81 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan perencanaan, pelaksaanaan, dan peningkatan ecological literacy aspek kinestetik-estetik melalui permainan tradisional dalam pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial. Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh berkurangnya ecological literacy aspek kinestetik-estetik siswa akibat kebiasaan bermain game online dan game konsol. Sehingga berimbas pada menurunnya kesadaran terhadap penerapan program sekolah sehat di SDN Sukamanah 2 sebagai tanggung jawab bersama. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas Model Kemmis-Taggart yang dilaksanakan selama tiga siklus, dengan partisipan siswa dan guru kelas V SDN Sukamanah 2 tahun pelajaran 2016/2017. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan pada ecological literacy aspek kinestetik-estetik setelah penerapan permainan tradisional dalam pembelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial pada tema Teknologi Transportasi dan Komunikasi. Perencanaan pembelajaran melalui permainan tradisional memiliki kekhasan dibandingkan dengan perencanaan pembelajaran biasa, karena melibatkan pengembangan indikator pembelajaran yang diberi muatan ecological literacy aspek kinestetik-estetik dalam Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran dan media pembelajaran. Pelaksanaan pembelajaran diarahkan untuk pengembangan dimensi pengetahuan, kesadaran, dan aplikasi menggunakan permainan tradisional haharewosan, tebak gaya, kotak pos, oray-orayan, sapintrong, ucing sumput, galah, pecle, wawayangan, dan momobilan. Peningkatan dimensi pengetahuan dan kesadaran siswa dari predikat cukup menjadi sangat tinggi, sementara peningkatan dimensi aplikasi dari predikat tinggi menjadi sangat tinggi. Rekomendasi hasil penelitian ini adalah penerapan permainan tradisional dalam pembelajaran untuk pengembangan ecological literacy aspek kinestetik-estetik secara menyeluruh.;--- This study aimed to describe the planning, implementation, and enhancement ecological literacy kinaesthetic-aesthetic aspects through traditional games in the Social Studies instruction. This study was motivated by the decreasing ecological literacy kinaesthetic-aesthetic aspects of the students due to the habit of playing online and console games. So its impact on decreasing awareness of the healthy schools program implementation at SDN Sukamanah 2 as a collective responsibility. The method used is Classroom Action Research Model Kemmis-Taggart carried out during three cycles, with the students and teachers of grade V SDN Sukamanah 2 of the school year 2016/2017 as participants. The results showed an increase in ecological literacy kinaesthetic-aesthetic aspect after the implementation of traditional games in the Social Studies instruction on the theme Transportation and Communication Technology. Instructional planning through traditional games has specificity compared with the usual lesson plan, since it involves the developing indicators of learning loaded by ecological literacy kinaesthetic-aesthetic aspects in the lesson plans and instructional media. Implementation of learning directed to developing dimension of knowledge, awareness, and applications using traditional games “haharewosan”, “tebak gaya”, “kotak pos”, “oray-orayan”, “sapintrong”, “ucing sumput”, “galah”, “pecle”, “wawayangan”, and “momobilan”. Dimensions of knowledge and awareness of students predicate increased from sufficient to be very high, while dimension of application increased from high to be very high. Recommendations result of this research is the application of traditional games in learning for the development of ecological literacy kinaesthetic-aesthetic aspects as a whole

    Adaptation Selection of Plants for Utilization in Phytoremediation of Soil Contaminated by Crude Oil

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    The research on adaptation selection for utilization in phytoremediation of soil contaminated by crude oil using four type plants, such as Helianthus annuus, Paspalum conjugatum, Sorghum bicolor, and Tagetes erecta were conducted. The adaptability of four types of plants  on crude oil contaminated soil at total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) level at 0, 3, and 6% were observed and evaluated to their morphological and anatomical responses. Parameters observed were vegetative growth of plants including growth precentage, plant height, number of leaves, root length, root dry weight, shoot dry weight, root/shoot ratio, total dry weight, and stomatal density for 9 weeks cultivation in screen house. The results show that increasing in TPH level caused in significant reductions on morphological of four plants, such as percentage of plant growth, plant height, number of leaves, root length, root dry weight, shoot dry weight, and total dry weight. In contrast, the increasing in TPH level caused to increasing in root/shoot ratio. The four types of plants studied were effective to be used as plants for phytoremediation of petroleum contaminated soil. The plants of P. conjugatum and S. bicolor are recommended as phytoremediators for further studies

