3,228 research outputs found


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    The goal of this study is to examine the validity of the long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) for a sample of nine principle trade partners of Algeria namely Canada, China, Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States and the euro zone countries. Using panel error correction model (PECM) upon monthly data for the period 2003 M1 – 2015M5, results suggested that the bilateral exchange rate movements is a suitable to support the purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis. However, suggesting that there is long run relationship between exchange rates and relative prices in foreign courtiers by using panel cointegraion of Pedroni (1999, 2004), that can be interpreted by the validity of purchasing power parity for nine principle trade partners of Algeria


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    The goal of this study is to examine the validity of the long-run purchasing power parity (PPP) for a sample of nine principle trade partners of Algeria namely Canada, China, Japan, Switzerland, Sweden, Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United States and the euro zone countries. Using panel error correction model (PECM) upon monthly data for the period 2003 M1 – 2015M5, results suggested that the bilateral exchange rate movements is a suitable to support the purchasing power parity (PPP) hypothesis. However, suggesting that there is long run relationship between exchange rates and relative prices in foreign courtiers by using panel cointegraion of Pedroni (1999, 2004), that can be interpreted by the validity of purchasing power parity for nine principle trade partners of Algeria

    The Effects of Fiscal Dominance on Monetary Policies in Algeria Amidst COVID-19

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    While the COVID-19 pandemic has triggered the likelihood and intensity of the increased budget deficit affecting the inflation rate, increasing concerns emerge regarding the ability of governments to stabilize the price under the fiscal dominance in oil-exporting countries. This paper examines the viability of a non-Ricardian regime in Algeria under COVID-19 and the consequences of fiscal dominance on monetary policy. The study demonstrated that budget deficit/GDP, official exchange rate, an interest rate of treasury bills, oil prices, and broad money/GDP are all significantly connected to the inflation rate using an ARDL model from 1998 to 2020. Long-term cointegration is present, supporting the legitimacy of the non-Ricardian regime and the importance of fiscal policy. Empirical findings show the substantial role of the budget deficit, particularly during the COVID-19 period, on Algerian inflation, which has implications for the central bank, government

    The Relationship Between Oil Price and the Algerian Exchange Rate

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    The goal of this study is to investigate the relationship between oil price and the nominal US Dollar/Algerian Dinar exchange rate through an empirical analysis using a VAR Model (Vector Autoregressive Model) upon monthly data for the period 2003-2013. Results show that a cointegration relationship is not detected between the oil and exchange rate in Algeria. However, the estimation of a VAR model indicates that a 1% increase in oil price would tend to depreciate Algerian Dinar against US Dollar by nearly 0.35%. This negative impact emphasizes how the Algerian dinar is a non-oil currency and explains how the foreign exchange receipts from hydrocarbon exports help swell Algerian public spending that would cater for public budget deficit curtailment

    An implementation of optimal control methods (LQI, LQG, LTR) for geostationary satellite attitude control

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    This paper investigates a new strategy for geostationary satellite attitude control using Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG), Loop Transfer Recovery (LTR), and Linear Quadratic Integral (LQI) control techniques. The sub-system satellite attitude determination and control of a geostationary satellite in the presence of external disturbances, the dynamic model of sub-satellite motion is firstly established by Euler equations. During the flight mission at 35000 Km attitude, the stability characteristics of attitude motion are analyzed with a large margin error of pointing, then a height performance-order LQI, LQG and LTR attitude controller are proposed to achieve stable control of the sub-satellite attitude, which dynamic model is linearized by using feedback linearization method. Finally, validity of the LTR order controller and the advantages over an integer order controller are examined by numerical simulation. Comparing with the corresponding integer order controller (LQI, LQG), numerical simulation results indicate that the proposed sub-satellite attitude controller based on LTR order can not only stabilize the sub-satellite attitude, but also respond faster with smaller overshoot.

