372 research outputs found

    La interrupción civil en la prescripción extintiva

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    La investigación de campo que se ha llevado a cabo, ha contribuido de gran manera a los objetivos del presente trabajo, debido a que aporta un sinnúmero de elementos muy importantes como lo son: los aspectos doctrinarios, aspectos legales y la parte practica; y es que habiendo una buena conjunción de estos elementos acerca de un tema determinado, este se entiende y analiza de mejor manera. Esta parte investigativa fue conformada por dos aspectos muy relevantes y que a la vez resultaron muy efectivos; el primero de ellos es el análisis de un caso práctico sobre la interrupción civil en la prescripción extintiva que como se observó en su momento, aportó un gran número de experiencias al presente trabajo, comenzando por el procedimiento que se sigue, luego la competencia de los jueces, las disposiciones legales que abarca, el trato que le dan los jueces y litigantes al tema y sobre todo al poner de manifiesto el quehacer judicial al respecto. El segundo aspecto en el cual se enfocó esta investigación fue en la elaboración de entrevistas no estructuradas dirigidas a jueces, abogados y estudiantes a quienes según su área, se les hizo una serie de preguntas con miras a llenar los vacíos que se planteaban en el transcurso de la investigación y que ello fuere orientado a cumplir con los objetivos de la misma.142 En cada una de las entrevistas se usaron preguntas similares, pero la mayoría fueron acerca del nivel académico de los sectores entrevistados, además se les preguntó sobre el otro sector entrevistado y viceversa. Dando todo esto como resultado el cumplimiento de los objetivos trazados al inicio de la investigación, asimismo con la verificación de las hipótesis trazadas en el desarrollo de la mism

    La diversificación económica de los pescadores de pequeña escala y sus contribuciones en los objetivos de la Agenda 2030

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    La pesca de pequeña escala es relevante. Sin embargo, aspectos como la sobrepesca, el crecimiento de la población humana, el estado de los stocks, influyen en la adopción de estrategias de diversificación económica por los pescadores. Este artículo investiga cómo evoluciona este proceso, identificando éxitos y desafíos, y sus contribuciones en los ODS de la Agenda 2030. Se realizó una revisión de alcance y análisis crítico de publicaciones del 2017 al 2022. Se encontró que el proceso de diversificación se gesta a nivel mundial, independientemente de las disimilitudes entre flotas. La diversificación muestra dos vías principales de evolución: en las actividades pesqueras y en actividades no pesqueras de acuerdo al patrimonio de cada región, destacando actividades turísticas, servicios de transporte, alimentos y acuicultura. La política pública, la capacitación y la integración del conocimiento académico se identifican como elementos de éxito, mientras que el control del mercado por mayoristas, sistemas de cuotas y una débil gobernanza destacan como desafíos. Se reconocen aportes importantes en seguridad alimentaria, reducción de pobreza y empleos dignos. No hay evidencia concluyente de sus impactos en ecosistemas sanos.The economic diversification of small-scale fishers and their contributions to the goals of the 2030 AgendaSmall-scale fishing is relevant. However, aspects such as overfishing, the human population growth, the state of the fishing stocks, influence the adoption of economic diversification strategies by fishers. This article investigates how this process evolves, identifying successes and challenges, and its contributions to the SDGs of the 2030 Agenda. A scope review and critical analysis of publications from 2017 to 2022 was carried out. It was found that the diversification process takes place worldwide, regardless of the differences between fleets. Diversification shows two main paths of evolution: in fishing activities and in non-fishing activities according to the heritage of each region, highlighting tourist activities, transportation services, food and aquaculture. Public policy, training and the integration of academic knowledge are identified as elements of success, while market control by wholesalers, quota systems and a weak governance stand out as challenges. Important contributions to food security, poverty reduction and decent jobs are recognized. There is no conclusive evidence of its impacts on healthy ecosystems

