276 research outputs found

    The impact of dietary protein: lipid ratio on growth performance, fatty acid metabolism, product quality and waste output in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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    A common strategy for aquafeed manufacturers has been the utilisation of relatively large amounts of terrestrial, both animal and plant, oil sources to produce diets with a high energy content. The provision of high fat diets is aimed at promoting the utilisation of energy from lipid, thus increasing the amount of dietary protein used for tissue synthesis. However, in recent years the cost of marine sourced dietary lipids has risen, at the same time, farming operations are under increasing pressure to limit environmental degradation associated with nitrogenous waste effluent. Currently there is limited information available regarding the environmental and economic impacts of an altered dietary protein: lipid ratio in diets for large Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) reared in seawater, presenting a potential impediment for nutritional based solutions. Accordingly the present study compared two isoenergetic diets with varied protein: lipid ratios via an assessment of growth, fatty acid utilisation, human nutritional quality, nitrogenous waste output and economic considerations. The trial diets were fed to the fish for the final 150 days of an on-farm grow-out period and resulted in minimal differences in fish growth, fatty acid utilisation and fillet quality. A decreased dietary protein: lipid ratio resulted in a more efficient protein utilisation both in terms of digestibility and assimilation into fish and, therefore, nitrogenous waste output was reduced. However, due to small differences in feed utilisation, the cost of fish production was numerically higher

    Altered levels of shorter vs long-chain omega-3 fatty acids in commercial diets for market-sized Atlantic salmon reared in seawater – Effects on fatty acid composition, metabolism and product quality

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    There is a growing trend of ‘replacing’ long-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid (n-3 LC PUFA) rich oils with C18 shorter-chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid rich oils in Atlantic salmon aquafeed formulations. n-3 LC PUFA, including 20:5n-3 and 22:6n-3, play contrasting physiological roles and are metabolised differently in comparison to C18 PUFA. Accordingly, the present study recorded the effect of replacing n-3 LC PUFA rich dietary fish oil with C18 n-3 PUFA rich camelina oil at two inclusion levels in commercial-like diets fed to market-sized Atlantic salmon. This assessment was achieved by an analysis of industry relevant production parameters including growth performance, fatty acid composition and metabolism, nutrient digestibility and consumer acceptance (liking and attribute analysis of fillet). The trial was conducted over the final 150 days of an on-farm grow-out period in seawater. The dietary replacement of n-3 LC PUFA with C18 n-3 PUFA resulted in a significant decrease in fillet n-3 LC PUFA and a poorer growth performance. However, in the absence of fish oil, the inclusion of camelina oil at high levels (40%) contributed to an improved n-6/n-3 ratio and partially ameliorated low dietary n-3 LC PUFA by providing added substrate for endogenous n-3 LC PUFA synthesis in comparison to a 20% camelina oil inclusion. Furthermore, consumer acceptance of Atlantic salmon was unaffected by the dietary addition of camelina oil

    Lithographic Patterning of Photoreactive Cell-Adhesive Proteins

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    We describe a novel, simple method for the photolithographic patterning of cell-adhesive proteins. Intrinsically photoreactive proteins are synthesized in Escherichia coli through incorporation of the non-canonical, photosensitive amino acid para-azidophenylalanine. Upon ultraviolet irradiation at 365 nm, proteins form cross-linked films with elastic moduli that can be tuned by varying the concentration of photoreactive amino acid in the expression medium. Films of these proteins can be directly patterned using standard photolithographic techniques. We demonstrate the utility of this method of protein patterning by creating stable arrays of fibroblast cells on an engineered protein “photoresist”

    Reliability of Striatal [11C]Raclopride Binding in Smokers Wearing Transdermal Nicotine Patches

