564 research outputs found

    Simulation of cellular irradiation with the CENBG microbeam line using GEANT4

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    Light-ion microbeams provide a unique opportunity to irradiate biological samples at the cellular level and to investigate radiobiological effects at low doses of high LET ionising radiation. Since 1998 a single-ion irradiation facility has been developed on the focused horizontal microbeam line of the CENBG 3.5 MV Van de Graaff accelerator. This setup delivers in air single protons and alpha particles of a few MeV onto cultured cells, with a spatial resolution of a few microns, allowing subcellular targeting. In this paper, we present results from the use of the GEANT4 toolkit to simulate cellular irradiation with the CENBG microbeam line, from the entrance to the microprobe up to the cellular medium.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, presented at the 2003 IEEE-NSS conference, Portland, OR, USA, October 20-24, 200

    Biochemical characterization of glutaredoxins from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii reveals the unique properties of a chloroplastic CGFS-type glutaredoxin.

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    Glutaredoxins (GRXs) are small ubiquitous disulfide oxidoreductases known to use GSH as electron donor. In photosynthetic organisms, little is known about the biochemical properties of GRXs despite the existence of approximately 30 different isoforms in higher plants. We report here the biochemical characterization of Chlamydomonas GRX1 and GRX3, the major cytosolic and chloroplastic isoforms, respectively. Glutaredoxins are classified on the basis of the amino acid sequence of the active site. GRX1 is a typical CPYC-type GRX, which is reduced by GSH and exhibits disulfide reductase, dehydroascorbate reductase, and deglutathionylation activities. In contrast, GRX3 exhibits unique properties. This chloroplastic CGFS-type GRX is not reduced by GSH and has an atypically low redox potential (-323 +/- 4 mV at pH 7.9). Remarkably, GRX3 can be reduced in the light by photoreduced ferredoxin and ferredoxin-thioredoxin reductase. Both GRXs proved to be very efficient catalysts of A(4)-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase deglutathionylation, whereas cytosolic and chloroplastic thioredoxins were inefficient. Glutathionylated A(4)-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase is the first physiological substrate identified for a CGFS-type GRX

    Quantification of the Time Course of CYP3A Inhibition, Activation, and Induction Using a Population Pharmacokinetic Model of Microdosed Midazolam Continuous Infusion

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    Background Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 3A contributes to the metabolism of many approved drugs. CYP3A perpetrator drugs can profoundly alter the exposure of CYP3A substrates. However, effects of such drug-drug interactions are usually reported as maximum effects rather than studied as time-dependent processes. Identification of the time course of CYP3A modulation can provide insight into when significant changes to CYP3A activity occurs, help better design drug-drug interaction studies, and manage drug-drug interactions in clinical practice. Objective We aimed to quantify the time course and extent of the in vivo modulation of different CYP3A perpetrator drugs on hepatic CYP3A activity and distinguish different modulatory mechanisms by their time of onset, using pharmacologically inactive intravenous microgram doses of the CYP3A-specific substrate midazolam, as a marker of CYP3A activity. Methods Twenty-four healthy individuals received an intravenous midazolam bolus followed by a continuous infusion for 10 or 36 h. Individuals were randomized into four arms: within each arm, two individuals served as a placebo control and, 2 h after start of the midazolam infusion, four individuals received the CYP3A perpetrator drug: voriconazole (inhibitor, orally or intravenously), rifampicin (inducer, orally), or efavirenz (activator, orally). After midazolam bolus administration, blood samples were taken every hour (rifampicin arm) or every 15 min (remaining study arms) until the end of midazolam infusion. A total of 1858 concentrations were equally divided between midazolam and its metabolite, 1’-hydroxymidazolam. A nonlinear mixed-effects population pharmacokinetic model of both compounds was developed using NONMEM®. CYP3A activity modulation was quantified over time, as the relative change of midazolam clearance encountered by the perpetrator drug, compared to the corresponding clearance value in the placebo arm. Results Time course of CYP3A modulation and magnitude of maximum effect were identified for each perpetrator drug. While efavirenz CYP3A activation was relatively fast and short, reaching a maximum after approximately 2–3 h, the induction effect of rifampicin could only be observed after 22 h, with a maximum after approximately 28–30 h followed by a steep drop to almost baseline within 1–2 h. In contrast, the inhibitory impact of both oral and intravenous voriconazole was prolonged with a steady inhibition of CYP3A activity followed by a gradual increase in the inhibitory effect until the end of sampling at 8 h. Relative maximum clearance changes were +59.1%, +46.7%, −70.6%, and −61.1% for efavirenz, rifampicin, oral voriconazole, and intravenous voriconazole, respectively. Conclusions We could distinguish between different mechanisms of CYP3A modulation by the time of onset. Identification of the time at which clearance significantly changes, per perpetrator drug, can guide the design of an optimal sampling schedule for future drug-drug interaction studies. The impact of a short-term combination of different perpetrator drugs on the paradigm CYP3A substrate midazolam was characterized and can define combination intervals in which no relevant interaction is to be expected. Clinical Trial Registration The trial was registered at the European Union Drug Regulating Authorities for Clinical Trials (EudraCT-No. 2013-004869-14)