    Yield and Production of Charcoal with three Rabo Quente type Furnaces

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    El Proyecto tuvo como objetivo Analizar el rendimiento y la productividad y áreas de oportunidad de los 3 Hornos de Ladrillo tipo Rabo Quente en la producción de carbón vegetal, en el Ejido de Mesa Chica, Ahuazotepec, Puebla”. Se realizó la quema, operación, monitoreo y productividad del Paquete tecnológico en lapsos de tiempo. Análisis de la eficiencia del sistema bajo un análisis estadístico. Los resultados fueron: la revisión y análisis de la situación actual de la producción de carbón vegetal en la región; Proceso de apilamiento de materia prima y quema. Monitoreo y apagado de los hornos en un lapso de tiempo. Clasificación y producción de carbón vegetal. Análisis estadístico para determinar la funcionalidad, eficiencia, calidad y áreas de oportunidad de los hornos para la producción de carbón vegetal. Con este proyecto se busca tener una mejor productividad, impacto económico, social y ambiental en la producción de carbón vegetal en el Ejido.The objective of the Project was to analyze the productivity and areas of opportunity of the 3 Rabo Quente type Brick Kilns in the production of charcoal, in the Mesa Chica Ejido, Ahuazotepec, Puebla. The burning, operation, monitoring and productivity of the technological package were carried out in time lapses. Analysis of system efficiency under statistical analysis. The results were: the review and analysis of the current situation of charcoal production in the region; Raw material stacking and burning process. Monitoring and shutdown of ovens over a period of time. Classification and production of charcoal. Statistical analysis to determine the functionality, efficiency, quality and areas of opportunity of the ovens for the production of charcoal. This project seeks to have better productivity, economic, social and environmental impact in the production of charcoal in the Ejido

    Efeito da suplementação dietética de Saccharomyces cerevisiae sobre parâmetros produtivos e utilização de nutrientes de codornas japonesas (Coturnix coturnix japonica) em crescimento

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    The aim of the study was to evaluate the effect of dietary supplementation of live yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae (LSC) at levels of 0.15 to 0.45% (dry matter basis), on productive efficiency and nutrient utilization in growing Japanese quails. A total of 155 Japanese quails aged 15 days were assigned to 4 treatments: T1 or control diet with 0% LSC, and T2, T3 and T4, with 0.15, 0.30 and 0.45% LSC (dry matter base) (Saccharomyces cerevisiae with 1.4 x 109 CFU/mL). Each treatment had n=4 repetitions (cages), with 7 - 8 birds per cage. The productive variables body weight (g), daily weight gain (ADP, g/day), feed consumption (g/bird/day), feed efficiency, and viability (%) were determined. Results were analyzed with ANOVA. The inclusion of 0.45% LSC in the diet increased (P < 0.05) feed intake, improved bird survival, and the protein utilization rate, with no effect (P > 0.05) on weight, feed conversion, and ADP in growing quails.El presente trabajo de investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de la suplementación dietética de levadura viva Saccharomyces cerevisiae (LSC) a niveles de 0.15 a 0.45% (base seca), sobre la eficiencia productiva y la utilización de nutrientes en codornices japonesas en crecimiento. Un total de 155 codornices japonesas de 15 días de edad fueron asignadas a 4 tratamientos: T1 o dieta control con 0% de LSC, y T2, T3 y T4, con 0.15, 0.30 y 0.45 % de LSC (base materia seca) (Saccharomyces cerevisiae con 1.4 x 109 UFC/mL). Cada tratamiento tuvo n=4 repeticiones (jaulas), con 7 - 8 aves por jaula. Se determinaron las variables productivas peso de las aves (g), aumento de peso diario (ADP, g/día), consumo de alimento (g/ave/día), eficiencia alimenticia, y la viabilidad (%). Los resultados se analizaron con ANOVA. La inclusión de 0.45% LSC en la dieta incrementó (P < 0.05) el consumo de alimento, mejoró la supervivencia de las aves y la eficiencia de utilización de la proteína, sin tener efecto (P > 0.05) sobre el peso, conversión de alimento y ADP en las codornices en crecimiento.Resumo. O objetivo deste trabalho de pesquisa foi avaliar o efeito da suplementação dietética de levedura viva Saccharomyces cerevisiae (LSC) em níveis de 0,15 a 0,45% (base seca), na eficiência produtiva e utilização de nutrientes em codornas japonesas em crescimento. Um total de 155 codornas japonesas com 15 dias de idade foram distribuídas em 4 tratamentos: T1 (dieta controle) com 0% LSC, e T2, T3 e T4, com 0,15, 0,30 e 0,45 % LSC (base matéria seca) ( Saccharomyces cerevisiae com 1,4 x 109 UFC/mL). Cada tratamento teve n=4 réplicas (gaiolas), com 7 - 8 aves por gaiola. As variáveis ​​produtivas foram determinadas: peso da ave (g), ganho de peso diário (PIB, g/dia), consumo de ração (g/ave/dia), conversão alimentar e viabilidade (%). Os resultados foram analisados ​​com ANOVA. A inclusão de 0,45% LSC na dieta aumentou (P < 0,05) o consumo de ração, melhorou a sobrevivência das aves e a eficiência de utilização da proteína, sem efeito (P > 0,05) sobre o peso, conversão alimentar e PIB em codornas em crescimento

