28 research outputs found

    Determinación reciente de la colesterolemia en población adulta sana de Pamplona

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    RESUMEN: Objetivo: Los objetivos del estudio fueron estimar la proporción de la población adulta sana de Pamplona que había determinado recientemente su colesterolemia e identificar los factores asociados a esta determinación. Métodos: Estudio transversal con entrevista personal a 1066 habitantes de Pamplona seleccionados por muestreo de rutas aleatorias. Se estratificó la ciudad en tres áreas urbanas según el nivel socioeconómico (alto, medio, bajo). La participación fue de un 91,8%. Utilizando como variable dependiente la determinación del colesterol total en los últimos 5 años, y como variables independientes la edad, el sexo, el nivel socioeconómico y el hábito tabáquico, se calcularon las odds ratios (OR) univariantes y se ajustó un modelo de regresión logística. Resultados: El 71,2% de la muestra estudiada (IC 95%: 68,3-74,O) se había determinado el colesterol en los últimos cinco años. Los no fumadores conocían más su colesterolemia que los fumadores con una OR ajustada de 1,38 (IC 95%: 1 ,O-1,9); los hombres lo conocían más que las mujeres (OR ajustada de 1,5; IC 95% 1,l-2,O). El conocimiento era menos frecuente en el grupo de edad 30 años. La determinación de la colesterolemia se daba más en los individuos de nivel socioeconómico medio y alto (OR ajustadas 3,2; IC 95% 2,2-4,7 y 1,6; IC 95% 1,l-2,3), respectivamente. Conclusiones: La determinación reciente del colesterol era más frecuente en individuos de mayor edad y en varones. La determinación de la colesterolemia era menos frecuente en algunos grupos con peor perfil de riesgo coronario (menor nivel socioeconómico y fumadores). Estos resultados sugieren la necesidad de intervenciones para mejorar el conocimientoy control de la colesterolemia en adultos sanos

    Forest and woodland replacement patterns following drought-related mortality

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    Forest vulnerability to drought is expected to increase under anthropogenic climate change, and drought-induced mortality and community dynamics following drought have major ecological and societal impacts. Here, we show that tree mortality concomitant with drought has led to short-term (mean 5 y, range 1 to 23 y after mortality) vegetation-type conversion in multiple biomes across the world (131 sites). Self-replacement of the dominant tree species was only prevalent in 21% of the examined cases and forests and woodlands shifted to nonwoody vegetation in 10% of them. The ultimate temporal persistence of such changes remains unknown but, given the key role of biological legacies in long-term ecological succession, this emerging picture of postdrought ecological trajectories highlights the potential for major ecosystem reorganization in the coming decades. Community changes were less pronounced under wetter postmortality conditions. Replacement was also influenced by management intensity, and postdrought shrub dominance was higher when pathogens acted as codrivers of tree mortality. Early change in community composition indicates that forests dominated by mesic species generally shifted toward more xeric communities, with replacing tree and shrub species exhibiting drier bioclimatic optima and distribution ranges. However, shifts toward more mesic communities also occurred and multiple pathways of forest replacement were observed for some species. Drought characteristics, species-specific environmental preferences, plant traits, and ecosystem legacies govern post drought species turnover and subsequent ecological trajectories, with potential far-reaching implications for forest biodiversity and ecosystem services.Peer reviewe

    Reassessing global change research priorities in mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems : how far have we come and where do we go from here?

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    Aim: Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems serve as reference laboratories for the investigation of global change because of their transitional climate, the high spatiotemporal variability of their environmental conditions, a rich and unique biodiversity and a wide range of socio-economic conditions. As scientific development and environmental pressures increase, it is increasingly necessary to evaluate recent progress and to challenge research priorities in the face of global change. - Location: Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems. - Methods: This article revisits the research priorities proposed in a 1998 assessment. - Results: A new set of research priorities is proposed: (1) to establish the role of the landscape mosaic on fire-spread; (2) to further research the combined effect of different drivers on pest expansion; (3) to address the interaction between drivers of global change and recent forest management practices; (4) to obtain more realistic information on the impacts of global change and ecosystem services; (5) to assess forest mortality events associated with climatic extremes; (6) to focus global change research on identifying and managing vulnerable areas; (7) to use the functional traits concept to study resilience after disturbance; (8) to study the relationship between genotypic and phenotypic diversity as a source of forest resilience; (9) to understand the balance between C storage and water resources; (10) to analyse the interplay between landscape-scale processes and biodiversity conservation; (11) to refine models by including interactions between drivers and socio-economic contexts; (12) to understand forest-atmosphere feedbacks; (13) to represent key mechanisms linking plant hydraulics with landscape hydrology. - Main conclusions:(1) The interactive nature of different global change drivers remains poorly understood. (2) There is a critical need for the rapid development of regional- and global-scale models that are more tightly connected with large-scale experiments, data networks and management practice. (3) More attention should be directed to drought-related forest decline and the current relevance of historical land use