    Petites villes, fonctions urbaines et organisation de l’espace: analyse à travers le cas de la fonction commerciale de la ville d’Azazga dans la wilaya de Tizi-Ouzou

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    أظهرت النظريات الحضرية والدراسات التجريبية في المجال الحضري منذ فترة طويلة أنه من خلال وظائفها ، تؤثر المدن على تنظيم الفضاء وتحثه. وبالتالي فإن موضوع مقالنا يتكون من إثبات أن الوظيفة التجارية في منطقة Azazga تحفز على تنظيم الفضاء الإقليمي حول الأماكن التجارية المركزية الهرمية حيث تحتل مدينة Azazga القمة ولها مناطق التأثير التجاري بما في ذلك تأثير الأماكن التجارية الأخرى في منطقته. ينقسم النهج المنهجي المعتمد إلى مرحلتين ، الأولى تعتمد على النهج الكمي الذي يتكون من تحليل البيانات الإحصائية المتعلقة بالأعمال في منطقة عزازقة ، بينما ستعتمد المرحلة الثانية على نهج تحليلي يعتمد على استبيانات ومقابلات مباشرة مع عينة من 150 تاجرًا (120 تاجر تجزئة و 30 تاجر جملة) في المدينة. وبالتالي سيقترح هذا الاستقصاء من ناحية إبراز عوامل توطين الشركات في مدينة عزازقة ومن ناحية أخرى ، لتحديد مناطق التأثير التجاري للمدينة من خلال النظر في الدرجة الهرمية البضائع المسوقة وبعد تصنيف الشركات في المدينة مسبقًا وفقًا لمعيارين وهما تكرار تجديد شراء السلعة أو فئة السلع المسوقة ودرجة تجزئة سوق السلعة.Urban theories and empirical studies of the urban field have long shown that it is through their functions that cities influence and induce the organization of space. The object of our article thus consists in demonstrating that the commercial function in the region of Azazga induces an organization of the regional space structured around hierarchical central commercial places where the city of Azazga occupies the top and has areas of commercial influence including those of other commercial places in its region.The methodological approach adopted is divided into two stages, the first based on a quantitative approach consisting in the analysis of statistical data relating to businesses in the Azazga region, while the second phase will be based on an analytical approach based on questionnaires and direct interviews with a sample of 150 traders (120 retailers and 30 wholesalers) in the city. This survey will thus propose on the one hand to highlight the factors of localization of the businesses in the city of Azazga and on the other hand, to determine the areas of commercial influence of the city through the consideration of the hierarchical degree marketed goods and after having previously classified the businesses of the city according to two criteria namely the frequency of renewal of the purchase of the good or category of goods marketed and the degree of segmentation of the market of the good.Les théories urbaines et les études empiriques portant sur le champ urbain ont depuis longtemps montré que c’est par le biais de leurs fonctions que les villes influencent et induisent l’organisation de l’espace. L’objet de notre article consiste ainsi à démontrer que la fonction commerciale dans la région d’Azazga induit une organisation de l’espace régional structurée autour de places commerciales centrales hiérarchisées où  la ville d’Azazga occupe le sommet et dispose d’aires de rayonnement commerciales englobant celles des autres places commerciales de sa région. L’approche méthodologique retenue se scinde en deux étapes, la première reposant sur une approche quantitative consistant en l’analyse des données statistiques relatives aux commerces dans la région d’Azazga, tandis que la seconde phase sera basée sur une approche analytique à base de questionnaires et d’entretiens directs auprès d’un échantillon de 150 commerçants (120 détaillants et 30 grossistes) de la ville. Cette enquête se proposera ainsi d’une part de mettre en évidence les facteurs de localisation des commerces dans la ville d’Azazga et d’autre part, de déterminer les aires de rayonnement commercial de la ville à travers la prise en considération du degré hiérarchique des biens commercialisés et après avoir préalablement procédé au classement des commerces de la ville en fonction de deux critères à savoir la fréquence de renouvellement de l’achat du bien ou catégorie de biens commercialisé et le degré de segmentation du marché du bien

    Staff Knowledge, Adherence to Infection Control Recommendations and Seroconversion Rates in Hemodialysis Centers in Khartoum