    Predictors of Source Memory Success and Failure in Older Adults

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    Source memory decline has been identified as one of the types of memory most seriously affected during older age. It refers to our capacity to recollect the contextual information in which our experiences take place. Although most elderly adults will be affected by progressive source memory decline, a subset of individuals will not follow this average pattern; instead, their source memory capabilities will remain functional. Likewise, a minority of individuals will manifest an extreme decay of their source memory abilities. The objective of the present study was to identify among 120 potential predictors that significantly contributed to these two extreme source memory outcomes. Spatial source memory was measured in a sample of 519 healthy individuals between 61 and 80 years old. Individuals who performed below the 20th and above the 80th percentiles in the source memory task were defined as individuals whose episodic memory failed and succeeded, respectively. Logistic models identified five and six significant predictors of source memory success and failure in older age, respectively. High source memory performance was mainly predicted by healthy cardiovascular markers and psychological traits, whereas low source memory performance was primarily predicted by consumption habits and by less engagement in mental activities. The models identified relevant biological and life experiences that underlie these unusual source memory outcomes in older age

    Tracing the assembly histories of galaxy clusters in the nearby universe

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    We have compiled a sample of 67 nearby (zz < 0.15) clusters of galaxies, for which on average more than 150 spectroscopic members are available, and, by applying different methods to detect substructures in their galaxy distribution, we have studied their assembly history. Our analysis confirms that substructures are present in 70% of our sample, having a significant dynamical impact in 57% of them. A classification of the assembly state of the clusters based on the dynamical significance of their substructures is proposed. In 19% of our clusters, the originally identified brightest cluster galaxy is not the central gravitationally dominant galaxy (CDG), but turns out to be either the second-rank, or the dominant galaxy of a substructure (a SDG, in our classification), or even a possible "fossil" galaxy in the periphery of the cluster. Moreover, no correlation was found in general between the projected offset of the CDG from the X-ray peak and its peculiar velocity. The comparison of the CDGs properties with the assembly states and dynamical state of the intracluster media, especially the core cooling status, suggests a complex assembly history, with clear evidence of co-evolution of the CDG and its host cluster in the innermost regions.Comment: Contains 33 pages, 12 figures, 8 tables. On the accompanying webpage ( http://www.astro.ugto.mx/recursos/HP_SCls/Top70.html ), we offer the complete set of figures describing all clusters presented in this articl

    FPGA-Based Fused Smart-Sensor for Tool-Wear Area Quantitative Estimation in CNC Machine Inserts

