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Jakov - Repository of the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, Belgrade
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    1505 research outputs found

    A Clustering-Based Approach to Detecting Critical Traffic Road Segments in Urban Areas

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    This paper introduces a parameter-free clustering-based approach to detecting critical traffic road segments in urban areas, i.e., road segments of spatially prolonged and high traffic accident risk. In addition, it proposes a novel domain-specific criterion for evaluating the clustering results, which promotes the stability of the clustering results through time and inter-period accident spatial collocation, and penalizes the size of the selected clusters. To illustrate the proposed approach, it is applied to data on traffic accidents with injuries or death that occurred in three of the largest cities of Serbia over the three-year period

    Some effects of 'pre-crime' concept in combating domestic violence

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    The paper discusses the role of police, public prosecutor and court in combating domestic violence and the effects achieved in the 2018‒2021 period. The aim of the study was to establish whether the provisions of the law that empower the police and judicial bodies are adequately implemented in the entire territory of the Republic of Serbia and whether they offer sufficient mechanisms to efficiently and effectively prevent and suppress domestic violence and provide efficient protection of the victims. The study also aimed to establish what effects were achieved by proactive approach of the relevant authorities in the analysed four-year period, what the sentencing policy of the courts has been, and how efficient the public prosecution was in suppressing domestic violence. The research results have shown that the effects of the new concept applied in suppressing domestic violence are not uniform in all the regions of Serbia, that there has been a decrease in the number of criminal offences, but that the number of fatalities among family members has not declined

    Destruction and appropriation of cultural heritage : from the Louvre through Kosovo and Palmyra

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    The publishing of this book was supported by the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Serbia. - Prevod dela: Uništavanje i prisvajanje kulturnog nasleđa / Renata Samardžić ... [et al.

    Development of Latent Fingermarks on Different Substrates Using Polyaniline-Based Powder Obtained by Simple Precipitating Method

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    Purpose: Polymeric materials are widely used in various industries and fields, such as vehicle and air industry, medicine, pharmacy and nanotechnology, but still insufficiently investigated in forensic applications. Their specific properties could be of a great significance in forensic trace analysis and they could also gratify the cost-benefit requirements. Design/Methods/Approach: This paper deals with polyaniline-based polymer powder, obtained by simple precipitating method, with the aim to develop latent fingermarks deposited onto different surfaces, often found at the crime scene. Findings: Attenuated total reflectance Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (ATR FT-IR) analyses confirmed interactions between components of the system. Optical microscopy and scanning electron microscope (SEM) analysis suggested that prepared powder has fine, uniform particles, which easily bind to the sweat and lipid fingerprint residues. Prepared powder was also used to visualize latent fingermarks left on different non-porous, semi-porous and porous surfaces, i.e. plywood, glass and paper. Originality/Value: Obtained results showed that prepared powder could be used as a substitution for commercially employed fingerprint powders used in everyday forensic practice/trace analysis

    Прича о Душановом законику : [каталог изложбе]

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    Students’ perception of police readiness to respond to disasters caused by a COVID-19 pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has pointed out the need to examine the role of the police in emergencies caused by various infectious diseases as much as possible. The aim of the study is to determine the perception of students of the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, who are studying to become police officers, about the actions of the police in confronting the COVID-19 pandemic, i.e. the readiness of police officers to respond in the current as well as in the future pandemics. The research used a modified survey questionnaire from the previous research. The survey was anonymous. All respondents voluntarily agreed to participate in the research conducted from May to June 2022. The research data were collected from 105 students of the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies. According to the respondents, the police officers did well in the new circumstances given the lack of protective equipment and insufficient training for such situations. It was assessed that the police are one of the key entities in opposing the COVID-19 pandemic. Research findings can help police organizations plan their work during infectious disease pandemics. Above all, in the planning of the procurement of protective equipment, in education of future police officers by introducing new topics in training related to the work of the police in infectious disease pandemics, such as improving communication with citizens, and its implementation in online format. The findings of the study can be an incentive to other researchers as a basis for further research in the field of police work in emergencies because there are few of them in the scientific literature, and those related to police work in a pandemic are almost non-existent

