatmarkedet kommet frem til at kundegruppen til Fish Pool burde være klare til å ta imot opsjoner som produkt, men at de trenger en “trigger” for at handelen skal komme i gang. Denne kan for eksempel komme fra finansielle aktører på investorsiden som ønsker å spekulere i de store prissvingningene i oppdrettsnæringen. Ved å øke handelen vil spreaden market-maker stiller minke, og enda flere handle igjen. I løpet av oppgaven har vi flere ganger brukt uttrykket “likviditet avler likviditet”. Dersom handelen og likviditeten i opsjonsmarkedet øker mener vi at opsjoner kan fungere som et fullgodt alternativ for både hedging og spekulasjon

    Synthesis and Characterization of CeO2- and LaNbO4-based Ionic Conductors

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    Ceramic electrolytes that conduct either oxygen ions or protons at intermediate temperatures are important materials for use in e.g. solid oxide fuel cells, the prime candidate to produce electricity by electrochemical reactions. There are still challenges with respect to the cell performance which have to be solved before solid oxide fuel cells become a commercial success. One of the main topics in this field concerns the enhancement of ionic conductivity at suitable operation temperatures. During the last decade nanocrystalline materials have received considerable attention. Nanocrystalline ionic conductors may have higher ionic conductivity compared to traditional ceramics with grain sizes in the micrometer range. The aim of this work has been to develop electrolyte ceramic materials with a designed microstructure. CeO2- and LaNbO4-based materials have been prepared through a complete route, from preparation of powders to densification of ceramics including characterization of selected properties. CeO2-based materials are oxygen ion conductors and show higher ionic conductivity compared to the more common yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ), thus a lower operation temperature is possible. LaNbO4-based materials have recently been suggested as a promising proton conductor stable in CO2/H2O atmosphere. In Paper I, powder synthesis of nanocrystalline CeO2-based powders (CeO2, Ce0.8Gd0.2O1.9 and Ce0.8Sm0.2O1.9) using combustion synthesis with glycine as fuel and nitrate as oxidizer is reported. The influence of glycine to nitrate (G/N) ratio on the pure CeO2-based powders was investigated. The influence of calcination temperature on crystallite size, surface area and carbonate species remaining from combustion reaction was studied, with special attention to powders prepared using a near-stoichiometric G/N-ratio. A G/N-ratio of 0.55 and calcination at 550°C in oxygen flow resulted in high quality powders with a crystallite size of ~10 nm with low degree of agglomeration due to the vigorous combustion. The G/N-ratio influenced the densification behavior of the powders. A G/N-ratio of 0.55 resulted in excellent sintering properties with an onset of sintering at ~600°C and fully dense materials were obtained at ~1300°C. In Paper II, three different sintering techniques have been used to prepare dense (>95%) CeO2-based materials from the high-quality powders described in Paper I: Spark plasma sintering, hot pressing and conventional sintering. The three different sintering techniques resulted in different grain sizes, ranging from 160 nm by spark plasma sintering, to 50 μm by conventional sintering mainly due to difference in sintering temperature and the applied pressure. The materials were reduced after hot pressing and a minor reduction was observed after spark plasma sintering. The materials were easily reoxidized at temperatures above 200°C. The electrical conductivity, measured by van der Pauw method, revealed no clear dependence on grain size, but instead a dependence on the sintering method used. The substituted materials prepared by hot pressing had a lower electrical conductivity and higher activation energy compared to the materials prepared by both conventional and spark plasma sintering. Thus, it is proposed that the reduction of Ce observed during hot pressing might be detrimental for the ionic conductivity even after reoxidation. Hardness and fracture toughness, measured by Vickers indentation, were more influenced by chemical composition than the grain size of the materials. Higher fracture toughness and lower hardness were observed for pure CeO2 compared to the substituted materials. A novel route to prepare large quantity of sub-micron LaNbO4-based powders by spray pyrolysis is presented in Paper III. An aqueous solution containing stable La-EDTA complex and Nb-malic acid complex was spray pyrolysed using an in-house spray pyrolysis unit. The pure, nonagglomerated powders had a particle size of ~0.1 μm, narrow particle size distribution and high purity after calcination at 800°C. The sintering behavior, microstructure, phase content and electrical conductivity of La1-xAxNbO4 (x = 0, 0.005 and 0.02 and A = Ca, Sr and Ba) prepared by spray pyrolysis is presented in Paper IV. The powders had excellent sintering properties and achieved high density after conventional sintering at 1200°C or as low as 1050°C by hot pressing at 25 MPa. A grain size down to 0.4 μm was achieved by hot pressing. The acceptor doped materials had a more homogenous microstructure due to secondary phases inhibiting grain growth compared to pure LaNbO4. Liquid secondary phase was formed at elevated temperatures in acceptor doped LaNbO4, resulting in tremendous grain growth (~70 μm) and microcracking in La0.98Ba0.02NbO4. The solubility of Sr on La-site in LaNbO4 was determined to 1% at 1500°C, and similar low solubility of CaO and BaO in LaNbO4 was inferred. Protons were found to be the main charge carrier up to 1000°C in wet hydrogen. Higher grain boundary resistivity was observed compared to previous work, possibly due to lower sintering temperature resulting in secondary phases due to lower solubility of AO. The thermal and mechanical properties of LaNbO4-based materials are presented in Paper V. The materials possessed a ferroelastic to paraelastic phase transition at ~500°C and the linear thermal expansion was significant lower for the paraelastic compared to the ferroelastic phase. The pure LaNbO4 had a significantly lower hardness compared to acceptor doped (Ca, Sr and Ba) LaNbO4 due to large grain size and microcracking. The fracture toughness of La0.98Sr0.02NbO4, measured by SEVNB method, was 1.7±0.2 MPa·m1/2. The ferroelastic properties were confirmed by non-linear stress-strain relationship and remnant strain. The remnant strain decreases with increasing temperature and increasing acceptor doping. The latter was possibly due to secondary phases pinning the ferroelastic domain boundaries

    [Åpent Forum 2011.03.28]

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    1 h, 15 minForelesning av Are Mokkelbos