25 research outputs found

    Probing Very Bright End of Galaxy Luminosity Function at z >~ 7 Using Hubble Space Telescope Pure Parallel Observations

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    We report the first results from the Hubble Infrared Pure Parallel Imaging Extragalactic Survey, which utilizes the pure parallel orbits of the Hubble Space Telescope to do deep imaging along a large number of random sightlines. To date, our analysis includes 26 widely separated fields observed by the Wide Field Camera 3, which amounts to 122.8 sq.arcmin in total area. We have found three bright Y098-dropouts, which are candidate galaxies at z >~ 7.4. One of these objects shows an indication of peculiar variability and its nature is uncertain. The other two objects are among the brightest candidate galaxies at these redshifts known to date L>2L*. Such very luminous objects could be the progenitors of the high-mass Lyman break galaxis (LBGs) observed at lower redshifts (up to z~5). While our sample is still limited in size, it is much less subject to the uncertainty caused by "cosmic variance" than other samples because it is derived using fields along many random sightlines. We find that the existence of the brightest candidate at z~7.4 is not well explained by the current luminosity function (LF) estimates at z~8. However, its inferred surface density could be explained by the prediction from the LFs at z~7 if it belongs to the high-redshift tail of the galaxy population at z~7.Comment: ApJL in press (accepted Dec. 27, 2010); minor corrections and one figure added to address referee's comment

    HST/NICMOS Imaging of Bright High-Redshift 24{\mu}m-selected Galaxies: Merging Properties

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    We present new results on the physical nature of infrared-luminous sources at 0.5<z<2.8 as revealed by HST/NICMOS imaging and IRS mid-infrared spectroscopy. Our sample consists of 134 galaxies selected at 24\mum with a flux of S(24\mum) > 0.9 mJy. We find many (~60%) of our sources to possess an important bulge and/or central point source component, most of which reveal additional underlying structures after subtraction of a best-fit sersic (or sersic+PSF) profile. Based on visual inspection of the NIC2 images and their residuals, we estimate that ~80% of all our sources are mergers. We calculate lower and upper limits on the merger fraction to be 62% and 91% respectively. At z < 1.5, we observe objects in early (pre-coalescence) merging stages to be mostly disk and star formation dominated, while we find mergers to be mainly bulge-dominated and AGN-starburst composites during coalescence and then AGN-dominated in late stages. This is analogous to what is observed in local ULIRGs. At z \geq 1.5, we find a dramatic rise in the number of objects in pre-coalescence phases of merging, despite an increase in the preponderance of AGN signatures in their mid-IR spectra and luminosities above 10^12.5 L_sun. We further find the majority of mergers at those redshifts to retain a disk-dominated profile during coalescence. We conclude that, albeit still driven by mergers, these high-z ULIRGs are substantially different in nature from their local counterparts and speculate that this is likely due to their higher gas content. Finally, we observe obscured ({\tau}_{9.7\mum} > 3.36) quasars to live in faint and compact hosts and show that these are likely high-redshift analogs of local dense-core mergers. We find late-stage mergers to show predominantly unobscured AGN spectra, but do not observe other morphological classes to occupy any one specific region in the Spoon diagram. [abridged]Comment: 31 pages, 19 figures. Accepted for publication in Ap

    The ~0.9 mJy sample: A mid-infrared spectroscopic catalog of 150 infrared-luminous, 24 micron selected galaxies at 0.3<z<3.5

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    We present a catalog of mid-infrared (MIR) spectra of 150 infrared (IR) luminous galaxies in the Spitzer extragalactic first look survey obtained with IRS on board Spitzer. The sample is selected to be brighter than ~0.9 mJy at 24 micron and it has a z distribution in the range [0.3,3.5] with a peak at z=1. It primarily comprises ultraluminous IR galaxies at z>1 and luminous IR galaxies at z<1, as estimated from their monochromatic 14 micron luminosities. The number of sources with spectra that are dominated by an active galactic nucleus (AGN) continuum is 49, while 39 sources have strong, star-formation related features. For this classification, we used the equivalent width (EW) of the 11.3 micron polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) feature. Several intermediate/high z starbursts have higher PAH EW than local ULIRGs. An increase in the AGN activity is observed with increasing z and luminosity, based on the decreasing EW of PAHs and the increasing [NeIII]/[NeII] ratio. Spectral stacking leads to the detection of the 3.3 micron PAH, the H2 0-0 S(1) and S(3) lines, and the [NeV] line. We observe differences in the flux ratios of PAHs in the stacked spectra of IR-luminous galaxies with z or luminosity, which are not due to extinction effects. When placing the observed galaxies on IR color-color diagrams, we find that the wedge defining AGN comprises most sources with continuum-dominated spectra, but also contains many starbursts. The comparison of the 11.3 micron PAH EW and the H-band effective radius, measured from HST data, indicates that sources with EW>2 micron, are typically more extended than ~3 kpc. However, there is no strong correlation between the MIR spectral type and the near-IR extent of the sources. [Abridged].Comment: accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The stellar kinematics and populations of boxy bulges: cylindrical rotation and vertical gradients