    Police Attitude Towards Discrimination in Serbia – Results of the Survey

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    У раду се износе и анализирају резултати истраживања ставова припадника криминалистичке полиције, полиције опште надлежности и саобраћајне полиције шест подручних полицијских управа у Србији – Београд, Нови Сад, Суботица, Нови Пазар, Врање и Крагујевац. Предмет истраживања су ставови полиције према дискриминацији и препознавању њене суштине, обима угрожености појединих друштвених група и говора мржње, утврђивање постојања и степена социоетничких дистанци, утврђивање односа према мерама које би требало да поправе положај осетљивих група и односа према институцијама по питању њихове одговорности за појаву дискриминације и утицаја на њено смањивање, затим лични доживљај дискриминације и анализа ставова поводом појединих тврдњи стереотипног карактера. Резултати овог истраживања дати су у компаративној анализи са резултатима истраживања ставова припадника криминалистичке и саобраћајне полиције и полиције опште надлежности Републике Србије спроведених 2014. и 2015. године. У вези с неким питањима дата је и компаративна анализа са резултатима из истраживања ставова грађана и грађанки према дискриминацији које је спроведено за потребе Повереника за заштиту равноправности 2019. године.The paper analyses the results of research focusing on attitudes of police officers in 6 regional police departments in Serbia - Belgrade, Novi Sad, Subotica, Novi Pazar, Vranje, and Kragujevac. The research offers an analysis of the police attitudes on discrimination, recognizing its essence, the scope of vulnerability of particular social groups and hate speech recognition, determining the existence and degree of social and ethnic gaps, establishing attitudes towards the measures which should improve the position of vulnerable groups and the institutions in terms of their responsibility for the occurence of discrimination and impact on the reduction thereof; personal experience of discrimination and analysis of attitudes regarding certain claims of stereotypical character. The results of this research are given in the comparative analysis with the results of research on the attitudes of members of the crime investigation police conducted in 2014 and public order and traffic police officers in 2015. There is also a comparative analysis of the results from the survey regarding citizens' attitudes towards discrimination that CESID conducted in 2019

    Cognitively Economical Heuristic for Multiple Sequence Alignment under Uncertainties

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    This paper introduces a heuristic for multiple sequence alignment aimed at improving real-time object recognition in short video streams with uncertainties. It builds upon the idea of the progressive alignment but is cognitively economical to the extent that the underlying edit dis- tance approach is adapted to account for human working memory limitations. Thus, the proposed heuristic procedure has a reduced computational complexity compared to optimal multiple sequence alignment. On the other hand, its relevance was experimentally confirmed. An extrinsic evaluation conducted in real-life settings demonstrated a significant improvement in number recognition accu- racy in short video streams under uncertainties caused by noise and incompleteness. The second line of evaluation demonstrated that the proposed heuristic outperforms humans in the post-processing of recognition hypotheses. This indicates that it may be combined with state-of-the-art machine learning approaches, which are typically not tailored to the task of object sequence recognition from a limited number of frames of incomplete data recorded in a dynamic scene situatio

    Учитељица Марија Милутиновић Пунктаторка - прва жена правозаступник у Србији

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    У раду се приказује развој правозаступништва у Кнежевини Србији, са посебним освртом на професионално учешће жена у судским поступцима, приказаним кроз лик и дело Марије Милутиновић Пунктаторке, учитељице, прве жене правозаступника у Србији. У правосудном систему Кнежевине Србије женама није било забрањено да се баве правозаступништвом, што је омогућило једној образованој жени да у периоду „мушке Србије“ крчи пут будућим женама адвокатима. У релевантној литератури могу се пронаћи ретки текстови у којим се разуђено и неупадљиво помиње живот и рад Марије Милутиновић без увида у целовиту биографију. Истраживањем необјављених архивских извора дошло се до значајних података о животу и раду Марије Милутиновић Пунктаторке, супруге песника Симе Милутиновића Сарајлије и мајке архитекте, професора Велике школе, Драгутина (Драгише) Милутиновића. У раду су приказани значај и улога Марије Милутиновић Пунктаторке у професионалној еманципацији жена у Србији током XIX века у сфери правосуђа и на пољу образовања женске деце. Као „прва српска“ учитељица образовала је девојчице и тако настојала да се жене у XIX веку изборе за своје место у друштву

