982 research outputs found

    Phosphodiesterase Type 5 Inhibitors and Visual Side Effects: A Narrative Review

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    Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors such as sildenafil citrate and tadalafil are well known for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. However, their use in the presence of pulmonary hypertension can cause ophthalmologic side effects, including non-arteritic optic ischemic neuropathy, chorioretinopathy, glaucoma, and optic atrophy. The present review aimed to identify these visual side effects and provide recommendations. We identified articles published from January 2000 to March 2019 on diseases arising from the management of sexual dysfunction in urology or pulmonary hypertension in pneumonia that could cause pathologic alterations in eye structure based on a literature search of the MEDLINE electronic database using keywords for the most common adverse effects and different kinds of phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors. After applying the exclusion criteria, we selected 36 of the 77 articles initially identified to write the narrative review and added 20 additional articles to completely describe the pathological entities. Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors can cause side effects in the eye including ocular surface abnormalities, increased intraocular pressure and glaucoma, uveitis, non-arteritic ischemic neuropathy, chorioretinopathy, retinal occlusion, and visual field changes. There is an increased need for well-performed studies to better understand these side effects, which are common due to the wide use of sildenafil

    Frontiers: Expanding Musical Imagination With Audience Participation

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    This paper introduces Performance Without Borders and Embodied iSound, two sound installations performed at the 2016 Peninsula Arts Contemporary Music Festival at Plymouth University. Sharing in common the use of smartphones to afford real-time audience participation, two bespoke distributed computer systems (Sherwell and Levinsky Music, respectively). Whilst the first one implements a cloud-based voting system, the second implements movement tracking and iBeacon-based indoor-positioning to control the choice of soundtracks, audio synthesis, and surround sound positioning, among other parameters. The general concepts of the installations, in particular design and interactive possibilities afforded by the computer systems are presented

    Isolation of N-(2-Methyl-3-oxodecanoyl)pyrrole and N-(2-Methyl-3-oxodec-8-enoyl)pyrrole, Two New Natural Products from Penicillium brevicompactum, and Synthesis of Analogues with Insecticiidal and Fungicidal Activity

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    [EN] Two new natural products have been isolated from culture broth of Penicillium brevicompactum Dierckx. The structures have be en assigned as N-(2-methyl-3-oxodecanoyl)pyrrole and N-(2-methyl-3-oxodec-8-enoyl)pyrrole on the basis of spectral data. Synthesis of analogues has been carried out by acylation of the pyrrole ring at Ct with different acylated Meldrum's acids. Two analogues (6b and 7b) have shown interesting insecticidal activities, and three other ones (6a, 6c, and 7a) have exhibited significant broad-spectrum fungicidal activities. These synthetic products might be considered as a starting point in the search for new pesticides.Cantin Sanz, A.; Moya, P.; Miranda Alonso, MÁ.; Primo Millo, J.; Primo Yufera, E. (1998). Isolation of N-(2-Methyl-3-oxodecanoyl)pyrrole and N-(2-Methyl-3-oxodec-8-enoyl)pyrrole, Two New Natural Products from Penicillium brevicompactum, and Synthesis of Analogues with Insecticiidal and Fungicidal Activity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 46(11):4748-4753. doi:10.1021/jf9800763S47484753461

    Production of Gaseous Tracer I2 from the Sodiumiodide Salt

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    Found in the nature in form different, the iodine has been used in diverse works in the area of the industry and health. The iodine is very unstable and volatile in the ambient temperature and the I2 is one of the diverse gaseous forms found. In this work was developed methodology for production of gaseous tracer from the sodium iodide (NaI) 0,1 M marked with 123I. The synthesis was processed with in chlorine acid (HCl) 1M and sodium iodate salt (NaIO3). The production of gas I2 initially was carried through in unit of glass with the inert material and the purpose was to study the kinetic of reaction. The synthesis occurs in the reaction bottle and the produced gas is stored in the collect bottle that contains a starch solution (5 g/100 mL water). To determine the efficiency of production of gas I2, analytic tests had been carried through, where the consumption of iodide ions of the bottle of reaction is measured. The optimization of production of the gaseous tracer was studied varying parameters as: concentration of iodide and iodate, concentration of acid and temperature. Then, the synthesis of the radiotracer was realized in the compact unit, being utilized as main reagent the salt radiated of sodium iodide, Na123I. The transportation of elementary iodine was studied by a scintillation detector NaI (2 x 2)” placed in the reaction bottle. To acquire the data, the detector use a set of electronic modules for the acquisition of signals generated

    O estágio supervisionado em Geografia: o que nos provoca a Educação Intercultural?