    Developing a Training Web Application for Improving the COVID-19 Diagnostic Accuracy on Chest X-ray

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    In December 2019, a new coronavirus known as 2019-nCoV emerged in Wuhan, China. The virus has spread globally and the infection was declared pandemic in March 2020. Although most cases of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are mild, some of them rapidly develop acute respiratory distress syndrome. In the clinical management, chest X-rays (CXR) are essential, but the evaluation of COVID-19 CXR could be a challenge. In this context, we developed COVID-19 TRAINING, a free Web application for training on the evaluation of COVID-19 CXR. The application included 196 CXR belonging to three categories: non-pathological, pathological compatible with COVID-19, and pathological non-compatible with COVID-19. On the training screen, images were shown to the users and they chose a diagnosis among those three possibilities. At any time, users could finish the training session and be evaluated through the estimation of their diagnostic accuracy values: sensitivity, specificity, predictive values, and global accuracy. Images were hand-labeled by four thoracic radiologists. Average values for sensitivity, specificity, and global accuracy were .72, .64, and .68. Users who achieved better sensitivity registered less specificity (p < .0001) and those with higher specificity decreased their sensitivity (p < .0001). Users who sent more answers achieved better accuracy (p = .0002). The application COVID-19 TRAINING provides a revolutionary tool to learn the necessary skills to evaluate COVID-19 on CXR. Diagnosis training applications could provide a new original manner of evaluation for medical professionals based on their diagnostic accuracy values, and an efficient method to collect valuable data for research purposes.Peer reviewe

    Desarrollo y Validación de un Instrumento de Medición de la Afectividad respecto a la Comisión de Errores en Matemáticas

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    La comisión de errores en matemáticas suele tener una connotación negativa, que provoca en los alumnos afectividad negativa hacia las matemáticas. El objetivo de este trabajo es desarrollar y validar un instrumento que mida la afectividad por la comisión de errores en matemáticas y la afectividad hacia las matemáticas por el error. Los reactivos del instrumento se basan en la relación entre la comisión de errores y las tres dimensiones de la afectividad: emociones, creencias y actitudes. Se aplica a 319 alumnos, de primer ingreso, de las carreras administrativas de una universidad privada en Guadalajara, México. El instrumento muestra una buena confiabilidad con un alfa de Cronbach de 0.9. El análisis factorial comprueba su validez con cinco factores relativos al error que explican el 52.73% de la varianza total: 1) emociones y afectos negativos por cometer errores, 2) conductas favorables hacia los errores como herramienta de aprendizaje, 3) mala concepción de la utilidad del error, 4) creencias y emociones negativas hacia las matemáticas por la comisión de errores y 5) la creencia de que de los errores se puede aprender matemáticas. Poder evaluar la afectividad que han desarrollado los alumnos por el error en matemáticas y hacia las matemáticas por el error, así como sus concepciones sobre el error, permitirá tener una visión de la cultura del error que han experimentado en su vida escolar, debida a la cual han formado creencias y actitudes que los inclinan a tener conductas favorables o desfavorables hacia el aprendizaje de las matemáticas

    Reassessing global change research priorities in the Mediterranean Basin: how far have we come and where do we go from here? Global Ecology and Biogeography

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    ABSTRACT Aim Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems serve as reference laboratories for the investigation of global change because of their transitional climate, the high spatiotemporal variability of their environmental conditions, a rich and unique biodiversity and a wide range of socio-economic conditions. As scientific development and environmental pressures increase, it is increasingly necessary to evaluate recent progress and to challenge research priorities in the face of global change. Location Mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems. Methods This article revisits the research priorities proposed in a 1998 assessment. Results A new set of research priorities is proposed: (1) to establish the role of the landscape mosaic on fire-spread; (2) to further research the combined effect of different drivers on pest expansion; (3) to address the interaction between drivers of global change and recent forest management practices; (4) to obtain more realistic information on the impacts of global change and ecosystem services; (5) to assess forest mortality events associated with climatic extremes; (6) to focus global change research on identifying and managing vulnerable areas; (7) to use the functional traits concept to study resilience after disturbance; (8) to study the relationship between genotypic and phenotypic diversity as a source of forest resilience; (9) to understand the balance between C storage and water resources; (10) to analyse the interplay between landscape-scale processes and biodiversity conservation; (11) to refine models by including interactions between drivers and socio-economic contexts; (12) to understand forest-atmosphere feedbacks; (13) to represent key mechanisms linking plant hydraulics with landscape hydrology. Main conclusions (1) The interactive nature of different global change drivers remains poorly understood. (2) There is a critical need for the rapid development of regional-and global-scale models that are more tightly connected with largescale experiments, data networks and management practice. (3) More attention should be directed to drought-related forest decline and the current relevance of historical land use