1,542 research outputs found

    Programação dos ensinos de línguas estrangeiras - metodologias de ensino-aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras - perspectiva diacrónica - com uma proposta prática

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    Este livro sintetiza as grandes orientações da didáctica das línguas estrangeiras através dos tempos e julga do valor de uma gama variada de métodos no ensino-aprendizagem dessas mesmas línguas estrangeiras. Evidencia a importância de uma acção educativa consciente e organizada com base na adopção de métodos e técnicas adequados. É um texto básico, sintético e, consequentemente, incompleto, para que possa constituir-se como um instrumento de trabalho e um ponto de partida para estudos e investigações complementares a levar a cabo por parte dos interessados

    The Immigration Debate in the 2012 US Presidential Election and the Role of Rhetoric

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    November 6, 2012 was Election Day in the United States. It was the day in which the incumbent candidate, Barack Obama, was elected president of the United States for a second term, defeating Republican candidate Mitt Romney. Although the US domestic economy, together with the country\u27s worldwide significance and global role, were the most prominent issues during the campaign in each candidate\u27s political agenda, it was immigration, especially immigration reform, which became a heated topic of discussion for both political parties and their respective presidential candidates. Initially, it did not seem to be the most important issue of the campaign, as excerpt (1) from the FAIR 2012 Election Report seems to indicate, not even for Hispanics, but somehow the overall perception seemed to be different

    Female Testaments as Social Discourse: A Textual Analysis Under a Critical Discourse Analysis Approach

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    The following article is an analysis of 33 female wills (from 16th-20th centuries) found in notarial protocols at the Murcia Regional Archives (Murcia, Spain). Using a Critical Discourse Analysis framework, with special emphasis of Pierre Bourdieu’s postulates, this article studies how women handle gender, cultural, and power relations, challenge social hierarchies and, at the same time, reproduce them in their attempt to look respectable/honorable, assert their power, redefine themselves and negotiate their public image

    A propósito de uma política de língua

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    Livro de homenagem à professora Maria Emília Ricardo Marque

    Les matemàtiques a pre-escolar

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    Es el propósito del presente artículo estudiar la evolución de los conceptos básicos matemáticos en relación con la evolución madurativa del niño, con la finalidad de adecuar los contenidos matemáticos de la enseñanza para la etapa preescolar. Las matemáticas que se proponen no se definen ni como "tradicionales" ni como "modernas" La propuesta es, en cambio, de una didáctica que busca situaciones matemáticamente relacionables. El contenido hace referencia tanto a la formación del número natural (cardinal y ordinal) como a la formación de clases.It is the aim of the present article to study the evolution of the basic mathematical concepts in relation to the maturative evolution of the child, with the intention of adapting the mathematical contents of education for the pre-school stage. The mathematics that is proposed does not define itself neither as "traditional " not as "modern" The proposal is, on the other hand, of a kind of didactics that pursues situations mathematically related. The content refers to the formation of cardinal and ordinal number as well as the formation of classes

    Content marketing and the personality of Covet Group Brands

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    Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Marketing e EstratégiaContent Marketing has been a marketing strategy widely used lately among professionals in the field, due to its way of creating customer value, engaging customers, and building customer relationships. The internet and the rapid rise of new technologies have forced several areas to reinvent themselves and position themselves in the market in a unique way. Therefore, to create content marketing with value and purpose, a brand also needs a differentiated branding that is very well aligned with its positioning. In addition, knowing the personality of a brand is very important to direct the content created and for them to differentiate themselves in the market. In this context, this is an internship report that seeks to measure the personality of Covet Group brands as one of the studies and, in an exploratory way, the other study seeks insights into the content marketing carried out by WeBlog. This report then appears to apply the theoretical-practical knowledge acquired throughout the course, validate the work carried out in the company and generate contributions to the department. Among the content marketing activities carried out during the internship, we had the opportunity to create articles for the blogs that the department manages and create content for the social networks Instagram and Pinterest. The purpose of this work being to increase traffic and generate leads to company pages. The main objectives of this case study were to highlight brand concepts and their importance, as well as understand how they are adapted in a practical context; to determine the personalities of the Covet Group brands; to explore the content marketing work carried out by Weblog; And to understand how these brands are positioned and differentiate their selves. The data collected allowed me to see that the number of leads generated from content marketing increased with the increase in publications. However, not in the amount of information provided by these leads. In addition, the interviews collected to define the personalities of the brands are very important to guide the content created by the Weblog department

