328 research outputs found

    Performance of the long-snouted seahorse, Hippocampus guttulatus, under warming conditions

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    Temperature is a determinant cue for several behavioral, physiological, and metabolic processes in fish, which occur within a range set to optimize species fitness. Understanding how ocean warming will impact species, at individual and population levels, is, therefore, of utmost relevance for management and conservation purposes. This knowledge assumes particular relevance when it comes to species with unique life history traits that experience multiple threats, such as seahorses. This study aimed to assess the effects of warming on growth, feed intake, and behavioral patterns of the long-snouted seahorse, Hippocampus guttulatus. Fish were collected, before the breeding season, in the Sado estuary, Portugal, and subsequently exposed for an 8-week period to three different temperatures: 17°C, 20°C, and 24°C. Three times a week, behavioral observations were performed. Feed intake was measured every day and individuals were weighed once a week. Results indicate differences in behavioral responses of seahorses exposed to increasingly warming conditions. Under extreme temperature conditions (24°C), fish were more active, and fed more, but this increment of energy through feeding did not translate into increased growth in weight. Altogether, these results indicate that Sado’s population of H. guttulatus may become under thermal stress when exposed, for a long term, to warming conditions that are expected to occur by the end of the century.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Food authentication by molecular methods

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    Quality and authenticity evaluation of foods encompasses many issues, such as the entire or partial fraudulent substitution of higher commercial value constituents by others with lower value and the presence of undeclared constituents/ingredients. To protect consumers from misleading labeling, regulations issued across the world have implemented specific guidelines and listed particular foods that sh ould be declared on the label. Particularly in the case of genetically modified foods, the introduc tion of specific regulations for labeling and traceability of genetically modified organisms (GMO) aimed to protect human health and environment and to give the consumer an informed choice. To address the referred food authenticity/safety problems, several analytical methodologies have been developed, particularly in processed foods, including refined oil matrices. For the first time, monitoring of amplifiable DNA in all the stages of a chemical refining industrial unit of soyb ean oil was succeeded by PCR techniques. Mo reover, we have also proved that it is possible to detect GM soybean along the refining process of crude oil. The study was also extended with success to commercial refined oils produced from blends and pure soybean

    Projeto de extensão “Pilates na deficiência visual”, quebrando barreiras

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    Devido à pandemia do novo coronavírus, o projeto de extensão “Pilates na deficiência visual” da Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro (UFTM) teve que se reinventar para manter suas atividades e proporcionar aos integrantes uma experiência positiva e construtiva. Os objetivos principais do projeto, no momento, são capacitar os membros à distância, por meio de discussões de artigos acadêmicos e de treinamentos do Pilates via online e também propiciar treinamento de Pilates e informações aos Deficientes Visuais (DV’s) sobre diversos assuntos relacionados à saúde e prevenção. Dessa forma, pretende-se preservar a proposta original do projeto e sanar possíveis dúvidas dessa população especial quanto ao contexto atual. Apesar de algumas incertezas trazidas pela pandemia, é imprescindível que os projetos de extensão se redescubram e se reinventem, de forma a dar continuidade no projeto original e ultrapassar limites impostos pelo distanciamento

    Properties and performance of mesoporous activated carbons from scrap tyres, bituminous wastes and coal

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    Tyre wastes and their blends with coal and a bituminous waste material obtained from the benzol distillation column of a by-product section of a coking plant were employed as a precursor for the production of activated carbons (ACs). Pyrolysis up to 850 °C followed by physical activation with CO2 produced mesoporous carbons with different pore size distributions and surface areas. The surface chemistry of the samples was studied by measuring the point of zero charge (pHpzc) and by temperature programmed desorption (TPD). The activated carbons obtained contained higher amounts of basic functional groups. Their textural and surface chemistry characteristics make them highly suitable for adsorbing anionic dyes of large molecular size, such as Congo red. The adsorption kinetics was found to conform closely to the pseudo-second-order kinetic model. To determine the adsorption mechanism, the kinetic data were also analyzed using the Weber and Morris intraparticle diffusion model and the Boyd model to distinguish between the pore and film diffusion steps. The equilibrium isotherms were of the Langmuir isotherm type. The efficiency of the low-cost ACs prepared for the removal of Congo red dye was similar to that reported in the literature for coal-based ACs and greater than that of other low-cost ACs

