374 research outputs found

    Cellular maturation defects in Bruton's tyrosine kinase-deficient immature B cells are amplified by premature B cell receptor expression and reduced by receptor editing

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    In the mouse, Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk) is essential for efficient developmental progression of CD43(+)CD2(-) large cycling into CD43(-)CD2(+) small resting pre-B cells in the bone marrow and of IgM(high) transitional type 2 B cells into IgM(low) mature B cells in the spleen. In this study, we show that the impaired induction of cell surface changes in Btk-deficient pre-B cells was still noticeable in kappa(+) immature B cells, but was largely corrected in lambda(+) immature B cells. As lambda gene rearrangements are programmed to follow kappa rearrangements and lambda expression is associated with receptor editing, we hypothesized that the transit time through the pre-B cell compartment or receptor editing may affect the extent of the cellular maturation defects in Btk-deficient B cells. To address this issue, we used 3-83 mu delta transgenic mice, which prematurely express a complete B cell receptor and therefore manifest accelerated B cell development. In Btk-deficient 3-83 mu delta mice, the IgM(+) B cells in the bone marrow exhibited a very immature phenotype (pre-BCR(+)CD43(+)CD2(-)) and were arrested at the transitional type 1 B cell stage upon arrival in the spleen. However, these cellular maturation defects were largely restored when Btk-deficient 3-83 mu delta B cells were on a centrally deleting background and therefore targeted for receptor editing. Providing an extended time window for developing B cells by enforced expression of the antiapoptotic gene Bcl-2 did not alter the Btk dependence of their cellular maturation. We conclude that premature B cell receptor expression amplifies the cellular maturation defects in Btk-deficient B cells, while extensive receptor editing reduces these defects

    Btk at the Pre-B Cell Receptor Checkpoint

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    Signalling from the BCR or its immature form, the pre-BCR, was shown to be crucial for B cell development. Gene-targeted mice have defined differential roles of components of the (pre-) BCR complex or its downstream signalling pathways. One of the proteins involved in (pre-) BCR signalling is the cytoplasmic protein Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (Btk). Mice deficient in Btk have B cell differentiation defects resulting in an X-linked immunodefi ciency (xid) phenotype. The xid phenotype is characterized by a reduction in the number of peripheral B cells and the residual B cell have an immature phenotype, indicating that the lack of Btk causes a block in peripheral B cell

    Impaired precursor B cell differentiation in Bruton's tyrosine kinase-deficient mice

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    Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk) is a cytoplasmic signaling molecule that is crucial for precursor (pre-B) cell differentiation in humans. In this study, we show that during the transition of large cycling to small resting pre-B cells in the mouse, Btk-deficient cells failed to efficiently modulate the expression of CD43, surrogate L chain, CD2, and CD25. In an analysis of the kinetics of pre-B cell differentiation in vivo, Btk-deficient cells manifested a specific developmental delay within the small pre-B cell compartment of about 3 h, when compared with wild-type cells. Likewise, in in vitro bone marrow cultures, Btk-deficient large cycling pre-B cells showed increased IL-7 mediated expansion and reduced developmental progression into noncycling CD2(+)CD25(+) surrogate L chain-negative small pre-B cells and subsequently into Ig-positive B cells. Furthermore, the absence of Btk resulted in increased proliferative responses to IL-7 in recombination-activating gene-1-deficient pro-B cells. These findings identify a novel role for Btk in the regulation of the differentiation stage-specific modulation of IL-7 responsiveness in pro-B and pre-B cells. Moreover, our results show that Btk is critical for an efficient transit through the small pre-B cell compartment, thereby regulating cell surface phenotype changes during the developmental progression of cytoplasmic mu H chain expressing pre-B cells into immature IgM(+) B cells

    Can verbal suggestions strengthen the effects of a relaxation intervention?

