33 research outputs found


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    Obra resseyada: Charles C. RAGIN, The Comparative Method: Moving Beyond Qualitative and Quantitative Strategies. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1989 ; Fuzzy-Set Social Science. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000

    El arraigo local en proyectos energéticos comunitarios. Una perspectiva de emprendimiento social

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    An increasing number of community energy projects have emerged recently, reflecting diverse sociotechnical configurations in the energy sector. This article is based on an empirical study examining different types of community energy projects such as energy cooperatives, public service utilities and other entrepreneurially oriented initiatives across the European Union. Based on an in-depth analysis of three case studies, the article aims to introduce a social entrepreneurship perspective when discussing the relationship between local embeddedness and different forms of organisation and ownership in community energy. The results indicate that community energy projects can expand beyond the local scale without losing their collective and democratic form of functioning and ownership. Moreover, social movements can act as catalysts for this expansion beyond the local, in a quest for wider social transformation. Social entrepreneurship may provide a suitable analytical lens to avoid the 'local trap' when examining different forms of organisation and ownership in renewable energy, and further explore the question of scaling

    Basic income and its possible pull effect

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    A pesar de la gran cantidad de estudios desarrollados en las últimas dos décadas sobre la propuesta de la renta básica, su relación con el proceso de migración internacional no ha sido abordado de forma clara y exhaustiva. En este artículo, se explora la viabilidad de la aplicación de una propuesta de renta básica de ciudadanía que incluya como población beneficiada a las personas inmigradas con más de un año de residencia. El principal objetivo del estudio es examinar la hipótesis del efecto llamada de una renta básica, contrastando los argumentos que la sostienen. El análisis se centra en el potencial comportamiento de los agentes que pretenden emigrar ante la introducción de una renta básica en un posible país de destino. El estudio aporta argumentos teóricos y datos empíricos que ponen en cuestión la magnitud e incluso la existencia de un posible efecto llamada de una renta básica, ya que apunta a que la propuesta no constituye una causa ni necesaria ni suficiente para el incremento de la población inmigrada

    Migrant Women and Labour Integration in Catalonia: The Impact of New Information and Communication Technologies

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    This article uses data from 35 semi-structured interviews of migrant women from three different ethnic backgrounds living in Catalonia to explore the use of ICTs in their economic integration. The results show that the three groups of migrant women studied perceive ICTs as important instruments of economic integration, though they tend to use them rather marginally for this purpose. The mediating role of network capital is not forthcoming, bridging social networks being rather a consequence than a determinant of migrant women’s economic integration. Digital connectivity does not seem to cancel out the relevance of traditional variables of social inequality such as education, age, or origin. Young educated women, and particularly of Romanian and Ecuadorian origins, tend to make a better use of ICTs for their economic integration in Catalonia.Este artículo utiliza datos de 35 entrevistas semiestructuradas a mujeres inmigradas en Catalunya procedentes de tres diferentes colectivos étnicos, para explorar el uso de las TIC en su integración económica. Los resultados muestran que los tres grupos de mujeres migrantes estudiados perciben las TIC como instrumentos relevantes en sus procesos de integración económica, aunque el uso para este propósito tiende a ser marginal. El papel mediador del capital red no es diáfano; las redes sociales heterogéneas parecen ser más una consecuencia y no un factor determinante de la integración económica de las mujeres migrantes. La conectividad digital no parece anular la relevancia de las variables tradicionales de la desigualdad social como la educación, la edad o el origen. Las mujeres jóvenes con mayor nivel educativo y, en particular las de orígenes rumano o ecuatoriano, tienden a hacer un mejor uso de las TIC para su integración económica en Cataluña.Este artigo explora o papel das TICs na integração econômica de três grupos de mulheres imigrantes na Catalunha e enfatiza o uso do telefone celular e da internet. Os resultados mostram que os três grupos de mulheres migrantes estudados percebem as TICs como instrumentos relevantes em seus processos de integração econômica, ainda que o uso para esse propósito tenda a ser marginal. O papel mediador do capital rede não é claro, as redes sociais heterogêneas parecem ser mais uma consequência e não um fator determinante da integração econômica das mulheres migrantes. A conectividade digital não parece anular a relevância das variáveis tradicionais da desigualdade social como a educação, a idade ou a origem. As mulheres jovens com maior nível educacional e, em particular, as de origem romena ou equatoriana tendem a fazer um melhor uso das TICs para sua integração econômica na Catalunha

    A Preliminary Review of Behavioural Biometrics for Health Monitoring in the Elderly

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    This article explores the potential of ICT-based biometrics for monitoring the health status of the elderly people. It departs from specific ageing and biometric traits to then focus on behavioural biometric traits like handwriting, speech and gait to finally explore their practical application in health monitoring of elderly

    El arraigo local en proyectos energéticos comunitarios. Una perspectiva de emprendimiento social

