177 research outputs found


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    The change from traditional interactions between organizations and the public to interactions via the Internet needs further exploration in order to understand the factors that might influence public relations activities of organizations on the Internet. This study investigates the responses of 111 Croatian PR professionals to a survey about the influence of organization-linked factors on the choice of public relations models on the Internet. The results confirm that social orientation level of top management’s members, availability of resources to operate, previous negative experience with the public and practitioners’ knowledge of research methods and techniques are influential predictors of the choice of the models of public relations on the Internet. The findings also validate the contention that organizations’ selection of the models of public relations depends on practitioners’ formal education in PR and experience in dealing with conflict, PR unit size, its location and role in the formulation of PR strategies. It is also shown that organizational culture, management style, support for and understanding of the PR function by top management, existence of risk and issue management programs or staff, PR unit’s involvement in organization-wide decisions, legal department (counselor) support and number of PR practioners with higher education degree are not able to predict organizations’ decision to use a particular model of public relations

    Bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas as causative agents of fish disease

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    Ribe su kao i druge skupine životinja podložne bakterijskim infekcijama, pogotovo u stresnim uvjetima. Bolest se može pojaviti sistemski ili može biti ograničena na vanjske površine kao što su to koža ili škrge. Pritom su vidljive mnoge promjene na zaraženom primjerku koje se očituju fiziološki ili bihevioralno. Predstavnici više od 25 porodica bakterija su povezivani sa oboljenjima riba pa tako i oni roda Pseudomonas. Do sad je zabilježeno šest vrsta koje su primarni ili sekundarni patogeni: Pseudomonas anguilliseptica, Pseudomonas chlororaphis, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas plecoglossicida, Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes te Pseudomonas putida. Sveprisutne su u vodenom okolišu te se uglavnom smatraju oportunističkim ili slabim primarnim patogenima. Izazivaju ponajviše krvarenja u velikom broju organa, nakupljanje peritonealne tekućine te lezije i ulkuse, a bolest često završava smrću jedinke. Ekonomski najznačajnija zbog velikih gubitaka u akvakulturi je Pseudomonas anguilliseptica.Fish are, as well as other groups of animals, susceptible to bacterial infections, especially under stressfull conditions. The disease may present itself sistemically or be constrained to the outer surfaces such as gills or the skin. Many changes can be observed concerning the diseased individual, physiological or behavioral. Representatives of over 25 families of bacteria have been linked to fish diseases including the genus Pseudomonas. So far, there have been six species identified as causative agents of fish disease: Pseudomonas anguilliseptica, Pseudomonas chlororaphis, Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas plecoglossicida, Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes te Pseudomonas putida. They are ubiquitous in the environment and are mainly thought of as oportunistic or weak primary pathogens. These bacteria cause mostly haemorrhages in a number of organs, the accumulation of ascitic fluid in the abdomen as well as lesions and ulcers. Due to the losses in aquaculture Pseudomonas anguilliseptica is economically most significant

    New Media Literacy Skills of Youth in Zadar

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    The emergence of new media has caused changes in peoples’ communication behaviours. Despite their potential, there is a lack of empirical data on the ways they have been used. This paper presents the findings of a study conducted in 2014 on new media literacy of youth enrolled in secondary schools in Zadar. The purpose of the study was to assess youth’s media exposure, engagement in Web 2.0 services and new media literacy skills. The theoretical framework is a concept of twelve new media literacy skills developed by H. Jenkins (2006). These skills are: play, appropriation, distributed cognition, collective intelligence, judgment, transmedia navigation, networking, negotiation, and visualization. The results of the study showed that the most developed new media literacy skills were visualisation, collective intelligence, play and judgement. The one-way analysis of variance confirmed the hypothesis that gender, type of educational program, exposure to media and engagement in Web 2.0 services have significant effects on these skills. Compared with the findings of similar studies, these results represent the starting point in discussing youth’s adaptation degree to changes in the public communication in the digital era

