149 research outputs found

    Postintubation Tracheal Ruptures - A case report -

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    Tracheobronchial ruptures (TBR) rarely complicate surgical procedures under general anesthesia. Seemingly uneventful intubations can result in injury to the trachea, which often manifests as hemoptysis and subcutaneous emphysema. We present 2 patients with postintubation TBR who were treated surgically and discuss considerations in the management of this potentially lethal injury

    Autoimmune hypercalcemia due to autoantibodies against the calcium-sensing receptor

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    Context Autoimmune hypocalciuric hypercalcemia (AHH) is an acquired disorder caused by the presence of blocking autoantibodies against the calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR). Few cases of this condition have been described to date in the literature. Objective The objectives of this study were to describe two patients in whom the presence of AHH was suspected and to assess the patients for the presence of CaSR antibodies. Methods CaSR antibodies were detected and characterised by immunoprecipitation assays, CaSR peptide ELISAs, and functional assays based on the calcium-stimulated accumulation of inositol-1-phosphate in a mammalian cell line expressing the CaSR. Results Both patients presented with an acquired form of hypocalciuric hypercalcemia. Mutational analyses of CASR, GNA11 and AP2S1 for familial hypocalciuric hypercalcemia, were negative. According to the presence of Hashimoto’s disease in one patient and latent autoimmune diabetes of adulthood and thyroid autoimmunity in the other, AHH was suspected. Immunoprecipitation assays detected CaSR antibodies in both patients. Analysis of the antibody binding sites revealed two main epitopes at amino acids 41-69 and 114-126. Preincubation with purified CaSR antibodies against epitope 114-126 resulted in a significant decrease in inositol-1-phophate accumulation upon calcium-stimulation of mammalian cells expressing the CaSR, suggesting that the antibodies had receptor-blocking activity. Conclusions AHH is to be suspected in patients with an acquired biochemical pattern of PTH-dependant hypocalciuric hypercalcemia, especially in those with other concomitant autoimmune diseases. Diagnosis by means of detecting CaSR antibodies may help to better characterise this probably under-reported condition

    Control of HIV-1 Pathogenesis in Viremic Nonprogressors Is Independent of Gag-Specific Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Responses

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    Viremic nonprogressors (VNPs) constitute a very scarce group of untreated human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)-infected individuals who maintain stable CD4+ T cell counts despite high levels of HIV-1 replication. The specific factors associated with this atypical control of the HIV infection have been poorly described. Since specific T cell responses seem to be one of the main causes of HIV-1 control in elite controllers, we studied whether HIV-1 Gag-specific cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses could also modulate disease control in VNPs. We characterized the immune responses from four VNPs compared to those of five standard progressors (SPs) during the first years of HIV-1 infection. We observed no differences in the breadth and frequency of Gag-specific cellular responses. Furthermore, we obtained 217 HIV-1Gag clonal sequences in which the viral variability of Gag increased over 3 years of infection for synonymous and nonsynonymous mutations in both VNPs and SPs. VNPs evolution rates in gag were comparable to SPs. This observation is in line with a similar accumulation of CTL putative escape mutations in Gag epitopes targeted by CTL responses. Altogether, the absence of viral pathogenesis in VNP individuals seems to be independent of HIV-Gag-specific CTL responses. This novel information guides to the study of alternative mechanism of HIV-1 pathogenesis control.IMPORTANCE Control of HIV infection has been widely studied in elite controllers or long-term nonprogressor models. However, there is a less-known group of individuals, termed viremic nonprogressors (VNPs), who maintain stable CD4+ T cell counts despite high plasma viremia. The mechanisms involved in this remarkable control of HIV-1 pathogenesis clearly have implications for the development of new drugs and vaccines. We show here for the first time that VNPs have immune responses and HIV-gag evolution similar to those of standard progressors. Remarkably, we demonstrate that the mechanism of pathogenesis control in these individuals differs from some elite controllers that are reported to have improved immune control. This is noteworthy since it opens the door to new, as-yet-unknown mechanisms for HIV control. Our novel results advance the understanding of mechanisms involved in viremic nonprogression and suggest that there are alternative mechanisms to the adaptive immune responses for an effective control of viral pathogenesis.We thank the founders for support of this project. We also thank all the centers and investigators involved in CoRIS. M.S. was supported by a Sara Borrell grant (CD11/00286). The RIS cohort (CoRIS) is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III through the Red Temática de Investigación Cooperativa en Sida (RD06/006 RD12/0017/0018, RD16/0025/0041) as part of the Plan Nacional R+D+I and cofinanced by ISCIII-Subdirección General de Evaluación y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER). This study was supported by the National Health Institute Carlos III (PI14/01058) and the Gilead Fellowship Program GLD 15/00298. J.G.P. holds a Miguel Servet II contract (CPII15/00014) funded by ISCIII. E.J.-M. is supported by Redes Temáticas de Investigación en SIDA (ISCIII RETIC RD16/0025/0041); Acción Estratégica en Salud; Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica 2008-2011; and Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Fondos FEDER. M.S., A.G.-M., and E.J.-M. performed the experiments. J.D., P.V., and B.A. selected and designed the cohorts. M.S., B.C., J.G.P., and J.M.-P. designed the experiments and drafted the paper. P.V. and B.A. are members of CoRISpe and the HIV HGM BioBank Study Group.S