    Evaluation of the nicotine metabolite ratio in smoking patients treated with varenicline and bupropion

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    Background: Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death worldwide. It is responsible for several types of cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and diseases of the reproductive system, among others. Therefore, advances in research are increasingly necessary in order to make smoking cessation treatment more effective. Some studies have investigated the association of the nicotine metabolite ratio (NMR) with general characteristics and treatment outcomes. In the present study, the main aim was to evaluate the NMR in smoking patients from an Assistance Program of a tertiary cardiology hospital.Methodology: Serum samples were collected from 185 patients at T0 (while patients were still smoking and before starting pharmacological treatment). Cotinine and hydroxycotinine analytes were measured using liquid-chromatography tandem mass-spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). By looking at the relationship between hydroxycotinine and cotinine, we can obtain the NMR, with which it is possible to classify patients into slow metabolizers (NMR < 0.31), as well as normal or fast metabolizers (NMR ≥ 0.31).Results: From 185 patients, 55 were considered slow metabolizers and 130 as normal/fast. The metabolite averages were associated with the number of cigarettes smoked per day (p < 0.001 for cotinine and 0.023 hydroxycotinine). However, we were unable to analyze the association of the NMR with general and clinical characteristics of patients under smoking cessation treatment.Conclusion: We were able to evaluate the NMR, and to observe categories of metabolizers in Brazilian patients under pharmacological treatments. Thus, this study can contribute to the indication of a form of analysis, which might form part of the customization of smoking cessation treatments and, consequently, improve the success rates

    The Cenomanian-Turonian of Tamajón (Guadalajara, Spain): geological context, fossil content and palaeoenvironmental interpretation

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    La sección del Cenomaniense-Turoniense de Tamajón, con un alto valor científico, educativo y divulgativo, incluye las formaciones Utrillas, Villa de Vés y Picofrentes, y la parte inferior de la Formación Ciudad Encantada. Contiene huellas de vertebrados (cocodrilomorfos, un posible dinosaurio terópodo y peces), otros icnofósiles (principalmente Thalassinoides), plantas vasculares, una considerable diversidad de invertebrados, incluyendo corales, briozoos, braquiópodos, bivalvos, gasterópodos, cefalópodos, equinodermos (equinoideos) y crustáceos decápodos, y algunos restos de peces y reptiles marinos, entre otros fósiles. El conjunto de la sección registra una transgresión marina y el inicio de una regresión, incluyendo el paso de un medio continental y de transición, a un entorno claramente marino con abundantes invertebrados, que finalmente fue afectado por un descenso eustático.The Cenomanian-Turonian section (Upper Cretaceous) of Tamajón (Guadalajara, Spain) combines high scientific, educational and outreach values. Their materials unconformably lie onto Triassic deposits in Buntsandstein facies, being included into the Utrillas, Villa de Vés and Picofrentes formations, and the lower part of the Ciudad Encantada Formation. The section contains beds showing several tracks (occasionally trackways) of numerous crocodyliforms, a possible theropod dinosaur and some fishes, and different ichnofossils (mainly bioturbations Thalassinoides) usually caused by invertebrates. It also yields some fragments of trunks and branches of vascular plants, a high diversity of invertebrates, including scleractinian corals, bryozoans, brachiopods, bivalves (a high variety, including ostreids and rudists), gastropods, cephalopods (mainly ammonoids), echinoderms (echinoids), and decapod crustaceans, together with osteichtian and chondrichthyan fishes, and marine reptiles, among many other remains. The whole section records a marked marine transgression and the beginning of a regression, showing the change from a terrestrial and transitional setting, with vascular plants and crocodyliforms (Utrillas and Villa de Vés formations), to a fully marine environment, extraordinary rich in molluscs and other invertebrates (Picofrentes Formation), which finally was affected by a notable eustatic fall (lower part of Ciudad Encantada Formation).Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaDepto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)Diputación de GuadalajaraUniversidad Complutense de Madridpu