    New Media Literacy Skills of Youth in Zadar

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    The emergence of new media has caused changes in peoples’ communication behaviours. Despite their potential, there is a lack of empirical data on the ways they have been used. This paper presents the findings of a study conducted in 2014 on new media literacy of youth enrolled in secondary schools in Zadar. The purpose of the study was to assess youth’s media exposure, engagement in Web 2.0 services and new media literacy skills. The theoretical framework is a concept of twelve new media literacy skills developed by H. Jenkins (2006). These skills are: play, appropriation, distributed cognition, collective intelligence, judgment, transmedia navigation, networking, negotiation, and visualization. The results of the study showed that the most developed new media literacy skills were visualisation, collective intelligence, play and judgement. The one-way analysis of variance confirmed the hypothesis that gender, type of educational program, exposure to media and engagement in Web 2.0 services have significant effects on these skills. Compared with the findings of similar studies, these results represent the starting point in discussing youth’s adaptation degree to changes in the public communication in the digital era


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    Financijski izvještaji su glavni izvor informacija o poduzeću za većinu korisnika. Velika većina računovodstvenih izvještaja je bila obuhvaćena manipulativnim radnjama. Računovodstvena regulativa je temelj financijskog izvještavanja, no vrlo bitna je njena primjena u praksi. Zakoni, propisi i pravila zbog širokog tumačenja omogućavaju računovođama primjenu manipulativnih radnji nad financijskim izvještajima. Manipulativne radnje su u skladu sa zakonom, propisima i pravilima, ali iskrivljuje stvarno stanje financijskih izvještaja. Menadžerima je ostavljena sloboda odlučivanja oko određenih kategorija u izvještajima, pa je velika i mogućnost da oni to iskoriste za svoje potrebe. U radu su spomenuti motivi koji motiviraju menadžere da odluče financijske izvještaje podvrgnuti manipulacijama, ali glavni motiv je trenutna zarada jer ista suma novca ima veću vrijednost sada nego u budućnosti. Poslije toga u radu su i opisane metode kojima se rade računovodstvene manipulacije. Njihove naknade najčešće ovise o neto financijskom rezultatu. Kao što je u radu napisano, distribucija neto dobiti prema osnovnim ekonomskim zakonitostima bi trebala imati normalni oblik odnosno oblik zvona. Iz statističkog skupa promatran je omjer neto financijskog rezultata u 2017. godini i ukupna imovina u 2016. godini prema četiri nezavisne varijable, a to su država u kojoj poduzeće vodi posao, veličina poduzeća, udio menadžmenta u vlasništvu te ovisnost o vlasnicima poduzeća. Na temelju distribucija dokazano je kako prema svim promatranim parametrima postoje manipulacije nad financijskim izvještajima. Tema ovog rada je bila usporediti postoji li razlika unutar nezavisnih varijabli. Leuzov test manipuliranja na temelju vrijednosti na distribucijama dokazao je razlike u indeksima za sve promatrane varijable osim u slučaju promatranja prema državama. Kao glavni dokaz u istraživanju uz pomoć kojeg su se hipoteze prihvaćale, odnosno odbacivale je bio Test kontinuiranosti. Putem testa kontinuiranosti potvrđeno je da postoje značajne razlike u manipulaciji neto financijskim rezultatom prema veličini poduzeća te prema ovisnosti o vlasnicima poduzeća, dok u usporedbi prema državama i udjelu menadžmenta u vlasništvu nema značajne razlike u količini manipulacija nad neto financijskim rezultatom.Financial reports are the main source of information about the company for most users. A lot of financial reports has been manipulated by the accountants. Accounting regulative is the key of financial reports but it is really important apply in practice. Lows, rules and policies of accounting reports allows accountants use of manipulation with reports because of extensive interpretation of same. Manipulative actions are in the accordance with law, rules and regulations, but it distorts the actual state of the financial statements. Managers have freedom to decide about some categories in financial statements and that give them opportunity to use that for their benefit. In this paper there have been mentioned motives that are motivating managers to do manipulations with reports. The main motive is to make financial benefit now because the same amount of money worth now more then in the future. After that paper presents all kind of manipulation actions that are used in practice. The reimbursements are connected with net financial result. The assumption is that in case of no manipulation acts distribution will not show discontinuity. Statistical set was viewed as the ration between net financial result in 2017. and total assets in 2016. The results were compared by countries, size of company, management share of ownership and dependence on the ownership by BvD independence indicator. Based on research it was proved that by the all parameters that there was discontinuity in distribution. Research was based to see is there any difference between research parameters. Leuz’s test of earnings manipulations proves that there were differences in research by all parameters except the observation by countries. As the main prove to either prove the hypothesis or not was the Continuity test. The test has proved that there are significant differences with net income manipulations between the size of companies and dependence on the ownership. Also, the test proves that there are no significant differences on discontinuity of net income distribution between the countries and between the management shares of ownership

