60 research outputs found


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    الخلفية: الفشل الكلوي المزمن هو الفقدان التدريجي لوظائف الكلى , والمريض يحتاج للعلاج لفترة زمنية طويله في شكل العلاج البديل الكلوي. وغسيل الكلى هو واحد من العلاج البديل الكلوي, والذى يتم خلاله إزالة النفايات والمخلفات من الجسم, بما في ذلك الكرياتينين واليوريا والمياه الزائدة, والمرضى الذين يعانون من الفشل الكلوي المزمن يعانون من إضرابات الدهون. هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم الارتباط بين البروتينات الدهنية وتصفية الكرياتينين لدي مرضى الكلى في المرحلة النهائية للمرض والذين يخضعون للأصطصفاء الدموي للكلى. المرضي والواسائ : أجريت هذه الدراسة بهدف دراسة تاثير الاصطصفاء الدموي علي تركيز ومستوي البروتينات الدهنية و تصفية الكرياتنين المستندة إلى الدراسة الوصفية والرصد في المستشفىات على اثنين واربعون مريضا سودانياً في المرحلة المرضية النهائية من أمراض الكلى و الذين يخضعون للأصطصفاء الدموي للكلى . تم الحصول على البيانات باستخدام الاستبيان والتحليلات المختبرية. تم تحليل البروتينات الدهنية وتم حساب تصفية الكرياتينين . الدهون التي تم تحليلها في الدم اشتملت علي الكوليسترول والجليسريد الثلاثي في الدهون ,الاضطراب الدهني في البروتين قليل الكثافة , الاضطراب الدهني في البروتين قليل الكثافة جدا ,الاضطراب الدهني في البروتين مرتفع الكثافة . النتائج: وجدت زيادة ذات دلاله احصائية في مستوي الكوليسترول الكلي والدهون الثلاثية في الدم لدي مرضى الكلي في المرحلة النهائية قبل الإصطصفاء الدموي مقارنة مع نفس المرضي ايضا وجدت زيادة ذات دلالة احصائية بعد الإصطصفاء الدموي . وجد هناك انخفاض كبير في مستويات البروتين الدهني عالي الكثافة الكولسترول في المرضى قبل وبعد الأصطصفاء الدموي بالمقارنة مع نفس المرضى بعد الأصطصفاء الدموي . وجدت ان مستويات البروتين الدهني قليل الكثافة والبروتين الدهني قليل الكثافة جداً زادت بشكل ملحوظ قبل وبعد الأصطصفاء الدموي . وجد إنخفاض ذا دلالة احصائية في مؤشر كتلة الجسم بعد جلسة الأصطصفاء الدموي لدي المرضى الذين يخضعون للأصطصفاء الدموي . وجدت زيادة بشكل ملحوظ في مستويات تصفية الكرياتينين بعد جلسة الأصطصفاء الدموي لدي المرضى الذين يخضعون للأصطصفاء الدموي . الخلاصة: وجدت علاقة إيجابية بين الاضطراب الدهني قليل الكثافة والفترة الزمنية للاصطصفاء الدموي عندما تزيد الفترة الزمنية يزيد معدل الاضطراب الدهني قليل الكثافة . واتضح ايضا ان نسبة معدل الكليسترول يزيد بزيادة مدة المرض وينقص بزيادة الفترة الزمنية للأصطصفاء الدموي

    Distributed Control for Non-Cooperative Systems Under Conjugation Conditions

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    In this paper, the distributed control for non-cooperative elliptic systems under conjugation conditions is established. First, the existence and uniqueness of the state for these systems with Dirichlet and conjugation conditions is proved, then the set of equations and inequalities that characterizes the distributed control of these systems is found. The non-cooperative Neumann systems with conjugation conditions is also discussed

    Association between Inflammatory Cytokines and Liver Functions in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

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    Background: Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is associated with abnormal liver tests, and the medications used for RA are often hepatotoxic. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate an association between pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines and liver function tests in RA patients. Methods: In this descriptive cross-sectional study, 88 RA patients were included, 84 of them were women and 4 men, aged 21–81 years. Serum interleukin-10 (IL-10), interleukin-17 (IL-17), Osteopontin (OPN) were measured and liver function tests were conducted. Results: The frequency of RA was higher among adults aged >41 years (72 [81.8%]) than young adults aged ≤41 years (16 [18.2%]). RA was more common in women (84 [95.5%]) than in men (4 [4.5%]) – approximately 21:1-fold. Young adults had higher abnormal IL-10 than adult RA patients (OR = 3.72, p-value 0.044). Abnormal IL-17 (OR = 5.67, p-value 0.034) was found to be increased in young-adult RA patients. No association was observed between age and OPN and between the duration of disease and IL-10, IL-17, and OPN. Similarly, no association was noted between the types of treatment and IL-10, IL-17, and OPN, nor between IL-10, IL-17, OPN and liver parameters (AST, ALT, ALP, ALB, TP, and GGT). Conclusion: Pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines are not associated with abnormal liver functions, as has been demonstrated in RA patients

