33 research outputs found

    Toward predicting Dinophysis blooms off NW Iberia: a decade of events

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    Dinophysis acuminata and Dinophysis acuta are recurrent species off NW Iberia but their outbreaks occur under different conditions. A decade (2004-2013) of weekly data for each species at two sentinel stations located at the entrance of Rias de Aveiro-AV (NW Portugal, 40 degrees 38.6' N) and Pontevedra-PO (Galicia, Spain, 42 degrees 21.5' N), were used to investigate the regional synchronism and mesoscale differences related to species detection, bloom (>200 cells L-1) initiation and development. Results highlight the high interannual variability of bloom events and summarize the associated meteorological/oceanographic conditions. D. acuta blooms were observed in 2004-2008 and 2013, and the species highest maxima at AV occurred after the highest maxima of its prey Mesodinium, with a time-lag of 2-3 weeks. D. acuminate blooms were observed every year at both stations. The cell concentration time series shows that the blooms generally present a sequence starting in March with D. acuminata in PO and three weeks later in AV, followed by D. acuta that starts at AV and three months later in PO. Exceptionally, D. acuminate blooms occurred earlier at AV than PO, namely in high spring upwelling (2007) or river runoff (2010) years. A four-year gap (2009-2012) of D. acuta blooms occurred after an anomalous 2008 autumn with intense upwelling which is interpreted as the result of an equatorward displacement of the population core. Numerical model solutions are used to analyze monthly alongshore current anomalies and test transport hypotheses for selected events. The results show a strong interannual variability in the poleward/equatorward currents associated with changes in upwelling forcing winds, the advection of D. acute blooms from AV to PO and the possibility that D. acuminata blooms at AV might result from inocula advected southward from PO. However, the sensitivity of the results to vertical position of the lagrangian tracers call for more studies on species distribution at the various bloom stages. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Guia de segurança em laboratórios de química e bioquímica

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    Este Guia de Segurança em Laboratórios de Química e Bioquímica tem como objetivo a consciencialização dos riscos de exposição a substâncias e misturas perigosas, bem como a informação das medidas de segurança e das boas práticas laboratoriais que devem ser adotadas por alunos, docentes, investigadores e/ou técnicos responsáveis de laboratório. Não se pretende que esta abordagem seja exaustiva, mas chama-se a atenção para recomendações essenciais as quais devem ser complementadas por um conhecimento mais aprofundado de cada trabalho experimental, devendo ser consultadas as referências bibliográficas específicas.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Integrating in situ and ocean color data to evaluate ecological quality under the water framework directive

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    TheWater Framework Directive (WFD) aims at evaluating the ecological status of European coastal water bodies (CWBs). This is a rather complex task and first requires the use of long-term databases to assess the e ect of anthropogenic pressure on biological communities. An in situ dataset was assembled using concomitant biological, i.e., chlorophyll a (Chl a) and environmental data, covering the years from 1995 to 2014, to enable a comprehensive assessment of eutrophication in the Western Iberia Coast (WIC). Given the temporal gaps in the dataset, especially in terms of Chl a, satellite observations were used to complement it. Positive relationships between Chl a 90th percentile and nitrogen concentrations were obtained. The Land-Uses Simplified Index (LUSI), as a pressure indicator, showed no relationship with Chl a, except in Galicia, but it highlighted a higher continental pressure in the Portuguese CWBs in comparison with Galician waters. In general terms, the trophic index (TRIX) showed that none of the CWBs were in degraded conditions. Nevertheless, the relatively high TRIX and LUSI values obtained for the water body in front of Tagus estuary suggest that this area should be subject to continued monitoring. Results highlighted the usefulness of satellite data in water quality assessments and set the background levels for the implementation of operational monitoring based on satellite Chl a. In the future, low uncertainty and harmonized satellite products across countries should be provided. Moreover, the assessment of satellite-based eutrophication indicators should also include metrics on phytoplankton phenology and community structure.CEECIND/00095/2017/ UIDB/04326/2020/ UID/MAR/04292/2020info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Mesoscale dynamics and niche segregation of two Dinophysis species in Galician-Portuguese coastal waters