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    An increasing number of community energy projects have emerged recently, reflecting diverse sociotechnical configurations in the energy sector. This article is based on an empirical study examining different types of community energy projects such as energy cooperatives, public service utilities and other entrepreneurially oriented initiatives across the European Union. Based on an in-depth analysis of three case studies, the article aims to introduce a social entrepreneurship perspective when discussing the relationship between local embeddedness and different forms of organisation and ownership in community energy. The results indicate that community energy projects can expand beyond the local scale without losing their collective and democratic form of functioning and ownership. Moreover, social movements can act as catalysts for this expansion beyond the local, in a quest for wider social transformation. Social entrepreneurship may provide a suitable analytical lens to avoid the ‘local trap’ when examining different forms of organisation and ownership in renewable energy, and further explore the question of scaling.Recientemente, han surgido un número creciente de proyectos energéticos comunitarios, que reflejan diversas configuraciones socio-técnicas en el sector energético. Este artículo se basa en un estudio empírico que examina diferentes tipos de proyectos energéticos comunitarios como las cooperativas energéticas, las empresas de servicios públicos y otras iniciativas de orientación empresarial en toda la Unión Europea. Basado en un análisis en profundidad de tres estudios de caso, el artículo tiene como objetivo introducir una perspectiva de emprendimiento social cuando se discute la relación entre el arraigamiento local y los diferentes tipos de organización y propiedad en la energía comunitaria. Los resultados indican que los proyectos energéticos comunitarios pueden expandirse más allá de la escala local sin perder su forma colectiva y democrática de funcionamiento y propiedad. Además, los movimientos sociales pueden actuar como catalizadores de esta expansión más allá de lo local, en busca de una transformación social más amplia. El emprendimiento social puede proporcionar una lente analítica adecuada para evitar la “trampa local” al examinar diferentes formas de organización y propiedad en el sector de la energía renovable, mientras nos permite ahondar aún más en la cuestión de la expansión territorial de estos proyectos

    Population ageing and ICT: An exploratory review of technology innovation trough digital applications

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    The multidimensional process of physical, psychological, and social change produced by population ageing affects not only the quality of life of elderly people but also of our societies. Some dimensions of population ageing grow and expand over time (e.g. knowledge of the world events, or experience in particular situations), while others decline (e.g. reaction time, physical and psychological strength, or other functional abilities like reduced speed and tiredness). Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) can help elderly to overcome possible limitations due to ageing. As a particular case, biometrics can allow the development of new algorithms for early detection of cognitive impairments, by processing continuous speech, handwriting or other challenged abilities. Among all possibilities, digital applications (Apps) for mobile phones or tablets can allow the dissemination of such tools. In this article, after presenting and discussing the process of population ageing and its social implications, we explore how ICTs through different Apps can lead to new solutions for facing this major demographic challenge

    Perceived economic self‑sufficiency: a countryand generation‑comparative approach

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    We thank Michael Camasso and Radha Jagannathan as well as Asimina Christoforou, Gerbert Kraaykamp, Fay Makantasi, Tiziana Nazio, Kyriakos Pierrakakis, Jacqueline O’Reilly and Jan van Deth for their contribution to the CUPESSE project (Seventh Framework Programme; Grant Agreement No. 61325). CUPESSE received additional funding from the Mannheim Centre for European Social Research (MZES) and the Field of Focus 4 “Self-Regulation and Regulation: Individuals and Organisations” at Heidelberg University. We further acknowledge helpful comments on this article by two anonymous reviewers. Julian Rossello provided valuable research assistance.Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (https ://doi.org/10.1057/ s4130 4-018-0186-3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.Existing datasets provided by statistical agencies (e.g. Eurostat) show that the economic and financial crisis that unfolded in 2008 significantly impacted the lives and livelihoods of young people across Europe. Taking these official statistics as a starting point, the collaborative research project “Cultural Pathways to Economic Self-Sufficiency and Entrepreneurship in Europe” (CUPESSE) generated new survey data on the economic and social situation of young Europeans (18–35 years). The CUPESSE dataset allows for country-comparative assessments of young people’s perceptions about their socio-economic situation. Furthermore, the dataset includes a variety of indicators examining the socio-economic situation of both young adults and their parents. In this data article, we introduce the CUPESSE dataset to political and social scientists in an attempt to spark a debate on the measurements, patterns and mechanisms of intergenerational transmission of economic self-sufficiency as well as its political implications.CUPESSE project (Seventh Framework Programme; Grant Agreement No. 61325

    The political transnationalism of immigrant associations in Barcelona

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    Aquesta tesi vol respondre a dos preguntes fonamentals en l'àrea de recerca de la migració transnacional: s'impliquen els immigrants en el transnacionalisme polític? I, quins són els factors determinants del seu activisme polític transnacional ? Per respondre a la primera qüestió, comparo el nivell d'activisme polític transnacional d'una mostra d'associacions de diferents orígens immigrants a Barcelona. Per contestar a la segona, centro l'atenció en possibles factors determinants a dos nivells, meso i macro. La tesis demostra que l'activisme polític transnacional no està generalitzat entre totes les associacions a Barcelona, que presenta un nivell relativament baix de regularitat, i que generalment es desenvolupa al nivell nacional. També demostra que la necessitat d'examinar l'efecte del context de sortida i, més en concret, l'estructura d'oportunitats polítiques del país d'origen sobre el transnacionalisme polític de les associacions d'immigrants. Altres determinants a nivell meso, com les xarxes socials o les fonts de finançament semblen explicar la variació en l'activisme polític transnacional de les associacions d'immigrants.This thesis addresses two fundamental questions in the transnational migration research field: whether or not all immigrants engage in political transnationalism? And which are the main determinants of their transnational political activism? To answer the first research question, I specifically compare different degrees of transnational political engagement of various national/ethnic origin immigrant associations in Barcelona. To answer the second research question, I focus on meso- and macro- levels determinants. The thesis demonstrates that transnational political engagement is not generalised among all immigrant associations in Barcelona, presents a relatively low level of regularity, and is generally nationally based. It also demonstrates the importance of studying the effect of the exit context and, in particular, of the political opportunity structure in home country on the political transnationalism of immigrant associations. Meso- level determinants like social networks and sources of funds also seem to explain the variance in immigrant associations' transnational political engagement