6 research outputs found


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    Diversi studi hanno dimostrato che la preservazione delle fibre circolari del collo vescicale, dopo prostatectomia radicale, è una metodica in grado di garantire un recupero più rapido della continenza urinaria. In particolare, è risultata efficace sia nei pazienti operati con tecnica chirurgica laparoscopica robot-assistita (RALP) sia con tecnica chirurgica a cielo aperto (RRP). Lo scopo del nostro studio è stato quello di rivalutare i pazienti sottoposti ad intervento chirurgico di prostatectomia radicale per adenocarcinoma prostatico presso l’Urologia Universitaria dell’Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana, da gennaio 2011 a dicembre 2014, al fine di verificare i risultati funzionali riguardanti la continenza urinaria nei soggetti operati con i due diversi approcci: robotico e standard a cielo aperto. Abbiamo valutato 86 pazienti omogenei per età, Body Mass Index, Comorbidity Index e volume prostatico, sottoposti a prostatectomia radicale nel periodo compreso tra gennaio 2011 e dicembre 2014: 46 operati con tecnica a cielo aperto (RRP, gruppo 1) e anastomosi vescico-uretrale eseguita con 6 punti staccati in Polysorb, e 40 operati con tecnica laparoscopica robot-assistita (RALP, gruppo 2) e anastomosi eseguita con 2 suture semicontinue in Poliglecaprone, previa ricostruzione posteriore secondo Rocco modificata da Patel. I pazienti sono stati sottoposti ad uroflussometria, misurazione ecografica del residuo post-minzionale e, in caso di incontinenza urinaria, a pad-test nelle 24 ore, per un follow-up medio nei due gruppi di 33 e 29 mesi rispettivamente. Criterio aggiuntivo di valutazione è stata la durata di permanenza del catetere vescicale nel periodo post-operatorio. Il catetere vescicale è stato rimosso mediamente dopo 20,8 giorni nel gruppo 1 e 9,5 giorni nel gruppo 2. Undici pazienti che presentavano neoplasia di stadio maggiore di pT2, dei quali sette (15%) del gruppo 1 e quattro (10%) del gruppo 2, sono stati sottoposti successivamente a radioterapia, assieme a due pazienti del gruppo 1 con malattia pT2c. Il flusso massimo dei pazienti operati con RALRP è risultato migliore di quello dei pazienti operati con RRP (28,8 vs. 20,4 ml/s) con una significatività statistica p<0,001. Sei pazienti del gruppo 1 hanno sviluppato stenosi dell’anastomosi vescico-uretrale e sono stati sottoposti a successivo trattamento chirurgico di uretrotomia endoscopica; in nessuno dei pazienti sottoposti a RALRP abbiamo riscontrato questa complicanza. I soggetti continenti (non utilizzo di pad o utilizzo di un pad di sicurezza/die) erano rispettivamente 42 (91,3%) e 38 (95%) nei due gruppi, mentre gli incontinenti erano 4 (8,7%) e 2 (5%). La preservazione del collo vescicale consente il recupero a lungo termine di una buona continenza urinaria post-operatoria. La tecnica robotica fornisce risultati sovrapponibili a quelli ottenuti con la tecnica open, ma non risulta gravata nella nostra esperienza da stenosi dell’anastomosi vescico-uretrale richiedenti trattamento endoscopico, garantendo inoltre un flusso urinario significativamente più valido. Pertanto, le indicazioni per l’esecuzione della preservazione del collo vescicale sono valide sia nella chirurgia a cielo aperto che nella chirurgia robotica, ma quest’ultima, essendo associata ad un minor rischio di stenosi anastomotica, sembra trovare sempre maggiori indicazioni di applicazione

    Disease-specific and general health-related quality of life in newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients: The Pros-IT CNR study

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    Disease-specific and general health-related quality of life in newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients: The Pros-IT CNR study