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    Blooms of Dinophysis acuminata occur every year in Galicia (northwest Spain), between spring and autumn. These blooms contaminate shellfish with lipophilic toxins and cause lengthy harvesting bans. They are often followed by short-lived blooms of Dinophysis acuta, associated with northward longshore transport, at the end of the upwelling season. During the summers of 1989 and 1990, dense blooms of D. acuta developed in situ, initially co-occurring with D.acuminata and later with the paralytic shellfish toxin-producer Gymnodiniumcatenatum. Unexplored data from three cruises carried out before, during, and following autumn blooms (13⁻14, 27⁻28 September and 11⁻12 October) in 1990 showed D. acuta distribution in shelf waters within the 50 m and 130 m isobaths, delimited by the upwelling front. A joint review of monitoring data from Galicia and Portugal provided a mesoscale view of anomalies in SST and other hydroclimatic factors associated with a northward displacement of the center of gravity of D. acuta populations. At the microscale, re-examination of the vertical segregation of cell maxima in the light of current knowledge, improved our understanding of niche differentiation between the two species of Dinophysis. Results here improve local transport models and forecast of Dinophysis events, the main cause of shellfish harvesting bans in the most important mussel production area in Europe.project ASIMUTH (EC) FP7-SPACE-2010-1 EU EAPA_182/201info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Monitorização de iessotoxinas em mexilhão na Baía de Lisboa

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    [POR] A iessotoxina (YTX) e os seus análogos (YTXs) são compostos lipofílicos, poliéteres de dissulfato, produzidos por microalgas como Protoceratium reticulatum, Lingulodinium polyedrum e Gonyaulax spinifera. Em Portugal, a pesquisa de YTXs iniciou-se em 2005 recorrendo a um kit de imunoiensaio comercial. O presente trabalho teve como objectivo monitorizar a presença de YTXs em mexilhão colhido na Baía de Lisboa, cujo o lado Norte representa uma zona de concentração e retenção de fitoplâncton. Numa tentativa de explicar a persistência da concentração de iessotoxina em mexilhão realizou-se em laboratório um estudo de destoxificação. Na Baía de Lisboa, o mexilhão apresentou contaminação com YTXs de Maio a Dezembro de 2005 com dois picos máximos, um em Junho com 1.53 mg Kg-1 e outro em Agosto com 1.42 mg Kg-1. Os valores máximos de YTXs foram simultâneos com a presença de Lingulodinium polyedrum na água, embora em baixas concentrações. Os ensaios laboratoriais de destoxificação evidenciaram uma lenta eliminação desta toxina o que explica a persistência de YTXs no mexilhão até ao final de 2005. O facto de as elevadas concentrações de YTXs terem sido registadas quando houve baixas concentrações de células na água pode também estar relacionado com a lenta eliminação destas toxinas. [ESP] La iessotoxina (YTX) y sus análogos (YTX) son compuestos poliéteres de disulfato lipofílicos, producidos por microalgas como Protoceratium reticulatum, Lingulodinium polyedrum y Gonyaulax spinifera. En Portugal, la investigación sobre YTX comenzó en 2005 utilizando a un kit de inmunoensayo comercial. El presente trabajo tuvo objetivo monitorear la presencia de YTXs en mejillones cosechados en la Bahía de Lisboa, cuyo lado norte representa una zona de concentración y retención de fitoplancton. En un intento de explicar la persistencia de la concentración de iessotoxina en mejillones, un estudio de laboratorio de desintoxicación En la Bahía de Lisboa, el mejillón presentó contaminación con YTXs de mayo a diciembre de 2005 con dos picos máximos, uno en junio con 1,53 mg Kg-1 y otro en agosto con 1,42 mg Kg-1. Los valores los YTX máximos fueron simultáneos con la presencia de Lingulodinium poliedro en agua, aunque en bajas concentraciones. Los exámenes laboratorio de desintoxicación evidenció una eliminación lenta de este toxina que explica la persistencia de YTXs en mejillones hasta el final de 2005. El hecho de que se registraran altas concentraciones de YTX cuando había bajas concentraciones de células en el agua también puede ser relacionados con la lenta eliminación de estas toxinas.Este trabalho foi suportado pelos programas QCAIII /med.4/ MARE – Segurança, Vigilância e Qualidade dos Moluscos Bivalves e QCAIII/POPesca/MARE – Caracterização ecológica da zona costeira – Plataforma Continental. Os autores agradecem a disponibilidade demonstrada pelos técnicos do Departamento de Aquacultura, IPIMAR