    The Effect of Nutrients, Compost, and Local Bacteria in Bioremediation of Petroleum Contaminated Soil

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    Petroleum hydrocarbon contamination in soil can be overcome by chemical, physical, and biological techniques. Biological  approach to cope with petroleum hydrocarbon pollution is known as bioremediation. Bioremediation research using laboratory scale land-farming technique has been carried out. The initial activity of this bioremediation study was enrichment and bacterial multiplication of indigenous bacteria in polluted area as a mixed bacterial consortium. Treatments were performed on 3 level of total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) at about 5, 8, and 11%, in original contaminated soil as well as biostimulation by the addition of nutrients, compost, and bioaugmentation by enriched microbes within 19 weeks. From week 4 to 19,  pH of soil in the reactors was between 5.0 to 8.5 with soil temperature between 30.0-40.5°C. The moisture content fluctuated from 4.86% to 47.21%. The population of microbes performed weekly from log 8.70 to 23.76 CFU/g-dried-soil. The production of CO2 gas fluctuated, the highest CO2 production value achieved from C1 treatment (nutrients and compost at TPH 5%) compared with other treatments. The TPH degradation depended on treatment of initial TPH, nutrient, and compost.The largest percentage of TPH degradation were  obtained from the treatment of  N3 (nutrients and TPH 11%) at 52.1%. Bioaugmentation using local microbes did not affect on TPH degradation. Therefore, bioaugmentation was not needed if compost has been added. Keywords:bacteria, bioremediation, compost, contaminated soil, nutients, petroleum hydrocarbon


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    This research is based on the implementation of an independent curriculum to realize and strengthen the profile of Pancasila youth, which requires the integration of local cultural wisdom. Several things need to be considered in the implementation of this education, one of which is about cultural knowledge as their identity as Indonesian citizens. Based on Law Number 5 of 2017 regarding the promotion of culture can be achieved by referring to the objectives of developing the noble values of the nation's culture, emphasizing national identity, and preserving the nation's cultural heritage. Through the development of an integrated dance module based on traditional games, it is hoped that it can achieve this, which in its development uses the ADDIE development model which is limited to the implementation stage

    Influence of Problem Based Learning and Problem Solving Learning Combined with Braistorming on the Vocational High School Students’ Learning Outcomes

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    Based on the results of observations made in class X TKJ SMKN 2 Probolinggo, it shows the lack of courage of students in expressing opinions, students' skills in solving problems are less than optimal, and basic programming learning outcomes obtained by 69% of students below the KKM. The problem is the background of this research to determine the learning outcomes (Y) of basic programming because of the influence of the application of the problem-based learning model combined with brainstorming (X1) compared to problem solving learning combined with brainstorming (X2). The learning outcomes in question are knowledge learning outcomes (Y1) and skills learning outcomes (Y2). This study aims to: (1) reveal the significance of the difference in Y1 due to the effect of applying X1 compared to X2; (2) revealing the significance of the difference in Y2 due to the effect of applying X1 compared to X2. This study used a quasi-experimental research design with a pretest posttest design. The subjects of this study were class X TKJ 1 and class X TKJ 3 as. Class X TKJ 1 amounted to 34 students were given X1 treatment. Class X TKJ 3 totaling 32 were given X2 treatment. The results of hypothesis testing using t-test, show Y1 class X TKJ 1 compared to class X TKJ 3 obtained a significance number of 0.012, Y2 class X TKJ 1 compared to class X TKJ 3 obtained a significance number of 0.000. The conclusion from the research is that there is a significant difference between the results of learning basic programming because of the effect of applying the problem-based learning model combined with brainstorming compared to problem solving learning combined with brainstormin


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    This research is based on the implementation of an independent curriculum to realize and strengthen the profile of Pancasila youth, which requires the integration of local cultural wisdom. Several things need to be considered in the implementation of this education, one of which is about cultural knowledge as their identity as Indonesian citizens. Based on Law Number 5 of 2017 regarding the promotion of culture can be achieved by referring to the objectives of developing the noble values of the nation's culture, emphasizing national identity, and preserving the nation's cultural heritage. Through the development of an integrated dance module based on traditional games, it is hoped that it can achieve this, which in its development uses the ADDIE development model which is limited to the implementation stage

