1,369 research outputs found


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    Labor and Human Capital,

    A Comparison of The Content of Text Books In Geography In Relation To The Major Objectives To Be Obtained

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    The problem of this thesis is to determine how nearly certain selected textbooks of recent date in geography are adapted to attain objectives of geography found listed in published authoritative sources in the field of geography. The thesis is limited in its scope in that it uses only the second book of the series, in the texts thus in a measure getting the same level of material in each case

    RNA microarray analysis in prenatal mouse cochlea reveals novel IGF-I target genes: implication of MEF2 and FOXM1 transcription factors

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    Background: Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) provides pivotal cell survival and differentiation signals during inner ear development throughout evolution. Homozygous mutations of human IGF1 cause syndromic sensorineural deafness, decreased intrauterine and postnatal growth rates, and mental retardation. In the mouse, deficits in IGF-I result in profound hearing loss associated with reduced survival, differentiation and maturation of auditory neurons. Nevertheless, little is known about the molecular basis of IGF-I activity in hearing and deafness. Methodology/Principal Findings: A combination of quantitative RT-PCR, subcellular fractionation and Western blotting, along with in situ hybridization studies show IGF-I and its high affinity receptor to be strongly expressed in the embryonic and postnatal mouse cochlea. The expression of both proteins decreases after birth and in the cochlea of E18.5 embryonic Igf1(-/-) null mice, the balance of the main IGF related signalling pathways is altered, with lower activation of Akt and ERK1/2 and stronger activation of p38 kinase. By comparing the Igf1(-/-) and Igf1(+/+) transcriptomes in E18.5 mouse cochleae using RNA microchips and validating their results, we demonstrate the up-regulation of the FoxM1 transcription factor and the misexpression of the neural progenitor transcription factors Six6 and Mash1 associated with the loss of IGF-I. Parallel, in silico promoter analysis of the genes modulated in conjunction with the loss of IGF-I revealed the possible involvement of MEF2 in cochlear development. E18.5 Igf1(+/+) mouse auditory ganglion neurons showed intense MEF2A and MEF2D nuclear staining and MEF2A was also evident in the organ of Corti. At P15, MEF2A and MEF2D expression were shown in neurons and sensory cells. In the absence of IGF-I, nuclear levels of MEF2 were diminished, indicating less transcriptional MEF2 activity. By contrast, there was an increase in the nuclear accumulation of FoxM1 and a corresponding decrease in the nuclear cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p27(Kip1). Conclusions/Significance: We have defined the spatiotemporal expression of elements involved in IGF signalling during inner ear development and reveal novel regulatory mechanisms that are modulated by IGF-I in promoting sensory cell and neural survival and differentiation. These data will help us to understand the molecular bases of human sensorineural deafness associated to deficits in IGF-I

    JMassBalance: mass-balanced randomization and analysis of metabolic networks

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    Summary: Analysis of biological networks requires assessing the statistical significance of network-based predictions by using a realistic null model. However, the existing network null model, switch randomization, is unsuitable for metabolic networks, as it does not include physical constraints and generates unrealistic reactions. We present JMassBalance, a tool for mass-balanced randomization and analysis of metabolic networks. The tool allows efficient generation of large sets of randomized networks under the physical constraint of mass balance. In addition, various structural properties of the original and randomized networks can be calculated, facilitating the identification of the salient properties of metabolic networks with a biologically meaningful null model

    Generating Electromagnetic Nonuniformly Correlated Beams

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    We develop a method to generate electromagnetic nonuniformly correlated (ENUC) sources from vector Gaussian Schell-model (GSM) beams. Having spatially varying correlation properties, ENUC sources are more difficult to synthesize than their Schell-model counterparts (which can be generated by filtering circular complex Gaussian random numbers) and, in past work, have only been realized using Cholesky decomposition—a computationally intensive procedure. Here we transform electromagnetic GSM field instances directly into ENUC instances, thereby avoiding computing Cholesky factors resulting in significant savings in time and computing resources. We validate our method by generating (via simulation) an ENUC beam with desired parameters. We find the simulated results to be in excellent agreement with the theoretical predictions. This new method for generating ENUC sources can be directly implemented on existing spatial-light-modulator-based vector beam generators and will be useful in applications where nonuniformly correlated beams have shown promise, e.g., free-space/underwater optical communications

    Immunization for complex network based on the effective degree of vertex

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    The basic idea of many effective immunization strategies is first to rank the importance of vertices according to the degrees of vertices and then remove the vertices from highest importance to lowest until the network becomes disconnected. Here we define the effective degrees of vertex, i.e., the number of its connections linking to un-immunized nodes in current network during the immunization procedure, to rank the importance of vertex, and modify these strategies by using the effective degrees of vertices. Simulations on both the scale-free network models with various degree correlations and two real networks have revealed that the immunization strategies based on the effective degrees are often more effective than those based on the degrees in the initial network.Comment: 16 pages, 5 figure

    A nose for trouble.

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    A 63‑year‑old Caucasian non‑smoker presented with purplish, firm, slowly growing plaques on the nose, of 20 years duration. The bigger one involved the upper part of the nose in its entirety [Figure 1], while there were smaller ones on the left and right cheek. All the plaques were asymptomatic and did not worsen after sunlight exposure. His past medical history was unremarkable. Hematological and biochemical parameters were within normal limits. Histological examination revealed a diffuse mid‑dermal cellular infiltrate composed of neutrophils, eosinophils, plasma cells, and lymphocytes. A narrow Grenz zone was present. In the lower part of the reticular dermis, the mixed infiltrate was intermingled with a massive deposition of fascicled pattern collagen fibers and spindle cell

    Nondestructive Electromagnetic Characterization of Uniaxial Sheet Media Using a Two-Flanged Rectangular Waveguide Probe

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    Excerpt: Recent advancements in fabrication capabilities have renewed interest in the electromagnetic characterization of complex media, as many metamaterials are anisotropic and/or inhomogeneous. Additionally, for composite materials, anisotropy can be introduced by load, strain, misalignment, or damage through the manufacturing process [1], [2]. Methods for obtaining the constitutive parameters for isotropic materials are well understood and widely employed [3]–[8]. Therefore, it is crucial to develop a practical method for the electromagnetic characterization of anisotropic materials