    Therapeutic drug monitoring of oral targeted antineoplastic drugs

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    Purpose This review provides an overview of the current challenges in oral targeted antineoplastic drug (OAD) dosing and outlines the unexploited value of therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM). Factors influencing the pharmacokinetic exposure in OAD therapy are depicted together with an overview of different TDM approaches. Finally, current evidence for TDM for all approved OADs is reviewed. Methods A comprehensive literature search (covering literature published until April 2020), including primary and secondary scientific literature on pharmacokinetics and dose individualisation strategies for OADs, together with US FDA Clinical Pharmacology and Biopharmaceutics Reviews and the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use European Public Assessment Reports was conducted. Results OADs are highly potent drugs, which have substantially changed treatment options for cancer patients. Nevertheless, high pharmacokinetic variability and low treatment adherence are risk factors for treatment failure. TDM is a powerful tool to individualise drug dosing, ensure drug concentrations within the therapeutic window and increase treatment success rates. After reviewing the literature for 71 approved OADs, we show that exposure-response and/or exposure-toxicity relationships have been established for the majority. Moreover, TDM has been proven to be feasible for individualised dosing of abiraterone, everolimus, imatinib, pazopanib, sunitinib and tamoxifen in prospective studies. There is a lack of experience in how to best implement TDM as part of clinical routine in OAD cancer therapy. Conclusion Sub-therapeutic concentrations and severe adverse events are current challenges in OAD treatment, which can both be addressed by the application of TDM-guided dosing, ensuring concentrations within the therapeutic window

    SOPHIE velocimetry of Kepler transit candidates XII. KOI-1257 b: a highly eccentric three-month period transiting exoplanet

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    In this paper we report a new transiting warm giant planet: KOI-1257 b. It was first detected in photometry as a planet-candidate by the Kepler{\it Kepler} space telescope and then validated thanks to a radial velocity follow-up with the SOPHIE spectrograph. It orbits its host star with a period of 86.647661 d ±\pm 3 s and a high eccentricity of 0.772 ±\pm 0.045. The planet transits the main star of a metal-rich, relatively old binary system with stars of mass of 0.99 ±\pm 0.05 Msun and 0.70 ± \pm 0.07 Msun for the primary and secondary, respectively. This binary system is constrained thanks to a self-consistent modelling of the Kepler{\it Kepler} transit light curve, the SOPHIE radial velocities, line bisector and full-width half maximum (FWHM) variations, and the spectral energy distribution. However, future observations are needed to confirm it. The PASTIS fully-Bayesian software was used to validate the nature of the planet and to determine which star of the binary system is the transit host. By accounting for the dilution from the binary both in photometry and in radial velocity, we find that the planet has a mass of 1.45 ± \pm 0.35 Mjup, and a radius of 0.94 ± \pm 0.12 Rjup, and thus a bulk density of 2.1 ± \pm 1.2 g.cm3^{-3}. The planet has an equilibrium temperature of 511 ±\pm 50 K, making it one of the few known members of the warm-jupiter population. The HARPS-N spectrograph was also used to observe a transit of KOI-1257 b, simultaneously with a joint amateur and professional photometric follow-up, with the aim of constraining the orbital obliquity of the planet. However, the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect was not clearly detected, resulting in poor constraints on the orbital obliquity of the planet.Comment: 39 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Spin states of asteroids in the Eos collisional family

