908 research outputs found

    Effect of Chop Length and Level of Molasses on Chemical Composition of Yellow Corn Stover Silage

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    This factorial study was carried out from 15/10/2020 to 31/6/2021 to investigate the effect of chop length (CL) and level of molasses (M) added at ensiling on chemical composition of yellow corn stover including leaves and stems. Those materials were chopped into 4 lengths, 5, 10, 15 and 20 mm and molasses was added as a source of soluble carbohydrates at 3 levels, 6, 8 and 10% of dry matter (DM). Urea was added to all samples at 2% to enhance nitrogen content. Samples of ensiled materials were packed in double plastic bags and preserved for 60 days. Results revealed that there was a significant (P˂0.01) increase in DM content with increasing CL and level of M, and a significant (P˂0.05) increase in crude protein (CP) content with increasing level of M. Ether extract content was significantly (P˂0.05) decreased with increasing CL but (P˂0.01) increased with increasing level of M. Regarding cell wall components, neutral and acid detergent fibers (NDF, ADF) and cellulose contents were significantly (P˂0.01) decreased in silage samples prepared at fine CL. Lower (P˂0.01) NDF and cellulose contents were associated with those prepared with addition of M at 10%. In general, it was concluded that better results were achieved when samples of yellow corn stover silages including leaves and stems were prepared at 5 mm of chop length and addition of molasses at 10%. &nbsp

    Effect of Addition of Different Levels of Commercial Inoculant of Lactic Acid Bacteria And Soluble Sugars on Fermentation of Wheat Straw Silage

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    اجريت الدراسة للتحري عن تأثير اضافة مستويات مختلفة من اللقاح التجاري لبكتيريا حامض اللاكتيك ((Ecosyl، 0 و 510 ×1 و610 ×1 وحدة مكونة للسبورات/غم مادة رطبة واربعة مستويات من الدبس كمصدر للسكريات الذائبة، 4 و 6 و 8 و 10% على اساس المادة الجافة على خصائص تخمرات سايلج تبن الحنطة. اضيفت اليوريا الى جميع نماذج السايلج بمعدل 1%. اظهرت النتائج ان اضافة اللقاح ادت الى تحسين (P<0.01) تخمرات السايلج, اذ سجل اوطأ اس هيدروجيني (3.97) وتركيز نتروجين الامونيا (0.89% من النتروجين الكلي) واعلى تركيز لحامض اللاكتيك والأحماض الدهنية الطيارة الكلية (7.86 و1.74ملي مكافئ من المادة الجافة على التوالي) في نماذج سايلج تبن الحنطة المصنعة بإضافة المستوى المرتفع من اللقاح، الا انها ادت ايضا الى تراجع المتبقي من السكريات الذائبة. اظهرت النتائج ايضا حصول انخفاض معنوي (P<0.01) في الأس الهيدروجيني بزيادة مستوى الدبس من 4 و6 الى 8 و10%، اذ بلغت القيم 4.86 و4.90 و4.70 و4.51 على التوالي. كما لوحظ حصول انخفاض معنوي (P<0.01) في المتبقي من السكريات الذائبة في الماء وتركيز نتروجين الأمونيا بزيادة مستوى الدبس المضاف عند تصنيع نماذج السايلج. فيما ادى ذلك الى حصول زيادة معنوية (P<0.01) تدريجية في تركيز حامض اللاكتيك، اذ بلغت القيم 2.69 و2.82 و2.23  و 4% من المادة الجافة في نماذج سايلج تبن الحنطة المصنعة بإضافة الدبس بمعدل 4 و 6 و8 و 10% على التوالي. كما لوحظ تأثير معنوي مماثل لزيادة مستوى الدبس على تركيز الاحماض الدهنية الطيارة الكلية. وبينت نتائج الدراسة ايضا ان جميع معايير التخمرات باستثناء تركيز الأحماض الدهنية الطيارة قد تأثرت معنويا (P<0.01) بالتداخل بين تركيز لقاح بكتيريا حامض اللاكتيك ومصدر السكريات الذائبة.This study was conducted to investigate the effect of addition of different levels of commercial inoculant of lactic acid Bacteria (Ecosyl), 0, 1×105 and  1×106  cfu/g wet material and 4 levels of debis as a source of soluble sugars, 4, 6, 8 and 10% on dry matter (DM) basis on fermentation of wheat straw silage. Urea was added to all samples at rate of 1%. Results revealed that addition of inoculant improved (P<0.01) silage fermentation, where, lower pH (3.97) and ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) concentration (0.89% of total N) and higher lactic acid (LA) and total volatile fatty acids (VFA) concentrations (7.86 and 1.74% of DM, respectively) were recorded in samples of wheat straw silages prepared with addition of high level of inoculant. However, it also reduced the residual of water soluble carbohydrates (WSC) in these samples. Results also revealed that there was a significant (P<0.01) reduction in pH with increasing level of debis from 4 to 6, 8 and 10%, values were 4.86, 4.90, 4.70 and 4.51, respectively. A significant (P<0.01) reduction was also shown in the residual of WSC, values were, 2.69, 2.82, 2.23 and 4% of DM in samples of wheat straw silage prepared with addition of debis at rate of 4, 6, 8 and 10% respectively. Similar significant effect due to increasing level of debis was also observed in VFA concentrations. Results of this study showed that all parameters of silage fermentation except that of  total VFA were significantly (P<0.01) affected by interaction between levels of inoculant and source of soluble sugars.      &nbsp

