41 research outputs found

    An Intuitionistic Analysis of Political Freedoms in Islamic Society

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    Introduction     One of the most contentious issues in the realm of political science and governance revolves around defining the boundaries and scope of individual and social freedoms in the human society. Additionally, a significant intellectual concern among Islamic thinkers pertains to the extent to which individuals and civic groups can freely act in public domains, and where they must adhere to governmental laws and social requirements. The present study, employing the conceptual framework of hypothetical intuitionism, aimed to address the following question: What is the extent of political freedoms in Islamic society? Essentially, the objective of this article was to delineate the boundaries of individual and social freedoms in the Islamic society and state.Literature ReviewMany articles have been dedicated to exploring the concepts of freedom and liberty within an Islamic state. The prime examples are: “Fundamentals and Principles of Free Thinking from an Islamic Perspective with an Emphasis on the Thoughts of Allameh Tabataba’i” by Hossamuddin Khaltabari, “Islamic State and Political Freedom in Islam from the Perspective of Allameh Mohammad Taqi Jafari” by Hossein Moin Abadi, “Thematic Analysis of Security and Freedom of Thought from the Perspective of Imam Khamenei” by Asghar Eftekhari, and “Review of the Definition of Freedom and Public Freedoms in the Islamic State” by Yaser Rustaee. However, none of these articles approached the topic within the framework of hypothetical intuitionism.Materials and MethodsThe present article adopted the methodology of hypothetical intuitionism. The term intuition is used here in its conventional philosophical sense, distinct from its popular interpretation in mystical discussions among Muslims. The study employed Rawls’s hypothetical intuitionism approach to construct a specific hypothetical condition which, based on the individual intuition, serves to provide a rational explanation for the research process and its ultimate outcome.ConclusionAccording to the Islamic perspective, the Islamic state upholds freedom of thought, research, expression, and even freedom of belief within scientific domains. However, the extent of freedom of propaganda and freedom of social action depends on considerations of public and national interests. Concerning freedom of political thought, there is an absolute freedom, meaning there are no imposed limitations on political thinking. Furthermore, individuals in scientificand specialized circles enjoy the freedom to express their views and research various political matters, enabling them to share their political perspectives with relevant experts. As individuals share their views and ideas with Muslim political thinkers, a space is created for the exchange of differing opinions and ideas. In addition, freedom of belief indicates that individuals cannot be compelled to adopt a specific political ideology or belief through the use of force or coercion. When individuals decide to disseminate their political ideas in the public sphere, the Islamic state has a responsibility to intervene, considering the significance and potential impact of the issue, in order to prevent the proliferation of harmful and erroneous political ideas. Concerning freedom of speech, it is essential to underline that when political discourse extends beyond scientific and specialized circles and permeates public sphere at large, it falls under the category of freedom of propaganda, encompassing media activities of political movements. In this respect, in order to prevent the manipulation of public opinion, address rumors, and counter the spread of fake news, the government sets some parameters that these movements have to adhere to when conducting media and public activities. For example, it becomes necessary to adhere to certain legal provisions and obtain official permits for publishing a newspaper. In situations where the impact of expression holds greater sensitivity, the response from the Islamic state naturally becomes more robust and prominent. Within the Islamic state, if an individual privately and discreetly engages in activities that oppose the principles and policies of the political system, the government does not have the right to conduct surveillance of the private sphere. However, should the activities against Islamic principles come to the government’s attention, it is incumbent upon the governance system to offer guidance through enjoining good and forbidding evil. Nevertheless, when an individual’s actions and behavior pose a significant and serious threat to the political stability and security, the state resorts to more stringent measures, which in turn may involve restricting some of the individual freedoms of the wrongdoer

    Comparison of the Therapeutic Effects of Bubble CPAP and Ventilator CPAP on Respiratory Distress Syndrome in Premature Neonates

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    Background: Respiratory distress syndrome is one of the main complications associated with low birth weight, and a main cause of mortality in premature neonates. The present study aimed to compare the efficacy of ventilator continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) and bubble CPAP in the treatment of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in premature neonates. Methods: This randomized controlled clinical trial was conducted on 119 neonates diagnosed with RDS, with the gestational age of 28-34 weeks and birth weight of 1000-2200 grams, who were admitted in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Infants were allocated to two groups of ventilator CPAP (VCPAP) and bubble CPAP (BCPAP) therapy. Results: Mean weight, gestational age, and one-minute Apgar score were not significantly different between the two groups. However, duration of treatment with mechanical ventilation in the BCPAP group was significantly lower compared to the VCPAP group. In addition, frequency of complications had no significant difference between the two groups. Conclusion: In the treatment of RDS, duration of mechanical ventilation was lower in the BCPAP group compared to the VCPAP group in premature neonate

    Kliničko značenje povišene razine olova u krvi u ovisnika o opijumu s jakom boli u području abdomena

