10 research outputs found

    Becsült talajhidrológiai paraméterek szimulációs vizsgálata a NAIK Erdészeti Tudományos Intézet két mintaterületén

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    Összefoglalás A folyamatalapú hidrológiai számításoknak és az azokra épülő vízminőségi, ökológiai elemzéseknek jelentős a bemenő adatigénye, ami a jövőben várhatóan tovább növekszik. A méréstechnológia rohamos fejlődésével a hidrológiai modellek bemenő adatai közül mára a szűk keresztmetszetet lokális és vízgyűjtő léptéken is a felszín alatti viszonyok, és elsősorban a talajok szivárgáshidraulikai tulajdonságainak számszerűsítése jelenti. A helyzetet felismerve a közelmúltban különböző módszertannal több talajtani, talajhidrológiai adatbázist is kidolgoztak. Kutatásunkban azt vizsgáljuk, hogy a 100 m felbontású hazai talajadatok és európai becslő algoritmusok alapján számított talajhidrológiai paraméterek (i) megbízható bemeneti adatforrást biztosítanak-e, és (ii) a korábban rendelkezésre álló adatállományokhoz képest javítják-e a hidrológiai számítások jóságát talajszelvény szintű vízforgalmi modellben. Az Erdészeti Tudományos Intézet (NAIK ERTI) két mintaterületén (Fiad és Szalafő) mért meteorológiai és talajnedvesség-idősorok segítségével 5-5 darab talajszelvényszintű vízforgalmi modellváltozatot állítottunk fel Hydrus-1D környezetben. Ezek kizárólag a talajtani paraméterezésükben (réteghatárok helye, telített vízvezető képesség és retenciós görbe együtthatók) tértek el: a talajrétegek jellemzésére felhasználtuk (i) a kalibráció-validáció eredményeit (“legjobbnak vélt” verzió), (ii) a helyszíni mintavételből származó laboratóriumi méréseket, (iii) a mért talajtulajdonságok alapján, az európai becslő függvényekkel (EU-PTF) számított talajhidrológiai tulajdonságokat, (iv) a hazai DOSoReMI adatbázis alapján, az EUPTF- ekkel számított talajhidrológiai tulajdonságokat, illetve (v) az EUSoilHydroGrids térképeket. A modellváltozatokat a mért és számított talajnedvesség-idősorok összevetése (NSME, RMSE, R2) alapján értékeltük. Emellett összehasonlítottuk a számított vízmérlegeket is. Az öt-öt modellváltozat esetében lényegesen eltért a mért-számított talajnedvességi idősorok illeszkedése. Fiadon egyedül a kalibráció adott elfogadható eredményt (NSME = 0.49), a másik négy változat kifejezetten gyengének bizonyult (három esetben NSME < 0). Szalafőn minden változat pozitív NSME-re vezetett, a kalibráció kiválónak tekinthető (NSME = 0.75). A várakozással ellentétben a mért talajhidrológiai paraméterekre épülő modellváltozatok adták a legrosszabb illeszkedést, míg a hatékonysági rangsorban a kalibrált modellek után az EU-SoilHydroGrids változatok következtek. A szimulációkból levezetett vízmérlegek Fiadon csak kevéssé, míg Szalafőn nagymértékben függtek a talajparaméterezéstől. A vizsgálat fontos tapasztalata, hogy a talajszelvény feltárás gyakorlata – érthető módon – elsősorban nem a hidrológiai modellezés szempontjaihoz igazodik, így az adatbizonytalanság forrása lehet. A vizsgálat eredményei alapján folytatjuk a Balaton vízgyűjtő talajhidrológiai paramétereinek 3D térképezését

    Az MRI és a CT szerepe a sugárterápia utáni státusz értékelésében, szövődményeinek vizsgálatában, fej-nyaki daganatoknál

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    Most head and neck cancer patients are treated with combined modalities such as surgery, radiotherapy (RT), chemotherapy (ChT). Concurrent chemo-radiation has improved treatment outcomes with increased toxic effects. Reactions after RT are divided into early and late changes. Early reactions are seen during the course of therapy or within 3 months; these are reversible in most cases. Late complications are observed 3 months to years after RT and they are generally irreversible. As typical late reaction radiation induced necrosis may occur in soft tissues, cartilage, bones and brain. Tumor recurrence and post-radiation necrosis typically appear at the same time, within 2-3 years after RT; the differentiation may be difficult. Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) have become the gold standards not only for staging and assessing tumor response, but also to evaluate posttreatment status, to distinguish residual or recurrent tumor and RT complications. Using baseline CT or MRI between 2-3 months after treatment and performing standard follow-up imaging with strict clinical follow-up are required to establish early salvage treatment