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    Eos family was created during a catastrophic impact about 1.3 Gyr ago. Rotation states of individual family members contain information about the history of the whole population. We aim to increase the number of asteroid shape models and rotation states within the Eos collision family, as well as to revise previously published shape models from the literature. Such results can be used to constrain theoretical collisional and evolution models of the family, or to estimate other physical parameters by a thermophysical modeling of the thermal infrared data. We use all available disk-integrated optical data (i.e., classical dense-in-time photometry obtained from public databases and through a large collaboration network as well as sparse-in-time individual measurements from a few sky surveys) as input for the convex inversion method, and derive 3D shape models of asteroids together with their rotation periods and orientations of rotation axes. We present updated shape models for 15 asteroids and new shape model determinations for 16 asteroids. Together with the already published models from the publicly available DAMIT database, we compiled a sample of 56 Eos family members with known shape models that we used in our analysis of physical properties within the family. Rotation states of asteroids smaller than ~20 km are heavily influenced by the YORP effect, whilst the large objects more or less retained their rotation state properties since the family creation. Moreover, we also present a shape model and bulk density of asteroid (423) Diotima, an interloper in the Eos family, based on the disk-resolved data obtained by the Near InfraRed Camera (Nirc2) mounted on the W.M. Keck II telescope.Comment: Accepted for publication in ICARUS Special Issue - Asteroids: Origin, Evolution & Characterizatio

    Asteroids' physical models from combined dense and sparse photometry and scaling of the YORP effect by the observed obliquity distribution

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    The larger number of models of asteroid shapes and their rotational states derived by the lightcurve inversion give us better insight into both the nature of individual objects and the whole asteroid population. With a larger statistical sample we can study the physical properties of asteroid populations, such as main-belt asteroids or individual asteroid families, in more detail. Shape models can also be used in combination with other types of observational data (IR, adaptive optics images, stellar occultations), e.g., to determine sizes and thermal properties. We use all available photometric data of asteroids to derive their physical models by the lightcurve inversion method and compare the observed pole latitude distributions of all asteroids with known convex shape models with the simulated pole latitude distributions. We used classical dense photometric lightcurves from several sources and sparse-in-time photometry from the U.S. Naval Observatory in Flagstaff, Catalina Sky Survey, and La Palma surveys (IAU codes 689, 703, 950) in the lightcurve inversion method to determine asteroid convex models and their rotational states. We also extended a simple dynamical model for the spin evolution of asteroids used in our previous paper. We present 119 new asteroid models derived from combined dense and sparse-in-time photometry. We discuss the reliability of asteroid shape models derived only from Catalina Sky Survey data (IAU code 703) and present 20 such models. By using different values for a scaling parameter cYORP (corresponds to the magnitude of the YORP momentum) in the dynamical model for the spin evolution and by comparing synthetics and observed pole-latitude distributions, we were able to constrain the typical values of the cYORP parameter as between 0.05 and 0.6.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A, January 15, 201

    Protocol for a cluster randomised controlled feasibility study of Prehospital Optimal Shock Energy for Defibrillation (POSED)