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    There are inconsistencies regarding the association of blood lead level (BLL) in opium addicts with severe abdominal pain. In present study, we aimed to assess BLL in opium addicts presented with severe abdominal pain. This cross-sectional study was conducted on 60 opium-addicted individuals admitted to our rehabilitation center in Zabol city during February-October 2016. BLL was measured using potentiometric-stripping analysis (PSA) method. Statistical analysis was conducted in SPSS 20 software. From 60 addicts re-cruited, 47 (78.3%) were males. The mean age was 40.3±18.1 years old. The mean BLL was 43.1±117.4 µg/ dl. Considering a threshold of 18 µg/dl, 22 (37.6%) of the addicts had elevated BLL. The mean BLL in addicts with oral, inhalation and mixed method of consumptions were 54.9±1.5 µg/dl, 47.4±9.2 µg/dl, and 10.1±95 µg/dl respectively (P=0.5). No differences were found regarding the mean BLL among different age groups or between different genders. Furthermore, there were no significant difference in neither hematological pa-rameters or liver enzyme in addicts with normal and elevated BLL. The BLL was not of significant difference in addicts with different methods of opium usage and severe abdominal pain. It is recommended to investigate the effects of factors such as the duration of opium usage and the concentration of lead in opium to influ-ence BLL.Postoje nedosljednosti u vezi povezanosti razine olova u krvi (OUK) u ovisnika o opijumu s jakim bolovima na području abdomena. U ovome radu nam je bio cilj odrediti OUK u ovisnika o opijumu s jakim bolovima u trbuhu. Provedeno je presječno instraživanje na 60 ovisnika o opijumu primljenih u naš rehabilit-acijski centar u gradu Zabol od veljače do listopada 2016. OUK je mjereno metodom potenciometrijske strip-ing analize. Statističke analize su učinjene programom SPSS 20. Od ispitanih 60 ovisnika, 47 (78,3 %) su bili muškarci. Srednja dob je bila 40.3 ± 18.1 godina. Srednja vrijednost OUK je bila 43.1 ± 117.4 μg/DL. S obzirom na prag od 18 μg/DL, 22 (37,6 %) ovisnika imalo je povišeno OUK. Srednje vrijednosti OUK u ovisnika koji su sredstvo konzumirali peroralno, inhalacijski i mješano su iznosile 54.9 ± 1,5 μg/DL, 47.4 ± 9,2 μg/DL i 10.1 ± 95 μg/DL (P = 0,5). Nisu pronađene značajne razlike srednje vrijednosti OUK među različitim dobnim skupinama ili između spolova. Nadalje, nije bilo značajne razlike ni u hematološkim parametrima ili jetrenim enzimima u ovisnika s normalnim i povišenim OUK. OUK se nije značajno razlikovalo u ovisnika s različitim načinima konzu-miranja droge i jakim bolovima u trbuhu. Preporuča se istražiti kako čimbenici kao što su trajanje konzumacije opijuma i koncentracija olova u opijum utječu na razinu OUK

    Highly Conserve Sequences in Envelope, Nucleoprotein and RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase of SARS-CoV-2 in Nasopharyngeal Samples of the COVID-19 Patients; a Diagnostic Target for Further Studies

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    Background: The etiological agent of COVID-19 is SARS-CoV-2. Conversional molecular methods used for detection of virus in COVID-19 infected patient. This study aimed to investigate the presence of escape mutations from molecular detection on SARS-CoV-2 targeted genes, which indicates importance of mutations in false negative PCR test results in detection of virus in clinical specimens of patients with COVID-19. Material and Method: The 20 nasopharyngeal swabs samples collected from COVID-19 confirmed patients. The SARS-CoV-2 E, nsp12 and N genetic regions Amplified by RT-PCR assay. PCR products sequenced using the Sanger sequencing method and Multiple sequence alignment for the assessment of the polymorphism and mutations preformed using MEGA X software and Maximum likelihood method for the phylogenetic assessment. Result: Among all COVID-19 cases 60% and 40% were male and female, respectively. The MSA showed high conservation between all of the evaluated samples and VOCs in all N, E and nsp12 genes. Also, the phylogenetic evaluation by Maximum likelihood method reported high similarity between all SARS-CoV-2 sequenced samples, VOCs and Wuhan reference sequence in evaluated region. Conclusion: Our study results approved the relatively conserved suitability of the E, N and RdRp-gene regions without any diversity, therefore, making them perfect candidates for first-line screening

    Three-component coupling approach for the synthesis of 4H-pyrans and pyran-annulated heterocyclic scaffolds utilizing Ag/TiO2 nano-thin films as robust recoverable catalyst

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    127-135As a segment of ongoing surveys and with the aim of expansion of environmentally benign processes, a series of biologically varied type of substituted 2-amino-3-cyano-4H-pyrans and pyran-annulated Scaffolds have been synthesized by tandem Knoevenagel-cyclocondensation of aldehydes, malononitrile, and C-H-activated acidic compounds in aqueous ethanol in the presence of Ag/TiO2 nano-thin films as an eco-friendly, recyclable, and, robust catalyst at 60°C. The salient features of this protocol are mild reaction conditions, producing target compounds in high yields, short reaction times, high atom economy, eco-friendly catalyst, easy isolation of products and no column chromatographic separation. Also, it is observed that the catalyst is highly stable during the reaction and several reuse times without observable loss in catalytic performance