    Elämysmatkojen kehittäminen asiakkaita osallistamalla

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    Tämän opinnäytetyön aiheena on palveluiden kehittäminen. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on tuottaa ideoita Savonlinjan elämysmatkojen kehittämiseksi. Teoreettinen viitekehys muodostuu brändistä, palvelujen tuotteistamisesta sekä yhteistoiminnallisesta kehittämisestä. Tämä opinnäytetyö on laadullinen tutkimus, jossa tutkimusmenetelminä käytettiin yhteistoiminnallista kehittämistä ja havainnointia. Yhteistoiminnallisessa menetelmässä hyödynnettiin vaikutteita Living Lab -toiminnasta. Savonlinjan asiakkaille järjestettiin kehittämistilaisuus, jossa osallistujat työskentelivät ryhmissä ja ideoivat unelmiensa elämysmatkoihin liittyviä ominaisuuksia. Havainnoinnissa tarkasteltiin erilaisia elämyspalveluiden tarjoajia ja sitä, miten elämyksiä rakennetaan. Havainnoinnissa hyödynnettiin elämyskolmio-mallia. Yhteistoiminnallisen tilaisuuden perusteella tärkeimmiksi elementeiksi elämysmatkoissa nousivat yksilöllinen kokemus sekä aktiivinen vuorovaikutus palveluntarjoajan kanssa. Elämysmatkatarjonnan tulisi sisältää vaihtoehtoja erilaisten asiakkaiden tarpeisiin. Lisäksi havainnoinnin kautta nousi esiin tarinan merkitys elämyksen rakentumisessa. Elämysmatkojen asiakkaat arvostavat, että informaatiota on runsaasti saatavissa ennen matkaa. Informaation lisäksi on tärkeää panostaa elämyksen luomiseen mahdollisimman varhaisessa vaiheessa. Elämyksen luominen voidaan aloittaa jo ennen matkaa konkretisoimalla palvelu verkkosivuilla esimerkiksi kuvien, videoiden ja muun materiaalin avulla. Tutkimuksen tuloksia ja Savonlinjan verkkosivuja vertailtaessa huomattiin, että elämysmatkat-otsikon alle on koottu kaikki Savonlinjan tarjoamat valmismatkat, joista kaikki eivät täytä elämyksen kriteerejä. Tämän vuoksi elämysmatkat olisi hyvä erottaa tavallisista valmismatkoista. Tällaisella erottelulla elämys sana säilyttää nimensä mukaisen arvon. Tutkimus antaa hyvän pohjan asiakaslähtöisen kehitystyön jatkamiselle. Yhteistyö asiakkaiden kanssa onnistui hyvin ja toimintaa kehittämällä on mahdollista saada yhä kattavampia tuloksia. Vastaisuudessa kehitystyöhön kannattaa asiakkaiden lisäksi osallistaa myös muita Savonlinjan sidosryhmiä.The objective of the thesis was to develop Savonlinja’s package tours. Engaging customers in service development helps creating services that meet customers’ needs. Co-creation also strengthens the relationship between the customers and the company. In addition, it creates value. The theoretical framework of this thesis consists of the theory of brand, service productization and co-creation. Two different qualitative research methods were used in this thesis, observation and co-creation. The aim of the observation was examining companies that offer different services based on experiences and adventure tourism. Experience Pyramid Model was used in observation. The model represents elements and levels which build the experience. In addition, a development session was arranged for Savonlinja’s customers. The objective was to develop new ideas for Savonlinja’s package tours in cooperation with customers. Based on this session it could be concluded that individuality and interaction are the most valued elements. Customers appreciate tailormade services and the opportunity to choose from different activities. Customers also expect functional interaction with the service provider. The results of the observation showed that stories are one of the essential elements when creating experiences. Stories are used in all stages of the service. The results of the research showed that it is important to start building the experiences in the early stages of service. This can be done by offering enough information on the website and using for example storytelling and visual elements, such as photos and videos. This research was a good start for co-development with customers. In the future it is possible to also engage other interest groups in the development process