    Beech Leaves (Fagus Sylvatica L.), Reference Sample of ICPForests and itsApplicability in Determination of Total Nitrogen and Carbon in Leaves

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    U sklopu Međunarodnog programa za procjenu i praćenje utjecaja zračnog onečišćenja na šume (ICP Forests) provode se stalna istraživanja kemijskih metoda ispitivanja lišća i iglica s ploha intenzivnog motrenja. Hrvatska sudjeluje sa 7 ICP ploha tipičnih šumskih zajednica. Kako bi se mogla pratiti pouzdanost primijenjenih metoda u laboratorijskim analizama i osiguranje kvalitete rezultata, organiziraju se svake godine međulaboratorijske usporedbe na uzorcima pripremljenim u laboratorijima zemalja koje su uključene u ICP Forests program.Hrvatski šumarski institut pripremio je lišće obične bukve za potrebe programa, koje se sada koristi i kao laboratorijski referentni materijal.U ovom radu napravljena je međulaboratorijska usporedba i ispitana ponovljivost i obnovljivost između mjernih rezultata određivanja ukupnog dušika i ugljika u referentom lišću obične bukve, na elementarnom analizatoru CNS 2000 u laboratoriju Hrvatskog šumarskog instituta i na elementarnom analizatoru EA 300 u laboratoriju Mađarskog šumarskog instituta, uključenim u ICP Forests program. Statistička analiza obuhvaćala je usporedni prikaz mjernih rezultata hrvatske metode (Metoda A) i mađarske metode (Metoda B), deskriptivnu statistiku za obje metode, F test za testirane razlike između varijanci obje metode, regresijsku analiza, t-test za zavisne uzorke, Boxplot dijagrame i kontrolne karte ponovljivosti metode B. Iz usporednih prikaza rezultata vidljivo je da postoje velike oscilacije rezultata Metode B za dušik i da neki rezultati prelaze gornju specifikacijsku granicu. Za ugljik, metoda B daje veće vrijednosti od metode A, ali one su unutar specifikacijskih granica i manje su varijacije u odnosu na metodu A (Slika 2.) F prelazi kritičnu vrijednost, ali varijanca metode A je manja od varijance metode B. Stoga je metoda A preciznija. Za ugljik, izračunati F prelazi kritičnu vrijednost.Varijanca metode A je značajno veća od metode B s 95 % vjerojatnošću (Tablica 5). Regresijskom analizom dobiveni koeficjenti korelacije r za metode određivanja dušika i ugljika (Tablica 6) govore o srednje pozitivnoj povezanosti. T-Testom (Tablica 7) je potvrđeno, da rezultati dobiveni dvjema metodama za određivanje ukupnog dušika i ugljika uz razinu pouzdanosti od 95 % su značajno različiti. Kontrolni grafikon za dušik Metode B pokazuje razliku u ponovljivosti mjerenja i više od 30 % rezultata nalazi se izvan specifikacijskih granica (Slika 4.). Ponovljivost rezultata ugljika je dobra. Kemijske analiza lišća ograničene su za izbor instrumenata i metoda za određivanje pojedinih elemenata, stoga ovakva testiranja potvrđuju bolju primjenjivost elementarnih analizatora, kao što je CNS 2000 od EA 300 za određivanje dušika i ugljika zbog specifičnosti uzoraka.Within the framework of International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests), research and chemical analyses of plant material has been carried out in Croatia on seven intensive monitoring plots with typical forest communities. In order to monitor the reliability of methods of laboratory analyses, as well as to ensure operational quality of analytical methods that can be applied in leaves and needles analysis, each year Inter-laboratory testing on samples prepared in laboratories of countries taking part in ICP Forest is organised.Croatian forest research institute, prepared leaves of common beech as reference sample for this programme that is now used also as the laboratory reference material. In this work, the interlaboratory measurements and repeatabilty and reproducibility were tested between results of determination total nitrogen and carbon in the reference sample of common beech leaveves on elemental analyser CNS 2000 (Method A) in the laboratory of Croatina forset reserach institute and on the elemental analyser EA 300 (Method B) in the labratory of Hungarian forest institute involved ICP Forests programme.Statistical analysis included comparative description of results for determination of total nitrogen and carbon, descriptive statistics for 2 methods, Boxplot analysis, F test, T test, Regression analyses and Control charts for method B. The comparation of the results showed big oscilations of the results of Method B for nitrogen and some of them were out of specification limits. For carbon, the values were higer then in Method A (Figure 2). Furthermore, F values were over critical but variance of Method A was smaller than of Method B.Therefore, metod A was more accura-ted.For carbon, F was over critical values.Variance of method A was more significant than of method B with probability of 95 % (Table 5). Coefficient of corelation, r in regression analysis for methods (Table 6) gave positive correla-tion.With t-test (Table 7) was proved that results of these methods for determination of total nitrogen and carbon with probability of 95 % were significanty different. Control chart for nitrogen showed difference in repetability, also more than 30 % of results were out of specification limits. Repetability of reuslts forcarbon was good (Figure 4). Chemical analysis of leaves are reduced for choise of instruments and methods for determination of elements because of specificity of samples from forest. Therefore this kind of testing confirmed better applicability of element analyser such as CNS 2000 than EA 300 for determination of total nitrogen and carbon