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    Introduction: We evaluated hemodialysis (HD) staff knowledge, adherence to infection control recommendations and seroconversion rates for hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV) in 13 centers that continuously provided HD services in Khartoum State between June 2009 and November 2010. Methods: The knowledge of 182 HD staff members was evaluated by a self-filled questionnaire. Relevant data were obtained from 1011 HD patients by direct interviews and record review. Adherence of staff members to infection control recommendations was evaluated by direct observation. Results: HD staff members achieved a median score of 81% in knowledge evaluation (range 44-100%). Better scores were achieved by more experienced staff. We identified serious gaps in knowledge related to the environmental risk of viral transmission. Regular screening by enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) was performed in 46% of centers. Only half susceptible patients were vaccinated against HBV. Staff dedicated for treatment of HBV positive patients were found in only 57% of centers that served such patients. Hand washing recommendations were strictly observed in 15% of centers, disinfection of HD stations between patients was strictly observed in 23% of centers, medications were prepared in a separate area in 8% of centers and delivered separately to each patient in none of the centers. There were 2.5 HCV seroconversions and 0.6 HBV seroconversions per 100 patient-years. Center characteristics that predicted HCV seroconversion were accommodation of HCV-positive patients in the same center, using ELISA for patient screening, and assigning more than 3 patients for one HD nurse. Conclusion: There are serious gaps in HD staff knowledge and adherence to infection control recommendations. A structured training program for HD staff members is urgently required. Keywords: Hemodialysis; HBV; HCV; Infection Control; Khartou

    Effect of the Alkyl Chain Length Incorporated into Donor Part on the Optoelectronic Properties of the Carbazole Based Dyes: Theoretical Study

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    In this paper, we report a theoretical study using density functional theory (DFT) and time-dependent (TD-DFT) for R-D-π-A systems with various alkyl chains (R). Results show that the LUMO of the dye lies above the semiconductor conduction band, promoting the injection of electrons; the lower HOMO level promotes dye regeneration. The incorporation of methyl chain (CH3) has a significant reduction in the gap energy, improved red-shift absorption spectrum and increase the molar extinction coefficient at the maximum absorption wavelength compared to D. While, the increase in alkyl chain length from C2H5 to C6H13 present a relatively reduce of gap energies, low effect on the wavelength (438 nm) and converged excitation energies. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v9i5.100

    Knowledge utilization and decision making in construction projects in Malaysia

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    Knowledge utilization is the process to apply right and relevant knowledge at the right time and place for effective decision making.The purpose of this paper is twofold.First, to identify the characteristics of knowledge utilization in construction projects in Malaysia.Second, to test whether there is an influence of knowledge utilization on decision making.A questionnaire survey was used to collect data from 124 professionals in different types of construction projects.Processes, factors, and obstacles of knowledge utilization were identified and discussed in this paper.However, the results indicated that there is no significant relationship between knowledge utilization and effectiveness of decision making

    Determination of the antimicrobial susceptibility pattern of enterobacteriaceae in a tertiary health center of Northeastern Nigeria.

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    Gram negative resistance particularly amongst species of has emerged as a worldwide threat affecting the efficacy of our commonly used antimicrobial agents. These threats affect the quality of care and results in prolonged hospitalization and increase in health care cost. We set out to evaluate the occurrence and profile of antimicrobial resistance from clinical isolates of in a tertiary health center of north-eastern, Nigeria. Method: Confirmed species of isolated from 225 patients that were admitted in various units of University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital (UMTH) Maiduguri were tested for susceptibility to 6 antimicrobial agents; ampicillin (10µg), aztreonam (30µg), gentamicin (10µg), ceftriaxone (30µg), ciprofloxacin (5µg) and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid (20/10µg) using the clinical and laboratory standards institute (CLSI) breakpoints. Results: A total of 225 clinical variants of were isolated during the study period. The specie with the highest proportion was with 73(32.4%) and this was followed closely by with 61(27.1%). The result of the susceptibility testing on this species of showed ampicillin (10µg) with the highest resistance of 118(52.4%) while aztreonam(30µg) has the lowest resistance of 58(25.8%). Conclusion: There is the existence of widespread resistance to mostly the beta lactam agents among species of with the exception of Aztreonam. Irrational use of antibiotics must be discouraged so as to reduce this emerging threat. Stringent infection control and antibiotic stewardship programshould be established and sustained in our hospitals nationwide