    Three-component coupling approach for the synthesis of 4H-pyrans and pyran-annulated heterocyclic scaffolds utilizing Ag/TiO2 nano-thin films as robust recoverable catalyst

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    As a segment of ongoing surveys and with the aim of expansion of environmentally benign processes, a series of biologically varied type of substituted 2-amino-3-cyano-4H-pyrans and pyran-annulated Scaffolds have been synthesized by tandem Knoevenagel-cyclocondensation of aldehydes, malononitrile, and C-H-activated acidic compounds in aqueous ethanol in the presence of Ag/TiO2 nano-thin films as an eco-friendly, recyclable, and, robust catalyst at 60°C. The salient features of this protocol are mild reaction conditions, producing target compounds in high yields, short reaction times, high atom economy, eco-friendly catalyst, easy isolation of products and no column chromatographic separation. Also, it is observed that the catalyst is highly stable during the reaction and several reuse times without observable loss in catalytic performance.

    Decline in Iran’s groundwater recharge

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    Groundwater recharge feeds aquifers supplying fresh-water to a population over 80 million in Iran—a global hotspot for groundwater depletion. Using an extended database comprising abstractions from over one million groundwater wells, springs, and qanats, from 2002 to 2017, here we show a significant decline of around −3.8 mm/yr in the nationwide groundwater recharge. This decline is primarily attributed to unsustainable water and environmental resources management, exacerbated by decadal changes in climatic conditions. However, it is important to note that the former’s contribution outweighs the latter. Our results show the average annual amount of nationwide groundwater recharge (i.e., ~40 mm/yr) is more than the reported average annual runoff in Iran (i.e., ~32 mm/yr), suggesting the surface water is the main contributor to groundwater recharge. Such a decline in groundwater recharge could further exacerbate the already dire aquifer depletion situation in Iran, with devastating consequences for the country’s natural environment and socio-economic development

    Global, regional, and national burden of colorectal cancer and its risk factors, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Funding: F Carvalho and E Fernandes acknowledge support from Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P. (FCT), in the scope of the project UIDP/04378/2020 and UIDB/04378/2020 of the Research Unit on Applied Molecular Biosciences UCIBIO and the project LA/P/0140/2020 of the Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy i4HB; FCT/MCTES through the project UIDB/50006/2020. J Conde acknowledges the European Research Council Starting Grant (ERC-StG-2019-848325). V M Costa acknowledges the grant SFRH/BHD/110001/2015, received by Portuguese national funds through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), IP, under the Norma Transitória DL57/2016/CP1334/CT0006.proofepub_ahead_of_prin

    The global burden of cancer attributable to risk factors, 2010-19 : a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019

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    Background Understanding the magnitude of cancer burden attributable to potentially modifiable risk factors is crucial for development of effective prevention and mitigation strategies. We analysed results from the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study (GBD) 2019 to inform cancer control planning efforts globally. Methods The GBD 2019 comparative risk assessment framework was used to estimate cancer burden attributable to behavioural, environmental and occupational, and metabolic risk factors. A total of 82 risk-outcome pairs were included on the basis of the World Cancer Research Fund criteria. Estimated cancer deaths and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) in 2019 and change in these measures between 2010 and 2019 are presented. Findings Globally, in 2019, the risk factors included in this analysis accounted for 4.45 million (95% uncertainty interval 4.01-4.94) deaths and 105 million (95.0-116) DALYs for both sexes combined, representing 44.4% (41.3-48.4) of all cancer deaths and 42.0% (39.1-45.6) of all DALYs. There were 2.88 million (2.60-3.18) risk-attributable cancer deaths in males (50.6% [47.8-54.1] of all male cancer deaths) and 1.58 million (1.36-1.84) risk-attributable cancer deaths in females (36.3% [32.5-41.3] of all female cancer deaths). The leading risk factors at the most detailed level globally for risk-attributable cancer deaths and DALYs in 2019 for both sexes combined were smoking, followed by alcohol use and high BMI. Risk-attributable cancer burden varied by world region and Socio-demographic Index (SDI), with smoking, unsafe sex, and alcohol use being the three leading risk factors for risk-attributable cancer DALYs in low SDI locations in 2019, whereas DALYs in high SDI locations mirrored the top three global risk factor rankings. From 2010 to 2019, global risk-attributable cancer deaths increased by 20.4% (12.6-28.4) and DALYs by 16.8% (8.8-25.0), with the greatest percentage increase in metabolic risks (34.7% [27.9-42.8] and 33.3% [25.8-42.0]). Interpretation The leading risk factors contributing to global cancer burden in 2019 were behavioural, whereas metabolic risk factors saw the largest increases between 2010 and 2019. Reducing exposure to these modifiable risk factors would decrease cancer mortality and DALY rates worldwide, and policies should be tailored appropriately to local cancer risk factor burden. Copyright (C) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an Open Access article under the CC BY 4.0 license.Peer reviewe