    Beech Leaves (Fagus Sylvatica L.), Reference Sample of ICPForests and itsApplicability in Determination of Total Nitrogen and Carbon in Leaves

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    U sklopu Međunarodnog programa za procjenu i praćenje utjecaja zračnog onečišćenja na šume (ICP Forests) provode se stalna istraživanja kemijskih metoda ispitivanja lišća i iglica s ploha intenzivnog motrenja. Hrvatska sudjeluje sa 7 ICP ploha tipičnih šumskih zajednica. Kako bi se mogla pratiti pouzdanost primijenjenih metoda u laboratorijskim analizama i osiguranje kvalitete rezultata, organiziraju se svake godine međulaboratorijske usporedbe na uzorcima pripremljenim u laboratorijima zemalja koje su uključene u ICP Forests program.Hrvatski šumarski institut pripremio je lišće obične bukve za potrebe programa, koje se sada koristi i kao laboratorijski referentni materijal.U ovom radu napravljena je međulaboratorijska usporedba i ispitana ponovljivost i obnovljivost između mjernih rezultata određivanja ukupnog dušika i ugljika u referentom lišću obične bukve, na elementarnom analizatoru CNS 2000 u laboratoriju Hrvatskog šumarskog instituta i na elementarnom analizatoru EA 300 u laboratoriju Mađarskog šumarskog instituta, uključenim u ICP Forests program. Statistička analiza obuhvaćala je usporedni prikaz mjernih rezultata hrvatske metode (Metoda A) i mađarske metode (Metoda B), deskriptivnu statistiku za obje metode, F test za testirane razlike između varijanci obje metode, regresijsku analiza, t-test za zavisne uzorke, Boxplot dijagrame i kontrolne karte ponovljivosti metode B. Iz usporednih prikaza rezultata vidljivo je da postoje velike oscilacije rezultata Metode B za dušik i da neki rezultati prelaze gornju specifikacijsku granicu. Za ugljik, metoda B daje veće vrijednosti od metode A, ali one su unutar specifikacijskih granica i manje su varijacije u odnosu na metodu A (Slika 2.) F prelazi kritičnu vrijednost, ali varijanca metode A je manja od varijance metode B. Stoga je metoda A preciznija. Za ugljik, izračunati F prelazi kritičnu vrijednost.Varijanca metode A je značajno veća od metode B s 95 % vjerojatnošću (Tablica 5). Regresijskom analizom dobiveni koeficjenti korelacije r za metode određivanja dušika i ugljika (Tablica 6) govore o srednje pozitivnoj povezanosti. T-Testom (Tablica 7) je potvrđeno, da rezultati dobiveni dvjema metodama za određivanje ukupnog dušika i ugljika uz razinu pouzdanosti od 95 % su značajno različiti. Kontrolni grafikon za dušik Metode B pokazuje razliku u ponovljivosti mjerenja i više od 30 % rezultata nalazi se izvan specifikacijskih granica (Slika 4.). Ponovljivost rezultata ugljika je dobra. Kemijske analiza lišća ograničene su za izbor instrumenata i metoda za određivanje pojedinih elemenata, stoga ovakva testiranja potvrđuju bolju primjenjivost elementarnih analizatora, kao što je CNS 2000 od EA 300 za određivanje dušika i ugljika zbog specifičnosti uzoraka.Within the framework of International Co-operative Programme on Assessment and Monitoring of Air Pollution Effects on Forests (ICP Forests), research and chemical analyses of plant material has been carried out in Croatia on seven intensive monitoring plots with typical forest communities. In order to monitor the reliability of methods of laboratory analyses, as well as to ensure operational quality of analytical methods that can be applied in leaves and needles analysis, each year Inter-laboratory testing on samples prepared in laboratories of countries taking part in ICP Forest is organised.Croatian forest research institute, prepared leaves of common beech as reference sample for this programme that is now used also as the laboratory reference material. In this work, the interlaboratory measurements and repeatabilty and reproducibility were tested between results of determination total nitrogen and carbon in the reference sample of common beech leaveves on elemental analyser CNS 2000 (Method A) in the laboratory of Croatina forset reserach institute and on the elemental analyser EA 300 (Method B) in the labratory of Hungarian forest institute involved ICP Forests programme.Statistical analysis included comparative description of results for determination of total nitrogen and carbon, descriptive statistics for 2 methods, Boxplot analysis, F test, T test, Regression analyses and Control charts for method B. The comparation of the results showed big oscilations of the results of Method B for nitrogen and some of them were out of specification limits. For carbon, the values were higer then in Method A (Figure 2). Furthermore, F values were over critical but variance of Method A was smaller than of Method B.Therefore, metod A was more accura-ted.For carbon, F was over critical values.Variance of method A was more significant than of method B with probability of 95 % (Table 5). Coefficient of corelation, r in regression analysis for methods (Table 6) gave positive correla-tion.With t-test (Table 7) was proved that results of these methods for determination of total nitrogen and carbon with probability of 95 % were significanty different. Control chart for nitrogen showed difference in repetability, also more than 30 % of results were out of specification limits. Repetability of reuslts forcarbon was good (Figure 4). Chemical analysis of leaves are reduced for choise of instruments and methods for determination of elements because of specificity of samples from forest. Therefore this kind of testing confirmed better applicability of element analyser such as CNS 2000 than EA 300 for determination of total nitrogen and carbon

