11 research outputs found

    Modified PROMETHEE Approach for Solving Multi-Criteria Location Problems with Complex Criteria Functions

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    The specific problem that occurs in multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) processes is ranking a number of alternatives using complex criteria functions (the hierarchical structure of criteria) whose values must consider the impacts of all-important characteristics and parameters of alternatives. The problem becomes more complex by increasing the number of levels of sub-criteria functions (degree of decomposition). This paper proposes an extended procedure based on the mean values conversion of the net outranking flow of sub-criterion functions obtained by modified PROMETHEE methods. The actual value of criterion functions is used only at the last level, and transformed values of the net outranking flow for generating a final rank of alternatives are introduced at other levels. This procedure provides a more objective comparison of the impact of various individual criteria to rank the alternatives and easier making of unique solution, where the impact of decision-maker (DM) experience and subjective estimation is minimised in the selection. Applicability and practicability of the presented procedure for solving the selection problem of a logistics warehouse location are demonstrated in the analysis of a case study example

    Product Platform for Automatic Configuration of Modular Strongrooms

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    Modular strongrooms (MSR) consist of industrially made elements, which are assembled at the place of use. They are designed on individual customer’s requests. The customer chooses the resistance grade according to EN 1143-1 standard and provides dimensions of the available space for requested product to be fit in. Configuration of MSR is realized by combining standard modules which are, for the selected resistance grade, repeated in each new project, and differ only by their number and dimensions. This paper presents product platform developed for automatic MSR configuration, based on parametric and variable design, which provides requested configuration of the product, eliminates possible errors in design process, provides requested product quality level, decreases design and manufacturing costs, shortens design time and provides faster response to customer’s requests. The proposed concept is tested and confirmed on numerous examples of realized projects


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    Airflow resistance is one of the main non-acoustic parameters, which shows the behaviour of porous materials used in sound-absorbing systems. The standard SRPS ISO 9053 specifies two methods for measuring airflow resistance: a steady-state airflow method and an alternating airflow method.  The paper presents the possibility of realization of the measurement system for measuring airflow resistance by using the existing laboratory equipment. The constant airflow is provided by a vacuum pump. The advantage of using this measurement system is a considerably lower price in comparison with commercial solutions, and the procession of measurement results which is not complete automated is seen as the weakness

    Application of the MODIPROM method to the final solution of logistics centre location

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    Awareness of the role of logistics centres is the precondition for successful planning, optimization, design, management, control and analysis of logistics processes and subsystems. Transportation requirements in supply chains, ecological requirements and the need for quality life in cities particularly emphasize the importance of selection of logistics centre locations, manner and time of supply. Taking into account the significance of selection and ranking of different locations, it is necessary to compare, as objectively as possible, the influences of various criteria and reduce them to a common function, i.e. present the methodology of solving complex problems associated with ranking of alternatives. The proposed method is expected to be a comprehensive tool of decision makers during the selection of the optimal logistics centre locations

    Verdades e mentiras sobre a onda recente de penetração estrangeira no Brasil

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    U stručnoj javnosti, ali i među građanima sve češće se postavlja pitanje adekvatnosti postupanja policijskih službenika u pojedinim situacijama, a time i kompetentnosti policijskih službenika, odnosno profesionalizacije policije uopšte. Istovremeno, sve više se naglašava da je kadrovski potencijal jedan od ključnih faktora i preduslova uspešnosti u radu i razvoju svake organizacije. Ovo je odavno poznato, prihvaćeno i nebrojeno puta potvrđeno u različitim sferama delatnosti. Delikatni i odgovorni poslovi sprečavanja i suzbijanja kriminaliteta nikako nisu izuzetak, te se i izbor u i obrazovanju izvršilaca tih poslova mora posvetiti dužna pažnja. Cilj ovog rada je da ukaže na nužnost razvijanja kompetencije policijskih službenika kroz školovanje na visoko školskim ustanovama na kojima se, uz oslanjanje na postignuća pionira kriminalistike Republici Srbiji, ova nauka razvija, ali i oplemenjuje iskustvom kriminalista praktičara uključenih u nastavni proces.The adequacy of police officers’ conduct in particular situations and, therefore, the competence of police officers, i.e. the professionalization of the police in general, represent the issues that have been increasingly often raised in expert public as well as among citizens. At the same time, it has been more and more frequently emphasized that professional potential is one of key factors and preconditions for successful work and development of every organization. The aforesaid has always been well known, accepted and confirmed countless times in various professional fields. Delicate and responsible professions including crime prevention and suppression are not an exception. Therefore, due attention has to be given to the selection and education of professionals who perform these tasks. The aim of this paper is to point out the necessity to develop the competence of police officers through education at educational institutions of higher level where, relying on the achievements of the pioneers of criminalistics in the Republic of Serbia, this science is not only developed but also enriched by the experience of experts with practical skills in criminalistics, who are included in the educational process

