153 research outputs found

    Higgs Inflation as a Mirage

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    We discuss a simple unitarization of Higgs inflation that is genuinely weakly coupled up to Planckian energies. A large non-minimal coupling between the Higgs and the Ricci curvature is induced dynamically at intermediate energies, as a simple ratio of mass scales. Despite not being dominated by the Higgs field, inflationary dynamics simulates the `Higgs inflation' one would get by blind extrapolation of the low-energy effective Lagrangian, at least qualitatively. Hence, Higgs inflation arises as an approximate `mirage' picture of the true dynamics. We further speculate on the generality of this phenomenon and show that, if Higgs-inflation arises as an effective description, the details of the UV completion are necessary to extract robust quantitative predictions.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    Dicarbonyl stress and mitochondrial dysfunction in the aged heart

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    Aging; Cardiomyocytes; MitochondriaEnvejecimiento; Cardiomiocitos; MitocondriasEnvelliment; Cardiomiòcits; Mitocondri

    TRPV4 Channels Promote Pathological, but Not Physiological, Cardiac Remodeling through the Activation of Calcineurin/NFAT and TRPC6

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    Calcium; Heart failure; Pathological remodelingCalci; Insuficiència cardíaca; Remodelació patològicaCalcio; Insuficiencia cardiaca; Remodelación patológicaTRPV4 channels, which respond to mechanical activation by permeating Ca2+ into the cell, may play a pivotal role in cardiac remodeling during cardiac overload. Our study aimed to investigate TRPV4 involvement in pathological and physiological remodeling through Ca2+-dependent signaling. TRPV4 expression was assessed in heart failure (HF) models, induced by isoproterenol infusion or transverse aortic constriction, and in exercise-induced adaptive remodeling models. The impact of genetic TRPV4 inhibition on HF was studied by echocardiography, histology, gene and protein analysis, arrhythmia inducibility, Ca2+ dynamics, calcineurin (CN) activity, and NFAT nuclear translocation. TRPV4 expression exclusively increased in HF models, strongly correlating with fibrosis. Isoproterenol-administered transgenic TRPV4−/− mice did not exhibit HF features. Cardiac fibroblasts (CFb) from TRPV4+/+ animals, compared to TRPV4−/−, displayed significant TRPV4 overexpression, elevated Ca2+ influx, and enhanced CN/NFATc3 pathway activation. TRPC6 expression paralleled that of TRPV4 in all models, with no increase in TRPV4−/− mice. In cultured CFb, the activation of TRPV4 by GSK1016790A increased TRPC6 expression, which led to enhanced CN/NFATc3 activation through synergistic action of both channels. In conclusion, TRPV4 channels contribute to pathological remodeling by promoting fibrosis and inducing TRPC6 upregulation through the activation of Ca2+-dependent CN/NFATc3 signaling. These results pose TRPV4 as a primary mediator of the pathological response.This research was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III—Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria [PI16/00619]; the Sociedad Española de Cardiología [SEC/FEC-INV-BAS 20/016]; and the Societat Catalana de Cardiologia 2021

    Impact of massive neutrinos on the Higgs self-coupling and electroweak vacuum stability

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    The presence of right-handed neutrinos in the type I seesaw mechanism may lead to significant corrections to the RG evolution of the Higgs self-coupling. Compared to the Standard Model case, the Higgs mass window can become narrower, and the cutoff scale become lower. Naively, these effects decrease with decreasing right-handed neutrino mass. However, we point out that the unknown Dirac Yukawa matrix may impact the vacuum stability constraints even in the low scale seesaw case not far away from the electroweak scale, hence much below the canonical seesaw scale of 10^15 GeV. This includes situations in which production of right-handed neutrinos at colliders is possible. We illustrate this within a particular parametrization of the Dirac Yukawas and with explicit low scale seesaw models. We also note the effect of massive neutrinos on the top quark Yukawa coupling, whose high energy value can be increased with respect to the Standard Model case.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figures, minor revisions, version to appear in JHE