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    Aims: The Prehospital Optimal Shock Energy for Defibrillation (POSED) study will assess the feasibility of conducting a cluster randomised controlled study of clinical effectiveness in UK ambulance services to identify the optimal shock energy for defibrillation. Methods: POSED is a pragmatic, allocation concealed, open label, cluster randomised, controlled feasibility study. Defibrillators within a single UK ambulance service will be randomised in an equal ratio to deliver one of three shock strategies 120–150–200 J, 150–200–200 J, 200–200–200 J. Consecutive adults (18 years or over) presenting with out of hospital cardiac arrest requiring defibrillation will be eligible. The study plans to enrol 90 patients (30 in each group). Patients (or their relatives for non-survivors) will be informed about trial participation after the initial emergency has resolved. Survivors will be invited to consent to participate in follow-up (i.e., at 30 days or discharge). The primary feasibility outcome is the proportion of eligible patients who receive the randomised study intervention. Secondary feasibility outcomes will include recruitment rate, adherence to allocated treatment and data completeness. Clinical outcomes will include Return of an Organised Rhythm (ROOR) at 2 minutes post-shock, refibrillation rate, Return of Spontaneous Circulation (ROSC) at hospital handover, survival and neurological outcome at 30 days. Conclusion: The POSED study will assess the feasibility of a large-scale trial and explore opportunities to optimise the trial protocol

    Insights in the maturational processes influencing hydrocortisone pharmacokinetics in congenital adrenal hyperplasia patients using a middle-out approach

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    Introduction: Hydrocortisone is the standard of care in cortisol replacement therapy for congenital adrenal hyperplasia patients. Challenges in mimicking cortisol circadian rhythm and dosing individualization can be overcome by the support of mathematical modelling. Previously, a non-linear mixed-effects (NLME) model was developed based on clinical hydrocortisone pharmacokinetic (PK) pediatric and adult data. Additionally, a physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model was developed for adults and a pediatric model was obtained using maturation functions for relevant processes. In this work, a middle-out approach was applied. The aim was to investigate whether PBPK-derived maturation functions could provide a better description of hydrocortisone PK inter-individual variability when implemented in the NLME framework, with the goal of providing better individual predictions towards precision dosing at the patient level. Methods: Hydrocortisone PK data from 24 adrenal insufficiency pediatric patients and 30 adult healthy volunteers were used for NLME model development, while the PBPK model and maturation functions of clearance and cortisol binding globulin (CBG) were developed based on previous studies published in the literature. Results: Clearance (CL) estimates from both approaches were similar for children older than 1 year (CL/F increasing from around 150 L/h to 500 L/h), while CBG concentrations differed across the whole age range (CBGNLME stable around 0.5 μM vs. steady increase from 0.35 to 0.8 μM for CBG PBPK). PBPK-derived maturation functions were subsequently included in the NLME model. After inclusion of the maturation functions, none, a part of, or all parameters were re-estimated. However, the inclusion of CL and/or CBG maturation functions in the NLME model did not result in improved model performance for the CL maturation function (ΔOFV > −15.36) and the re-estimation of parameters using the CBG maturation function most often led to unstable models or individual CL prediction bias. Discussion: Three explanations for the observed discrepancies could be postulated, i) non-considered maturation of processes such as absorption or first-pass effect, ii) lack of patients between 1 and 12 months, iii) lack of correction of PBPK CL maturation functions derived from urinary concentration ratio data for the renal function relative to adults. These should be investigated in the future to determine how NLME and PBPK methods can work towards deriving insights into pediatric hydrocortisone PK

    Obesity Alters Endoxifen Plasma Levels in Young Breast Cancer Patients: A Pharmacometric Simulation Approach

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    Endoxifen is the most important metabolite of the prodrug tamoxifen. High interindividual variability in endoxifen steady-state concentrations (CSS,min ENDX) is observed under tamoxifen standard dosing breast cancer patients that do not reach endoxifen concentrations above a proposed therapeutic threshold of 5.97 ng/mL may be at higher recurrence risk. In this investigation, 10 clinical tamoxifen studies were pooled (nPatients=1388) to investigate influential factors on CSS,min ENDX using nonlinear mixed-effects modelling. Age and body weight were found to significantly impact CSS,min ENDX in addition to CYP2D6 phenotype. Compared to post-menopausal patients, pre-menopausal patients had a 30% higher risk for subtarget CSS,min ENDX at tamoxifen 20 mg per day. In treatment simulations for distinct patient subpopulations, young overweight patients had a 3.1-13.8-fold higher risk for subtarget CSS,min ENDX compared to elderly low-weight patients. Considering ever-rising obesity rates and the clinical importance of tamoxifen for pre-menopausal patients, this subpopulation may benefit most from individualised tamoxifen dosing