    Diskriminativna validnost Strukturiranog inventara simuliranih simptoma (Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology – SIMS) u uslovima simuliranja simptoma

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    Background/Aim. The Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology (SIMS) is a self-report measure to be used with adults, which may be utilized to assess the potential malingering of psychosis, neurologic impairment, amnesia, low intelligence, or affective disorder. The aim of the study was to examine the discriminant validity of SIMS under conditions of simulating symptoms of neurological and memory disorders, in response to a hypothetical situation, after watching a recording of an actual car accident in which a motorcycle rider sustained head injuries. Methods. The study involved 94 students (35 men and 59 women) from the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies in Belgrade and the Faculty of Medicine – Special Education and Rehabilitation in Novi Sad, aged 20–26 [arithmetic mean = 20.69; standard deviation (SD) = 0.80], divided into two groups (n = 47), malingerer and control. The malingerer group was instructed to identify with the motorcycle rider hit by the car and malinger symptoms related to neurological difficulties and amnesia in order to obtain greater reimbursement from the insurance company. The control group had instructions to honestly assess the probability of occurrence of the symptoms. Results. The results of the multivariate one-way analysis of variance suggested that the effect of experimental manipulation was statistically significant [F (88, 5) = 91.21, p < 0.001; η2p = 0.838]. Univariate effects were also statistically significant for all five scales. Participants in the malingerer group scored higher on all five scales than participants in the control group. The magnitudes of the effects support the largest differences between the malingerer and control groups on the scales of Memory Disorders and Neurological Disorders, which was also the basic instruction for simulating symptoms given to the participants in the malingerer group. Conclusion. The obtained results support the discriminant validity of the SIMS questionnaire in the situation of simulating symptoms of neurological disorders and memory disorders.Uvod/Cilj. Strukturisani inventar simuliranih simptoma – Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology (SIMS) je mera samoprocene koja se koristi kod odraslih osoba, a može biti korišćena za procenu potencijalnog razvoja psihoze, neurološkog oštećenja, amnezije, niske inteligencije ili afektivnog poremećaja. Cilj rada bio je da se ispita diskriminativna validnost SIMS-a u uslovima simuliranja simptoma neuroloških oštećenja i poremećaja pamćenja u odgovoru na hipotetičku situaciju, nakon gledanja snimka realne saobraćajne nezgode u kojoj je vozač motocikla zadobio povrede glave. Metode. U istraživanju su učestvovala 94 studenta (35 muškaraca i 59 žena) Kriminalističkopolicijskog univerziteta u Beogradu i Medicinskog fakulteta – smer Specijalna edukacija i rehabilitacija u Novom Sadu, starosti od 20–26 godina [aritmetička sredina = 20.69; standardna devijacija (SD) = 0.80)], koji su bili podeljeni u dve grupe (n = 47), kontrolnu grupu i grupu ispitanika koji su simulirali simptome. Grupa ispitanika koji su simulirali simptome imala je zadatak da se poistoveti sa motociklistom kojeg je udario automobil i da simulira neurološke simptome i amneziju, sa ciljem da dobiju više novca od osiguravajuće kompanije. Kontrolna grupa imala je zadatak da iskreno proceni koji simptomi bi mogli nastati nakon saobraćajne nesreće. Rezultati. Rezultati multivarijatne jednosmerne analize varijanse su pokazali da je efekat eksperimentalne manipulacije bio statistički značajan [F(88, 5) = 91.21, p < 0.001; η2p = 0.838]. Univarijatni efekti su takođe bili statistički značajni za svih pet skala. Ispitanici iz kontrolne grupe postizali su niže skorove na svih pet skala u odnosu na ispitanike iz grupe koja je simulirala simptome. Veličine efekata govore u prilog najvećih razlika između grupe koja je simulirala simptome i kontrolne grupe na skalama Poremećaji pamćenja i Neurološka oštećenja, što je ujedno i bila osnovna instrukcija za simuliranje simptoma kod te grupe ispitanika. Zaključak. Dobijeni rezultati idu u prilog diskriminativne validnosti upitnika SIMS u situaciji simuliranja simptoma neuroloških oštećenja i poremećaja pamćenja


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    Jakov - Repository of the University of Criminal Investigation and Police Studies, Belgrade
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