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    O artigo abarca o processo formativo dos graduandos em Licenciatura em Geografia da Universidade Federal da Bahia, com destaque para o componente curricular Estágio Supervisionado em Geografia II. Neste cenário, apresentamos as contribuições da Educação Intercultural (SANTIAGO, AKKARI, MARQUES, 2013) associadas aos postulados teóricos do professor Boaventura de Souza Santos (2002). A metodologia da pesquisa pautou-se pela narrativa autobiográfica para a qual a nossa história de vida (JOSSO, 2005) deve ser considerada no âmbito da formação da identidade profissional, sobretudo, a partir do estágio docente (PIMENTA; LIMA, 2008, p. 100). Para tal, evidenciamos que a Educação Intercultural nos permite trazer para a roda do diálogo questões que estão instauradas no “chão da escola” e que repercutem no espaço geográfico, mas que por questões da razão indolente (SANTOS, 2002) não são problematizadas nos cursos de formação de educadores em Geografia

    Lower urinary tract symptoms and sexual dysfunction in men with multiple sclerosis

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    OBJECTIVES: To assess the prevalence and interrelationship between lower urinary tract symptoms and sexual dysfunction in men with multiple sclerosis (MS). METHODS: In a cross-sectional study, we evaluated 41 men (mean age 41.1±9.9 years) with MS from February 2011 to March 2013, who were invited to participate irrespective of the presence of lower urinary tract symptoms or sexual dysfunction. Neurological impairment was assessed with the Expanded Disability Status Scale; lower urinary tract symptoms were evaluated with the International Continence Society male short-form questionnaire, and sexual dysfunction was evaluated with the International Index of Erectile Function. All patients underwent transabdominal urinary tract sonography and urine culture. RESULTS: The mean disease duration was 10.5±7.3 years. Neurological evaluation showed a median Expanded Disability Status Scale score of 3 [2-6]. The median International Continence Society male short-form questionnaire score was 17 [10-25]. The median International Index of Erectile Function score was 29 [15-46]. Twentynine patients (74.4%) had sexual dysfunction as defined by an International Index of Erectile Function score o45. Voiding dysfunction and sexual dysfunction increased with the degree of neurological impairment (r=0.02 [0.02 to 0.36] p=0.03 and r=-0.41 [-0.65 to -0.11] p=0.008, respectively). Lower urinary tract symptoms and sexual dysfunction also displayed a significant correlation (r=-0.31 [-0.56 to -0.01] p=0.04). CONCLUSIONS: Most male patients with MS have lower urinary tract symptoms and sexual dysfunction. The severity of the neurological disease is a predictive factor for the occurrence of voiding and sexual dysfunctions

    Spider venom neurotoxin based bioinsecticides: A novel bioactive for the control of the Asian citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri (Hemiptera)

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    The Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), is a key vector of the phloem-limited bacteria Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) associated with huanglongbing (HLB), the most serious and currently incurable disease of citrus worldwide. Here we report the first investigation into the potential use of a spider venom-derived recombinant neurotoxin, ω/κ-HxTx-Hv1h (hereafter HxTx-Hv1h) when delivered alone or when fused to snowdrop lectin (Galanthus nivalis agglutinin; GNA) to control D. citri. Proteins, including GNA alone, were purified from fermented transformed yeast Pichia pastoris cultures. Recombinant HxTx-Hv1h, HxTx-Hv1h/GNA and GNA were all orally toxic to D. citri, with Day 5 median lethal concentrations (LC 50) derived from dose-response artificial diet assays of 27, 20 and 52 μM, respectively. Western analysis of whole insect protein extracts confirmed that psyllid mortality was attributable to protein ingestion and that the fusion protein was stable to cleavage by D. citri proteases. When applied topically (either via droplet or spray) HxTx-Hv1h/GNA was the most effective of the proteins causing >70 % mortality 5 days post treatment, some 2 to 3-fold higher levels of mortality as compared to the toxin alone. By contrast, no significant mortality or phenotypic effects were observed for bumble bees (Bombus terrestris L.) fed on the recombinant proteins in acute toxicity assays. This suggests that HxTx-Hv1h/GNA has potential as a novel bioinsecticide for the management of D. citri offering both enhanced target specificity as compared to chemical pesticides and compatibility with integrated pest management (IPM) strategies

    Pool boiling of nanofluids on biphilic surfaces: An experimental and numerical study

