72 research outputs found


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    This paper considers identification of unknown parameters in elastic dynamic models of industrial robots. Identifying such models is a challenging task since an industrial robot is a multivariable, nonlinear, resonant, and unstable system. Unknown parameters (mainly spring-damper pairs) in a physically parameterized nonlinear dynamic model are identified in the frequency domain, using estimates of the nonparametric frequency response function (FRF) in different robot configurations/positions. The nonlinear parametric robot model is linearized in the same positions and the optimal parameters are obtained by minimizing the discrepancy between the nonparametric FRFs and the parametric FRFs (the FRFs of the linearized parametric robot model). In order to accurately estimate the nonparametric FRFs, the experiments must be carefully designed. The selection of optimal robot configurations for the experiments is also part of the design. Different parameter estimators are compared and experimental results show the usefulness of the proposed identification procedure. The weighted logarithmic least squares estimator achieves the best result and the identified model gives a good global description of the dynamics in the frequency range of interest

    Den offentliga sektorns utgifter

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    Uppsatsen dokumenterar den offentliga sektorns utveckling och inriktning. Det framgÄr att sektorn expanderat i stort sett oavbrutet under 1900-talet, frÄn cirka 10 procent av BNP vid seklets början till 70 procent 1993. Trots en viss tillbakagÄng sedan 1993 har Sverige idag de högsta offentliga utgifterna i den vÀstliga industrivÀrlden. Expansionen under 1900-talet har i allt vÀsentligt gÀllt utgifter för individuella nyttigheter snarare Àn för kollektiva sÄdana som till exempel försvar och rÀttsvÀsende. I linje med detta har transfereringarna, vilka kan betraktas som individuella nyttigheter, ökat sin andel av de offentliga utgifterna under andra halvan av 1900-talet, och kommunernas verksamheter, som till stor del bestÄr av sjukvÄrd, omsorg och skolutbildning, har ocksÄ vuxit snabbare Àn statens sedan 1960-talet.Offentliga utgifter; kommunala utgifter; BNP; kollektiva nyttigheter; individuella nyttigheter

    Projected sensitivity to sub-GeV dark matter of next-generation semiconductor detectors

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    We compute the projected sensitivity to dark matter (DM) particles in the sub-GeV mass range of future direct detection experiments using germanium and silicon semiconductor targets. We perform this calculation within the dark photon model for DM-electron interactions using the likelihood ratio as a test statistic, Monte Carlo simulations, and background models that we extract from recent experimental data. We present our results in terms of DM-electron scattering cross section values required to reject the background only hypothesis in favour of the background plus DM signal hypothesis with a statistical significance, Z\mathcal{Z}, corresponding to 3 or 5 standard deviations. We also test the stability of our conclusions under changes in the astrophysical parameters governing the local space and velocity distribution of DM in the Milky Way. In the best-case scenario, when a high-voltage germanium detector with an exposure of 5050 kg-year and a CCD silicon detector with an exposure of 11 kg-year and a dark current rate of 1×10−71\times10^{-7} counts/pixel/day have simultaneously reported a DM signal, we find that the smallest cross section value compatible with Z=3\mathcal{Z}=3 (Z=5\mathcal{Z}=5) is about 8×10−428\times10^{-42} cm2^2 (1×10−411\times10^{-41} cm2^2) for contact interactions, and 4×10−414\times10^{-41} cm2^2 (7×10−417\times10^{-41} cm2^2) for long-range interactions. Our sensitivity study extends and refine previous works in terms of background models, statistical methods, and treatment of the underlying astrophysical uncertainties.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figure

    Impact of hypoglycaemia on patient-reported outcomes from a global, 24-country study of 27,585 people with type 1 and insulin-treated type 2 diabetes

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    Aims: Data on the impact of hypoglycaemia on patients' daily lives and diabetes self-management, particularly in developing countries, are lacking. The aim of this study was to assess fear of, and responses to, hypoglycaemia experienced by patients globally. Materials and methods: This non-interventional, multicentre, 4-week prospective study using self-assessment questionnaires and patient diaries consisted of 27,585 patients, >= 18 years, with type 1 diabetes (n = 8022) or type 2 diabetes (n = 19,563) treated with insulin for > 12 months, at 2004 sites in 24 countries worldwide. Results: Increased blood glucose monitoring (69.7%) and seeking medical assistance (62.0%) were the most common responses in the 4 weeks following hypoglycaemic events for patients with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, respectively. Approximately 44% of patients with type 1 diabetes or type 2 diabetes increased calorie intake in response to a hypoglycaemic episode. Following hypoglycaemia, 3.9% (type 1 diabetes) and 6.2% (type 2 diabetes) of patients took leave from work or study. Regional differences in fear of, and responses to, hypoglycaemia were evident - in particular, a lower level of hypoglycaemic fear and utilisation of healthcare resources in Northern Europe and Canada. Conclusions: Hypoglycaemia has a major impact on patients and their behaviour. These global data for the first time reveal regional variations in response to hypoglycaemia and highlight the importance of patient education and management strategies. (C) 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. This is an open access article under thePeer reviewe

    CRUW Mechanical Pulping: Sub-project 10, enzyme treatment of chips for energy reduction in TMP

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    In order to evaluate the possibilities of using enzymes for pre-treating softwood chips as a means of lowering the energy demand in mechanical pulping, impregnation and refining trials were performed using a set of different enzymes. The enzymes tested pectinase, xylanase and mannanase gave increased sugar release in the impregnation trials indicating that most of the sugar released occurred in the first 60 minutes and that activities thereafter seemed to level off. Refining trials using a small Wing refiner showed that for chips treated for 60 minutes with pectinase, xylanase and mannanase no energy savings to a given freeness level was observed. The property development was similar to that of reference pulps in the case of pectinase and xylanase while for chips treated with mannanase a less favourable development of the tensile index was noted. For chips treated for two hours, using xylanase or pectinase, energy savings could be observed for pectinase treated chips down to a freeness level of 200 CSF. However when refined further, the properties approached those of the reference pulp. Considering the much higher enzymatic activity reached when the initial fibre material was further disintegrated it is assumed that the possibilities for enzymes to attack desired structures of the intact fibre wall may have been too few even in the case of Impressafiner treated material

    Förtal av offentliga personer : GrÀnsdragningen mellan yttrandefrihet och förtal i svensk straffrÀtt och europakonventionen för mÀnskliga rÀttigheter

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    Arbetet reder ut rekvisiten för 5:1 brottsbalk (1962:700) (BrB), redogör för vad artikel 8 och artikel 10 lag (1994:1249) om den europeiska konventionen angÄende skydd för de mÀnskliga rÀttigheterna och de grundlÀggande friheterna (EKMR) innehÄller och förklarar huruvida den svenska förtalsbestÀmmelsen Àr i enlighet med konventionen. Vidare utreds hur bedömningen av förtal pÄverkas av att den drabbade Àr en offentlig person. Utredningen beskriver att 5:1 BrB Àr ett avsteg frÄn yttrandefriheten. Förtalsbrottet uppfylls om en person lÀmnar en konkret uppgift med ett utpekande om nÄgon sÄsom brottslig eller klandervÀrd i sitt leverne. Uppgiften ska Àven vara Àgnad att utsÀtta personen för andras missaktning. Emellertid kan den misstÀnkte frias för brottet om han eller hon var skyldig att uttala sig eller om det var försvarligt att lÀmna uppgiften. Det krÀvs dessutom att uppgiften antingen Àr sann eller att uppgiftslÀmnaren hade skÀlig grund för den. Utredningen anger hur rekvisiten bedöms i praktiken och vad syftet Àr med dem. Artikel 10 och artikel 8 EKMR handlar om rÀtten till yttrandefrihet respektive rÀtten till privatliv. Artiklarna anger vilka förpliktelser konventionslÀnderna har för att sÀkerstÀlla att medborgarna kan Ätnjuta rÀttigheterna och skyddas frÄn inskrÀnkningar av dem. DÀremot kan stater anslutna till konventionen göra undantag frÄn artiklarna i sin lagstiftning om tre kriterier Àr uppfyllda: inskrÀnkningen mÄste vara föreskriven i landets lagstiftning, begrÀnsningen mÄste uppfylla nÄgot angivet legitimt ÀndamÄl och restriktionen mÄste vara nödvÀndig i ett demokratiskt samhÀlle. Uppsatsen klargör att den svenska förtalsbestÀmmelsen i 5:1 BrB Àr i enlighet med EKMR:s uppstÀllda krav. Offentliga personer Àr ett brett begrepp som inbegriper allt frÄn makthavare till idrottsmÀn. Dessa mÀnniskor blir ofta föremÄl för publikationer av olika slag. Ju mer inflytande och ansvar en mÀnniska har, desto hÄrdare granskning och publicitet mÄste denne tolerera. BÄde HD och Europadomstolen framhÄller att offentliga personer under vissa förutsÀttningar fÄr rÀkna med att deras skyddsintresse och privatliv kan trumfas av uppgifternas allmÀnintresse
