66 research outputs found


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    Keindahannya Jawa (The beauty of Java) merupakan salah satu slogan pariwisata bagi Jepara. Jepara menyimpan keindahan alam yang beragam, seperti pantai, sawah, bukit, danau, hutan pinus, hingga goa. Potensi wisata alam Jepara dapat dikembangkan melalui kacamata arsitektur. Salah satu untuk mengembangkan potensi wisata alam Jepara yang berkelanjutan adalah dengan menerapkan konsep yang berbasiskan kepada keseimbangan lingkungan dan kebutuhan pariwisata pantai dimasa kini. Perencanaan & Perancangan Hotel Resort dapat menyediakan akomodasi yang memadai bagi para wisatawan sehingga dapat menikmati keindahan pantai lebih nyaman. Perencanaan & Perancangan Beach Leisure menjadi fasilitas rekreasi untuk menambah kepuasan saat menghabiskan waktu luang di pesisir Pantai Pailus, kehadiran beach leisure diharapkan sehingga mampu menarik para wisatawan untuk datang dan berekreasi di pantai serta mengembangkan potensi - potensi lokal dari Pantai Pailus

    Semiotics analysis of Disney movie posters

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    This research discusses semiotics analysis of Disney movie posters. The researcher conducted this research using semiotic theory by Charles Sanders Peirce. The main concept of Charles Sanders Peirce is the analysis of icons, indexes, and symbols and also the meaning of icons, indexes, and symbols found in Disney movie posters. The purpose of this study is to explain icons, indexes, and symbols found on the movie poster and their meaning. There are 2 the formulation of the problem to be answered by the researcher; (1) What are the icons, indexes, and symbols portrayed by four Disney movie posters. (2) What are the meanings of icon, index, and symbol in four Disney movie posters. This research applies the descriptive-qualitative method. In this case, the researcher determines which includes the icon, index, and symbol of each film poster. Then, the researcher tried to describe, explain and analyze the meaning of each sign found on the movie poster using the sign triangle by Pierce. The results of the research found 29 signs found on 4 movie posters from Disney. There are 11 signs of icons, 5 signs of indexes, and 13 signs of symbols. Researchers obtained 4 different meanings on each of the film posters. The Cinderella movie poster can be interpreted as a powerful woman with a kind heart, while the Beauty and the Beast movie poster can be interpreted as the big hearted woman without seeing the person’s appearance. The Aladdin movie poster is the forceful woman who braves to speak up about what she wants, that she does not want to marry with the high class man. The last, Mulan movie poster can be interpreted as the brave woman that replace her father to the field war for saving her family’s honor and become China’s savior. From the findings above, it can be concluded that symbols are signs that are often used on movie posters to provide information to the viewers


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    Based on the author's observation, many students have difficulty in solving the story problem. This study aims to determine student errors and the causes of student error using the Polya method. Polya error analysis is a method used to analyze mistakes made by students with four stages. This research is qualitative research with a type of descriptive research. This research is the students of class VII-B State Junior High School (SMP N) 5 Banguntapan Bantul. The object of this research is the student's mistake in solving the problem based on Polya. Data collection techniques in this research are problem-solving and interview. According to Miles and Huberman, data analysis techniques using data analysis, namely data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion. The results showed that the types of students' mistakes made by the research subjects on solving problem question of social arithmetic form were 50% misconceptions, 65% for made a settlement plan, 70% for executed a settlement plan, and reviewed the process and results by 65%. The most common mistake is at the stage for executed a settlement plan. Factors that cause errors are made because students are not careful in problem-solving

    KECENDERUNGAN KONTROL DIRI REMAJA BERDASARKAN POLA ASUH ORANG TUA : Studi terhadap Peserta Didik Kelas XI SMA Negeri 15 Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017

