586 research outputs found

    The historical relation between banking, insurance and economic

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    We examine empirically the dynamic historical relation between banking, insurance economic (income) growth in Sweden using time-series data from 1830 to 1998. We examine long-run historical trends in the data using econometric tests for cointegration and Granger causality. Our results indicate that the development of domestic banking, but not insurance, preceded economic growth in Sweden during the nineteenth century, while Granger causality was reversed in the twentieth century. We also find that the development of bank lending in the nineteenth century increased the demand for insurance as well as promoting economic growth. In later periods, the development of insurance fosters demand for banking services but only in times of economic prosperity. For the entire period of our analysis, we find that banking is the predominant influence on both economic growth and the demand for insurance. In contrast, the insurance market appears to be driven more by the pace of growth in the economy rather than leading economic development. Therefore, we conclude that financial intermediation, particularly banking, is an important prerequisite for stimulating economic growth and argue that our results could have important policy implications for contemporary emerging economies that are developing their financial and legal infrastructures

    Produktions- och konstruktionsanalys av acceleratortekniska komponenter

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    A particle accelerator consists of a large number of components, which among other things includes several acceleration modules, which consists of one or several cavities. A cavity is a complex and essential part in the accelerations process and is usually made of oxygen-free copper (OFC) or niobium. These two materials are special when it comes to metal cutting, it´s hard to find information about these materials in general but also how to machine them. The goal with this master thesis is to perform a construction and productions analysis for a cavity to find out how it can be produced in an easy and simple way. An essential part of this thesis is to find out information about OFC and niobium and how to machine them. To examine how to improve the production of the cavities a systematic development method was developed. In this method all the different production stages were listed; what kind of machining, tolerance requirements, function controlled or production critical operation. This was made to find out which operations cannot be changed because of the functionality and which operations or tolerances that can be changed. Furthermore examples were given of different operations that can be changed to make the cavity easier to produce. This method can also be used for other components than the cavity. Selection of cutting data and tools that were used in the experiment were based on literature studies for the materials. One of the performed experiments was steps with increasing feeds while cutting depth and speed remained constant, cutting forces were measured during the experiment. In another experiment surface finishes were measured, for OFC cutting speed and feed varied while cutting depth was constant. For the niobium experiments it was only the feed that varied. These experiments were repeated for different kinds of tools were the geometry of the tool differed or if the tools were coated/uncoated carbide or diamond tool. From the results of the experiments a cost analysis was performed for a cavity. The time it takes to manufacture one cavity is calculated with the cutting data that are based on the results which satisfies the requirements of the surface finish. From the calculated manufacturing time and other calculated or estimated variables we calculated the manufacturing cost for one cavity. Our conclusions from the results were that all of the tools from the copper experiments can be used to achieve a surface finish of Ra 0.8 μm or better which is a requirement for the cavity. The tools that showed the best result were the uncoated carbide tools. Calculated cutting resistance that is based on the measured cutting forces from the experiment seemed to be surprisingly high, which can have connections to the ring of material that the tools pushed ahead of itself during the operation. From the results from the niobium experiments our conclusions are that it´s hard to achieve a good surface finish because of the adhesion of chips on the workpiece. There was a big variation in the measured Ra values for the tools with a nose radius of 0.4 and 0.8 mm. The best achieved Ra average value was 0.78 μm with the tool that had a 1.2 mm nose. Calculated cutting resistance was high for the niobium, similar to the OFC cutting resistance

    Проблемно-діалогічне спілкування в процесі інструментально-виконавської підготовки майбутнього вчителя музики

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    (uk) У статті розкривається значення проблемно-діалогічного спілкування в процесі інструментально-виконавської підготовки майбутнього вчителя музики, акцентується увага на тпринципах індивідуально-диференційованого навчання.(ru) В статье раскрывается значение проблемно-дилогического общения в процессе инструментально-исполнительской подготовки будущего учителя музики, акцентируется внимание на принципах индивидуально-диференцированного обучения

    UV-Assisted Gate Bias Cycling in Gas-Sensitive Field-Effect Transistors

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    Static and dynamic responses of a silicon carbide field-effect transistor gas sensor have been investigated at two different gate biases in several test gases. Especially the dynamic effects are gas dependent and can be used for gas identification. The addition of ultraviolet light reduces internal electrical relaxation effects, but also introduces new, temperature-dependent effects

    Основи охорони праці

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    Навчальний посібник містить курс лекцій, теми рефератів та питання, що виносяться на семінарські заняття з дисципліни «Основи охорони праці» для студентів вищих педагогічних навчальних закладів всіх спеціальностей і напрямів підготовки за освітньо-кваліфікаційним рівнем «бакалавр» і курсів післядипломної освіти

    Методика вивчення контрольно-вимірювальних приладів у курсі «Технології» основної школи

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    (uk) У статті запропонована методика вивчення контрольно-вимірювальних приладів при вивчені шкільного курсу «Технології» з використанням сучасного електронного вимірювального обладнання.(en) In the article the technique of studying instrumentation to teach school course "Technology" using modern electronic measuring equipment


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    La chute des régimes communistes et l'instauration de démocraties pluralistes en Europe centrale et orientale, accompagnées de proclamations de rupture radicale avec le passé, ont engendré un bouleversement général des repères qui jusque-là permettaient les identifications individuelles et l'élaboration d'identités collectives dans toutes les sphères sociales. Le rejet obligé du passé a été décliné de différentes manières selon les pays, en fonction des diverses expériences du communisme (et de sa chute) dans chacune des sociétés concernées. Toutefois, si les modalités sont variables et les calendriers spécifiques, ces recompositions sociales et politiques se sont toutes inscrites dans un même cadre mental. La condamnation globale du communisme a favorisé des visions polarisées et simplifiées du passé, fondées sur des catégories binaires et des figures stéréotypées, plus ou moins marquées, de bourreaux et de victimes. Au-delà du consensus affiché dans le rejet et la condamnation du communisme, un examen plus fin du rapport au passé dans ces sociétés dites post-communistes souligne la difficulté d'élaborer un discours commun sur le passé (...)

    Iodine status during pregnancy in India and related neonatal and infant outcomes

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    Objective: To document iodine status in Indian pregnancies, associations with maternal diet and demographics, and offspring developmental measures. Design: Longitudinal study following mothers through pregnancy and offspring up to 24 months. Setting: Rural health-care centre (Vadu) and urban antenatal clinic (Pune) in the Maharashtra region of India. Subjects: Pregnant mothers at 17 (n 132) and 34 weeks’ (n 151) gestation and their infants from birth to the age of 24 months. Results: Median urinary iodine concentration (UIC) was 203 and 211 μg/l at 17 and 34 weeks of pregnancy, respectively (range 26–800 μg/l). Using the UIC distribution adjusted for within-person variation, extreme UIC quartiles were compared for predictors and outcomes. There was no correlation between UIC at 17 and 34 weeks, but 24 % of those with UIC in the lowest quartile at 17 weeks had UIC in the same lowest quartile at 34 weeks. Maternal educational, socio-economic status and milk products consumption (frequency) were different between the lowest and highest quartile of UIC at 34 weeks. Selected offspring developmental outcomes differed between the lowest and highest UIC quartiles (abdominal circumference at 24 months, subscapular and triceps skinfolds at 12 and 24 months). However, UIC was only a weak predictor of subscapular skinfold at 12 months and of triceps skinfold at 24 months. Conclusions: Median UIC in this pregnant population suggested adequate dietary provision at both gestational stages studied. Occasional high results found in spot samples may indicate intermittent consumption of iodine-rich foods. Maternal UIC had limited influence on offspring developmental outcomes