    Characterization and Expression of Glutamate Dehydrogenase in Response to Acute Salinity Stress in the Chinese Mitten Crab, Eriocheir sinensis

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    Glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) is a key enzyme for the synthesis and catabolism of glutamic acid, proline and alanine, which are important osmolytes in aquatic animals. However, the response of GDH gene expression to salinity alterations has not yet been determined in macro-crustacean species.GDH cDNA was isolated from Eriocheir sinensis. Then, GDH gene expression was analyzed in different tissues from normal crabs and the muscle of crabs following transfer from freshwater (control) directly to water with salinities of 16‰ and 30‰, respectively. Full-length GDH cDNA is 2,349 bp, consisting of a 76 bp 5'- untranslated region, a 1,695 bp open reading frame encoding 564 amino acids and a 578 bp 3'- untranslated region. E. sinensis GDH showed 64-90% identity with protein sequences of mammalian and crustacean species. Muscle was the dominant expression source among all tissues tested. Compared with the control, GDH expression significantly increased at 6 h in crabs transferred to 16‰ and 30‰ salinity, and GDH expression peaked at 48 h and 12 h, respectively, with levels approximately 7.9 and 8.5 fold higher than the control. The free amino acid (FAA) changes in muscle, under acute salinity stress (16‰ and 30‰ salinities), correlated with GDH expression levels. Total FAA content in the muscle, which was based on specific changes in arginine, proline, glycine, alanine, taurine, serine and glutamic acid, tended to increase in crabs following transfer to salt water. Among these, arginine, proline and alanine increased significantly during salinity acclimation and accounted for the highest proportion of total FAA.E. sinensis GDH is a conserved protein that serves important functions in controlling osmoregulation. We observed that higher GDH expression after ambient salinity increase led to higher FAA metabolism, especially the synthesis of glutamic acid, which increased the synthesis of proline and alanine to meet the demand of osmoregulation at hyperosmotic conditions

    Serum IL-6: a candidate biomarker for intracranial pressure elevation following isolated traumatic brain injury