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    Penelitian dilatarbelakangi oleh fenomena perilaku menyimpang yang mengindikasikan kurangnya kontrol diri di kalangan remaja. Kontrol diri merupakan kemampuan yang ada di dalam diri untuk menahan diri agar dapat berperilaku sesuai dengan situasi dan kondisi lingkungannya. Pola asuh orang tua merupakan salah satu faktor yang dapat memengaruhi tingkat kontrol diri peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan kecenderungan tingkat kontrol diri peserta didik berdasarkan pola asuh yang dirasakannya. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantatif dengan metode deskriptif dengan jumlah sampel penelitian sebanyak 306 peserta didik kelas XI SMAN 15 Bandung Tahun Ajaran 2016/2017. Alat pengumpul data pada penelitian ini berupa kuesioner kontrol diri dan pola asuh orang tua dengan alternatif jawaban menggunakan metode skala likert. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Secara umum, tingkat kontrol diri peserta didik berada pada kategori sedang yang berarti bahwa peserta didik telah cukup mampu mengontrol dirinya baik dari perilaku, kognitif, maupun dalam mengontrol keputusan; (2) Sebagian besar peserta didik cenderung merasakan pola asuh otoritatif; (3) Terdapat perbedaan tingkat kontrol diri berdasarkan masing-masing pola asuh di mana tingkat kontrol diri peserta didik yang merasa diperlakukan pola asuh otoritatif lebih tinggi dari peserta didik yang merasakan pola asuh otoriter, pola asuh mengabaikan dan pola asuh permisif. Dari hasil penelitian diharapkan orang tua dan guru dapat saling membantu dalam menciptakan lingkungan yang dapat memfasilitasi peserta didik mengembangkan kemampuan mengontrol dirinya.---- Research is motivated by the phenomenon of deviant behavior that exist among teenagers. Self-control is an inner ability to refrain in order to behave in accordance with the circumstances and conditions of the environment. Parenting style is one factor that can influence the level of self-control of the students. This research aims to describe the tendency of self-control level of the students based on the parenting style that perceived. This study uses quantitative approach with descriptive method with the number of research samples as much as 306 students grade XI of SMA 15 Bandung, Year 2016 / 2017. The collecting tool of Data in this research is in self-control questionnaire form and parenting style with alternative answer using likert scale method. The results showed: (1) In general, the level of self-control of the students is in the medium category which means that the students have been quite able to control himself either from behavior, cognitive, or in controlling decisions; (2) Most the students tend to feel authoritative parenting style; (3) There is a difference in the level of self-control based on each parenting style in which the level of self-control of students who feel authoritative parenting is higher than the students who feel authoritarian parenting style, parenting style neglect and permissive parenting style. From the results of the research is expected that parents and teachers can help each other in creating an environment that can facilitate the students develop self-control ability


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    THE EFFECT OF THE APPLICATION OF THE DISCOVERY LEARNING OUTCOMES OF SUB-THEME 1 OF THE WEALTH OF ENERGY SOURCES IN INDONESIAThe Effect of Application Influence Discovery Learning Model on Learning Outcomes Subtheme 1 Wealth Energy Sources in Indonesia". The approach taken is quasi-experimental design of two groups at State Elementary School 2 Cikidang Cikidang District, Sukabumi Regency which consists of 66 students, This research was conducted in the even semester of the 2020/2021 academic year. The results of the study show that there is an "Influence" Application of the Discovery Learning Model to the Learning Outcomes of Subtheme 1 Wealth of Energy Resources in Indonesia. This can be seen from the N-Gain in experimental class group of 71, while the class group control gets an N-Gain value of 47. Complete learning outcomes obtained by the experimental group is 100% while in control class group by 88%. As well as the results of hypothesis testing that H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted because tcount (6.9204) ttable (1.9966). With this it can be concluded that the research has a positive influence and significant between "The Influence of the Application of the Discovery Learning Model" On Learning Outcomes of Subtheme 1 Wealth of Energy Resources in Indonesia". The results of this study are expected to provide new knowledge regarding the application of learning models that innovation can improve learning outcomes.