    Higgs mass and vacuum stability in the Standard Model at NNLO

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    We present the first complete next-to-next-to-leading order analysis of the Standard Model Higgs potential. We computed the two-loop QCD and Yukawa corrections to the relation between the Higgs quartic coupling (lambda) and the Higgs mass (Mh), reducing the theoretical uncertainty in the determination of the critical value of Mh for vacuum stability to 1 GeV. While lambda at the Planck scale is remarkably close to zero, absolute stability of the Higgs potential is excluded at 98% C.L. for Mh < 126 GeV. Possible consequences of the near vanishing of lambda at the Planck scale, including speculations about the role of the Higgs field during inflation, are discussed.Comment: 35 pages, 8 figures. Final published version, misprints fixed, figures update

    Vacuum stability, neutrinos, and dark matter

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    Motivated by the discovery hint of the Standard Model (SM) Higgs mass around 125 GeV at the LHC, we study the vacuum stability and perturbativity bounds on Higgs scalar of the SM extensions including neutrinos and dark matter (DM). Guided by the SM gauge symmetry and the minimal changes in the SM Higgs potential we consider two extensions of neutrino sector (Type-I and Type-III seesaw mechanisms) and DM sector (a real scalar singlet (darkon) and minimal dark matter (MDM)) respectively. The darkon contributes positively to the β\beta function of the Higgs quartic coupling λ\lambda and can stabilize the SM vacuum up to high scale. Similar to the top quark in the SM we find the cause of instability is sensitive to the size of new Yukawa couplings between heavy neutrinos and Higgs boson, namely, the scale of seesaw mechanism. MDM and Type-III seesaw fermion triplet, two nontrivial representations of SU(2)LSU(2)_{L} group, will bring the additional positive contributions to the gauge coupling g2g_{2} renormalization group (RG) evolution and would also help to stabilize the electroweak vacuum up to high scale.Comment: 18 pages, 15 figures; published versio

    A Shift Symmetry in the Higgs Sector: Experimental Hints and Stringy Realizations

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    We interpret reported hints of a Standard Model Higgs boson at ~ 125 GeV in terms of high-scale supersymmetry breaking with a shift symmetry in the Higgs sector. More specifically, the Higgs mass range suggested by recent LHC data extrapolates, within the (non-supersymmetric) Standard Model, to a vanishing quartic Higgs coupling at a UV scale between 10^6 and 10^18 GeV. Such a small value of lambda can be understood in terms of models with high-scale SUSY breaking if the Kahler potential possesses a shift symmetry, i.e., if it depends on H_u and H_d only in the combination (H_u+\bar{H}_d). This symmetry is known to arise rather naturally in certain heterotic compactifications. We suggest that such a structure of the Higgs Kahler potential is common in a wider class of string constructions, including intersecting D7- and D6-brane models and their extensions to F-theory or M-theory. The latest LHC data may thus be interpreted as hinting to a particular class of compactifications which possess this shift symmetry.Comment: v2: References added. v3: References added, published versio

    Defective dimerization of FoF1-ATP synthase secondary to glycation favors mitochondrial energy deficiency in cardiomyocytes during aging

