32 research outputs found
Analysis of CLAS data on double charge pion electroproduction
Recent developments in phenomenological analysis of the CLAS data on 2
electroproduction are presented. The contributions from isobar channels and
, electrocouplings at from 0.25 to 0.6
GeV were determined from the analysis of comprehensive data on differential
and fully integrated 2 cross sections. Experiment Numbers: E94-005 Group:
Hall BComment: Paper compiled for NSTAR2007 meetin
Studies of light liner compression dynamics in plasma focus
The study is devoted to the investigation of plasma focus systems as a driver for magnetic compression of liners. The experiments on the comparative analyse of the foam and multiwired liners compression were done on the Filippov-type plasma focus facility PF-3. The compression of the light (linear mass 0.3-0.6 mg/cm) liners with velocity (2-3).10⁶ cm/s was obtained. It is shown that under conditions of considerable radiation fluxes at the usage of strongly-radiating working gases a preliminary heating of the target can be attained. This results in acceleration of the transition of initially – condensed substance into plasma state, that assists in overcoming “cool start” problem.Робота присвячена дослідженню плазмового фокусу (ПФ) в ролі драйверa для магнітного обтиснення лайнерів. Проведено експерименти з порівняльного аналізу стиснення пінних й багатодротових лайнерів на установці типу Філіппова ПФ-3. Отримано стиснення лайнерів з погонною масою 0.3-0.6 мг/см зі швидкостями (2-3).10⁶ см/с при амплітуді розрядного струму 2 МА. Показано, що в умовах значних радіаційних потоків при використанні сильновипромінюючих робочих газів може бути здійснений попередній нагрів мішені. Це призводить до прискорення переходу первісно конденсованої речовини у плазмовий стан, що дає змогу подолати проблему «холодного старту».Работа посвящена исследованию плазменного фокуса (ПФ) в качестве драйвера для магнитного обжатия лайнеров. Проведены эксперименты по сравнительному анализу сжатия пенных и многопроволочных лайнеров на установке типа Филиппова ПФ-3. Получено сжатие лайнеров с погонной массой 0.3-0.6 мг/см со скоростями (2-3).10⁶ см/с при амплитуде разрядного тока 2 МА. Показано, что в условиях значительных радиационных потоков при использовании сильноизлучающих рабочих газов может быть осуществлен предварительный нагрев мишени. Это приводит к ускорению перехода первоначально конденсированного вещества в плазменное состояние, что способствует преодолению проблемы “холодного старта ”
Quasi-elastic and inelastic inclusive electron scattering from an oxygen jet target
The results of an experiment on inclusive electron scattering from an oxygen
jet target, performed in a wide range of energy and momentum transfer covering
both quasi-elastic and (1232) resonance regions, are reported. In the
former region the theoretical predictions, obtained including effects of
nucleon-nucleon correlations in both initial and final states, give a good
description of the experimental data. In the inelastic region a broadening as
well as a damping of the resonant part of the cross section with respect to the
free nucleon case is observed. The need of more detailed calculations including
nuclear structure effects on the electroproduction cross section of nucleon
resonances is highlighted.Comment: to appear in Nucl. Phys.
Evaluation of the polarization observables I^S and I^C in the reaction gamma p --> pi^0 eta p
We evaluate the polarization observables I^S and I^C for the reaction gamma p
--> pi^0 eta p, using a chiral unitary framework developed earlier. The I^S and
I^C observables have been recently measured for the first time by the
CBELSA/TAPS collaboration. The theoretical predictions of I^S and I^C, given
for altogether 18 angle dependent functions, are in good agreement with the
measurements. Also, the asymmetry dSigma/dcos(theta) evaluated here agrees with
the data. We show the importance of the Delta(1700)D33 resonance and its S-wave
decay into eta Delta(1232). The result can be considered as a further
confirmation of the dynamical nature of this resonance. At the highest
energies, deviations of the predictions from the data start to become
noticeable, which leaves room for additional processes and resonances such as a
Delta(1940)D33. We also point out how to further improve the calculation.Comment: Version accepted for publication by the European Physical Journal A,
9 pages, 7 figure
Measurements of the γvp→p′π+π- cross section with the CLAS detector for 0.4 GeV2<Q2<1.0 GeV2 and 1.3 GeV<W<1.825 GeV
New results on the single-differential and fully integrated cross sections for the process γvp→p′π+π- are presented. The experimental data were collected with the CLAS detector at Jefferson Laboratory. Measurements were carried out in the kinematic region of the reaction invariant mass W from 1.3 to 1.825 GeV and the photon virtuality Q2 from 0.4 to 1.0 GeV2. The cross sections were obtained in narrow Q2 bins (0.05 GeV2) with the smallest statistical uncertainties achieved in double-pion electroproduction experiments to date. The results were found to be in agreement with previously available data where they overlap. A preliminary interpretation of the extracted cross sections, which was based on a phenomenological meson-baryon reaction model, revealed substantial relative contributions from nucleon resonances. The data offer promising prospects to improve knowledge on the Q2 evolution of the electrocouplings of most resonances with masses up to ∼1.8 GeV
The present and future of QCD
This White Paper presents an overview of the current status and future perspective of QCD research, based on the community inputs and scientific conclusions from the 2022 Hot and Cold QCD Town Meeting. We present the progress made in the last decade toward a deep understanding of both the fundamental structure of the sub-atomic matter of nucleon and nucleus in cold QCD, and the hot QCD matter in heavy ion collisions. We identify key questions of QCD research and plausible paths to obtaining answers to those questions in the near future, hence defining priorities of our research over the coming decades
Monte Carlo code for simulation of the large angle electromagnetic shower calorimeter for class detector
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR). Biblioteca Centrale / CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle RichercheSIGLEITItal
Performances of the optical readout system for the large angle electromagnetic shower calorimeter for CLAS
none18We present the study of a lucite light guide system developed for the modules of the electromagnetic calorimeter that will be installed in CLAS at CEBAF to detect showering particles emitted at angles larger than 45°. We show that it is possible to produce lucite guides with length up to 120 cm and to adapt them to the module geometry with low costs, time and efforts. The performances are comparable or even better than that of equivalent systems realized with optic fibres. The guides showed high homogeneity and light transmission efficiency.M. Taiuti;M. Anghinolfi;N. Bianchi;G.P. Capitani;P. Corvisiero;E. DeSanctis;P. LeviSandri;V.I. Mokeev;V. Muccifora;M. Olcese;E. Polli;G. Ricco;A.R. Reolon;M. Ripani;P. Rossi;A. Rottura;M. Sanzone;A. ZucchiattiTaiuti, MAURO GINO; M., Anghinolfi; N., Bianchi; G. P., Capitani; Corvisiero, Pietro; E., Desanctis; P., Levisandri; V. I., Mokeev; V., Muccifora; M., Olcese; E., Polli; Ricco, Giovanni; A. R., Reolon; M., Ripani; P., Rossi; A., Rottura; Sanzone, Marcella; A., Zucchiatt
Stochastic description of internal target effects on electron rings
The effects of internal targets on the beam accumulated in electron storage rings are studied with a linear stochastic model which describes the beam emittance and the beam phase-space growth and provides simple formulae for the longitudinal and transverse beam emittance. The description of facilities with and without beam damping is carried out in a consistent way. The obtained results are comparable to those obtained with other models and numerical simulations