    Perbaikan Manajemen Pakan Silase untuk Keberlanjutan Usaha Peternakan Sapi di Era New Normal pada Kelompok Ternak Bago Mulyo

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    Feeding independence is one of the target achievements desired by every farmer. One of them is the Bago Mulyo livestock group. The Bago Mulyo livestock group is a livestock group located in Gumukmas District, Jember Regency. Several problems of the Bago Mulyo Livestock Group which reduce production by 5% because the prices of production facilities (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, and feed) are expensive and the distribution is not smooth; the need for food will increase by 5% due to panic buying and food supplies. The distribution of feed was not optimal, making farmers have to find solutions so that feed ingredients are still available. One solution is to utilize existing feed ingredients and maintain their feed quality until they are available throughout the year, namely by silage method. The implementation of the service consists of several activities, the first was coordination with the head of the Bago Mulyo livestock group, purchased silage materials, simulated modified silo tools, implementation of community service, and surveying the results of community service activities. The results of the community service survey which have shown that 100% of farmers who participate in the service activities understand silage technology with the addition of silo modification from previously only 43% who understand silage technology. The conclusion is an increase in understanding of silage technology which is one of the indicators of support for the service team in carrying out service activities for the Bago Mulyo Livestock Group, so that this technology can be applied properly for the sustainability of the cattle business in the Livestock Group

    Development of mind mapping-based comics to improve math learning outcomes

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    This study aims to develop, study the feasibility and effectiveness of mathematics comic media based on mind mapping for fifth-grade students of public elementary schools in Demak. The method used is the Sugiyono Research and Development model consisting of 7 steps. The data analysis technique used descriptive statistics, t-test, z-test and n-gain. The results showed the development process of mathematical comic media based on mind mapping on speed and discharge topics with the local cultural background of Demak city. Media was assessed by material, media, and language experts, and It showed valid results and very feasible to be implemented.  This media's effectiveness is indicated by the improvement of the Students’ learning outcomes and learning achievement.  Students and teachers' response about this media shows positive responses because the comic media are practical and complete content, such as (material, question, assignment, solution, and evaluation). The conclusion is learning media has been successfully developed.    Mathematics comic media based on mind mapping is very feasible and practical used in learning mathematics, and it is efeffectively improvements’ learning


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    The implementation of glycemic index can be used as basis for selecting carbohydrate food source to enhance and or to maintain health.The objective the following study was to analyze the glycemic indices of sweet corn with three different cooking methods.  Glycemic index values of boiled, sauted and grilled sweet corn were 41.22, 31.08 and 55.31 respectively. Based on those results, grilled sweet corn was classified as food with medium glycemic index, whereas both of boiled and sauted sweet corn were classified as food with low glycemic index


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    ABSTRAKPermen Jelly merupakan permen yang terbuat dari campuran sari buah-buahan,bahan pembentuk gel dengan penambahan essens untuk menghasilkan berbagai macam rasa, dengan bentuk fisik jernih transparan serta mempunyai tekstur yang kenyal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan kadar vitamin C sari buah dan permen jelly sari buah pepaya California (Carica papaya L.), menentukan nilai IC50 sari buah dan permen jelly sari buah pepaya California (Carica papaya L.), serta menentukan stabilitas permen jelly sari buah pepaya California (Carica papaya L.). Pada penelitian ini, dibuat permen jelly dibuat 4 formula yaitu formula 0, 1; 2, dan 3 dengan variasi konsentrasi sari pepaya yaitu 0%, 20%, 25%, dan 30%.Hasil uji kadar vitamin C pada sari buah pepaya California yaitu 0,0467%. Hasil uji aktivitas antioksidan dengan menggunakan DPPH (1,1-difenil-2-pikrihidrazil) sari buah pepaya California memiliki IC50 sebesar 33,537 ppm dan pada permen jelly formula 1, 2, dan 3 yaitu sebesar 75,296 ppm, 73,901 ppm, dan 70,698 ppm. Uji stabilitas dilakukan selama 4 minggu penyimpanan pada suhu ruangan. Hasil pengujian aktivitas antioksidan pada minggu ke 1 sampai ke 4 didapat nilai IC50 berturut-turut yaitu formula 1 sebesar 81,171 ppm, 89,573 ppm, 97,178 ppm, dan102.126 ppm, formula 2 sebesar 79,175 ppm, 88,158 ppm, 96,441 ppm, dan 100,378 ppm, sedangkan pada formula 3 sebesar 77,255 ppm, 85,482 ppm, 93,680 ppm,dan100,267 ppm. Secara organoleptik permen jelly memiliki rasa, warna, aroma serta kekenyalan mengalami perubahan yang signifikan.Kata Kunci : Permen jelly, Buah Pepaya California (Carica papaya L), Antioksida
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