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    Manufacturing processes are of great relevance nowadays, when there is a constant claim for better productivity with high quality at low cost. The contribution of this work is the development of a fused smart-sensor, based on FPGA to improve the online quantitative estimation of flank-wear area in CNC machine inserts from the information provided by two primary sensors: the monitoring current output of a servoamplifier, and a 3-axis accelerometer. Results from experimentation show that the fusion of both parameters makes it possible to obtain three times better accuracy when compared with the accuracy obtained from current and vibration signals, individually used

    Inhibitory to non-inhibitory evolution of the ζ subunit of the F1FO-ATPase of Paracoccus denitrificans and α-proteobacteria as related to mitochondrial endosymbiosis

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    Introduction: The ζ subunit is a potent inhibitor of the F1FO-ATPase of Paracoccus denitrificans (PdF1FO-ATPase) and related α-proteobacteria different from the other two canonical inhibitors of bacterial (ε) and mitochondrial (IF1) F1FO-ATPases. ζ mimics mitochondrial IF1 in its inhibitory N-terminus, blocking the PdF1FO-ATPase activity as a unidirectional pawl-ratchet and allowing the PdF1FO-ATP synthase turnover. ζ is essential for the respiratory growth of P. denitrificans, as we showed by a Δζ knockout. Given the vital role of ζ in the physiology of P. denitrificans, here, we assessed the evolution of ζ across the α-proteobacteria class.Methods: Through bioinformatic, biochemical, molecular biology, functional, and structural analyses of several ζ subunits, we confirmed the conservation of the inhibitory N-terminus of ζ and its divergence toward its C-terminus. We reconstituted homologously or heterologously the recombinant ζ subunits from several α-proteobacteria into the respective F-ATPases, including free-living photosynthetic, facultative symbiont, and intracellular facultative or obligate parasitic α-proteobacteria.Results and discussion: The results show that ζ evolved, preserving its inhibitory function in free-living α-proteobacteria exposed to broad environmental changes that could compromise the cellular ATP pools. However, the ζ inhibitory function was diminished or lost in some symbiotic α-proteobacteria where ζ is non-essential given the possible exchange of nutrients and ATP from hosts. Accordingly, the ζ gene is absent in some strictly parasitic pathogenic Rickettsiales, which may obtain ATP from the parasitized hosts. We also resolved the NMR structure of the ζ subunit of Sinorhizobium meliloti (Sm-ζ) and compared it with its structure modeled in AlphaFold. We found a transition from a compact ordered non-inhibitory conformation into an extended α-helical inhibitory N-terminus conformation, thus explaining why the Sm-ζ cannot exert homologous inhibition. However, it is still able to inhibit the PdF1FO-ATPase heterologously. Together with the loss of the inhibitory function of α-proteobacterial ε, the data confirm that the primary inhibitory function of the α-proteobacterial F1FO-ATPase was transferred from ε to ζ and that ζ, ε, and IF1 evolved by convergent evolution. Some key evolutionary implications on the endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria, as most likely derived from α-proteobacteria, are also discussed