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    PURPOSE: In studies where [(11)C]raclopride (RAC) positron emission tomography (PET) is used to assess changes in striatal dopamine, it is important to control for cognitive states, such as drug craving, that could alter dopamine levels. In cigarette smokers, transdermal nicotine patches (TNP) can control nicotine craving, but the effects of nicotine patches on RAC binding are unknown. Thus, we sought to determine the test-retest reliability of RAC binding in the presence of nicotine patches. METHODS: Eleven male smokers were scanned twice with RAC on separate days while wearing TNP. RESULTS: Across the striatum, test-retest variability was 7.63 ± 5.88; percent change in binding potential was 1.11 ± 9.83; and the intraclass correlation coefficient was 0.91 (p < 0.0001). CONCLUSION: Baseline RAC binding is highly reproducible in smokers wearing nicotine patches. This suggests that TNP are an acceptable method for controlling cigarette craving during studies that utilize RAC to examine changes in dopamine

    Near-field interactions between metal nanoparticle surface plasmons and molecular excitons in thin-films: part I: absorption

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    In this and the following paper (parts I and II, respectively), we systematically study the interactions between surface plasmons of metal nanoparticles (NPs) with excitons in thin-films of organic media. In an effort to exclusively probe near-field interactions, we utilize spherical Ag NPs in a size-regime where far-field light scattering is negligibly small compared to absorption. In part I, we discuss the effect of the presence of these Ag NPs on the absorption of the embedding medium by means of experiment, numerical simulations, and analytical calculations, all shown to be in good agreement. We observe absorption enhancement in the embedding medium due to the Ag NPs with a strong dependence on the medium permittivity, the spectral position relative to the surface plasmon resonance frequency, and the thickness of the organic layer. By introducing a low index spacer layer between the NPs and the organic medium, this absorption enhancement is experimentally confirmed to be a near field effect In part II, we probe the impact of the Ag NPs on the emission of organic molecules by time-resolved and steady-state photoluminescence measurements

    Distinct Clinicopathologic Clusters of Persons with TDP-43 Proteinopathy

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    To better understand clinical and neuropathological features of TDP-43 proteinopathies, data were analyzed from autopsied research volunteers who were followed in the National Alzheimer’s Coordinating Center (NACC) data set. All subjects (n = 495) had autopsy-proven TDP-43 proteinopathy as an inclusion criterion. Subjects underwent comprehensive longitudinal clinical evaluations yearly for 6.9 years before death on average. We tested whether an unsupervised clustering algorithm could detect coherent groups of TDP-43 immunopositive cases based on age at death and extensive neuropathologic data. Although many of the brains had mixed pathologies, four discernible clusters were identified. Key differentiating features were age at death and the severity of comorbid Alzheimer’s disease neuropathologic changes (ADNC), particularly neuritic amyloid plaque densities. Cluster 1 contained mostly cases with a pathologic diagnosis of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD-TDP), consistent with enrichment of frontotemporal dementia clinical phenotypes including appetite/eating problems, disinhibition and primary progressive aphasia (PPA). Cluster 2 consisted of elderly limbic-predominant age-related TDP-43 encephalopathy (LATE-NC) subjects without severe neuritic amyloid plaques. Subjects in Cluster 2 had a relatively slow cognitive decline. Subjects in both Clusters 3 and 4 had severe ADNC + LATE-NC; however, Cluster 4 was distinguished by earlier disease onset, swifter disease course, more Lewy body pathology, less neocortical TDP-43 proteinopathy, and a suggestive trend in a subgroup analysis (n = 114) for increased C9orf72 risk SNP rs3849942 T allele (Fisher’s exact test p value = 0.095). Overall, clusters enriched with neocortical TDP-43 proteinopathy (Clusters 1 and 2) tended to have lower levels of neuritic amyloid plaques, and those dying older (Clusters 2 and 3) had far less PPA or disinhibition, but more apathy. Indeed, 98% of subjects dying past age 85 years lacked clinical features of the frontotemporal dementia syndrome. Our study revealed discernible subtypes of LATE-NC and underscored the importance of age of death for differentiating FTLD-TDP and LATE-NC