    Prevalensi, Faktor Kejadian dan Pengaruh Endometritis Terhadap Efisiensi Reproduksi pada Sapi Perah

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    Endometritis merupakan gangguan reproduksi akibat infeksi uterus yang menyebabkan penurunan efisiensi reproduksi dan kerugian ekonomi yang cukup besar pada peternakan sapi perah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis secara spesifik tentang prevalensi, faktor kejadian dan pengaruh endometritis terhadap efisiensi reproduksi pada sapi perah. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder 580 ekor sapi perah dari 98 peternak yang dikoleksi dari data recording reproduksi sapi perah di KPBS Pangalengan periode Januari sampai dengan Juni 2020. Data prevalensi, faktor kejadian endometritis, service per conception, conception rate dan pregnancy rate dianalisis secara deskriptif menggunkan Microsoft Excel, sedangkan jarak lahir ke IB pertama dan days open dianalisis mengunakan independent-sample t test. Hasil penelitian ditemukan data 120 ekor sapi perah yang mengalami endometritis dan 460 ekor tanpa endometritis dengan tingkat prevalensi sebesar 20,69%, prevalensi tertinggi pada laktasi ≥2, faktor kejadian berturut-turut adalah infeksi post partus pada partus normal (41,67%), kesulitan melahirkan (41,67%), retensio plasenta (9,17%), abortus (4,17), hipokalsemia/milk fever (2,50%) dan metritis (0,53%). Sapi dengan endometritis mengalami penundaan jarak lahir ke IB pertama dibandingkan tanpa endometritis (123,57±52,77 vs 90,94±41,18 hari) dan perpanjangan days open (146,98±63,01 vs 104,31±46,13 hari). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kejadian endometritis dapat menurunkan efisiensi reproduksi pada sapi perah dengan perpanjangan days open sekitar 2 siklus estrus.Endometritis merupakan gangguan reproduksi akibat infeksi uterus yang menyebabkan penurunan efisiensi reproduksi dan kerugian ekonomi yang cukup besar pada peternakan sapi perah. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis secara spesifik tentang prevalensi, faktor kejadian dan pengaruh endometritis terhadap efisiensi reproduksi pada sapi perah. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder 580 ekor sapi perah dari 98 peternak yang dikoleksi dari data recording reproduksi sapi perah di KPBS Pangalengan periode Januari sampai dengan Juni 2020. Data prevalensi, faktor kejadian endometritis, service per conception, conception rate dan pregnancy rate dianalisis secara deskriptif menggunkan Microsoft Excel, sedangkan jarak lahir ke IB pertama dan days open dianalisis mengunakan independent-sample t test. Hasil penelitian ditemukan data 120 ekor sapi perah yang mengalami endometritis dan 460 ekor tanpa endometritis dengan tingkat prevalensi sebesar 20,69%, prevalensi tertinggi pada laktasi ≥2, faktor kejadian berturut-turut adalah infeksi post partus pada partus normal (41,67%), kesulitan melahirkan (41,67%), retensio plasenta (9,17%), abortus (4,17), hipokalsemia/milk fever (2,50%) dan metritis (0,53%). Sapi dengan endometritis mengalami penundaan jarak lahir ke IB pertama dibandingkan tanpa endometritis (123,57±52,77 vs 90,94±41,18 hari) dan perpanjangan days open (146,98±63,01 vs 104,31±46,13 hari). Dapat disimpulkan bahwa kejadian endometritis dapat menurunkan efisiensi reproduksi pada sapi perah dengan perpanjangan days open sekitar 2 siklus estrus

    Variasi Morfologi Empat Spesies Jati ( Tectona Sp) di Asia Tenggara: Potensi Pemuliaan Pohon dan Bioteknologinya