    Data aggregation in wireless sensor networks with minimum delay and minimum use of energy: A comparative study

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    Electronic Workshops in Computing (eWiC), 2015. First published in the Electronic Workshops in Computing series at http://dx.doi.org/10.14236/ewic/bcsme2014.2The prime objective of deploying large- scale wireless sensor networks is to collect information from to control systems associated with these networks. Wireless sensor networks are widely used in application domains such as security and inspection, environmental monitoring, warfare, and other situations especially where immediate responses are required such as disasters and medical emergency. Whenever there is a growth there are challenges and to cope with these challenges strategies and solutions must be developed. This paper discusses the recently addressed issues of data aggregation through presenting a comparative study of different research work done on minimizing delay in different structures of wireless sensor networks. Finally we introduce our proposed method to minimize both delay and power consumption using a tree based clustering scheme with partial data aggregation

    Mode NASA blade used to calculate the power generator for (VAWT) by drag and lift coefficients

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    One of the confrontations with increasing demand on power in the entire world the methodologies of provided power divided into traditional methods against renewable methods. This article presents a simulation model to estimate the integrated power from vertical access wind turbine (VAWT) stages of development of a simulation model of local power supply system (LPSS) with (VAWT). However, wind power is one of the quickest developing advances for the sustainable power age. Disturbingly, in the ongoing years a few instances of corruption on telecommunication systems frameworks have emerged because of the presence of wind ranches, and costly and in fact complex restorative estimations needed. The grade of variation of power verified according to the grid size. The parameters were taken in the study through the preparation of the model are (efficiency, cost, and system response) compared to the benefits against disadvantages when combining the two systems to achieve a high performance of the power stability

    Build A Secure Healthcare System Based On the Metadata of Patient Information

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    Building a secure healthcare system based on metadata involves several key steps to ensure that patient information remains confidential and secure. Metadata refers to information about data, such as the time and date of creation, author, and location, rather than the content of the data itself. In this paper, there are many steps that considered when building a secure healthcare system based on metadata: we begin with defining metadata standards: Establishing metadata standards for healthcare data can help ensure consistency and interoperability across different systems. This can include standards for data elements, data formats, and data models. Implement access controls: Access controls should be implemented to restrict access to sensitive patient data. Role-based access control can be used to limit access to specific data based on job responsibilities. Use encryption: Encryption can be used to protect patient data from unauthorized access. Data encryption should be implemented at rest and in transit to protect data at all times. Secure storage: Patient data should be stored securely, including backups and archives. Secure storage can help prevent data loss and unauthorized access. We obtain a perfect time for processing compare with other resources and perfect time for check the metadata  and hyperlink of patient's information

    Micromechanical Analysis of Pharmaceutical Granules using Advanced Experimental Imaging Methodologies