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    Short stress management interventions such as relaxation therapy have demonstrated preliminary effectiveness in reducing stress-related problems. A promising tool to strengthen the effectiveness of relaxation-based interventions is the use of verbal suggestions, as previous research provided evidence that verbal suggestions can induce positive outcome expectancies, facilitate adaptive responses to stress and improve health outcomes. The present experimental proof-of-concept study aimed to investigate the effects of a brief relaxation intervention and specifically the role of verbal suggestions on stress-related outcomes assessed by self-report questionnaires and psychophysiological data. 120 participants (mean age = 22.1 years) were randomized to one of four intervention conditions: a brief relaxation intervention plus verbal suggestions condition, a brief relaxation intervention only condition, a verbal suggestions only condition, and a control condition. Afterwards, participants were subjected to a psychosocial stress challenge to assess reactivity to a stressful event. Immediately after both relaxation interventions (with and without verbal suggestions), lower self-reported state anxiety was found compared to the control condition, but no differences were observed in response to the stressor. The verbal suggestions only condition did not impact state anxiety. No significant effects were found for verbal suggestion interventions on cortisol, alpha amylase, heart rate and skin conductance. This is the first study investigating the role of verbal suggestions in the effectiveness of a brief relaxation intervention. Although this experimental proof-of-concept study provides support for the effectiveness of a brief relaxation intervention in lowering state anxiety directly after the intervention, the effects did not impact the response to a subsequent stressor and we did not observe any evidence for the add-on effectiveness of verbal suggestions. The effectiveness of brief relaxation interventions on stress responses should be investigated further in future research by incorporating interventions that are tailored to the specific stress challenge and various types of verbal suggestions

    Function of Bruton's tyrosine kinase during B cell development is partially independent of its catalytic activity

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    The Tec family member Bruton's tyrosine kinase (Btk) is a cytoplasmic protein tyrosine kinase that transduces signals from the pre-B and B cell receptor (BCR). Btk is involved in pre-B cell maturation by regulating IL-7 responsiveness, cell surface phenotype changes, and the activation of lambda L chain gene rearrangements. In mature B cells, Btk is essential for BCR-mediated proliferation and survival. Upon BCR stimulation, Btk is transphosphorylated at position Y551, which promotes its catalytic activity and subsequently results in autophosphorylation at position Y223 in the Src homology 3 domain. To address the significance of Y223 autophosphorylation and the requirement of enzymatic activity for Btk function in vivo, we generated transgenic mice that express the autophosphorylation site mutant Y223F and the kinase-inactive mutant K430R, respectively. We found that Y223 autophosphorylation was not required for the regulation of IL-7 responsiveness and cell surface phenotype changes in differentiating pre-B cells, or for peripheral B cell differentiation. However, expression of the Y223F-Btk transgene could not fully rescue the reduction of lambda L chain usage in Btk-deficient mice. In contrast, transgenic expression of kinase-inactive K430R-Btk completely reconstituted lambda usage in Btk-deficient mice, but the defective modulation of pre-B cell surface markers, peripheral B cell survival, and BCR-mediated NF-kappaB induction were partially corrected. From these findings, we conclude that: 1) autophosphorylation at position Y223 is not essential for Btk function in vivo, except for regulation of lambda L chain usage, and 2) during B cell development, Btk partially acts as an adapter molecule, independent of its catalytic activity

    Tumor suppressor function of Bruton tyrosine kinase is independent of its catalytic activity

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    During B-cell development in the mouse, Bruton tyrosine kinase (Btk) and the adaptor protein SLP-65 (Src homology 2 [SH2] domain-containing leukocyte protein of 65 kDa) limit the expansion and promote the differentiation of pre-B cells. Btk is thought to mainly function by phosphorylating phospholipase Cgamma2, which is brought into close proximity of Btk by SLP-65. However, this model was recently challenged by the identification of a role for Btk as a tumor suppressor in the absence of SLP-65 and by the finding that Btk function is partially independent of its kinase activity. To investigate if enzymatic activity is critical for the tumor suppressor function of Btk, we crossed transgenic mice expressing the kinase-inactive K430R-Btk mutant onto a Btk/SLP-65 double-deficient background. We found that K430R-Btk expression rescued the severe developmental arrest at the pre-B-cell stage in Btk/SLP-65 double-deficient mice. Moreover, K430R-Btk co

    Placebo effects of open-label verbal suggestions on itch

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    Placebo effects are positive outcomes that are not due to active treatment components, which may be elicited even when patients are aware of receiving an inert substance (open-label). This proof-of-principle study investigated for the first time whether open-label placebo effects on itch can be induced by verbal suggestions alone. Ninety-two healthy volunteers were randomized to experimental (open-label suggestions) or control (no suggestions) groups. Self-reported itch evoked by histamine iontophoresis was the primary study outcome. In addition, itch expectations, skin condition and affect were assessed. The experimental group expected lower itch than the control group, which was, in turn, related to less experienced itch in this group only, although no significantly different itch levels were reported between groups. The results illustrate a potential role for open-label placebo effects in itch, and suggest that further study of verbal suggestions through an extensive explanation of placebo effects might be promising for clinical practice
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