    Nainen, ole itse aktiivinen : 25 - 49-vuotiaiden naisten rintojen omatarkkailu

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    Rintasyöpä on Suomessa naisten yleisin syöpäsairaus, johon sairastuu vuosittain yli 4000 naista. Vuonna 2009 rintasyöpään sairastuneita naisia oli 4 461 ja samana vuonna rintasyöpään menehtyi 821 naista. Rintojen omatarkkailu on yksi tärkein tekijä rintasyövän varhaistoteamisessa, joka taas mahdollistaa nopeamman hoitoon pääsyn. Naiset jättävät rintansa tutkimatta, vaikka kuolleisuus rintasyöpään on merkittävä. On siis oletettavaa, että on olemassa joitain tekijöitä, jotka estävät rintojen omatarkkailun. Tarkkailemalla omia rintojaan naiset voivat löytää mahdolliset muutokset ja päästä varhain mahdollisiin tutkimuksiin. Opinnäytetyö käsittelee aihetta rintasyövän varhaistoteaminen ja siihen liittyen omatarkkailun esteet. Opinnäytetyön tilaajana on yhdistys ProMama ry. Opinnäytetyö on kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen tutkimus. Opinnäytetyön tarkoitus on kartoittaa naisten rintojen omatarkkailun toteuttamista ja esteitä sekä saada rintojen omatarkkailuohjaustilanteisiin kehittämisideoita. Opinnäytetyömme tavoitteena on antaa tietoa rintojen omatarkkailun kouluttajille ohjaustilanteiden kehittämiseen. Aineisto kerättiin avoimilla kysymyksillä 25 - 49-vuotiailta naisilta sähköpostin välityksellä ja se analysoitiin induktiivisella sisällönanalyysillä. Vastauksia tuli neljä kappaletta. Tulokset osoittivat, että naisten toteuttama rintojen omatarkkailu on epäsäännöllistä ja vähäistä. Vastaajilta nousi rintojen omatarkkailun toteuttamiseen useita estäviä tekijöitä. Näitä olivat muun muassa epävarmuus, laiskuus ja unohtaminen. Vastaajien keskuudessa koettiin rintojen omatarkkailusta saadun ohjauksen jääneen vähäiseksi. Rintojen omatarkkailun ohjauksen tulisi olla säännöllistä ja laadukasta. Ohjausta olisi hyödyllistä antaa jo kouluterveydenhuollossa. Jatkotutkimusaiheena voisi selvittää, miksi terveydenhuollon ammattilaiset eivät ole sitoutuneita antamaan tarpeeksi laadukasta ohjausta rintojen omatarkkailuun. Lisäksi voisi olla hyödyllistä selvittää, kuinka terveydenhuollon peruskoulutuksen opetusohjelmassa opetetaan tulevia ammattilaisia rintojen omatarkkailun ohjaamiseen.Breast cancer is the most common cancer among Finnish women. More than 4000 women get breast cancer annually. 4, 461 women had breast cancer and 821 women died from breast cancer in 2009. Breast self-examination is one of the most important factors in early detection of breast cancer which enables faster access to treatment. Women do not do breast self-examination even though breast cancer survival rate is rather low. Therefore, it can be assumed that there are factors that prevent breast self-examination. By observing their own breasts, women can find the changes and get access to medical examinations early. Early detection of breast cancer is the subject of this thesis. ProMama ry, a nationwide organization for breast health promotion, is the commissioner of this thesis. The purpose of this qualitative thesis was to study how women implemented breast self-examination and obstacles to it and also to obtain development ideas for breast self-examination counseling. The aim of the thesis was give information to trainers of breast self-examination that they could develop counseling situations. The material was collected with open questions from 25-49-year-old women through e-mail and analyzed through inductive content analysis. Four respondents answered the questions. The results showed that the self-examination of breasts was performed irregularly and superficially. The respondents named several factors that prevented breast self-examination. These included uncertainty, laziness and forgetting. The respondents also felt that breast self-examination counseling was insufficient. Breast self-examination counseling should, therefore, be regular and of high quality. It would be useful to provide counseling already in school health service. Further studies could clarify why public health professionals are not committed to provide high quality breast self-examination counseling. It could also be useful to study what future professionals are taught about breast self-examination counseling in the syllabus of the basic education of the public health service

    Systematic Literature Review : E-LKPD Berbantuan Liveworksheets Untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Matematis Peserta Didik

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    This research was prepared using the Systematic Literature Review (SLR) method with stages 1) Research Question; 2) Selection Criteria; 3) Search Strategy; 4) Select Studies; 5) The Quality Of Studies; and 6) Synthesis Results. Article searches were obtained from Google Scholar, Sinta, Scopus and Garuda using the keywords E-LKPD, Liveworksheets, and understanding mathematical concepts. The articles studied consisted of 10 Sinta and Scopus indexed articles published in 2020-2024. The purpose of reviewing this article is to emphasize the importance of developing teaching materials that support active learning in increasing students' understanding of mathematical concepts. The results of research using the Systematic Literature Review method show that the development of Liveworksheets-assisted E-LKPD is declared to have met the feasibility test in terms of material, media, and trial results in both small and large groups. So this E-LKPD is declared valid, practical and effective for use in learning. Thus, E-LKPD assisted by Liveworksheets can make a positive contribution in increasing the effectiveness of mathematics learning, especially in increasing students' understanding of conceptsPenelitian ini disusun dengan menggunakan metode Systematic Literature Review (SLR) dengan tahapan 1) Research Question; 2) Selection Criteria; 3) Search Strategy; 4) Select Studies; 5) The Quality Of Studies; dan 6) Synthesis Result. Pencarian artikel diperoleh dari Google Schoolar, Sinta, Scopus dan Garuda dengan menggunakan kata kunci E-LKPD, Liveworksheets, dan pemahaman konsep matematis. Artikel yang dikaji terdiri dari 10 artikel terindeks Sinta dan Scopus yang dipublikasi pada tahun 2020-2024. Tujuan dari mengkaji artikel ini adalah untuk menekankan pentingnya pengembangan bahan ajar yang mendukung pembelajaran aktif dalam meningkatkan pemahaman konsep matematis peserta didik. Hasil penelitian dengan menggunakan metode Systematic Literature Review ini menunjukkan bahwa pengembangan E-LKPD Berbantuan Liveworksheets dinyatakan telah memenuhi uji kelayakan dari segi materi, media, serta hasil uji coba baik dalam kelompok kecil maupun besar. Sehingga E-LKPD ini dinyatakan valid, praktis, dan efektif untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran. Dengan demikian, E-LKPD berbantuan Liveworksheets ini dapat memberikan kontribusi positif dalam meningkatkan efektivitas pembelajaran matematika, terutama dalam meningkatkan pemahaman konsep peserta didik