    Rare localisation of breast cancer metastasis to thyroid gland

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    Introduction. Metastases to the thyroid gland are very rare. They are usually seen in malignant melanoma, kidney, breast cancer and lung cancer. Case report. We presented a 54- years-old female patient with breast cancer diagnosed in 2002. The adequate surgical procedure was done and the tumor and axillary lymph nodes were removed. The patient also received adjuvant postoperative chemotherapy. After seven years of a disease free period, the first relapse of the disease was detected as thyroid gland tumor with axillary lymphadenopathy. The patient had a good response to systemic treatment so the surgical removal of thyroid gland and enlarged lymph nodes was performed. Histopathological analysis confirmed metastasis with breast cancer origin. Radical mastectomy was also preformed. Second relapse of the disease was detected 10 months later, while the patient was on hormonal therapy. It was manifested as the appearance of bone and skin metastases, pleural effusion and lymphadenopathy. Conclusion. This case report emphasized the importance of detailed examination of any new onset of thyroid swelling in a patient with previous history of malignancy

    Study on properties of alloys with gallium, antimony and zinc from recycling

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    Alloys with gallium, antimony and zinc, whose elements, metal constituent WEEE (they are specified for mobile phones) are particularly important for developing photoelectron devices, simple reproductive methods of producing p-n structures GaSb, also for production and construction of photo-wave cells in solar panels and they are also processes which develop ceramic semiconductors. In addition, these alloys represent possible substitute for standard lead-tin seam. For the complete definition of the properties of the ternary Ga-Sb-Zn system there were performed many researches of the alloys. The microstructures of the alloys were investigated by usage of SEM with EDS and optic microscopy. By usage of CALPHAD method there was detected the isothermal cross-section at 25 degrees C. The GaSb has similarities in the properties and behaviour with GaAs, and it is a potential material for the construction of the p-n diode, the photo-wave and thermo-photo-wave cells in solar panels and LCDs. Newly developed materials have been recommended as an adequate replacement for lead and arsenic, which are very dangerous and harmful metals

    Experimental Evaluation of 300 ºC section of Cu-In-Ni Phase Diagram, Hardness and Electrical Conductivity of Selected Alloy

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    <div><p>The paper reports comparative experimental and thermodynamic calculation of a Cu-In-Ni ternary system. An isothermal section of the Cu-In-Ni system at 300 ºC was extrapolated using optimized thermodynamic parameters for the constitutive binary systems from literature. Microstructural and phase composition analysis were carried out using scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM-EDS) and X-ray powder diffraction (XRD) technique. Brinell hardness and electrical conductivity of a selected number of alloy samples with compositions along three vertical sections (Cu-In0.5Ni0.5, In-Cu0.8Ni0.2, and x(In) = 0.4) of the studied Cu-In-Ni system were experimentally determined. Based on the obtained experimental results and by using appropriate mathematical models values of hardness and electrical conductivity for the whole ternary system were predicted. A close agreement between calculations and experimental results was obtained both in case of thermodynamic, electrical conductivity and hardness predictions.</p></div

    Nepeta rtanjensis (Lamiaceae), a plant endemic to the Balkans: Phenolic composition antioxidant activity, and in vitro antigenotoxic effects in triiodothyronine-induced DNA damage in human lymphocytes

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    The success of antioxidant therapy in hyperthyroidism implies that disease is mediated by oxidative stress, which is known as one of the causing agents of agemg, degenerative diseases, and cancer. The main objective of our study was to determine possible protective effects of methanolic extract of N. rtanjensis in triiodothyronine (T-3)-induced DNA breaks of human lymphocytes under in vitro conditions, based upon plant antioxidant capacity related to its phytochemical profile, mainly its polyphenolic complex. The total phenolic and flavonoid content and the antioxidant activity using in vitro 1,1-dyphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl reagent (DPPH) was determined in methanolic extracts of plant leaves and flowers. The phenolic compound content of 62.73 +/- 1.80 mg of GaA/g, exhibited solid antioxidant activity (IC50= 112.59 +/- 0.95 g/ml). The antigenotoxic activity of 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 mg/ml N. rtanjensis methanol extracts mixture with 100 mu M of T-3 was studied in human lymphocytes in vitro using the Comet assay. It is supposed that the antigenotoxicity of N. rtanjensis methanol extracts was caused by high presence of chlorogenic acid, rosmarinic acid and rutin, all known as efficient antioxidant bioactive compounds, which were determined by ultrahigh-pressure liquid chromatograph with MS/MS Mass Spectroscopy (UHPLC/-HESI-MS/MS)