    Síndrome de Morgagni-Stewart-Morel: Morgagni-Stewart-Morel syndrome

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    Introdução: a síndrome de Morgagni Stewart Morel é uma entidade clínica rara. Sua principal característica é a hiperostose frontal interna. Além disso, conta com alterações endócrinas​ metabólicas e psiquiátricas. Pode estar acompanhada de obesidade, diabetes mellitus e hirsutismo. Possui maior prevalência na população feminina. Apresentação do caso: paciente do sexo feminino, 65 anos, obesa em menopausa há 12 anos. Relata em consulta queixa de cefaleia em aperto na região frontal há cerca de 6 anos. A mesma vem se intensificando gradativamente e há 01 semana a dor não é sanada mesmo com o uso de anti-inflamatórios ou analgésicos orais. Discussão: a síndrome de Morgagni-Stewart-Morel consiste em uma condição rara, caracterizada pela presença de Hiperostose Frontal Interna (HFI) associada a alterações metabólicas, psiquiátricas e endócrinas. Sua definição não é uniforme devido a diversidade de sintomas e a sua variabilidade em cada indivíduo. Possui incidência maior no sexo feminino e com idade acima de 50 anos, sua etiologia ainda é pouco conhecida. Algumas teorias buscam elucidar o tema como o aumento da leptina, desordem hormonal de andrógenos e há também defensores de uma síndrome genética, ligada ao X com penetrância variável. Conclusão: diante da raridade de casos da síndrome, o diagnóstico geralmente ocorre de modo incidental, por meio da correlação entre sintomatologia variada e investigação radiológica. Sua abordagem terapêutica é predominantemente sintomática, de modo a se optar por conduta cirúrgica em casos reservados

    Avulsão da Espinha Ilíaca anterosuperior pós traumática : Post-traumatic anterosuperior Iliac Spine avulsion

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    Introdução: As lesões ósseas da pelve e quadril são raras, e ocorrem principalmente na faixa etária de 8 a 14 anos, e estão relacionadas à prática de atividades físicas de alto impacto e repetitivas. As fraturas por avulsão das espinhas ilíacas superior e inferior e tuberosidade isquiática tem maior incidência devido ao aumento da prática de desportos nessa faixa etária. Apresentação do caso: I.P.M, masculino, 17 anos de idade, procurou o serviço do Hospital Geral de Goiás (HGG), referindo dor iniciada há 30 dias na face anterior do quadril esquerdo, durante partida de futebol. Refere aumento da intensidade da dor, e ao exame físico possui equimose local, edema e dor em quadril esquerdo. Ao raio x apresentou fratura da espinha ilíaca ântero superior à esquerda. Discussão: Essa lesão geralmente ocorre como resultado da contração súbita, vigorosa ou repetitiva do músculo sartório e tensor da fascia lata. Os sintomas mais comumente relatados são dor intensa associada a “estalos” na hemipelve afetada, edema, limitação funcional ipsilateral e equimoses. O tratamento é preferencialmente conservador, durando, em média, de 6 a 8 semanas. Já a cirurgia, é indicada para casos em que há desvio de mais de três centímetros ou com lesão neurovascular associada. Conclusão: Seu tratamento adequado, feito precocemente, torna-se importante na prevenção de lesões permanentes e complicações futuras. Na maioria das vezes, o tratamento e conservador, excetuando-se os casos de desvio fragmentário superior a três centímetros