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    This study addresses the combination of customized surface modification with the use of nanofluids, to infer on its potential to enhance pool-boiling heat transfer. Hydrophilic surfaces patterned with superhydrophobic regions were developed and used as surface interfaces with different nanofluids (water with gold, silver, aluminum and alumina nanoparticles), in order to evaluate the effect of the nature and concentration of the nanoparticles in bubble dynamics and consequently in heat transfer processes. The main qualitative and quantitative analysis was based on extensive post-processing of synchronized high-speed and thermographic images. To study the nucleation of a single bubble in pool boiling condition, a numerical model was also implemented. The results show an evident benefit of using biphilic patterns with well-established distances between the superhydrophobic regions. This can be observed in the resulting plot of the dissipated heat flux for a biphilic pattern with seven superhydrophobic spots, δ = 1/d and an imposed heat flux of 2132 w/m2. In this case, the dissipated heat flux is almost constant (except in the instant t* ≈ 0.9 when it reaches a peak of 2400 W/m2), whilst when using only a single superhydrophobic spot, where the heat flux dissipation reaches the maximum shortly after the detachment of the bubble, dropping continuously until a new necking phase starts. The biphilic patterns also allow a controlled bubble coalescence, which promotes fluid convection at the hydrophilic spacing between the superhydrophobic regions, which clearly contributes to cool down the surface. This effect is noticeable in the case of employing the Ag 1 wt% nanofluid, with an imposed heat flux of 2132 W/m2, where the coalescence of the drops promotes a surface cooling, identified by a temperature drop of 0.7 °C in the hydrophilic areas. Those areas have an average temperature of 101.8 °C, whilst the average temperature of the superhydrophobic spots at coalescence time is of 102.9 °C. For low concentrations as the ones used in this work, the effect of the nanofluids was observed to play a minor role. This can be observed on the slight discrepancy of the heat dissipation decay that occurred in the necking stage of the bubbles for nanofluids with the same kind of nanoparticles and different concentration. For the Au 0.1 wt% nanofluid, a heat dissipation decay of 350 W/m2 was reported, whilst for the Au 0.5 wt% nanofluid, the same decay was only of 280 W/m2. The results of the numerical model concerning velocity fields indicated a sudden acceleration at the bubble detachment, as can be qualitatively analyzed in the thermographic images obtained in this work. Additionally, the temperature fields of the analyzed region present the same tendency as the experimental results.This work was funded by Portuguese national funds of FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) through the base funding from the following research units: UIDB/00532/2020 (Transport Phenomena Research Center, CEFT), UIDB/04077/2020 (MEtRICs) and UIDP/04436/2020. The authors are also grateful for the funding of FCT through the projects LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-030171/NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-030171 (PTDC/EME-SIS/30171/2017), funded by COMPETE2020, NORTE2020, PORTUGAL2020 and FEDER. The authors also acknowledge FCT for partially financing the research under the framework of the project UTAP-EXPL/CTE/0064/2017, financiado no ambito do Projeto 5665-Parcerias Internacionais de Ciencia e Tecnologia, UT Austin Programme. Mr Pedro Pontes also acknowledgesFCT for his fellowship ref. SFRH/BD/149286/2019

    Defining the impact of Peyronie's disease on the psychosocial status of gay men

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    Background Little sexual health research has been conducted in gay men. Anecdotally, this population seems to experience more bother related to Peyronie's disease (PD). Objectives To examine the impact of PD on psychosocial factors in gay vs straight men. Materials and Methods All PD patients who were seen in the sexual medicine clinic were included. They completed three instruments: the PD questionnaire (PDQ), Self-Esteem and Relationship (SEAR) questionnaire, and a depression questionnaire (CES-D). We described demographics and sexual variables by sexual orientation. We then compared PDQ items and summary scores by sexual orientation, using a series of independent samples t tests. Results 34 consecutive gay and 464 straight men were included. Age and baseline characteristics were similar between the two cohorts, with the exception that fewer gay men were partnered (56% vs 87%, P < .01), and those with a partner had a shorter relationship duration: 109 ± 9 months vs 262 ± 175 months, P < .01. For the SEAR questionnaire, gay men demonstrated a more significant psychosocial impact of PD overall with lower SEAR sums (41 vs 57, P = .01) and a lower sexual relationship subdomain score (28 vs 47, P < .01). 41% of gay men vs 26% of straight men had CES-D scores consistent with depression as defined by a score of ≥16 (P = .09). In the PDQ domains, gay men scored less favorably with regard to bother scores (7 vs 5, P = .03) and pain scores (8 vs 4, P = .04). Discussion Gay men with PD experience significantly more psychosocial impact as evidenced by less favorable SEAR sum and sexual relationship scores, CES-D scores, and PDQ pain and bother domain scores. Conclusion The psychosocial impact of PD is significant in all men, but it appears to be greater in gay men