1,976 research outputs found

    The South Region Cancer Registry: an evaluation of its exhaustiveness in a cohort of lung cancer patients

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    Poster presented at the 2nd International Congress of CiiEM: Translational Research and Innovation in Human and Health Sciences, 11-13 June 2017, Campus Egas Moniz, Caparica, PortugalN/

    Design of nozzles for surface mount technologies produced by additive manufacturing

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    The increasing use and production of electronic systems, equipped with multiple PCBs, leads to constant development in manufacturing technologies. A predominant choice in PCB production is Surface Mount Technology (SMT). The most important phase of the SMT process is the pickup and placement step, where nozzles, specific to the electronic component, are responsible to pick components and place them on the PCB. The interaction between the nozzles and the components imposes issues that lead to losses of process productivity. Currently, the development of a nozzle for an electrical component is time-consuming and, sometimes, the final solution is not tailored enough to take full advantage of the SMT machine efficiency. This research aims to fill this gap, through a new nozzle production method using additive manufacturing (AM), which makes it possible to respond to requirements such as, real-time, customized, and high dimensional accuracy nozzle design and production. Despite these advantages, the materials and manufacturing technologies available need improvements to meet the SMT requirements for nozzles production. Therefore, the research focused on the development of an electrostatic discharge (ESD) solution for AM, and the study of geometries that allow vacuum picking of electronic components with zero or low leakage. To show the viability of this method, electrical characterization tests were performed on the materials used, showing that ESD properties could be achieved. Moreover, a set of experimental tests were also performed to prove that the vacuum values were in the same range as the traditional nozzles. In sum, this research presents an alternative solution that allows for quick and flexible nozzle production.- (undefined

    Mesozooplankton from Ría de Vigo (NW Spain) and its adjacent shelf between 1995 and 2003

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    The mesozooplankton (200 μm to 2 mm) community from monthly samples collected at two stations in Ría de Vigo (39 m) and its adjacent shelf (97 m) between 1995-2003 is described. The mesozooplankton was dominated by copepods. Inside the Ría, meroplankton (larvae of gasteropods, lamelibranchiae, echinodermate and cirripids nauplii) and other holoplanktonic organisms, such as apendicularia, cladocera, siphonophora and medusae, were also well represented. The copepod group inside the Ría was dominated by Acartia clausi, juveniles of Calanus helgolandicus, Paracalanus parvus, Pseudocalanus elongatus, Temora longicornis, Oithona plumifera, Oncaea media, Euterpina acutifrons and copepodites of Centropages spp. In the offshore station, dominant copepods species were the same than inshore together with other oceanic species, such as Paraeuchaeta hebes, Calanoides carinatus and Aetideus armatus. Biomass values within Ría de Vigo ranged between 2 and 151 mg dry weight /m3 and between 2 and 314 mg dry weight /m3 in the offshore station. Abundance ranged between 149 ind/m in January 1995 and 41814 ind/m3 in August of 2003 in the inner station, and between 22 ind/m3 in January 1996 and 93410 ind/m3 in May 1999 in the outer station. The most outstanding events were the high levels of the Mediterranean copepod Temora stylifera, usually rare in Galician waters recorded in the area in 1997 and 1998, and the increased levels of cirripid larvae observed inside the Ría

    Potential inundation of Lisbon downtown by a 1755-like tsunami

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    In this study, we present 10 m resolution tsunami flooding maps for Lisbon downtown and the Tagus estuary. To compute these maps we use the present bathymetry and topographic maps and a reasonable estimate for the maximum credible tsunami scenario. Tsunami modeling was made with a non-linear shallow water model using four levels of nested grids. The tsunami flood is discussed in terms of flow depth, run-up height and maximum inundation area. The results show that, even today, in spite of the significant morphologic changes in the city river front after the 1755 earthquake, a similar event would cause tsunami flow depths larger than one meter in a large area along the Tagus estuary and Lisbon downtown. Other areas along the estuary with a high population density would also be strongly affected. The impact of the tide on the extent of tsunami inundation is discussed, due to the large amplitude range of the tide in Lisbon, and compared with the historical descriptions of the 1755 event. The results presented here can be used to identify the potential tsunami inundation areas in Lisbon; this identification comprises a key element of the Portuguese tsunami emergency management system

    Trade-off between offspring number and offspring size in the marine copepod Euterpina acutifrons at different food concentrations

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    collected females of the marine copepod Euterpina acutifrons monthly from November 1994 to January 1996 at a station located in Ria de Vigo (Spain). A trade-off between egg size and egg number was found. As food concentration measured as mean fluorescence in the water column diminished, mean number of eggs per sac carried per female decreased, whereas mean egg size increased. An experiment carried out with adult females cultured at different food concentrations confirmed the field results, and also showed that as egg size increased, there, was an increase in naupliar body length at hatching; nauplii developed faster to first copepodite stage, and net reproductive rate was higher. Therefore, the reproductive strategy of directing more energy toward offspring size rather than offspring number, at low food concentrations, clearly increases reproductive success.Postprin

