108 research outputs found

    Ablative therapy for people with localised prostate cancer : a systematic review and economic evaluation

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    The research reported in this issue of the journal was funded by the HTA programme as project number 10/136/01. The contractual start date was in April 2012. The draft report began editorial review in October 2013 and was accepted for publication in April 2014. The authors have been wholly responsible for all data collection, analysis and interpretation, and for writing up their work. The HTA editors and publisher have tried to ensure the accuracy of the authors’ report and would like to thank the reviewers for their constructive comments on the draft document. However, they do not accept liability for damages or losses arising from material published in this report. Acknowledgements We thank l the people recruited from the local UCAN for providing valuable consumer insight and advice through their participation as members of the project focus group: - Mark Emberton (Professor of Interventional Oncology), Damian Greene (consultant urologist), Axel Heidenreich (Professor and Director of Department of Urology), Christoph von Klot (specialist in brachytherapy), Roger Kockelbergh (BAUS chairman and Clinical Director of Urology) and Axel Merserburger (Deputy Clinical Director of Urology and Urologic Oncology) for providing their clinical expertise as members of the project advisory group - Edgar Paez (consultant urologist) and Gill Lawrence (Head of Radiotherapy Physics) for providing a list of staff time by grade and specialty involved in EBRT - Debbie Bennett (Radiotherapy Service Manager) for providing estimates for the expected number of uses for EBRT - Ian Pedley (clinical director/clinical oncologist) and Gill Lawrence for providing a list of all resource inputs relevant to brachytherapy - Steve Locks (Consultant Clinical Scientist in Radiotherapy) for providing a list of reusable equipment and consumables used during brachytherapy, along with their unit costs - Sue Asterling (urology research nurse) and Mark Kelly (Acting Divisional General Manager – Theatres) for providing a list of all resource inputs relevant to cryotherapy - Lara Kemp for providing secretarial support. The Health Services Research Unit is core funded by the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government Health Directorates.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Ablative therapy for people with localised prostate cancer: a systematic review and economic evaluation

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    Il criterio finanziario e la qualifica dei contratti pubblici

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    Les personnes publiques disposent de la liberté contractuelle. Elles peuvent choisir librement d'externaliser leur action en ayant recours aux contrats pour mobiliser les savoir-faire et les financements qui leur font défaut. Le contrat constitue ainsi un procédé de l'action publique et particuliÚrement un mode de gestion des services publics. Les personnes publiques vont apprécier l'opportunité des différents contrats publics en considération de leurs besoins et d'une optimisation de la dépense publique et seront contraintes par le respect des rÚgles de passation et du régime juridique d'exécution du contrat qu'elles auront choisi de conclure. Le juge sera compétent pour contrÎler la qualification juridique de ce contrat ainsi que le respect de l'application des rÚgles de son régime juridique. Bien qu'étant une caractéristique fondamentale des contrats publics, l'objet de ces contrats n'est plus un critÚre excusif et propre à chaque contrat. Une qualification erronée des contrats avec une incidence contentieuse peut en résulter. Le recours au mode de rémunération du cocontractant va permettre de confirmer l'identification du contrat ou de le distinguer d'un autre. Au préalable, il s'agira de démontrer que la rémunération du cocontractant d'une personne publique est un critÚre financier opérationnel contribuant à la qualification des contrats publicsThe public persons have the contractual freedom. They can choose freely tou outsource their action by resorting to contracts to mobilize the know-how and de financing which are lacking to them. The contract so constitutes a process of the public action and particularly a mode of gestion of the public utilities. The public persons are going to appreciate the opportunity of the various public contracts considering their needs and considering an optimization of the public spending and will be forced by the respect for the rules of signing and for the legal regime of execution of the contract which they will have chosen to conclude. The judge will be competent to control the legal qualification of this contract as well as the respect for the application of the rules of his legal regime. Although being a fundamental characteristic of the public contracts, the object of a contract is not any more a criterion exclusive and appropriate for every contract. An erroneous qualification of contracts with a contentious incidence can result from it. The appeal to the method of payment of the cocontracting party is going to allow to confirm the identification of the contract or to distinguish him it from the other one. Beforehand, it will be a question of demonstrating that the payment for the cocontracting party of a public person is an operational financial criterion contributing to the qualification of the public contract

    Promontofixation coelioscopique (évaluation de la continence à l'effort et des résultats anatomiques)

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    Objectif : Analyser les rĂ©sultats fonctionnels de la promonto-fixation coelioscopique (PFC) Ă  moyen terme et rechercher un facteur influençant l'apparition d'une incontinence urinaire d'effort post opĂ©ratoire de novo ou d'une rĂ©cidive anatomique. MatĂ©riel et mĂ©thodes : Etude rĂ©trospective mono centrique (dĂ©cembre 1997 Ă  dĂ©cembre 2005) menĂ©e chez 97 patientes consĂ©cutives, d'Ăąge moyen 59,5ans au moment de l'intervention (extrĂȘmes : 30,8-81), opĂ©rĂ©es d'un prolapsus gĂ©nito-urinaire symptomatique par PFC. L'indication opĂ©ratoire de la cure d'incontinence dĂ©coulait d'un dĂ©pistage d'une incontinence masquĂ©e et d'une IUE rapportĂ©e. Le bilan incluait : bilan urodynamique, Ă©chographie post mictionnelle, cystoscopie avec examen uro-gynĂ©cologique, catalogue mictionnel. Les patientes ont Ă©tĂ© revues Ă  distance avec interrogatoire et examen uro-gynĂ©cologique. RĂ©sultats : 57% avaient une IUE (masquĂ©e par le prolapsus dans 50%). La PFC Ă©tait rĂ©alisĂ©e avec une double bandelette dans 96%. Il a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ© 45 bandelettes sous urĂ©trales, 6 colposuspensions et 1 sphincter artificiel. 82 patientes (90%) ont Ă©tĂ© revues avec un recul moyen de 14,3 mois. 6 patientes (7%) ont prĂ©sentĂ© une IUE " de novo ". Il n'a pas Ă©tĂ© mis en Ă©vidence de facteur clinique influençant son apparition. 9 patientes (11%) ont prĂ©sentĂ© une rĂ©cidive anatomique allant de la rectocĂšle distale tardive Ă  la rĂ©cidive complĂšte prĂ©coce. Aucun facteur influençant son apparition n'a Ă©tĂ© mis en Ă©vidence. Conclusion : La PFC est une technique reproductible et offre de bons rĂ©sultats fonctionnels. La rĂ©duction des taux d'incontinence post opĂ©ratoire et de rĂ©cidive anatomique est dĂ©pendante de la qualitĂ© de l'expertise prĂ©opĂ©ratoire.PARIS6-Bibl.PitiĂ©-SalpĂȘtrie (751132101) / SudocPARIS-BIUM (751062103) / SudocSudocFranceF