    Effects of tree pollen on throughfall element fluxes in European forests

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    The effects of tree pollen on precipitation chemistry are not fully understood and this can lead to misinterpretations of element deposition in European forests. We investigated the relationship between forest throughfall (TF) element fluxes and the Seasonal Pollen Integral (SPIn) using linear mixed-effects modelling (LME). TF was measured in 1990–2018 during the main pollen season (MPS, arbitrary two months) in 61 managed, mostly pure, even-aged Fagus, Quercus, Pinus, and Picea stands which are part of the ICP Forests Level II network. The SPIn for the dominant tree genus was observed at 56 aerobiological monitoring stations in nearby cities. The net contribution of pollen was estimated as the TF flux in the MPS minus the fluxes in the preceding and succeeding months. In stands of Fagus and Picea, two genera that do not form large amounts of flowers every year, TF fluxes of potassium (K+), ammonium-nitrogen (NH4+-N), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) showed a positive relationship with SPIn. However- for Fagus- a negative relationship was found between TF nitrate-nitrogen (NO3−-N) fluxes and SPIn. For Quercus and Pinus, two genera producing many flowers each year, SPIn displayed limited variability and no clear association with TF element fluxes. Overall, pollen contributed on average 4.1–10.6% of the annual TF fluxes of K+ > DOC > DON > NH4+-N with the highest contribution in Quercus > Fagus > Pinus > Picea stands. Tree pollen appears to affect TF inorganic nitrogen fluxes both qualitatively and quantitatively, acting as a source of NH4+-N and a sink of NO3−-N. Pollen appears to play a more complex role in nutrient cycling than previously thought

    Environment and host as large-scale controls of ectomycorrhizal fungi

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