    Ecossistema costeiro de Aveiro (Portugal): Proliferações de Gymnodinium catenatum e detecção de toxinas PSP

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    [POR] As proliferações de Gymnodinium catenatum detectadas na Baía de Lisboa em Agosto de 2005, permitiram confirmar esta zona como epicentro para o início destes blooms, relacionados com a pluma de afloramento do Cabo da Roca. A progressão do bloom para Norte foi observada sucessivamente nas estações costeiras de monitorização, tendo atingido as Rias Galegas no final de Outubro. A zona de Aveiro, onde se detectaram nos bivalves as concentrações mais elevadas de toxinas e com maior persistência no tempo, foi a região escolhida para se apresentarem os resultados da relação entre as toxinas paralisantes (PSP) e a ocorrência de Gymnodinium catenatum, entre Outubro de 2005 e Maio de 2006. Em Novembro de 2005, G. catenatum atingiu a concentração máxima (43.000 células L-1) na zona costeira de Aveiro, mantendo-se na zona norte de Portugal até Janeiro de 2006. Verificaram-se dinâmicas diferenciadas na toxificação de bivalves, em que a concentração máxima de PSP foi detectada em mexilhão com a concentração de 1.014 µg. equivalentes STX/100 g. tecido. Este valor, foi registado 5 dias após a abundância máxima de G. catenatum. Na amêijoa-branca o valor máximo de toxina foi detectado 10 dias depois apresentando a concentração de 589 µg. equivalentes STX/100 g. tecido. A toxicidade manteve-se no mexilhão e berbigão até final de Janeiro de 2006. [ESP] Las proliferaciones de Gymnodinium catenatum detectadas en la Bahía de Lisboa en agosto de 2005, confirmó esta zona como epicentro para el comienzo de estas floraciones, relacionado con el penacho de afloramiento de la Cabo de la Roca. Se observó la progresión de la floración hacia el norte. sucesivamente en las estaciones de vigilancia costera, llegando al Rías Galegas a finales de octubre. La zona de Aveiro, donde se detectaron las concentraciones de bivalvos mayores niveles de toxinas y con mayor persistencia en el tiempo, fue la región elegido para presentar los resultados de la relación entre las toxinas (PSP) y la ocurrencia de Gymnodinium catenatum, entre octubre de 2005 y mayo de 2006. En noviembre de 2005, G. catenatum alcanzó la concentración máximo (43.000 celdas L-1) en la zona costera de Aveiro, quedando en el zona norte de Portugal hasta enero de 2006. Hubo dinámicas diferenciados en la toxicidad de los bivalvos, en los que la concentración máxima de Se detectó PSP en mejillones a una concentración de 1014 µg. equivalentes STX/100g. tejido. Este valor se registró 5 días después de la máxima abundancia de G. catenatum. En la almeja blanca el valor máximo de la toxina se detectó 10 días después con una concentración de 589 µg. equivalentes STX/100g. tejido. La toxicidad persistió en mejillones y berberechos hasta finales de enero de 2006.Este trabalho foi suportado pelos programas QCAIII /med.4/ MARE – Segurança, Vigilância e Qualidade dos Moluscos Bivalves e QCAIII- POPesca MARE - Caracterização ecológica da zona costeira - Plataforma Continental. A participação na IX Reunión Ibérica foi suportada pelo projecto POCI/Mar/56296/2004, Studying the impact of the climate change in the Portuguese coastal waters - the Aveiro coastal ecosystem (SIMCLAVE)

    Characterizing phytoplankton biomass seasonal cycles in two NE Atlantic coastal bays