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    BACKGROUND: The National Research Council (CNR) prostate cancer monitoring project in Italy (Pros-IT CNR) is an observational, prospective, ongoing, multicentre study aiming to monitor a sample of Italian males diagnosed as new cases of prostate cancer. The present study aims to present data on the quality of life at time prostate cancer is diagnosed. METHODS: One thousand seven hundred five patients were enrolled. Quality of life is evaluated at the time cancer was diagnosed and at subsequent assessments via the Italian version of the University of California Los Angeles-Prostate Cancer Index (UCLA-PCI) and the Short Form Health Survey (SF-12). RESULTS: At diagnosis, lower scores on the physical component of the SF-12 were associated to older ages, obesity and the presence of 3+ moderate/severe comorbidities. Lower scores on the mental component were associated to younger ages, the presence of 3+ moderate/severe comorbidities and a T-score higher than one. Urinary and bowel functions according to UCLA-PCI were generally good. Almost 5% of the sample reported using at least one safety pad daily to control urinary loss; less than 3% reported moderate/severe problems attributable to bowel functions, and sexual function was a moderate/severe problem for 26.7%. Diabetes, 3+ moderate/severe comorbidities, T2 or T3-T4 categories and a Gleason score of eight or more were significantly associated with lower sexual function scores at diagnosis. CONCLUSIONS: Data collected by the Pros-IT CNR study have clarified the baseline status of newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients. A comprehensive assessment of quality of life will allow to objectively evaluate outcomes of different profile of care

    Disease-specific and general health-related quality of life in newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients: the Pros-IT CNR study

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    Background: The National Research Council (CNR) prostate cancer monitoring project in Italy (Pros-IT CNR) is an observational, prospective, ongoing, multicentre study aiming to monitor a sample of Italian males diagnosed as new cases of prostate cancer. The present study aims to present data on the quality of life at time prostate cancer is diagnosed. Methods: One thousand seven hundred five patients were enrolled. Quality of life is evaluated at the time cancer was diagnosed and at subsequent assessments via the Italian version of the University of California Los Angeles-Prostate Cancer Index (UCLA-PCI) and the Short Form Health Survey (SF-12). Results: At diagnosis, lower scores on the physical component of the SF-12 were associated to older ages, obesity and the presence of 3+ moderate/severe comorbidities. Lower scores on the mental component were associated to younger ages, the presence of 3+ moderate/severe comorbidities and a T-score higher than one. Urinary and bowel functions according to UCLA-PCI were generally good. Almost 5% of the sample reported using at least one safety pad daily to control urinary loss; less than 3% reported moderate/severe problems attributable to bowel functions, and sexual function was a moderate/severe problem for 26.7%. Diabetes, 3+ moderate/severe comorbidities, T2 or T3-T4 categories and a Gleason score of eight or more were significantly associated with lower sexual function scores at diagnosis. Conclusions: Data collected by the Pros-IT CNR study have clarified the baseline status of newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients. A comprehensive assessment of quality of life will allow to objectively evaluate outcomes of different profile of care

    Pros-IT CNR: an Italian prostate cancer monitoring project

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    Aims: The Pros-IT CNR project aims to monitor a sample of Italian males \ue2\u89\ua518\uc2&nbsp;years of age who have been diagnosed in the participating centers with incident prostate cancer, by analyzing their clinical features, treatment protocols and outcome results in relation to quality of life. Methods: Pros-IT CNR is an observational, prospective, multicenter study. The National Research Council (CNR), Neuroscience Institute, Aging Branch (Padua) is the promoting center. Ninety-seven Italian centers located throughout Italy were involved. The field study began in September 1, 2014. Subjects eligible were diagnosed with biopsy-verified prostate cancer, na\uc3\uafve. A sample size of 1500 patients was contemplated. A baseline assessment including anamnestic data, clinical history, risk factors, the initial diagnosis, cancer staging information and quality of life (Italian UCLA Prostate Cancer Index; SF-12 Scale) was completed. Six months after the initial diagnosis, a second assessment evaluating the patient\ue2\u80\u99s health status, the treatment carried out, and the quality of life will be made. A third assessment, evaluating the treatment follow-up and the quality of life, will be made 12\uc2&nbsp;months after the initial diagnosis. The 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th assessments, similar to the third, will be completed 24, 36, 48 and 60\uc2&nbsp;months after the initial diagnosis, respectively, and will include also a Food Frequency Questionnaire and the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly. Discussion: The study will provide information on patients\ue2\u80\u99 quality of life and its variations over time in relation to the treatments received for the prostate cancer

    Analytical challenges for measuring steroid responses to stress, neurodegeneration and injury in the central nervous system

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