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    Aging; Dicarbonyl stress; MitochondriaEnvelliment; Estrès dicarbonílic; MitocondrisEnvejecimiento; Estrés dicarbonílico; MitocondriasAged cardiomyocytes develop a mismatch between energy demand and supply, the severity of which determines the onset of heart failure, and become prone to undergo cell death. The FoF1-ATP synthase is the molecular machine that provides >90% of the ATP consumed by healthy cardiomyocytes and is proposed to form the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP), an energy-dissipating channel involved in cell death. We investigated whether aging alters FoF1-ATP synthase self-assembly, a fundamental biological process involved in mitochondrial cristae morphology and energy efficiency, and the functional consequences this may have. Purified heart mitochondria and cardiomyocytes from aging mice displayed an impaired dimerization of FoF1-ATP synthase (blue native and proximity ligation assay), associated with abnormal mitochondrial cristae tip curvature (TEM). Defective dimerization did not modify the in vitro hydrolase activity of FoF1-ATP synthase but reduced the efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation in intact mitochondria (in which membrane architecture plays a fundamental role) and increased cardiomyocytes’ susceptibility to undergo energy collapse by mPTP. High throughput proteomics and fluorescence immunolabeling identified glycation of 5 subunits of FoF1-ATP synthase as the causative mechanism of the altered dimerization. In vitro induction of FoF1-ATP synthase glycation in H9c2 myoblasts recapitulated the age-related defective FoF1-ATP synthase assembly, reduced the relative contribution of oxidative phosphorylation to cell energy metabolism, and increased mPTP susceptibility. These results identify altered dimerization of FoF1-ATP synthase secondary to enzyme glycation as a novel pathophysiological mechanism involved in mitochondrial cristae remodeling, energy deficiency, and increased vulnerability of cardiomyocytes to undergo mitochondrial failure during aging.This work was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III of the Spanish Ministry of Health (FIS-PI19-01196) and a grant from the Sociedad Española de Cardiología (SEC/FEC-INV-BAS 217003

    New protein-protein interactions of mitochondrial connexin 43 in mouse heart

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    Connexin 43 (Cx43), the gap junction protein involved in cell-to-cell coupling in the heart, is also present in the subsarcolemmal fraction of cardiomyocyte mitochondria. It has been described to regulate mitochondrial potassium influx and respiration and to be important for ischaemic preconditioning protection, although the molecular effectors involved are not fully characterized. In this study, we looked for potential partners of mitochondrial Cx43 in an attempt to identify new molecular pathways for cardioprotection. Mass spectrometry analysis of native immunoprecipitated mitochondrial extracts showed that Cx43 interacts with several proteins related with mitochondrial function and metabolism. Among them, we selected for further analysis only those present in the subsarcolemmal mitochondrial fraction and known to be related with the respiratory chain. Apoptosis-inducing factor () and the beta-subunit of the electron-transfer protein (), two proteins unrelated to date with Cx43, fulfilled these conditions, and their interaction with Cx43 was proven by direct and reverse co-immunoprecipitation. Furthermore, a previously unknown molecular interaction between and was established, and protein content and sub-cellular localization appeared to be independent from the presence of Cx43. Our results identify new protein-protein interactions between -Cx43, -Cx43 and - as possible players in the regulation of the mitochondrial redox state

    New perspectives on bioactivity of olive oil: evidence from animal models, human interventions and the use of urinary proteomic biomarkers

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    Olive oil (OO) is the primary source of fat in the Mediterranean diet and has been associated with longevity and a lower incidence of chronic diseases, particularly CHD. Cardioprotective effects of OO consumption have been widely related with improved lipoprotein profile, endothelial function and inflammation, linked to health claims of oleic acid and phenolic content of OO. With CVD being a leading cause of death worldwide, a review of the potential mechanisms underpinning the impact of OO in the prevention of disease is warranted. The current body of evidence relies on mechanistic studies involving animal and cell-based models, epidemiological studies of OO intake and risk factor, small- and large-scale human interventions, and the emerging use of novel biomarker techniques associated with disease risk. Although model systems are important for mechanistic research nutrition, methodologies and experimental designs with strong translational value are still lacking. The present review critically appraises the available evidence to date, with particular focus on emerging novel biomarkers for disease risk assessment. New perspectives on OO research are outlined, especially those with scope to clarify key mechanisms by which OO consumption exerts health benefits. The use of urinary proteomic biomarkers, as highly specific disease biomarkers, is highlighted towards a higher translational approach involving OO in nutritional recommendations
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