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    Fundamental level understandings on the processing behaviours of materials in granular and powder form is of high interest to number of engineering industries for example, mining, mineral, pharmaceutical, geotechnical and for advanced material processing applications. Handling and processing of pharmaceutical powders through confined geometries have very important role in pharmaceutical industry and many related powder process engineering sectors. Smooth flow of powders and granules mixtures from the feeding hopper to the compression chamber plays a very crucial role to achieve the integrity and quality of the final product. In this context, establishing clear understandings on the flow and compaction characteristics of particulates is vital. The mechanical behaviour of particulate materials such as powders and grains are different from the conventional states of matter. Depending on the loading levels and geometrical conditions, often they display combined features of solid, liquid and gaseous states. Though an extensive amount of studies are reported in the existing literatures on their mechanical response to loading, there are still a number of challenges to address: (i) Sensing stress distribution in particulate systems is not yet established especially when the size of the particulates are less than a millimetre (ii) Understanding is lacking on whether the stress distribution in initial static filling would influence the dynamic flow trajectories of the particulates when they are allowed to flow from the static state (iii) Micromechanical behaviour of particulates under low levels of external loading is still lacking and (iv) Interaction characteristics of stress and velocity distributions in particulate systems as a function of grain-scale properties and geometrical arrangements are still lacking. The present thesis addresses all of these important challenges in a systematic manner. The research is primarily based on the application of sensing stresses and displacements in particulates using advanced photo stress analysis tomography (PSAT), qualitative velocimetry using colour coding technique (CCT) and quantitative digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV). The required grain-scale properties are characterised comprehensively using a number of standard experimental methods. Where possible, experimental results on the stress and velocity distribution for particulate systems are compared with simulations using discrete element method (DEM) and analytical equations respectively, though the primary focus is on the experimental approaches. A number of outcomes from this research shed new lights and provide fundamental level understandings on the micromechanical properties of particulate systems with relevance to pharmaceutical granules processes

    Fabrication and characterization of oxygen-generating polylactic acid/calcium peroxide composite filaments for bone scaffolds

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    The latest advancements in bone scaffold technology have introduced novel biomaterials that have the ability to generate oxygen when implanted, improving cell viability and tissue maturation. In this paper, we present a new oxygen-generating polylactic acid (PLA)/calcium peroxide (CPO) composite filament that can be used in 3D printing scaffolds. The composite material was prepared using a wet solution mixing method, followed by drying and hot melting extrusion. The concentration of calcium peroxide in the composite varied from 0% to 9%. The prepared filaments were characterized in terms of the presence of calcium peroxide, the generated oxygen release, porosity, and antibacterial activities. Data obtained from scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction showed that the calcium peroxide remained stable in the composite. The maximum calcium and oxygen release was observed in filaments with a 6% calcium peroxide content. In addition, bacterial inhibition was achieved in samples with a calcium peroxide content of 6% or higher. These results indicate that an optimized PLA filament with a 6% calcium peroxide content holds great promise for improving bone generation through bone cell oxygenation and resistance to bacterial infections

    Statistical Modeling of EMG Signal

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    The aim of this research is to measure and build a statistical model of EMG signals . A linear regression method was applied as a statistical modeling method ,the common types of linear regression models was explored. The electromyography (EMG) was measured from the two hands of a person as a way to perform noise reduction with the use of XOR logical operation facilities . To measure EMG signals, the research used six OLIMEXnbsp EMG shield , controllednbsp by Arduino 328 control board , a new classification and modeling of EMG signals of 5 movements of an arm are presented. One of the six channelsnbsp used for the EMGnbsp measurements was used as anbsp reference channel , while the remaining as a measuring channels . The resultantnbsp EMG of each channel was considered as an independent variable (emg)nbsp for the linear regression model and the movement angle (degree) as a dependent variable for the model

    Design and implementation of an oil leakage monitoring system based on wireless network

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    Monitoring pipeline leaks is one of the recent hot studies. Leakage may occur because of time corrosion in the tube raw materials. To reduce the negative consequences of this leak, an effective leak detection system is used to prevent serious leakage accidents and damage in oil pipelines. Buildings, ecosystems, air pollution, and human life are all at risk in case of leakage occurs which could lead to fires. This paper introduces one of the research methods for the detection of pipeline leaks with a particular focus on software-based methods. The computer board interface (CBI) and wireless sensor networks have been used beside Arduino as a micro-monitor for the entire system. ZigBee is also utilized to send read data from sensors to the monitoring system displayed on the LabVIEW graphical user interface (GUI). The operator can take direct action when a leak occurs. The effectiveness of the leakage monitoring process and its practical use are demonstrated by the introduction of computerized techniques based on pressure gauge analysis on a specific pipeline in the laboratory. The result showed that the system is widely covered, accurate data transmission and robust real-time performance which reduces economic losses and environmental pollution