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    The seasonal and interannual variability of chlorophyll a was studied between 2008 and 2016 in two coastal bays located in the northeastern limit of the Iberia/Canary upwelling ecosystem. The work aims (i) to understand if small latitudinal distances and/or coastline orientation can promote different chlorophyll a seasonal cycles; and (ii) to investigate if different meteorological and oceanographic variables can explain the differences observed on seasonal cycles. Results indicate three main biological seasons with different patterns in the two studied bays. A uni-modal pattern with a short early summer maximum and relatively low chlorophyll a concentration characterized the westernmost sector of the South coast, while a uni-modal pattern characterized by high biomass over a long period, slightly higher in spring than in summer, and high chlorophyll a concentration characterized the central West coast. Comparisons made between satellite estimates of chlorophyll a and in situ data in one of the bays revealed some important differences, namely the overestimation of concentrations and the anticipation of the beginning and end time of the productive period by satellite. Cross-correlation analyses were performed for phytoplankton biomass and different meteorological and oceanographic variables (SST, PAR, UI, MLD and precipitation) using different time lags to identify the drivers that promote the growth and the high levels of phytoplankton biomass. PAR contributed to the increase of phytoplankton biomass observed during winter/midspring, while upwelling and SST were the main explanatory drivers to the high Chl-a concentrations observed in late-spring/summer. Zonal transport was the variable that contributed most to the phytoplankton biomass during late-spring/summer in Lisbon Bay, while the meridional transport combined with SST was more important in Lagos Bay.FCT: SFRH/BD/52560/2014/ IPMA-BCC-2016-35/ UIDB/04292/2020/ UID/Multi/04326/2020/ UID/MAT/04561/2020 LISBOA-01-0145FEDER-031265 IPMA: MAR2020PO2M01-1490 Pinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Phytoplankton dynamics in relation to seasonal variability and upwelling and relaxation patterns at the mouth of Ria de Aveiro (West Iberian Margin) over a four-year period

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    From June 2004 to December 2007, samples were weekly collected at a fixed station located at the mouth of Ria de Aveiro (West Iberian Margin). We examined the seasonal and inter-annual fluctuations in composition and community structure of the phytoplankton in relation to the main environmental drivers and assessed the influence of the oceano-graphic regime, namely changes in frequency and intensity of upwelling events, over the dynamics of the phytoplankton assemblage. The samples were consistently handled and a final subset of 136 OTUs (taxa with relative abundance > 0.01%) was subsequently submitted to various multivariate analyses. The phytoplankton assemblage showed significant changes at all temporal scales but with an overriding importance of seasonality over longer-(inter-annual) or shorter-term fluctuations (upwelling-related). Sea-surface temperature, salinity and maximum upwelling index were retrieved as the main driver of seasonal change. Seasonal signal was most evident in the fluctuations of chlorophyll a concentration and in the high turnover from the winter to spring phytoplankton assemblage. The seasonal cycle of production and succession was disturbed by upwelling events known to disrupt thermal stratification and induce changes in the phytoplankton assemblage. Our results indicate that both the frequency and intensity of physical forcing were important drivers of such variability, but the outcome in terms of species composition was highly dependent on the available local pool of species and the timing of those events in relation to the seasonal cycle. We conclude that duration, frequency and intensity of upwelling events, which vary seasonally and inter-annually, are paramount for maintaining long-term phytoplankton diversity likely by allowing unstable coexistence and incorporating species turnover at different scales. Our results contribute to the understanding of the complex mechanisms of coastal phytoplankton dynamics in relation to changing physical forcing which is fundamental to improve predictability of future prospects under climate change.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT, Portugal) [SFRH/BPD/ 94562/2013]; FEDER funds; national funds; CESAM [UID/AMB/50017]; FCT/MEC through national funds; FEDERinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    New physical and biological evidence of lateral transport affecting dinoflagellate cyst distribution in the benthic nepheloid layer along a land-sea transect off Figueira da Foz (Atlantic Iberian margin)