    Osiguravanje kvalitete u procesu razvoja inovativne ambalaže

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    Projektiranje ambalaže kompleksan je proces koji ima presudan utjecaj na konačan izgled proizvoda i uspješnu komunikaciju vrijednosti istog. Tijekom tog procesa moraju se ponuditi jasna, funkcionalna rješenja koja će isticati prednosti upakiranog proizvoda i nuditi određenu dodanu vrijednost samom proizvodu. Najvažnija zadaća projektiranja i dizajna ambalaže jest stvoriti ambalažu koja se razlikuje od konkurentne i koja uspješno prodaje proizvod. Karakteristike koje ambalaža treba zadovoljiti utvrđuju se istraživanjem tržišta. U ovom diplomskom radu opisuje se projektiranje kartonske ambalaže za pizzu. U teoretskom dijelu rada analizira se karton kao materijal te njegove glavne prednosti i glavne karakteristike koje dobra ambalaža mora ispunjavati. Iznesene su teoretske smjernice u procesu razvoja ambalaže te trendovi u razvoju suvremene ambalaže. Sve ta saznanja primijenjena su u teoretskom dijelu kroz praktičnu izradu kartonske ambalaže za pizzu. U anketi su ispitane navike potrošača povezane s korištenjem ambalaže. Ispitano je i zadovoljstvo ispitanika novo-projektiranom ambalažom

    Management of sustainable tourism destination through stakeholder cooperation

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    Destination presents a set of different organizations and individuals who can work towards realising the same objectives or their objectives can be diametrically opposed. Harmonisation of such objectives in a unique strategic development of the entire destination is usually taken over by destination management organization (DMO) established to accomplish the mentioned objective. The opposed interests in such a system as complex as tourism result in the degradation of space and society in which tourism takes place. Therefore sustainable development in tourism represents a primary concept of development today. Tourism is a fast growing phenomenon and its sustainable development represents a necessity. Besides the positive economic outputs of tourism, we should also mention its negative impact on the particular destination, the environmental degradation to some extent, as well as socio-economic elements of local community. Accordingly, multi-stakeholder concept in destination management should include all interest and influential groups in tourism development planning. Such integrated destination management connects all stakeholders independent from influence or interest powers to participate directly or indirectly in creating and implementing the quality tourism development. This concept’s basic function is connecting and coordinating stakeholders with different interests within a tourism destination, in order to create quality product and a recognizable destination image, and to achieve a long-term sustainable competitiveness on the market. However, based on the stakeholder approach, the most emphasized issue in sustainable tourism development concept is the government that holds a key role in socio-economic development. In this paper, we analysed current involvement of stakeholders in Zadar County tourism development and examined their interest in future involvement in sustainable destination development. Based on the analysis of focus group research results, that included 87 interested stakeholders from all segments of tourist industry, public services, local administration and self-government, and in comparison with the results of tourism demand research on the non-random sample of 1,697 tourists, we draw conclusions on the level of stakeholder involvement and cooperation in creating the sustainable destination. The aim of this paper is to offer recommendations for harmonizing development directions of the sustainable destination in order to reduce differences among stakeholders