    Rede de Aerobiologia da Extremadura

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    The development of aerobiological networks in Spain has been made at the level of the autonomous communities. In Extremadura the sampling is conducted by the University of Extremadura. It began in 1993 with a station in Badajoz (BA). Two towns have had sampling on a temporary basis: Cáceres (CC 1996-2001) and Merida (ME 1996-1998). Currently there are 3 more sampling stations, which have been running since 2011: Plasencia (PL), Don Benito (DB) and Zafra (ZA), and CC again recently. The Annual Pollen Index (annual daily amounts) has shown an average of more than 50.000 pollen grains/m3 (23.532-92.655). In Badajoz (23 years) the results show a downward trend. The maximum daily concentration peaks were reached in 1997, with values of 6.102 grains/ m3 (CC 21/3) and 5.041 grains/m3 (BA 23/3). The five most important pollen types represent 78% of all the pollen registered. Their importance varies from one station to another. Quercus, Poaceae, Olea, Cupressaceae and Platanus, in this order, are the most abundant pollen types in all stations, except Platanus, which is the second most abundant in DB, and Olea, which is second in ZA. The data have been available on the research group’s website (www.aerouex.es) since 2006, and the record of visitors to the site shows a signi cant correlation with the concentration of pollen. Extremadura stands out for its high pollen concentrations of Poaceae and Quercus, due to its wide expanses of oak and cork trees. Pollen from ornamental sources –Cupressaceae and Platanus— shows a strong dependence on their abundance and distribution.El desarrollo de redes aerobiológicas en España se ha realizado a nivel de las comunidades autónomas. En Extremadura el muestreo llevado a cabo por la Universidad de Extremadura comenzó en 1993 con la estación de Badajoz (BA). Dos localidades han tenido muestreo de forma temporal, Cáceres (CC 1996-2001) y Mérida (ME 1996-1998). En la actualidad se cuenta con 3 estaciones de muestreo más, funcionando desde 2011: Plasencia (PL), Don Benito (DB) y Zafra (ZA) y, de forma reciente, nuevamente CC. El Índice Polínico Anual (la suma de las concentraciones de polen diarias para un año) ha mostrado un promedio de más de 50.000 granos/m3 (23.532-92.655). Para Badajoz (23 años) se aprecia una tendencia a la reducción. Los picos de concentración diaria máxima se alcanzaron en 1997 con valores de 6.102 granos/m3 (CC 21/3) y 5.041 granos/m3 (BA 23/3). Los cinco tipos polínicos más relevantes representan el 78% del total de polen registrado. Su importancia varía de una estación a otra. Quercus, Poaceae, Olea, Cupressaceae y Platanus, en este orden, son los tipos más abundantes en todas las estaciones, excepto Platanus que es el segundo en DB y Olea que es el segundo en ZA. Desde 2006 los datos están disponibles a través de la página web del grupo de investigación (www.aerouex.es) y el registro de los accesos a dicho sitio muestra una correlación significativa con la concentración de polen. Extremadura se destaca por los altos valores de concentración de polen de Quercus y Poaceae, debido a la gran extensión de encinares y alcornocales. El polen de fuentes ornamentales, Cupressaceae y Platanus, muestra una importante dependencia de su abundancia y distribución en las localidades estudiadas.O desenvolvimento das redes de aerobiologia em Espanha foi realizado ao nível das comunidades autónomas. Na Extremadura a amostragem levada a cabo pela Universidade de Extremadura começou em 1993 com a estação de Badajoz (BA). Duas localidades foram temporariamente estudadas como pontos de amostragem, Cáceres (CC 1996-2001) e Mérida (ME 1996-1998). Existem, atualmente, em execução desde 2011, mais 3 estações de amostragem: Plasencia (PL), Don Benito (DB) e Zafra (ZA) e, recentemente, de novo CC. O Índice Polínico Anual (somas diárias anuais) mostrou uma média de mais de 50.000 grãos/m3 (23.532-92.655). Em Badajoz (23 anos) verifica-se uma tendência para a redução da concentração. Os picos de concentração máximos diários foram alcançados em 1997 com os valores de 6.102 grãos/m3 (CC 21/3) e 5.041 grãos/m3 (BA 23/3). Os cinco tipos polínicos mais importantes representam 78% de pólen total registrado. A sua importância varia de uma estação para outra. Quercus, Poaceae, Olea, Cupressaceae e Platanus, nesta ordem, são os tipos mais abundantes em todas as estações, exceto Platanus que é o segundo em DB e Olea que é o segundo em ZA. Os dados estão disponíveis desde 2006 através do site do grupo de investigação (www. aerouex.es) e o registro de acessos mostra uma correlação significativa com a concentração de pólen. A Extremadura destaca-se pelos valores elevados de concentração de pólen de Poaceae e de Quercus, devido à grande extensão de azinheiras e sobreiros. O pólen de origens ornamentais, Cupressaceae e Platanus, mostra uma dependência significativa de sua abundância e distribuição nas localidades estudadas