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    Jati (Tectona grandis Linn.f) dikembangkan secara intensif di Indonesia terutama di Pulau Jawa dengan luas pengelolaan hutan tanaman ± 1 juta Ha. Di Asia Tenggara jenis ini ditanam pula oleh negara Philipina, Thailand, Malaysia, Laos, Vietnam bagian Selatan dan Myanmar dengan luas bervariasi. Namun demikian pengetahauan mengenai variasi morfologi dan pemanfaatan untuk kegiatan bioteknologi dan pemuliaan masih berkisar pada satu spesies saja yaitu Tectona grandis. Sedangkan spesies lain seperti Tectona abludens, Tectona hamiltoniana dan Tectona philiphinensis belum banyak diketahui.Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengambil sampel daun di 3 pengembangan jati di Pulau Jawa yaitu Cepu dan Randublatung Jawa Tengah, Nglambangan Bojonegoro Jawa Timur dan Ciamis Jawa Barat. Untuk Spesies Tectona abludens sampel daun diambil di daerah Dlingo, Bantul DIY dan Selang, Gunungkidul. Sedangkan untuk jenis Tectona philiphinensis lebih dalam dipelajari berdasarkan informasi yang diperoleh dari Kementrian Kehutanan Philipina dan untuk jenis  Tectona hamiltoniana dilengkapi dengan data dan informasi dari Kementrian Kehutanan Myanmar. Sampel daun dari tiap jenis diambil 2 daun (daun muda dan daun tua) masing-masing 5 ulangan. Pengamatan terhadap bentuk duduk daun, jumlah tulang daun primer dan sekunder serta pola tulang daun didiskripsikan dan dibandingkan antara keempat spesies tersebut. Morfologi bunga, kulit batang, kayu, biji dan bentuk percabangan digunakan juga untuk melengkapi variasi morfologi masing-masing spesies. Variasi morfologi yang ada dipergunakan untuk mengetahui variasi empat spesies Tectona sp tersebut sehingga diketahui karakter-karakter tiap jenis yang berpeluang untuk dimanfaatkan dalam kegiatan pemuliaan pohon baik melalui pemuliaan konvensional atau bioteknologi.Tectona grandis memiliki morfologi yang lebih dekat dengan Tectona abludens, sedangkan Tectona hamiltoniana dan Tectona phillipinensis memiliki morfologi khas yang berbeda dengan lainnya. Beberapa karakter morfologi diantara keempat spesies tersebut berpeluang diamanfaatkan untuk kegiatan pemuliaan jati antara lain kelurusan batang, kemampuan adaptasi di lahan kering dan ketahanan terhadap penyakit

    Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (Icsi) Sebagai

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    Beberapa teknik fertilisasi mikro telah diterapkan untuk mengatasi masalah infertilitas pria, namun hanya intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) yang mampu meningkatkan secara nyata keberhasilan fertilisasi, implantasi dan kelahiran. Pada perkembangannya teknik ICSI juga telah diterapkan pada beberapa jenis hewan sebagai suatu model untuk mempelajari kemampuan fertilisasi berbagai jenis spermatozoa yang secara alami atau melalui fertilisasi in vitro tidal( bisa membuahi sel telur. Walaupun keberhasilan teknik ICSI telah dapat mengatasi masalah infertilitas pada pria, teknik ICSI masih mempunyai potensi negatif yang mungkin muncul pada anak hasil ICSI. Namun demikian, hal ini perlu penelitian lebih lanjut untuk membuktikannya. Kata kunci : ICSI, infertilitas, fertilisasi in vitr

    Cysteamine in Maturation Medium Enhances Nuclear Maturation and Fertilization Rate of Sheep Oocytes In Vitro

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    Low nuclear maturation and fertilization rate is one obstacle in the in vitro embryo production which decrease embryo yield. This problem is presumable related with high production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during maturation process. Glutathione (GSH) as an antioxidant is well known to overcome effect of ROS production. GSH synthesis in the cytosol part of the oocyte cytoplasm is influenced by cysteine availability. It is therefore, this research was conducted to evaluate the ability of cysteamine to provide cysteine availability as GSH precursor on the nuclear maturation and fertilization rate of sheep oocytes. Results of this experiment revealed additional cysteamine at 150 µm and 200 µm could significantly improve nuclear maturation rate. On the other side, although additional of cysteamine at 50 µm could not improve nuclear maturation rate, however 50 µm cysteamine in the maturation medium could significantly improve the fertilization rate. Based on those experiment results, it seems that the additional cysteamine might be improve not only GSH availability but also the oocyte quality which characterized the ability of pronuclear formation. This finding strongly suggested that additional cysteamine in the maturation medium could improve nuclear maturation and fertilization rate of sheep oocytes
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