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    Dijete, roditelji i odgojitelji u predškolskim ustanovama dio su društva i kulture u okviru koje međusobno djeluju jedna na drugu te na taj način stvaraju kulturu odgojne ustanove. Glazba obogaćuje i oplemenjuje život u predškolskoj ustanovi što predstavlja dio njezina kulturna identiteta. Glazbenim aktivnostima postiže se neprocjenjivo ozračje u dječjem vrtiću a ujedno se pozitivno utječe na cjelovit razvoj svakoga djeteta. Rad donosi primjer iz prakse gdje smo izdvojili područje glazbenog odgoja koji nam govori o glazbenim kompetencijama odgojitelja te na koji način odgojitelji shvaćaju glazbeni odgoj radi postizanja kulture dječjeg vrtića u kojem rade. Iz pedagoških dnevnika odgojitelja, na temelju analize dokumentacije, uvidjeli smo nedostatak osnovnih odrednica kurikula za rani i predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje. Iz toga proizlazi problem u razumijevanju i interpretaciji općih ciljeva i načela umjetničkog područja u odgoju i obrazovanju kao što je glazbeni odgoj. Navedenim nedostatcima odgojitelji bi poboljšali svoju stručnost i kompetentnost za izvođenje glazbene aktivnosti odnosno osvijestili bi važnost glazbenog odgoja za cjeloviti razvoj djeteta čime bi pridonijeli kvaliteti kulturnog identiteta predškolske ustanove.In preschool education institutions, child, parents and teachers are a part of the society and culture, and have mutual influence on one another thus creating the culture of the educational institution. Music enriches and refines life in a preschool education institution, which is a part of its cultural identity. Music activities contribute to creating an invaluable environment in a kindergarten, and have positive influence on the development of a child. This paper provides evidence from practice, and it is focused on the segment of music education related to teachers\u27 music teaching competences and to the way in which the teachers realize music education in order to raise the level of culture in the kindergarten. Analysis of teaching journals showed a lack of basic determinants in the curriculum for early childhood and preschool education. Accordingly, there is an important problem in understanding and interpreting the general goals and principles of artistic expression in education (including music education). By eliminating the shortcomings the teachers could improve their professional skills and competences for music teaching, raise the importance of music education for a comprehensive development of children, and ultimately contribute to better quality of the cultural identity of a preschool education institution. KEY WORDS