    Synergistic anticancer effect of combination treatment of vitamin D and pitavastatin on the HCC1937 breast cancer cells

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    Vitamin D (Vit D) has anticancer properties including activating cell senescence inhibiting cancer cell proliferation, inducing apoptotic cell death, and decreasing cancer cell migration. On the other hand, statins showed favorable anticancer activities including anti-survival, anti-proliferation, and anti-migration effects. The current study aimed to investigate the synergistic anticancer effect of Vit D and statins against HCC1937 triple-negative breast cancer cells. The antiproliferative effect was tested by MTT assay after 48 hours of the treatments. Trypan blue test and clonogenic assay were used to test the anti-survival activities of the treatments. The ability of the treatments to inhibit the migration ability was tested by scratch assay. Levels of the cell cycle and apoptotic markers were determined by western blotting. Results of the study revealed that all the tested compounds including Vit D, atorvastatin (Ator), simvastatin (Simv), and pitavastatin (Pita) inhibited HCC1937 breast cancer cell growth with different IC50 values ranging from 4.49-12.95 µM. Combined application of Pita and Vit D showed potent synergistic antiproliferative activities against HCC1937 breast cancer cells. The combined therapy of (1µM Vit D and 2 µM Pita) inhibited HCC1937 cell proliferation by cell cycle arrest and apoptosis as evidenced by increasing p21, p53, and cleaved PARP. Finally, the combined treatment decreased the p-STAT3 level in HCC1937 breast cancer cells. The results of the study can be concluded that the combined treatment of Pita and Vit D has a synergistic anticancer effect against HCC1937 breast cancer cells

    Endothelial cell loss rate after penetrating keratoplasty: Optical versus therapeutic grafts

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    Background: This study aimed to compare the rate of endothelial cell loss (ECL) after penetrating keratoplasty (PKP) for optical versus therapeutic grafts at 3-, 6-, and 12-month postoperatively. Furthermore, the study aimed to investigate postoperative graft viability and the rate of graft rejection during the first year of follow-up for both indications. Methods: This was a prospective, observational, comparative study that included patients who sought medical advice at the cornea outpatient clinic of Ain Shams University Hospitals, Cairo, Egypt. The study recruited 60 patients: group 1 included 30 transplanted corneas of 30 patients who underwent optical PKP for various indications, while group 2 included 30 transplanted corneas of 30 patients who underwent therapeutic PKP for unhealed, resistant infectious keratitis. Specular microscopy was performed for all patients at the 3-, 6-, and 12-month follow-up visits using Nidek CEM-530 specular microscopy. Postoperative clinical examinations were performed at the same follow-up visits to detect graft rejection. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between the groups concerning the postoperative timing of graft clarity or the rate of ECL at 3- and 6-months postoperatively; however, the rate of ECL was significantly greater in group 2 than in group 1 at 12-months postoperatively (P = 0.03), although the difference was small from a clinical point of view. Moreover, there was no statistically significant difference between the groups in terms of the graft rejection rate. Conclusions: Therapeutic PKP results were comparable to optical PKP with respect to graft viability, the rate of ECL, and the rate of graft rejection 1 year after grafting

    Visual image and expression directed to the child in Media Age

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    Abstract:Designing the visual image directed to the child is considered to be a big challenge for the artist or designer who is forming it, as the visual image is the strongest communication channel in the age of media because it carries meaning smoothly through expressive content. The artists or designer uses the design theories of visual image to form its elements expressing the message carried to children actively.The research contains the definition of visual image and how to form it based on art composition forming theories of the visual image, the study of the meaning definition and expressive characteristics that are in the children drawings and wording shapes for knowing the best ways to communicate with their sentiment. Keywords:Visual image – expression – children drawings characteristics Research Aims:1. Studying the dimensions of the visual image directed to the Pre-adolescent child (9 to 12 years old) contributes to activating the elements of his visual culture.2. Study of the basic formative construction of expression in child’s drawings achieves the target of communication message carried to him.Research Methodology:• The researcher uses the descriptive method followed by an analytical study to identify the concept of the visual image and expression addressed to the "Pre-adolescent" child (9 to 12 years old) to identify the set standards or the necessary ones of it.Research Results:1- That the formative elements of the visual image has to match the expressive content of the message carried.2- Design theories adds an aesthetic and expressive values to the visual image.3- The child has his own way of expressing that the artist needs to study to find the best way to communicate with his sentiment.4- The visual image and expression are considered to be the most powerful way to influence child’s perception.Most important references:1- Dr Ahmed Hamdy Mahmoud- Ma Wara’ Al Fen - General Egyptian Book Organization - 19932- Malameh Wa Qadaya Al Fen Al Tashkily Al Mo’aser - Dr Saleh Reda - Maktabet Al Osra - 200