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    Boxy and peanut-shaped bulges are seen in about half of edge-on disc galaxies. Comparisons of the photometry and major-axis gas and stellar kinematics of these bulges to simulations of bar formation and evolution indicate that they are bars viewed in projection. If the properties of boxy bulges can be entirely explained by assuming they are bars, then this may imply that their hosts are pure disc galaxies with no classical bulge. A handful of these bulges, including that of the Milky Way, have been observed to rotate cylindrically, i.e. with a mean stellar velocity independent of height above the disc. In order to assess whether such behaviour is ubiquitous in boxy bulges, and whether a pure disc interpretation is consistent with their stellar populations, we have analysed the stellar kinematics and populations of the boxy or peanut-shaped bulges in a sample of five edge-on galaxies. We placed slits along the major axis of each galaxy and at three offset but parallel positions to build up spatial coverage. The boxy bulge of NGC3390 rotates perfectly cylindrically within the spatial extent and uncertainties of the data. This is consistent with the metallicity and alpha-element enhancement of the bulge, which are the same as in the disk. This galaxy is thus a pure disc galaxy. The boxy bulge of ESO311-G012 also rotates very close to cylindrically. The boxy bulge of NGC1381 is neither clearly cylindrically nor non-cylindrically rotating, but it has a negative vertical metallicity gradient and is alpha-enhanced with respect to its disc, suggesting a composite bulge comprised of a classical bulge and bar (and possibly a discy pseudobulge) [abridged] Even this relatively small sample is sufficient to demonstrate that boxy bulges display a range of rotational and population properties, indicating that they do not form a homogeneous class of object.Comment: MNRAS accepted. 10 page

    Molecular gas content in typical L* galaxies at z ∌ 1.5 − 3

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    To extend the molecular gas measurements to typical L* star-forming galaxies (SFGs) at z ∌ 1.5 − 3, we have observed CO emission for five strongly-lensed galaxies selected from the Herschel Lensing Survey. The combined sample of our L* SFGs with CO-detected SFGs at z >1 from the literature shows a large spread in star formation efficiency (SFE). We find that this spread in SFE is due to variations of several physical parameters, primarily the specific star formation rate, but also stellar mass and redshift. An increase of the molecular gas fraction (f gas) is observed from z ∌ 0.2 to z ∌ 1.2, followed by a quasi non-evolution toward higher redshifts, as found in earlier studies. We provide the first measure of f gas of z >1 SFGs at the low-stellar mass end between 109.4 < M∗/M⊙ < 109.9, which shows a clear f gas uptur

    Studying Large and Small Scale Environments of Ultraviolet Luminous Galaxies

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    Studying the environments of 0.4<z<1.2 UV-selected galaxies, as examples of extreme star-forming galaxies (with star formation rates in the range of 3-30 M_sol/yr), we explore the relationship between high rates of star-formation, host halo mass and pair fractions. We study the large-scale and small-scale environments of local Ultraviolet Luminous Galaxies (UVLGs) by measuring angular correlation functions. We cross-correlate these systems with other galaxy samples: a volume-limited sample (ALL), a Blue Luminous Galaxy sample (BLG) and a Luminous Red Galaxy sample (LRG). We determine the UVLG comoving correlation length to be r_0=4.8(+11.6/-2.4) h^-1 Mpc at =1.0, which is unable to constrain the halo mass for this sample. However, we find that UVLGs form close (separation < 30 kpc) pairs with the ALL sample, but do not frequently form pairs with LRGs. A rare subset of UVLGs, those with the highest FUV surface brightnesses, are believed to be local analogs of high redshift Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs) and are called Lyman Break Analogs (LBAs). LBGs and LBAs share similar characteristics (i.e., color, size, surface brightness, specific star formation rates, metallicities, and dust content). Recent HST images of z~0.2 LBAs show disturbed morphologies, signs of mergers and interactions. UVLGs may be influenced by interactions with other galaxies and we discuss this result in terms of other high star-forming, merging systems.Comment: 35 pages, 10 Figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    The UV-Optical Color Magnitude Diagram II: Physical Properties and Morphological Evolution On and Off of a Star-Forming Sequence

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    We use the UV-optical color magnitude diagram in combination with spectroscopic and photometric measurements derived from the SDSS spectroscopic sample to measure the distribution of galaxies in the local universe (z<0.25) and their physical properties as a function of specific star formation rate (SSFR) and stellar mass. Throughout this study our emphasis is on the properties of galaxies on and off of a local "star-forming sequence." We discuss how the physical characteristics of galaxies along this sequence are related to scaling relations typically derived for galaxies of different morphological types. We find, among other trends that our measure of the star formation rate surface density is nearly constant along this sequence. We discuss this result and implications for galaxies at higher redshift. For the first time, we report on measurements of the local UV luminosity function versus galaxy structural parameters as well as inclination. We also split our sample into disk-dominated and bulge-dominated subsamples using the i-band Sersic index and find that disk-dominated galaxies occupy a very tight locus in SSFR vs. stellar mass space while bulge-dominated galaxies display a much larger spread of SSFR at fixed stellar mass. A significant fraction of galaxies with SSFR and SF surface density above those on the "star-forming sequence" are bulge-dominated. We can use our derived distribution functions to ask whether a significant fraction of these galaxies may be experiencing a final episode of star formation (possibly induced by a merger or other burst), soon to be quenched, by determining whether this population can explain the growth rate of the non-star-forming galaxies on the "red sequence." (Abridged)Comment: 30 pages, 28 figures, scheduled to appear as part of the GALEX Special Ap.J.Suppl., December, 2007 (29 papers

    Non-Standard Errors

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    In statistics, samples are drawn from a population in a data-generating process (DGP). Standard errors measure the uncertainty in estimates of population parameters. In science, evidence is generated to test hypotheses in an evidence-generating process (EGP). We claim that EGP variation across researchers adds uncertainty: Non-standard errors (NSEs). We study NSEs by letting 164 teams test the same hypotheses on the same data. NSEs turn out to be sizable, but smaller for better reproducible or higher rated research. Adding peer-review stages reduces NSEs. We further find that this type of uncertainty is underestimated by participants