644 research outputs found

    Analytic Kramer kernels, Lagrange-type interpolation series and de Branges spaces

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    The classical Kramer sampling theorem provides a method for obtaining orthogonal sampling formulas. In particular, when the involved kernel is analytic in the sampling parameter it can be stated in an abstract setting of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces of entire functions which includes as a particular case the classical Shannon sampling theory. This abstract setting allows us to obtain a sort of converse result and to characterize when the sampling formula associated with an analytic Kramer kernel can be expressed as a Lagrange-type interpolation series. On the other hand, the de Branges spaces of entire functions satisfy orthogonal sampling formulas which can be written as Lagrange-type interpolation series. In this work some links between all these ideas are established

    Geographical inequalities in energy poverty in a Mediterranean city : Using small-area Bayesian spatial models

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    Altres ajuts: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; European Union, European Regional Development Fund (FEDER); CIBER Epidemiología Salud Pública (CIBERESP), sub-program "Energy Poverty and Health"; Fondo Social Europeo.Energy poverty (EP) is becoming an increasingly important problem in the urban contexts of southern Europe. In Barcelona, EP indicators are higher than those of the European Union and are strongly associated with poor health status and high use of health services and medication, becoming a major public health problem. EP is unevenly distributed in the population of Barcelona, according to axes of social stratification. However, its geographic distribution at the small-area level remains unknown because it cannot be directly estimated with the available information sources and commonly used methods. Therefore, the aim of this study was to analyze geographical inequalities in EP in Barcelona by estimating reliable small-area EP indicators and a composite indicator (index). We used a novel method that allowed us to obtain 6 EP indicators for the 73 Barcelona neighborhoods and an EP index from a principal component analysis of these indicators. We found major geographical inequalities in the distribution of EP in Barcelona. Many neighborhoods had significantly higher EP than the city average, and these areas made up 3 well-defined spatial clusters. Therefore, the estimated small-area indicators and index allowed identification of the most affected neighborhoods. These results indicate the need to prioritize these areas for local interventions to alleviate EP, and could also be used for policy making

    Contribución al conocimiento de la flora de Andalucía: citas novedosas e interesantes de la provincia de Almería

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    Contribution to the knowledge about Andalusian flora: new and interesting cites of the Almería province.Palabras clave. Corología, Isla de Alborán, sureste ibérico, xenófitas.Key words. Corology, Alborán Island, South-Eastern Iberian Peninsula, xenophytes

    Intracoronary ultrasound assessment of directional coronary atherectomy: Immediate and follow-up findings

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    AbstractObjectives. This study was conducted to assess the relations among intracoronary ultrasound, angiographic and histologic data obtained from patients with coronary artery disease successfully treated by directional coronary atherectomy. In addition, it was designed to elucidate whether some aspects of intravascular ultrasound or pathologic findings could predict a propensity to restenosis.Background. Intracoronary ultrasound is a useful technique in guiding and assessing atherectomy. However, there is little information about the characterization of the different types of coronary plaques and the changes observed in them after resection. Furthermore, the follow-up ultrasound appearance of previously treated lesions remains undepicted.Methods. Fifty-two patients (54 ± 10 years old) were studied. All were successfully treated by atherectomy with the aid of intracoronary ultrasound guidance. Qualitative and quantitative ultrasound and angiographic variables were derived before and after resection. Quantitative histologic morphometric information was also obtained from the specimens. In 22 patients, a follow-up echoangiographic reevaluation was performed 6 ± 4 months later.Results. Echogenic plaques had a higher collagen and calcium content, whereas echolucent plaques had an increased level of fibrin, nuclel and lipids. Ultrasound plaque reduction after atherectomy was greater in echolucent (76 ± 21%) than in echogenic plaques (60 ± 18%; p < 0.05). That reduction correlated with the weight of the resected material (r = 0.62; p < 0.01). At follow-up study, 13 of 22 patients had angiographic and ultrasound evidence of restenosis. Most recurrent lesions had a stenotic three-layer appearance. The incidence of restenosis of primary lesions treated with atherectomy was higher in echolucent (100%) than in echogenic (33%) plaques. Similarly, a higher proportion of nuclear content in the resected material was observed in patients who developed restenosis (2.1 ± 0.7%) than in patients who had late success after atherectomy (1.2 ± 0.6%).Conclusions. Our findings suggest that echolucent plaques are easier to resect than are echogenic plaques but frequently develop restenosis. In contrast, the resection of echogenic plaques, although often incomplete, is associated with better long-term results

    Aspectos didácticos en la formación de traductores para el ámbito económico e institucional

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    Este trabajo tiene que ver con uno de los objetivos perseguidos, en el marco del Proyecto Redes de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria del Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad de Alicante, por la red 2986 "Planificación docente y uso de COMENEGO (Corpus Multilingüe de Economía y Negocios) en la enseñanza de la traducción económica e institucional", relacionado, en concreto, con las metodologías docentes en traducción económica. Se presenta una síntesis de una serie de comunicaciones que se pronunciaron en el Congreso Internacional de Traducción Económica, Comercial, Financiera e Institucional, celebrado en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad de Alicante a finales de mayo de 2014

    Caracterización de áridos volcánicos de Canarias y aplicaciones en la construcción de carreteras

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    [Resumen:] Debido a su formación geológica, en los archipiélagos de la Macaronesia los áridos utilizados son siempre de naturaleza volcánica, bien procedentes de los depósitos piroclásticos (basálticos y sálicos), bien de la fragmentación de rocas volcánicas (basaltos, traquitas, fonolitas e ignimbritas). Algunas de estas litologías, especialmente los basaltos masivos, suelen proporcionar áridos con buenas propiedades mecánicas debido a su elevada densidad y resistencia. Sin embargo, con frecuencia, las rocas volcánicas suelen presentar estructuras alveolares y escoriáceas muy porosas, asociadas a la elevada velocidad de descompresión y de enfriamiento. En ocasiones, estos materiales han experimentado un importante proceso de alteración hidrotermal, por la prolongada exposición a un foco magmático activo. Además, su distribución espacial muestra una elevada heterogeneidad, debido a la escasa continuidad lateral de los materiales, incluso dentro de un mismo yacimiento. Por último, los valores de sus propiedades físicas ofrecen una gran dispersión estadística, debido al carácter aleatorio que tiene la fábrica mineral de las coladas. Todo ello condiciona que las propiedades de los áridos resultantes sean más variables y su calidad más heterogénea que en territorios continentales. Por otra parte, las publicaciones sobre estos materiales son escasas y los pliegos normativos no incluyen especificaciones adaptadas a estos litotipos volcánicos. Por estos motivos, se han recopilado datos experimentales de las propiedades mecánicas en roca matriz y en áridos resultantes y se ofrecen experiencias sobre el empleo de éstos áridos en la construcción de carreteras. Esto proporciona valores de referencia para establecer correlaciones entre propiedades básicas y mejorar su caracterización. También se ofrecen recomendaciones para sus aplicaciones y para la adaptación de las especificaciones normativas vigentes.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad; BIA2013-47987-C3-3-

    Contribución al conocimiento de la flora de Andalucía: citas novedosas de la provincia de Almería, el elemento estenócoro.

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    Contribution to the knowledge about Andalusian flora: new cites of the Almería province, the stenochorus elementPalabras clave. Corología, Iberomaghrebismos, sureste ibérico.Key words. Corology, Iberomaghrebism, South-eastern Iberian Peninsula