    The Influence of Education on Contemporarity - Historical Overview

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    U početku mog diplomskog rada dajem povijesni pregled filozofa od samog nastanka odgoja. Nakon općenitog razmatranja o odgoju daje se prikaz s kritičkim osvrtom pristupa odgoju prema Sofistima, Sokratu, Platonu, Aristotelu, J. J. Rousseaou te J. Deweyu. Kroz podjelu odgoja u pedagogiji dotaknuli smo se definicija odgoja te pokušali pronaći korijene tradicionalne nastave (nastave u kojoj je nastavnik glavni davatelj i nositelj informacija, a učenici primatelji tih informacija u pasivnom obliku). U suvremenoj nastavi učenici su u središtu zbivanja nastave, sudjeluju aktivno u nastavi (u mogućnosti su razvijanja kritičkog mišljenja, stavova, propitivanja znanja i informacija koje im nastavnik prenosi na način da ih potiče da otkrivaju znanje i rješenja i da pritom učitelj pomaže učenicima u razumijevanju gradiva, a ne samo pri prenošenju postojećih rješenja. Razvoj novih tehnologija donosi i inovacije u obrazovanju pa smo kroz kritički osvrt obrazložili njihov utjecaj u pripremi i organizaciji nastave. Postojeće stanje obrazovnog aspekta informatizacije sagledano je kroz četiri komponente: opremljenost, informatička pismenost, permanentno obrazovanje nastavnika i sadržaji prilagođeni za nastavni proces. U odgojno-obrazovnom procesu važna je implementacija informacijske tehnologije kako bi se održala informatička pismenost pa je tehnologija obrazovanja utkana u cjelinu procesa obrazovanja i ovisi o vremenu u kojemu živimo. U školstvu je virtualna stvarnost promatrana kao pristup koji mijenja načine odvijanja nastave iz tradicionalnog oblika predavanja, u suvremeni oblik nastave (koji je pobliže objašnjen kroz služenje informacijskih tehnologija i metoda rada u nastavi koji omogućuju učeniku bolje razumijevanje, snalaženje i korištenje danih informacija). Pobliže ćemo pojasniti kako virtualna stvarnost može pomoći u odgojnoobrazovnom procesu te pokazati da postoje pozitivne i negativne strane vezane uz razvoj informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija.The beginning of my master's thesis deals with the historical review of philosophers from the very beginning of the study of education. After the general description of education, the critical review about education practices based on the studies from the Sophists, Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, J.J.Rousseaou and J.Dewey is presented. Through the classification of education in pedagogy, I have touched upon the definitions of education and tried to find the roots of traditional teaching (teaching in which the teacher is the main provider of information, and the pupils receive this information in passive form). In contemporary teaching class, the students are at the center of the activities in classroom, they actively participate in class (they are able to develop critical thinking, attitudes, questioning of knowledge and information transmitted by their teacher in a way that encourages them to disclose knowledge and solutions. In that way the teacher helps pupils understand the subject matter, and not just when transferring existing solutions). The development of new technologies also brings innovations in education, so I have explained their impact in the preparation and organization of teaching through critical review. The present state of the educational aspect of computerization can be seen through four components: equipment, computer literacy, permanent teacher education and contents adapted for the teaching process. In the educational process, the implementation of information technology is important in order to maintain computer literacy, so the technology of education is involved in the whole process of education and depends on the time we live in. In the school system, the virtual reality is viewed as an approach that changes the way of teaching from the traditional form of lectures into a contemporary form of teaching (which is explained more precisely through the use of information technologies and teaching methods that enable the pupil to understand, find and use the information provided). I will explain more closely how virtual reality can help in the educational process, and show that there are positive and negative aspects of the development of information and communication technologies

    Air Transport in Civil Defence System

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    Civilna zaštita predstavlja cijeli niz mehanizama koji djeluju u zaštiti i spašavanju ljudi i imovine. Sredstva zračnog prometa u civilnoj zaštiti imaju komparativne prednosti naspram drugih grana prometa i omogućuju učinkovitiju borbu protiv katastrofa i drugih izvanrednih događaja. Međunarodne organizacije kao što su Ured za humanitarnu pomoć (OCHA) i Međunarodna organizacija civilne zaštite (ICDO) ulažu napore kako bi se na međunarodnom nivou dosegla razina spremnosti odgovora na katastrofu. U radu je analiziran status sustava civilne zaštite na globalnoj i nacionalnoj razini te status i razina involviranosti interventne zrakoplovne operative u sustavu civilne zaštite. Provedena je komparativna analiza dva izabrana nacionalna sustava civilne zaštite te elaborirani potencijali daljnjeg razvoja interventnog zrakoplovstva i moguća primjena besposadnih sustava. Istraživanje u radu usmjereno je na analizu sustava civilne zaštite, ocijenu potencijala primjene interventnog zrakoplovstva u sustavu civilne zaštite te osvrt na razvoj sustava u Hrvatskoj i Rumunjskoj.The civil defence system represents series of actions and tools to protect and rescue people and property. Air transport means in the civil defence system have comparison advantages compared to other forms of transport and serve emergency actions much more effective. On international level many organisations such as Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and International Civil Defence Organisation are making effort to achieve necessary level of prepardness in emergency response. Within this research the analysis of civil defence system on global and national level is performed as well as analysis of state and involvement of emergency aviation in civil protection system. In addition the comparison analysis of two selected national civil defence systems is conducted as well as further development of emergency aviation and possible applications of unmanned systems. This research is oriented to analysing civil defence system, to evaluate potential future applications of emergency aviation with regards to civil defence system development in Croatia and Romania