    Glyconanoparticles for colorimetric bioassays

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    Carbohydrate molecules are involved in many of the cellular processes that are important for life. By combining the specific analyte targeting of carbohydrates with the multivalent structure and change of solution colour as a consequence of plasmonic interactions with the aggregation of metal nanoparticles, glyconanoparticles have been used extensively for the development of bioanalytical assays. The noble metals used to create the nanocore, the methodologies used to assemble the carbohydrates on the nanoparticle surface, the carbohydrate chosen for each specific target, the length of the tether that separates the carbohydrate from the nanocore and the density of carbohydrates on the surface all impact on the structural formation of metal based glyconanoparticles. This tutorial review highlights these key components, which directly impact on the selectivity and sensitivity of the developed bioassay, for the colorimetric detection of lectins, toxins and viruses

    Emergency and critical care services in Tanzania: a survey of ten hospitals.

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    While there is a need for good quality care for patients with serious reversible disease in all countries in the world, Emergency and Critical Care tends to be one of the weakest parts of health systems in low-income countries. We assessed the structure and availability of resources for Emergency and Critical Care in Tanzania in order to identify the priorities for improving care in this neglected specialty. Ten hospitals in four regions of Tanzania were assessed using a structured data collection tool. Quality was evaluated with standards developed from the literature and expert opinion. Important deficits were identified in infrastructure, routines and training. Only 30% of the hospitals had an emergency room for adult and paediatric patients. None of the seven district and regional hospitals had a triage area or intensive care unit for adults. Only 40% of the hospitals had formal systems for adult triage and in less than one third were critically ill patients seen by clinicians more than once daily. In 80% of the hospitals there were no staff trained in adult triage or critical care. In contrast, a majority of equipment and drugs necessary for emergency and critical care were available in the hospitals (median 90% and 100% respectively. The referral/private hospitals tended to have a greater overall availability of resources (median 89.7%) than district/regional hospitals (median 70.6). Many of the structures necessary for Emergency and Critical Care are lacking in hospitals in Tanzania. Particular weaknesses are infrastructure, routines and training, whereas the availability of drugs and equipment is generally good. Policies to improve hospital systems for the care of emergency and critically ill patients should be prioritised

    Climatic history of the northeastern United States during the past 3000 years

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    Many ecosystem processes that influence Earth system feedbacks – vegetation growth, water and nutrient cycling, disturbance regimes – are strongly influenced by multidecadal- to millennial-scale climate variations that cannot be directly observed. Paleoclimate records provide information about these variations, forming the basis of our understanding and modeling of them. Fossil pollen records are abundant in the NE US, but cannot simultaneously provide information about paleoclimate and past vegetation in a modeling context because this leads to circular logic. If pollen data are used to constrain past vegetation changes, then the remaining paleoclimate archives in the northeastern US (NE US) are quite limited. Nonetheless, a growing number of diverse reconstructions have been developed but have not yet been examined together. Here we conduct a systematic review, assessment, and comparison of paleotemperature and paleohydrological proxies from the NE US for the last 3000 years. Regional temperature reconstructions (primarily summer) show a long-term cooling trend (1000 BCE–1700 CE) consistent with hemispheric-scale reconstructions, while hydroclimate data show gradually wetter conditions through the present day. Multiple proxies suggest that a prolonged, widespread drought occurred between 550 and 750 CE. Dry conditions are also evident during the Medieval Climate Anomaly, which was warmer and drier than the Little Ice Age and drier than today. There is some evidence for an acceleration of the longer-term wetting trend in the NE US during the past century; coupled with an abrupt shift from decreasing to increasing temperatures in the past century, these changes could have wide-ranging implications for species distributions, ecosystem dynamics, and extreme weather events. More work is needed to gather paleoclimate data in the NE US to make inter-proxy comparisons and to improve estimates of uncertainty in reconstructions