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    30 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables.-- This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY)[Introduction] The production of resting cysts is a key dispersal and survival strategy of many dinoflagellate species. However, little is known about the role of suspended cysts in the benthic nepheloid layer (BNL) in the initiation and decline of planktonic populations. [Method] In September 2019, sampling of the dinoflagellate cyst community at different water depths in the water column and in the bottom sediments, and studies of spatio-temporal changes in physical properties (temperature, salinity, density and suspended sediment concentration), were carried out along a land-sea transect off Figueira da Foz (NW Portugal) to investigate the dinoflagellate cyst distribution and the factors (physical and biological) affecting it. A clustering analysis was used to compare the BNL and sediment cyst records with the cyst rain recorded by a sediment trap at a fixed station. Furthermore, Lagrangian particle experiments enabled simulating cyst trajectories in the BNL 5 and 10 days before sampling and assessing cross-shore, vertical and alongshore transport within the studied region. [Results] A well-developed BNL was present during the survey, which covered a change from active (14th of September) to relaxed (19th of September) upwelling conditions. Organic-walled dinoflagellate cysts were dominant in all samples, although calcareous dinoflagellate cysts consistently occurred (at low abundances). High proportions of full cysts were observed in the BNL, of which a significant portion was viable as shown by excystment experiments. Moreover, BNL cyst records collected on the 19th of September along the land-sea transect were similar to the sediment trap cyst record but greatly differed from sediment cyst records. The heterotrophic small spiny brown cysts (SBC) and cysts of the autotrophic yessotoxin-producer Protoceratium reticulatum notably increased during the survey, in the BNL and in the water column above. [Discussion] The comparison of the BNL, surface sediment and sediment trap cyst records supported that the main origin of cysts in the BNL was the recent production in the water column. The spatial coincidences in the distribution of cysts and vegetative cells of Protoceratium reticulatum also supported that full cysts in the water column were being produced in surface waters. New data evidenced the presence of a significant reservoir of viable cysts in the BNL that have the potential to seed new planktonic blooms. Furthermore, back-track particle modelling evidenced that alongshore advection was the main physical mechanism controlling cyst dynamics in the BNL during most part of the survey period, being particularly intense in coastal stations (<100 m depth). Consequently, the sediment cyst signal is a mixture of locally and regionally produced cysts. We provide multi-disciplinary data evidencing that cysts recently formed in the photic zone can be laterally advected within the studied region through the BNL, contributing to a better understanding of the role of the BNL in cyst dynamics and tracing the seed sources of the new bloomsThis work is a contribution to HABWAVE project LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-031265, co-funded by EU ERDF funds, within the PT2020 Partnership Agreement and Compete 2020, and national funds through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, I.P.(FCT, I.P.) also to AQUIMAR project MAR2020; MAR-02.01.01-FEAMP-017. This study had the support of FCT through the strategic projects UIDB/04292/2020 and UIDP/04292/2020 awarded to MARE and through project LA/P/0069/2020 granted to the Associate Laboratory ARNET, the strategic project UIDB/04326/2020 awarded to CCMAR. Thanks are also due for the financial support to CESAM by FCT/MCTES (UIDP/50017/2020+UIDB/50017/2020+LA/P/0094/2020), Partnership Agreement and Compete 2020. IG-M was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from Xunta de Galicia, Spain (ref. ED481B-2019-074, 2019). JM gratefully acknowledges the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia and its support via strategic funding UIDB/04423/2020 and UIDP/04423/2020, and project MIWAVES (PTDC/2022.01215.PTDC)Peer reviewe

    A globalização pós-Covid-19 e o medo dos outros. O que se segue?

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    O IDN Brief especial pandemia chega agora ao fim com um número dedicado ao impacto da COVID-19 na ordem mundial e nos equilíbrios geoestratégicos. Foram 9 edições, em que 90 especialistas partilharam as suas análises sobre os efeitos desta pandemia em múltiplas dimensões: da segurança sanitária à ação das forças armadas, da gestão de crises à segurança humana, da defesa Europeia à relação transatlântica, da cibersegurança aos equilíbrios de poder mundiais. Esta edição fecha com registos de diagnóstico e prospetiva sobre as dinâmicas da tensão e competição entre Estados Unidos e a China, o lugar da Europa e dos seus principais protagonistas, o espaço para o multilateralismo e o papel da ciência, a contradição entre o reforço dos interesses nacionais e as exigências de cooperação, a emergência, estabilidade ou irrelevância estratégica de diferentes espaços regionais, a produção do inimigo, a desconfiança e o medo dos outros. Continuaremos, com outros formatos e iniciativas, a acompanhar os cenários desta crise em desenvolvimento e de uma magnitude sem precedentes, na qual a expressão ‘saudades do futuro’ adquire um sentido muito particular, alimentando tanto visões pessimistas como demandas de ação e transformação.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio