704 research outputs found

    Analysis of ADCP data above a bottom observatory

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    A 300-kHz ADCP was set on GEOSTAR, a six-m3 deep-sea observatory. It was operated with cells of 80 cm during a three-week test experiment at 42-m water depth in the northern Adriatic sub-basin. Although it provided valuable data about the horizontal current field over most of the water column, it also allowed specifying the wake disturbances induced by the observatory. These disturbances are characterised by vertical velocities that are significant up to ~20 m above seafloor (echo intensity data suggest that the wake can even reach the surface), and by inclinations of the bottom nepheloïd layer (as deduced from differences in echo intensities from beam to beam). Our analysis is validated by consistent relationships between the horizontal current direction and speed on one side and the characteristics of both dynamical (vertical velocity) and non-dynamical (echo intensity) parameters on the other side. It is in good agreement with the simulations from a numerical model, and hence specifies the sensitivity (especially with respect to echo intensity) and accuracy of an instrument usually operated within fields of current and scatterers not disturbed by the device supporting it. In addition, the error velocity parameter displays specific characteristics that easily allow specifying the thickness of the layer disturbed by the observatory, thus providing a technique to validate the quality of data acquired in similar conditions

    The Benthic Boundary Layer: geochemical and oceanographic data from the GEOSTAR-2 observatory

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    Geochemical and oceanographic data, acquired throughout 6 months by the GEOSTAR-2 benthic observatory in southern Tyrrhenian Sea, evidenced ocean-lithosphere interactions in the 1900-m deep Benthic Boundary Layer (BBL), distinguishing two water masses with different origin and, possibly, benthic residence time. Gas concentration, helium isotopic ratios, radioactivity, temperature, salinity and vertical component of the current converged towards the indication of a BBL characterised by a colder and fresher western water (WW), which is episodically displaced by the cascading of the warmer and saltier Eastern Overflow Water (EOW). The benthic WW has higher concentration of geochemical tracers diffusing from the seafloor sediments. The data set shows the potential of long-term, continuous and multiparametric monitoring in providing unique information which cannot be acquired by traditional, short-term or single-sensor investigations

    Elucidating the crystal-chemistry of Jbel Rhassoul stevensite (Morocco) by advanced analytical techniques

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    The composition of Rhassoul clay is controversial regarding the nature of the puremineral clay fraction which is claimed to be stevensite rather than saponite. In this study, the raw and mineral fractions were characterized using various techniques including Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR). The isolated fine clay mineral fraction contained a larger amount of Al (>1 wt.%) than that reported for other stevensite occurrences. The 27Al MAS NMR technique confirmed that the mineral is stevensite in which the Al is equally split between the tetrahedral and octahedral coordination sites. The 29Si NMR spectrum showed a single unresolved resonance indicating little or no short-range ordering of silicon. The chemical composition of the stevensite from Jbel Rhassoul was determined to be ((Na0.25K0.20 (Mg5.04Al0.37Fe0.20&0.21)5.61(Si7.76Al0.24)8O20(OH)4). This formula differs from previous compositions described from this locality and shows it to be an Al-bearing lacustrine clay mineral

    Cognitive appraisal of environmental stimuli induces emotion-like states in fish

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    The occurrence of emotions in non-human animals has been the focus of debate over the years. Recently, an interest in expanding this debate to non-tetrapod vertebrates and to invertebrates has emerged. Within vertebrates, the study of emotion in teleosts is particularly interesting since they represent a divergent evolutionary radiation from that of tetrapods, and thus they provide an insight into the evolution of the biological mechanisms of emotion. We report that Sea Bream exposed to stimuli that vary according to valence (positive, negative) and salience (predictable, unpredictable) exhibit different behavioural, physiological and neuromolecular states. Since according to the dimensional theory of emotion valence and salience define a two-dimensional affective space, our data can be interpreted as evidence for the occurrence of distinctive affective states in fish corresponding to each the four quadrants of the core affective space. Moreover, the fact that the same stimuli presented in a predictable vs. unpredictable way elicited different behavioural, physiological and neuromolecular states, suggests that stimulus appraisal by the individual, rather than an intrinsic characteristic of the stimulus, has triggered the observed responses. Therefore, our data supports the occurrence of emotion-like states in fish that are regulated by the individual's perception of environmental stimuli.European Commission [265957 Copewell]; Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia [SFRH/BD/80029/2011, SFRH/BPD/72952/2010]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Molecular dynamics simulations of elementary chemical processes in liquid water using combined density functional and molecular mechanics potentials. II. Charge separation processes

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    A new approach to carry out molecular dynamics simulations of chemical reactions in solution using combined density functional theory/molecular mechanics potentials is presented. We focus our attention on the analysis of reactive trajectories, dynamic solvent effects and transmission coefficient rather than on the evaluation of free energy which is another important topic that will be examined elsewhere. In a previous paper we have described the generalities of this hybrid molecular dynamics method and it has been employed to investigate low energy barrier proton transfer process in water. The study of processes with activation energies larger than a few kT requires the use of specific techniques adapted to “rare events” simulations. We describe here a method that consists in the simulation of short trajectories starting from an equilibrated transition state in solution, the structure of which has been approximately established. This calculation is particularly efficient when carried out with parallel computers since the study of a reactive process is decomposed in a set of short time trajectories that are completely independent. The procedure is close to that used by other authors in the context of classical molecular dynamics but present the advantage of describing the chemical system with rigorous quantum mechanical calculations. It is illustrated through the study of the first reaction step in electrophilic bromination of ethylene in water. This elementary process is representative of many charge separation reactions for which static and dynamic solvent effects play a fundamental [email protected]

    Kerr self-cleaning of pulsed beam in an ytterbium doped multimode fiber

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    We experimentally demonstrate that Kerr spatial self-cleaning of a pulsed beam can be obtained in an amplifying multimode optical fiber. An input peak power of 500 W only was sufficient to produce a quasi-single-mode emission from the double-clad ytterbium doped multimode fiber (YMMF) with non-parabolic refractive index profile. We compare the self-cleaning behavior observed in the same fiber with loss and with gain. Laser gain introduces new opportunities to achieve spatial self-cleaning of light in multimode fibers at a relatively low power threshold

    Nonlinear beam self-cleaning in a coupled cavity composite laser based on multimode fiber

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    We study a coupled cavity laser configuration where a passively Q-switched Nd:YAG microchip laser is combined with an extended cavity, including a doped multimode fiber. For appropriate coupling levels with the extended cavity, we observed that beam selfcleaning was induced in the multimode fiber thanks to nonlinear modal coupling, leading to a quasi-single mode laser output. In the regime of beam self-cleaning, laser pulse duration was reduced from 525 to 225 ps. We also observed a Q-switched mode-locked operation, where spatial self-cleaning was accompanied by far-detuned nonlinear frequency conversion in the active multimode fiber

    Mission results from the first GEOSTAR observatory (Adriatic Sea, 1998)

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    We assess the first mission of the GEOSTAR (GEophysical and Oceanographic STation for Abyssal Research) deep-sea multidisciplinary observatory for its technical capacity, performance and quality of recorded data. The functioning of the system was verified by analyzing oceanographic, seismological and geomagnetic measurements. Despite the mission’s short duration (21 days), its data demonstrated the observatory’s technological reliability and scientific value. After analyzing the oceanographic data, we found two different regimes of seawater circulation and a sharp and deepening pycnocline, linked to a down-welling phenomenon. The reliability of the magnetic and seismological measurements was evaluated by comparison with those made using on-land sensors. Such comparison of magnetic signals recorded by permanent land geomagnetic stations and GEOSTAR during a “quiet” day and one with a magnetic storm confirmed the correct functioning of the sensor and allowed us to estimate the seafloor observatory’s orientation. The magnitudes of regional seismic events recorded by our GEOSTAR seismometer agreed with those computed from land stations. GEOSTAR has thus proven itself reliable for integrating other deep-sea observation systems, such as modular observatories, arrays, and instrumented submarine cablesPublished361-373ope

    X-ray free electron laser heating of water and gold at high static pressure

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    The study of water at high pressure and temperature is essential for understanding planetary interiors but is hampered by the high reactivity of water at extreme conditions. Here, indirect X-ray laser heating of water in a diamond anvil cell is realized via a gold absorber, showing no evidence of reactivity

    European Seafloor Observatory Offers New Possibilities For Deep Sea Study

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    The Geophysical and Oceanographic Station for Abyssal Research (GEOSTAR), an autonomous seafloor observatory that collects measurements benefiting a number of disciplines during missions up to 1 year long, will begin the second phase of its first mission in 2000. The 6-8 month investigation will take place at a depth of 3400 m in the southern Tyrrhenian basin of the southern Tyrrhenian basin of the central Mediterranean. GEOSTAR was funded by the European Community (EC) for 2.4million(U.S.dollars)in1995asapartoftheMarineScienceandTechnologyprogramme(MAST).TheinnovativedeploymentandrecoveryprocedureGEOSTARuseswasderivedfromthe"twomodule"conceptsuccessfullyappliedbyNASAintheApolloandspaceshuttlemissions,whereonemoduleperformstasksfortheother,includingdeployment,switchingonandoff,performingchecksandrecovery.Theobservatorycommunicationsystem,whichtakesadvantageofsatellitetelemetry,andthesimultaneousacquisitionofasetofvariousmeasurementswithauniquetimereferencemakeGEOSTARthefirstfundamentalelementofamultiparameteroceannetwork.GEOSTARsfirstscientificandtechnologicalmission,whichtookplaceinthesummerof1998intheAdriaticSea,verifiedtheperformanceandreliabilityofthesystem.Themissionwasasuccess.providing440hoursofcontinuousseismicmagneticandoceanographicdata.Thjesecondphaseofthemission,whichwasfundedbytheECfor2.4 million (U.S. dollars) in 1995 as a part of the Marine Science and Technology programme (MAST). The innovative deployment and recovery procedure GEOSTAR uses was derived from the "two-module" concept successfully applied by NASA in the Apollo and space shuttle missions, where one module performs tasks for the other, including deployment, switching on and off, performing checks and recovery. The observatory communication system, which takes advantage of satellite telemetry, and the simultaneous acquisition of a set of various measurements with a unique time reference make GEOSTAR the first fundamental element of a multiparameter ocean network. GEOSTAR's first scientific and technological mission, which took place in the summer of 1998 in the Adriatic Sea, verified the performance and reliability of the system. The mission was a success. providing 440 hours of continuous seismic magnetic and oceanographic data. Thje second phase of the mission, which was funded by the EC for 2 million (US dollars), will carry equipment for chemical, biological and isotopic analyses not used in the first phase, which will broaden the data collection effort.Published45, 48-492.5. Laboratorio per lo sviluppo di sistemi di rilevamento sottomariniN/A or not JCRreserve