406 research outputs found

    Hubble Space Telescope Observations of NGC 6240: a Case Study of an Ultra-Luminous Infrared Galaxy with Obscured Activity

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    We present results from an HST study of the morphology and kinematics of NGC 6240. This merging galaxy with a double nucleus is one of the nearest and best-studied ultraluminous infrared galaxies. HST resolves both nuclei into seperate components. The distance between the northern and southern optical/near-infrared components is greater than that observed in radio and X-ray studies, arguing that even in K-band we may not be seeing all the way through the dust to the true nuclei. The ionized gas does not display rotation around either of the nuclei, or equilibrium motion in general. There is a strong velocity gradient between the nuclei, similar to what is seen in CO data. There is no such gradient in our stellar kinematics. The velocity dispersion of the gas is larger than expected for a cold disk. We also map and model the emission-line velocity field at an off-nuclear position where a steep velocity gradient was previously detected in ground-based data. Overall, the data indicate that line-of-sight projection effects, dust absorption, non-equilibrium merger dynamics, and the possible influence of a wind may be playing an important role in the observed kinematics. Chandra observations of hard X-rays have shown that both of the nuclei contain an Active Galactic Nucleus (AGN). The HST data show no clear sign of the two AGNs: neither continuum nor narrow-band imaging shows evidence for unresolved components in the nuclei, and there are no increased emission line widths or rapid rotation near the nuclei. This underscores the importance of X-ray data for identifying AGNs in highly dust-enshrouded environments.Comment: LaTeX, 32 pages, 9 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journal (Jan 2004). Paper with high-resolution (non-compressed) color figures in gzipped postscript format available at http://www.stsci.edu/~marel/psgzdir/ngc6240v11.ps.g

    On the frequency, intensity and duration of starburst episodes triggered by galaxy interactions and mergers

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    We investigate the intensity enhancement and the duration of starburst episodes, triggered by major galaxy interactions and mergers. To this aim, we analyze two large statistical datasets of numerical simulations. These have been obtained using two independent and different numerical techniques to model baryonic and dark matter evolution, that are extensively compared for the first time. One is a Tree-SPH code, the other one is a grid-based N-body sticky-particles code. We show that, at low redshift, galaxy interactions and mergers in general trigger only moderate star formation enhancements. Strong starbursts where the star formation rate is increased by a factor larger than 5 are rare and found only in about 15% of major galaxy interactions and mergers. Merger-driven starbursts are also rather short-lived, with a typical duration of the activity of a few 10^8 yr. These conclusions are found to be robust, independent from the numerical techniques and star formation models. At higher redshifts where galaxies contain more gas, gas inflow-induced starbursts are neither stronger neither longer than their local counterparts. In turn, the formation of massive gas clumps, results of local Jeans instability that can occur spontaneously in gas-rich disks or be indirectly favored by galaxy interactions, could play a more important role in determining the duration and intensity of star formation episodes.Comment: 22 pages, 28 figures, A&A accepted. High resolution version available at http://aramis.obspm.fr/~paola/SFR_frequency

    The dilution peak, metallicity evolution, and dating of galaxy interactions and mergers