    New Method to Implement and Analysis of Medical System in Real Time

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    The use of information technology and technological medical devices has contributed significantly to the transformation of healthcare. Despite that, many problems have arisen in diagnosing or predicting diseases, either as a result of human errors or lack of accuracy of measurements. Therefore, this paper aims to provide an integrated health monitoring system to measure vital parameters and diagnose or predict disease. Through this work, the percentage of various gases in the blood through breathing is determined, vital parameters are measured and their effect on feelings is analyzed. A supervised learning model is configured to predict and diagnose based on biometric measurements. All results were compared with the results of the Omron device as a reference device. The results proved that the proposed design overcame many problems as it contributed to expanding the database of vital parameters and providing analysis on the effect of emotions on vital indicators. The accuracy of the measurements also reached 98.8% and the accuracy of diagnosing COVID-19 was 64%. The work also presents a user interface model for clinicians as well as for smartphones using the Internet of things

    Knowledge and attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccination in Sudan: A cross-sectional study

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    Background: Vaccines are an essential part of public health interventions to mitigate the devastating health and non-health impacts of COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the fact that Sudan launched the COVID-19 vaccination program in March 2021, only 10% of the population received their two primary doses of vaccines by the end of May 2022. This delayed uptake of vaccines obviously warrants investigation. Therefore, we have conducted this study to evaluate the knowledge, attitude and acceptance of the general population in Sudan toward COVID-19 vaccines. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional community-based study. The data were collected using an electronic questionnaire from 403 individuals living in Khartoum, Sudan. The data were processed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), and data analysis was performed using appropriate tests. Results: 51% of the participants were found to have sufficient knowledge about the COVID-19 vaccine, and the knowledge level is higher among those educated beyond the secondary school and those who were employed. Among those unvaccinated, only 47% of the participants expressed their intention to take the vaccine when offered to them. The major reason for not trusting the vaccine is safety concerns expressed by 65.5% of the unvaccinated. Conclusion: Higher education levels and employment were associated with an increase in sufficient knowledge about the vaccine in around half of the participants. However, most of participants had not taken the vaccine at the time of the study, and the trust in vaccines is not high. Effective interventions by the health authorities are needed to address these issues in order to accelerate the COVID-19 vaccination program in Sudan

    Amlexanox-loaded nanoliposomes showing enhanced anti-inflammatory activity in cultured macrophages: A potential formulation for treatment of oral aphthous stomatitis

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    Oral aphthous stomatitis is a common disorder treated with the immunomodulatory drug Amlexanox (AMX), that was administered as a mucoadhesive paste (Aphthasol®). This product was discontinued by FDA in 2014 due to the associated undesired adverse reactions of the formulation. Here, we have developed AMX-loaded nanoliposome formulation as a potential alternative for the localised oromucosal delivery of AMX. Nanoliposomes were prepared using Soya phosphatidylcholine (SPC) and Cholesterol (Chol) mixtures at three different molar ratios to formulate vesicles using thin-film hydration, and were characterised for size, zeta potential and entrapment efficiency. The optimal formulation was found to be SPC:Chol 3:1 with drug entrapment efficiency of 94%, post sonication. To evaluate anti-inflammatory activity, macrophages developed by differentiation of human leukaemia monocytic cell line, THP-1, were polarised by Interferon gamma (IFNγ) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to M1 state. Macrophages M1 cells treated with D-L1 formulation (SPC:Chol 3:1, 500 μg/mL total lipid, and 27.6 μM AMX) showed a significant suppression in TNF-α expression levels (43 ± 2.7% of untreated control, p < 0.05) compared to those treated with either empty liposomes or AMX alone. Notably, %TNF-α dramatically decreased to 57 ± 4.05% of control, for cells treated with drug-free liposomes (500μg/mL total lipid) indicating the anti-inflammatory activity of SPC lipid component per se, which led to synergistic effect as evident from the augmentation of AMX anti-inflammatory activity in D-L1 formulation. Our findings highlight the potential of using AMX nanoliposomes as a promising advanced formulation for reviving AMX treatment for management of inflammatory conditions of oral mucosa