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Increased intracranial pressure (ICP) is a serious, life-threatening, secondary event following traumatic brain injury (TBI). In many cases, ICP rises in a delayed fashion, reaching a maximal level 48-96 hours after the initial insult. While pressure catheters can be implanted to monitor ICP, there is no clinically proven method for determining a patient's risk for developing this pathology.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>In the present study, we employed antibody array and Luminex-based screening methods to interrogate the levels of inflammatory cytokines in the serum of healthy volunteers and in severe TBI patients (GCS≤8) with or without incidence of elevated intracranial pressure (ICP). De-identified samples and ELISAs were used to confirm the sensitivity and specificity of IL-6 as a prognostic marker of elevated ICP in both isolated TBI patients, and polytrauma patients with TBI.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Consistent with previous reports, we observed sustained increases in IL-6 levels in TBI patients irrespective of their ICP status. However, the group of patients who subsequently experienced ICP ≥ 25 mm Hg had significantly higher IL-6 levels within the first 17 hours of injury as compared to the patients whose ICP remained ≤20 mm Hg. When blinded samples (n = 22) were assessed, a serum IL-6 cut-off of <5 pg/ml correctly identified 100% of all the healthy volunteers, a cut-off of >128 pg/ml correctly identified 85% of isolated TBI patients who subsequently developed elevated ICP, and values between these cut-off values correctly identified 75% of all patients whose ICP remained ≤20 mm Hg throughout the study period. In contrast, the marker had no prognostic value in predicting elevated ICP in polytrauma patients with TBI. When the levels of serum IL-6 were assessed in patients with orthopedic injury (n = 7) in the absence of TBI, a significant increase was found in these patients compared to healthy volunteers, albeit lower than that observed in TBI patients.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our results suggest that serum IL-6 can be used for the differential diagnosis of elevated ICP in isolated TBI.</p

    Current preventive strategies and management of Epstein-Barr virus-related post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease in solid organ transplantation in Europe. Results of the ESGICH Questionnaire-based Cross-sectional Survey

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    There is limited clinical evidence on the utility of the monitoring of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) DNAemia in the pre-emptive management of post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease (PTLD) in solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients. We investigated current preventive measures against EBV-related PTLD through a web-based questionnaire sent to 669 SOT programmes in 35 European countries. This study was performed on behalf of the ESGICH study group from the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. A total of 71 SOT programmes from 15 European countries participated in the study. EBV serostatus of the recipient is routinely obtained in 69/71 centres (97%) and 64 (90%) have access to EBV DNAemia assays. EBV monitoring is routinely used in 85.9% of the programmes and 77.4% reported performing pre-emptive treatment for patients with significant EBV DNAemia levels. Pre-emptive treatment for EBV DNAemia included reduction of immunosuppression in 50.9%, switch to mammalian target of rapamycin inhibitors in 30.9%, and use of rituximab in 14.5% of programmes. Imaging by whole-body 18-fluoro-deoxyglucose positron emission tomography (FDG-PET) is used in 60.9% of centres to rule out PTLD and complemented computer tomography is used in 50%. In 10.9% of centres, FDG-PET is included in the first-line diagnostic workup in patients with high-risk EBV DNAemia. Despite the lack of definitive evidence, EBV load measurements are frequently used in Europe to guide diagnostic workup and pre-emptive reduction of immunosuppression. We need prospective and controlled studies to define the impact of EBV monitoring in reducing the risk of PTLD in SOT recipients

    Common biochemical defects linkage between post-traumatic stress disorders, mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) and penetrating TBI

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    Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a complex mental disorder with psychological and emotional components, caused by exposure to single or repeated extreme traumatic events found in war, terrorist attacks, natural or man-caused disasters, and by violent personal assaults and accidents. Mild traumatic brain injury (TBI) occurs when the brain is violently rocked back and forth within the skull following a blow to the head or neck as in contact sports, or when in close proximity to a blast pressure wave following detonation of explosives in the battlefield. Penetrating TBI occurs when an object penetrates the skull and damages the brain, and is caused by vehicle crashes, gunshot wound to the head, and exposure to solid fragments in the proximity of explosions, and other combat-related head injuries. Despite clinical studies and improved understanding of the mechanisms of cellular damage, prevention and treatment strategies for patients with PTSD and TBI remain unsatisfactory. To develop an improved plan for treating and impeding progression of PTSD and TBI, it is important to identify underlying biochemical changes that may play key role in the initiation and progression of these disorders. This review identifies three common biochemical events, namely oxidative stress, chronic inflammation and excitotoxicity that participate in the initiation and progression of these conditions. While these features are separately discussed, in many instances, they overlap. This review also addresses the goal of developing novel treatments and drug regimens, aimed at combating this triad of events common to, and underlying, injury to the brain

    Identification and evaluation of potential novel anti-HIV-1 strategies

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    Results of this thesis have provided important insights into the biology and immunity of HIV with relevant outcomes in the discovery of novel antiviral therapeutics, as well as, in the impact of current antiretroviral drugs in the HIV recombination rate.<br /