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    Strong inflows of gas from the outer disk to the inner kiloparsecs are induced during the interaction of disk galaxies. This inflow of relatively low-metallicity gas dilutes the metallicity of the circumnuclear gas. We have investigated several aspects of the process as the timing and duration of the dilution and its correlation with the induced star formation. We analysed major (1:1) gas-rich interactions and mergers, spanning a range of initial orbital characteristics. Star formation and metal enrichment from SNe are included in our model. Our results show that the strongest trend is between the star formation rate and the dilution of the metals in the nuclear region; i.e., the more intense the central burst of star formation, the more the gas is diluted. This trend comes from strong inflows of relatively metal-poor gas from the outer regions of both disks, which fuels the intense star formation and lowers the overall metallicity for a time. The strong inflows happen on timescales of about 10^8 years or less, and the most intense star formation and lowest gas phase metallicities are seen generally after the first pericentre passage. As the star formation proceeds and the merger advances, the dilution reduces and enrichment becomes dominant - ultimately increasing the metallicity of the circumnuclear gas to a level higher than the initial metallicities of the merging galaxies. The "fly-bys" - pairs that interact but do not merge - also cause some dilution. We even see some dilution early in the merger or in the "fly-bys" and thus do not observe a strong trend between the nuclear metallicities and separation in our simulations until the merger is well advanced. We also analyse the O and Fe enrichment of the ISM, and show that the evolution of the alpha/Fe ratios, as well as the dilution of the central gas metallicity, can be used as a clock for "dating" the interaction.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figures, A&A in press. Final version after language editin

    Double Starbursts Triggered by Mergers in Hierarchical Clustering Scenarios

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    We use cosmological SPH simulations to study the effects of mergers in the star formation history of galactic objects in hierarchical clustering scenarios. We find that during some merger events, gaseous discs can experience two starbursts: the first one during the orbital decay phase, due to gas inflows driven as the satellite approaches, and the second one, when the two baryonic clumps collide. A trend for these first induced starbursts to be more efficient at transforming the gas into stars is also found. We detect that systems which do not experience early gas inflows have well-formed stellar bulges and more concentrated potential wells, which seem to be responsible for preventing further gas inward transport triggered by tidal forces. Our results constitute the first proof that bulges can form as the product of collapse, collisions and secular evolution in a cosmological framework, and they are consistent with a rejuvenation of the stellar population in bulges at intermediate z with, at least, 50% of the stars (in SCDM) being formed at high z. (Abridged)Comment: 17 pages, 6 postscript figures. Accepted MNRA

    Interacting galaxies and cosmological parameters

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    We propose a (physical)-geometrical method to measure the present rates of the density cosmological parameters for a Friedmann-Lemaitre universe. The distribution of linear separations between two interacting galaxies,when both of them undergo a first massive starburst, is used as a standard of length. Statistical properties of the linear separations of such pairs of ``interactivated'' galaxies are estimated from the data in the Two Degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey. Synthetic samples of interactivated pairs are generated with random orientations and a likely distribution of redshifts. The resolution of the inverse problem provides the probability densities of the retrieved cosmological parameters. The accuracies that can be achieved by that method on matter and cosmological constant densities parameters are computed depending on the size of ongoing real samples. Observational prospects are investigated as the foreseeable surface densities on the sky and magnitudes of those objects.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Exploring the links between star formation and minor companions around isolated galaxies

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    Previous studies have shown that galaxies with minor companions exhibit an elevated star formation rate. We reverse this inquiry, constructing a volume-limited sample of \simL\star (Mr \leq -19.5 + 5 log h) galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey that are isolated with respect to other luminous galaxies. Cosmological simulations suggest that 99.8% of these galaxies are alone in their dark matter haloes with respect to other luminous galaxies. We search the area around these galaxies for photometric companions. Matching strongly star forming (EW(H{\alpha})\geq 35 \AA) and quiescent (EW(H{\alpha})< 35 \AA) samples for stellar mass and redshift using a Monte Carlo resampling technique, we demonstrate that rapidly star-forming galaxies are more likely to have photometric companions than other galaxies. The effect is relatively small; about 11% of quiescent, isolated galaxies have minor photometric companions at radii \leq 60 kpc h1^{-1} kpc while about 16% of strongly star-forming ones do. Though small, the cumulative difference in satellite counts between strongly star-forming and quiescent galaxies is highly statistically significant (PKS = 1.350 \times103^{-3}) out to to radii of \sim 100 h1^{-1} kpc. We discuss explanations for this excess, including the possibility that \sim 5% of strongly star-forming galaxies have star formation that is causally related to the presence of a minor companion.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures, submitted to MNRA