    Defence mechanisms of infertile couples vs. fertile couples

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    Los mecanismos de defensa (DM) fueron investigados en las parejas infértiles (n = 60) a la espera de su primera consulta de infertilidad, haciendo uso del inventario de mecanismos de defensa (DMI). Cuando se comparó con los resultados de las parejas fértiles (n = 60), mujeres y hombres infértiles demostraron una tendencia significativa a evitar el uso de mecanismos de defensa que permitan la expresión de impulsos agresivos, así como una tendencia al uso excesivo de mecanismos de defensa que permiten la racionalización y la negación de situaciones frustrantes. Estos datos parecen indicar la presencia de rigidez defensiva en las parejas afectadas por estrés reproductivo, mientras que en las parejas en común la flexibilidad defensiva es de esperar.Defence mechanisms (DM) were investigated in infertile couples (n = 60) waiting for their first infertility consultation, making use of the Defense Mechanisms Inventory (DMI). When compared with results of fertile couples (n = 60), infertile men and women showed a significant trend to avoid the use of defence mechanisms that enable the expression of aggressive impulses as well as a tendency to overuse defence mechanisms that enable the rationalization and negation of frustrating situations. Such data seem to indicate the presence of defensive inflexibility in couples affected by reproductive stress, while in common couples defensive flexibility is to be expected.peerReviewe

    The shock of reality: I went to sleep an accountant and woke up a professor

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    O presente estudo tem o objetivo de identificar os principais problemas enfrentados pelos docentes da área contábil nos seus três primeiros anos de carreira. Para alcançar esse objetivo, foram consultados estudos sobre as fases de vida dos professores e os problemas que esses enfrentaram (Gonçalves, 1995, 2009; Huberman, 1989, 2000; Veenman, 1984). Foram aplicados questionários, com questões abertas e fechadas, a 84 professores brasileiros ingressantes na carreira em Ciências Contábeis. Por meio de uma análise quantitativa e qualitativa, os resultados indicaram que a falta de formação para o exercício da docência pode levar os docentes da área contábil ao fenômeno "choque com a realidade". Os achados também evidenciam que os principais problemas que afligem os docentes são: desmotivação dos discentes, heterogeneidade das classes, salas lotadas, falta de tempo, dificuldade para determinar nível de aprendizado, e quantidade de atividades administrativasThis study aims to identify the main problems faced by teachers of accounting in the first three years of their career. For this purpose, references were consulted on the career phases of professors and the problems they face (Gonçalves, 1995, 2009; Huberman, 1989, 2000; Veenman, 1984). Questionnaires, with open and closed questions, were given to 84 recently hired Brazilian professors of accounting. By means of a quantitative and qualitative analysis, the results indicate that the lack of teacher training can cause these professors to suffer a “shock of reality”. The findings also evidence that the main problems that afflict these teachers are: unmotivated students, heterogeneous class makeup, crowded classrooms, lack of time, difficulty to determine the level of learning, and burdensome administrative dutie

    High resolution forecasts of wind in rough orography and in coastal conditions

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    The increase of the share of wind energy in total electrical power requires the development of reliable forecasts of wind power at different time scales, from minutes to days, on a regional and national basis. That development is multidisciplinary, involving meteorological and engineering components. In the present stage, though, it is thought that for time scales beyond 3 hours, the largest improvements are expected from the meteorological side, if meteorological forecasts are able to deal with mesoscale flow. In this paper three case studies of mesoscale modeling are analyzed and compared against wind observations in sites selected for their high potential for wind energy. Two cases deal with flow in the Islands of Madeira and San Jorge (Azores), characterized by rough orography, where measurements were made at the top of elevated plateaus. In these two cases, the large scale flow is obtained from ECMWF analysis and the mesoscale flow is computed, for one summer and one winter month, with two mesoscale models at resolutions between 6 and 0.5 km. In the third case, one full year of simulationis Continental Portugal is performed at resolutions between 27 and 3km, using boundary conditions from the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis and the MM5 model. Results indicate the interest of high horizontal resolution for wind forecasts in complex terrain but also some difficulties in the representation of boundary layer effects in conditions of large thermal forcing.

    Cutaneous mucormycosis

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    Cutaneous mucormycosis is an emerging fungal infection caused by opportunistic fungi of the phylum Glomeromycota. It is frequent in poorly controlled diabetic patients and individuals with immunosuppression. It is usually acquired by direct inoculation through trauma. The clinical presentation is nonspecific, but an indurated plaque that rapidly evolves to necrosis is a common finding. Diagnosis should be confirmed by demonstration of the etiological agent and new molecular diagnostic tools have recently been described. It is an invasive life-threatening disease and in order to improve survival, a prompt diagnosis and multidisciplinary management should be provided. The treatment of choice is amphotericin B, but new azoles, such as posaconazole and isavuconazole, must be considered. Keywords: Mucormycosis; Mucorales; Mucor; Zygomycosis; Rhizopu

    Boreholes plans optimization methodology combining geostatistical simulation and simulated annealing

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    Nowadays, the prospection plans have the difficult task of ensuring a more complete and rich characterization of the rock mass for the purpose of optimizing costs and increasing safety in geotechnical projects. Currently, boreholes location and depth are mainly defined based on experience and know-how of professionals, as such, it is user-dependent. Hence, there is a lack of methodologies to help the decision-makers in defining the optimal location of boreholes (with relevant information). Therefore, this paper presents a methodology based on the use of geostatistical conditional simulation allied to a stochastic global optimization algorithm (Simulated Annealing) to develop optimized boreholes plans comparing a uni-objective and a multi-criteria optimization approaches. In this work, the optimized location is considered the one that minimizes uncertainty translated by either the average local variance or the average width of 95% probability intervals of simulated values at unsampled locations. This methodology was applied using preliminary information obtained from previously executed boreholes using as variable the empirical rock mass classification system, Rock Mass Rating, in a Chilean deposit.This research is inserted in LNEC project named P2I-RockGeoStat and was partially funded by FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia, Portugal) in the scope of project PEst-UID/CEC/00319/2013, included in ISISE project UID/ECl/04029/2013 as well as the PhD grant SFRH/BD/89627/2012, and by the Chilean Commission for Scientific and Technological Research, through Project CONICYT PIA Anillo ACT1407.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio